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OMG. I FINALLY GOT HER. I was so worried I was gonna get spooked. My rate was around 4.25%, but I got a session with 3 blue orbs, one green, and one red. I finally got her! ...and another Hinoka, AND another Valentines Hector. Omg. I've never gotten three 5 stars in the same session. My suffering was worth it!

Lyn (+DEF -SPD) - I don't even care. XD It took so long to get her, she could be much, much worse. My first armor mage. 
Hinoka (+ATK -HP) - I think that's the same as the one I currently have...which meeeeeeans...someone's getting Hone Fliers. I just dunno' who.
Hector (+SPD -RES) - Someone's getting Distant Counter.... :3 I think it might actually be Myrrh. 

Gah I'm so happy I can be done with this. 

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I had the weirdest luck on my free pull yesterday:



After so much time waiting for her, she arrives just in time for the Tempest Trial. I'm pretty stoked! +Hp -Def. So basically neutral, and helps with runnig an Infantry Pulse build.

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I know I should be happy getting Lyn pretty early, but I really wanted a Hector for my second account. Started with 41 and ended up with 6 orbs and a 4% pity rate...

I did get a +Spd/-HP Jeorge though although I still have a +Atk/-HP I was about to promote some time. Now not sure what to promote...

I just summoned to get rid of my bad mood and am now in an even worse mood... I shouldn't have spent all those orbs with all the new banners coming soon but I guess I'm really hoping for the TT orbs to come by...

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Welp, full pull and again a whole lot of nothing. But this particular pool was not without it's perks. There was only one red orb this time around and guess who was in it?


My first Soleil. She's +RES/-DEF so I can safely fodder her off for Drive Res or Firesweep Sword+, so that's neat. Also that Mae is +ATK so that's pretty cool too.


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Been trying to get LA!Hector and grinded up 20 orbs from quests. 4% Pity rate

1 green, 3 blue, 1 red

I pull the green first... aaaand another Lilina. Sigh. But at least it’s a focus unit and not, say, Hawkeye or something.

This Lilina is +Atk/-HP, which is pretty good but my first one is +Spd/-Atk and miiiight be a little better overall, I’m not sure yet. Not going to merge or fodder just yet.

Other pulls were nothing too interesting, and the red orb was a 4* Hinata, so yay more fury! I’m still determined to get Hector, so I’m looking forward to the Tempest Trial. Bring on the orbs!

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Spent my 300 orbs the past few days on the Movement Skills and LA banner.  I pulled Tana, Elincia, and the seasonal Hector and Lilina, which I'm pretty pleased about.  Lilina is +Atk/-HP, and Hector is +Def/-HP, both natures being pretty good.  

If this is just a seasonal Hector and not the CYL version,  I can't imagine what level of broken CYL Hector will be.  LA Hector has higher BST than his previous iteration, and his weapon is basically Slaying Axe with Wrath 3 built in.  How can you top that?

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One bribe for 75 orbs later, I'm now mercifully spared from pulling greens on Love Abounds. Lilina showed up first with a +Spd/-Res combo while her pops (+Spd/-HP, exactly the same as my vanilla Hector) turned up in the very next circle. I'll leave the 3.50% rate I now have on LA alone for now and amass orbs for my doomed to fail quest for Azura starting Friday.



Oh, and Ephraim (+Def/-Res) showed up for some reason too I guess because the game knew I was just dying for a second Ephraim as opposed to oh, I don't know, Azura.... Another one to add to my +1 5* club I guess.


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Arena orbs took me back to 20, so another pop at Valentine's, pity rate is 3.5%:

5* Effie +Atk -Spd - At first I was thinking RIP pity rate, but whoa, that's a perfect Effie. Already 5-starred my +Res -Spd one some time ago and built her as a DC counter, so this one is a player phase one I guess.
5* Horse Lilina +Spd -Res - I'm floored. My free pull was a +Atk -Def one, and now +Spd turns up, just as well I haven't inherited anything onto the first one yet. Do I build this one instead?
4* Matthew +Spd -HP - Not a bad bonus.


Looks like neither Lyn nor Hector were meant to be, but it would be churlish to complain.

Edited by Humanoid
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@mcsilas So.. first pool at 4.25% gave me 4 reds and 1 green and the green's got a *3 Gunter in it. Figures.

After scraping up 5 more orbs I go back in and this time it's 1 green, 2 colorless, 1 blue and 1 red. Green's a garbage *3 Arthur. The red's an *4 Eliwood, the blue is interesting and one of the colorless is a *3 Felicia... and in the other~



So yeah... Roy. Thing is, yeah. I'm happy it's not a pity breaker, that's great. But objectively he is the unit I wanted the least. He's a perk, a unit that's cool to have but not one I necessarily was gunning for. It's great I have a Tempest unit now and I can basically stop pulling colorless but it's bittersweet. That and my rate was so high and he was the only *5 in the batch. He's also +RES/-DEF which is actually pretty terrible.

Now, here me out. His ATK wasn't touched and that's awesome, but being -DEF undermines the other big half of the point of him which is his mixed bulk. On top of that -DEF is a super bane of 4 points and he's got low HP and virtually no SPD so he'll be getting doubled by virtually everybody and in the end, has worse offenses and defenses than BH!Lyn. I'm unhappy, but I won't be ungreatful. He's still a nice little bonus. Sadly my time on this banner is not yet finished. I'll just be pulling green and blue exclusively from here on out.


Objectively though, this wasn't a bad batch of units. The Arthur is garbage, but that Eliwood is +SPD/-RES which is his second best nature and I can merge him into my +1 +DEF/-HP Eliwood and run a Blazing Durandal build which is awesome. The Felicia is +SPD/-RES which isn't ideal but if I want to build her up then I can. And of course @eclipse my first Tailtiu! She's completely neutral so weather or not she's a potential unit to build or Drive Spd 2 fodder is up in the air but I've got a lot of time to think about this. All in all it was a decent progressive pull.

Back to 3.00% and my journey continues, but with just a bit more peace of mind.

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@Zeo Ah, glad to see you've got a bonus unit at least! -Def sucks but at least he has access to Horse buffs and they can almost patch anything up.

 +Res is still pretty cool, since 33 Res is serviceable, although lack of colour advantage is a bummer, but hey it could be useful for GHBs. Actually it's kind of weird his Res is higher than Def at neutral anyway.

Maybe you could put one of your many Setsunas to use for an eventual Guard Bow +Def set? lol

Oh well at least TT won't be as painful and you have someone for arena.

I'm too afraid to touch my 4% pity rate for now so I think I'll wait for the orb stockpile to build up first. At least I have 23 orbs now after the disaster that is yesterday with only 6 orbs remaining.

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I've already got V!Lilina, but I think I'll try my luck at Love Abounds again.

  1. 4* Jakob: Meh.
  2. 4* Mathilda: More Hone Atk 3 fodder.
  3. 4* Felicia: Meh. IVs are +HP/-Res, so not really worth training.
  4. 4* Saizo: Useless.
  5. 4* Fir: Too many of you already.

Bleh. So many chances for a 5*, nothing. Well, I've got 20 more orbs. Again.

  1. 3* Bartre: At least Barth has Reposition...
  2. 4* Jagen: No need.
  3. 4* Mae: SP fodder.
  4. 3* Shanna: More Desperation fodder.
  5. 4* Catria: Way too many of you.

That sucked. Well, more orbs are coming.

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Well today was a blast. Finally got through the developers challenge and the dailies that I hadn't done yet. Anyways I go ahead and get me a 23 pack on top of everything and go and pull about 10 units in all. Anyways my pity was already at 3.25 and just needed one session to get to 3.5. That first session was 4 green 1 colorless. Got Mustachio, Arthur, Freddy, Cherche, and Clarine. All 4*. 20 orbs.

I get a Lilina at my 3.5 pity I had built up. Not too shabb . . +RES/-SPD. Not sure if I can actually do much with that. I think Cecilia might actually be better. Let me see with +ATK/-DEF(because you would clearly pick and choose with how easy she is to get)  Cecilia has 36/35/25/19/29 vs Lilina's 34/35/26/20/29. So pretty close I guess. Wait . . . Lilina and Roy don't get boosted BST like so many recent units have had. Probably due to being horses, but still it actually surprised me to see that Lilina and Cecilia are competing on a level playing field BST wise!

Anyways the rest of that session was again red. So there is 25 of my orbs down. Next session is 3 colorless, 1 green, 1 blue. Sothe and Jeorge are quite welcome to join me at 4*. And Barst is always nice for reposition. Odin at least carries moonbow. Jakob however, can go home for all I care. So now that is 45 down and a 3.25 pity.

And this is what I get with my final 10 orbs -


. . . 3 5*'s for 50-60 orbs. So if I complain about the boon/bane you folks are going to tar and feather me, right? But Roy's boon/bane might be even worse than Lilina's! +HP/-RES. Slow units really don't like trading defenses for HP! What are you doing boy?! Vector though makes it all worth it. The most practical of the Lovely People comes with +DEF/-SPD. Maybe not at good as +ATK, but I won't complain about 43 DEF. Should I be surprised that the only one of these three to actually come to the festival with a real weapon is the only one to bother coming with a good boon/bane as well? Though Roy's bow should qualify as a real weapon. . . shouldn't it?

While I would like a better boon/bane for Lilina, Roy, and Booklyn; I do think I should back out now. My luck can't possibly remain this high. And at least Booklyn's boon/bane is solid even if I was hoping for something else. And Vector. Well I might just prefer +DEF.

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This is how my 4% ended:


Seems nice, right? Think again. The Lilina is +Res -Spd which sucks because it is a super bane... at least I have a 40% bonus for the TT I guess.

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Is this the end of my pity streak?

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Sakura (And here I was thinking I'd not see her again for a while. +Res/-Atk), 4* Clarine (Well that's disappointing. +HP/-Atk)

Back to misery.

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