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New banner time! Here's to Ephraim!

  1. 3* Sully: Useless.
  2. 3* Stahl: Swap fodder.
  3. 4* Virion: Meh.
  4. 4* Sothe: Nice! He appears to be +Spd/-HP, so great IVs.
  5. 4* Nino: Meh.

Not bad. No 5*, but Sothe with good IVs is a nice pull anyway. And back we go.

  1. 4* Olivia: Hone Atk 3 fodder.
  2. 4* Effie: Meh.
  3. 4* Shanna: Desperation fodder's always needed.
  4. 3* Gordin: Bleh.
  5. 4* Lucius: Haven't seen you in a while.

Not as good.

  1. 4* Oboro: Useless.
  2. 4* Palla: Okay. Myrrh could use Goad Fliers.
  3. 4* Barst: Finally some more Reposition fodder.
  4. 4* Fir: Meh.
  5. 3* Raigh: Worthless.

Decent fodder, but not what I'm looking for.

  1. 3* Subaki: Worthless.
  2. 4* Serra: Also worthless.
  3. 3* Stahl: More Swap fodder.
  4. 4* Seth: Wrong Renais cavalier.
  5. 3* Olivia: Bleh.

10% pity rate. This is getting ridiculous. 24 orbs left, so one more full pull.

  1. 4* Wendy: Ugh.
  2. 5* Shiro: The one blue unit on this banner I didn't want...+Atk/-HP, so a great boon and a tolerable bane. Well, he'll certainly be useful.
  3. 3* Jagen: Worthless.
  4. 4* Cain: Meh.
  5. 4* Cain: Really?

95 orbs for a good 5* (even if I don't like him personally ) and a good 4* worth training for once. Also picked up a bunch of good SI fodder, so I deem this session acceptable. Still want Ephraim though, so I'll probably try to snipe blues once I get more orbs.

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88 orbs. Free summon summer Gaius (+atk -hp). 70 orbs later: Ephraim (-HP +spd) and performance Olivia at neutral. A bunch of Shannas were also summoned as well as one Niles.

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NS!Corrin (+Res/-Def) was my free pull, and she was immediately followed by...



...yeah. Actual Ephraim fans, you're free to have my head if you want it. I deserve it. In the interim, this session (Ephraim got a meh +Res/-HP by the way) plus my free VL!Ike means I have all the currently released legendary heroes now, so that's something. As usual, I appreciate any Soleils I can get as she might be a future merge project once Cordelia's is finished.


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Alright, going to dive right in, before even claiming my free Ike. Ended up spending exactly 120 of my 150 orbs, though that includes six spent to take my barracks size to exactly 500. I'm going to resist pulling any more until I can trim my barracks properly - 500 is a nice even number to stop expanding on.

My plan here is to do the one full pull, then to open Red, Blue and Green until I'm satisfied. Haven't checked the natures of the 3-4* units yet because there are too bloody many of them.

4* Henry
3* Lon'qu
4* Hawkeye
3* Matthew
4* Ogma

4* Ogma
4* Lon'qu
4* Cain

5* Summer Corrin +Def -Spd - Awful nature but I already have a neutral one, so into the merge you go.
4* Oscar
4* Tailtiu
4* Nino
4* Hawkeye

5* Horse Ephraim +HP -Atk - Puts paid to the idea of making him a Heavy Blade Galeforce player phase monster, but just having a fire hero is fine.
4* Beruka
4* Cherche

4* Arthur
3* Selena
3* F Corrin

4* Lukas
4* Henry
3* Lon'qu
3* Palla
5* Bike +Def -Res - Niiiice, didn't have one and a great one turns up.

3* Frederick
3* Odin
5* Ike +Def -HP - Is this better than the free neutral one? I think he probably is.
3* Lon'qu
4* Eliwood


Don't know if I'll be back. It's a decent haul, but would still like a Gunnthra or Mia (and better Ephraim and Dorcas). I have about 30-50 orbs on the table in terms of unclaimed ones from daily maps, warriors maps, story maps, the xenologue and quests but I'm concerned about burning them all with unknown banners for March.

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So despite Summer Elise not being on this LH banner, I went ahead and pulled anyway in the hopes of getting PA Olivia. I started with 276 orbs and was only gonna go down to 140 minimum, but in 84 orbs she came to me! And that wasn't all, the 5* units I got were:

YS! Gaius (+HP -Atk), NS! Corrin (+Spd -HP), PA! Olivia (+Atk -Def)

All of them were special heroes, funnily enough. YS! Gaius's nature is unfortunate but the other two had great ones! And now I have NS! Corrin I have all three mage fliers on my main account! It's been a good morning :D

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Decided to go in pulling only colorless because I really wanted PA!Olivia. XD My first summoning circle had three colorless, and two of them turned out to be Jaffar (+DEF -HP and +RES -SPD). I'm thinking I'll go with the +DEF once as my base. My current Jaffar is +RES -HP, and his weapon refine makes that pretty useless, so let's go with DEF! That's a pretty good start. 

I got pretty lucky with getting colorless orbs and the next 5 star I got just so happened to be PA!Olivia! And she's even +RES -HP which is perfectly workable! I decided to do a few more pulls (green, blue, and colorless) to see if I could get one more 5 star. Got another Gunnthra! My current one is +SPD -ATK. This one appears to be +DEF -RES. I'll have to run some stats to see if the more neutral nature is better than -ATK. So far, she's been liking the +SPD. But we'll see. 

I also got another Lucius! So that's a great day. Still no more Merrics though... Imma quit while I'm ahead. These banners can be cancerous. 

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Well, as a result of the free Ike and getting Ephraim when I was gunning for Olivia, I have all legendary heroes. I do still want Olivia but I also kind of want to stock up on more orbs, so I might just leave it at this.

Oh, he's +Spd, -HP.

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My goal for the legendary banner was 1 single thing. Get a Corrin that's not -spd. That's all I wanted, to fix the awful, awful luck I had with her back in August (where I got 3 (THREE) -spd +hp/res Corrins) I've been really bummed out about that for all these months.

So my first session had no blues. I pulled the 1 green.. free pull Dorcas. Fantastic! I never ever get free pull 5*, so things were looking up.. or I'd blown all my luck already. I only pulled blue, and green if there were no blues. I used up about 90 orbs and ended up with:

Dorcas +def -hp
Shiro +hp -atk
Gunnthra +spd -res

All I wanted was a neutral spd one, but I got +atk on top of it. So happy to finally fix her! My first Gunnthra is awesome too, now I can use wind blessings! Even if +res hurts her, I'll take that +spd. Shiro is kinda meh thanks to -atk, but since he didn't stop me from getting Corrin, I'm not upset.

I also got 1 more 4* Cordelia to merge with! First one since October or so, so that was sweet too. My luck has absolutely blown on these legendary banners, so I'm really thankful for this one. I wouldn't mind Ephraim to utilize my fire blessings, but I might just pass on him. I don't run horses much anyway I guess. I was hoping for a Brave Ike out of the greens to replace my -def one and use it for SB fodder, but since I got both of the other greens off the banner already I won't push my luck.

Edited by Alkaid
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College is closed due to bad weather, the whole 'Beast from the East' or so the media says...

So I decided to try some summons. I can't remember if I said that I pulled Grima Robin yesterday or the day before, but yeah, I did. Buzzing.

Today I tried for Hardin and Summer!Leo, to no avail. 4* Sophia and 4* Reinhardt. I get loads of Reinhardts for some reason. Go away, tiny hands.

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26 minutes ago, Fei Mao said:

Just another Florina from the free pull.

@Zeo Nice, just 4 more till +10!

@Johann I remember spending about 150 orbs when I needed two more Felicias for +10, it was terrible. (=;ェ;=)

100 orbs into this banner and I've gotten 3 Matthews and 0 Felicias. At least I'm getting a bunch of 5*s too

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Something very strange happened during this session of pulls, y'all.  I went into the banner with the goal of sniping blues, and in my first session, I had 2 of them.

Free pull was a 4* Tailtiu, who is actually a new unit for me.  The second pull yielded...Legendary Ephraim.


Never has this ever happened to me.  Recall that in every single Legendary banner prior to this, I spent all my orbs into each of them and came out with exactly 0 5* units.  Even the 50 free orbs we got from the anniversary special yielded no 5* units.

I then used about 40 orbs to try and get Summer Corrin, to no avail. Ended up with a bunch of 3* and 4* units, but notably I finally pulled a 4* Wendy.  Now everyone is a 4* or higher in the barracks :)

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18 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

My goal for the legendary banner was 1 single thing. Get a Corrin that's not -spd. That's all I wanted, to fix the awful, awful luck I had with her back in August (where I got 3 (THREE) -spd +hp/res Corrins) I've been really bummed out about that for all these months.

So my first session had no blues. I pulled the 1 green.. free pull Dorcas. Fantastic! I never ever get free pull 5*, so things were looking up.. or I'd blown all my luck already. I only pulled blue, and green if there were no blues. I used up about 90 orbs and ended up with:

Dorcas +def -hp
Shiro +hp -atk
Gunnthra +spd -res

That's amazing. Congratz on fixing her IVs. I've seen people disillusioned with these banners so I'm happy that someone's finding happiness. I also have the same IV Guntthra. Just give her fury and she'll work well with the rest of her kit. Maybe change her time if you aren't using a debuff team.

Edited by silveraura25
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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

That's amazing. Congratz on fixing her IVs. I've seen people disillusioned with these banners so I'm happy that someone's finding happiness. I also have the IV Guntthra. Just give her fury and she'll work well with the rest of her kit. Maybe change her time if you aren't using a debuff team.

Thanks! Glad the -res shouldn't be too big of a deal on Gunnthra. Even if she was worse I'd be happy, since everything else is icing on the cake next to Corrin. And I'm certainly one of those people who hasn't thought highly of these, but I had to dive into this one due to Corrin, so it's really nice to not get a bad result like the other ones have been for me.

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Legendary banner has landed.

I repeat, legendary banner has landed.

We're gonna have a problem here.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Tailtiu (Oh look, it's the unit which so much investment as fodder. She's +Spd/-Def, so that's great.), 4* Ogma (Well that's a shame. +Def/-Res), 4* Hawkeye (Well, it's Threaten Atk. +Def/-HP), 4* Rebecca (DaB3 fodder. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sakura (+Atk/-Def, is that good?)

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Jackpot?)

4* Abel (Not quite the horse I was trying to pull, but SB3. +Def/-Res), 3* Shanna (I've been wanting Desperation), 5* Shiro (Well, he might be least wanted, but that's not to say he sucks. Also, new unit! Neutral.), 4* Jagen (+Atk/-Res. Or as I like to call him, Fortify Cav), 4* Wrys (I'll take him. +Spd/-Def. Fodder he is.)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Mae (Ah. +Atk/-HP, I'll be foddering her.), 4* Est (More merge fodder. +Atk/-Def, that might be it), 3* Hinata (Fury 3? Fury 3.), 5* Jaffar (I FUCKING ACCIDENTALLY CALLED IT! +HP/-Res, could be worse.), 4* Gaius (*Sigh. +Def/-HP)

2 units I've not exactly been hunting for, but I can't complain too much.

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Alkaid Congratulations, cool you could fix her! Now I'm tempted to fix my -ATK Corrin, but it was sooo difficult to only pull one of her in the summer. 

Good luck if you do! At least Shiro and Ephraim aren't the worst things to get spooked by, so that makes it a little less painful gunning for her specifically.

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Had a giant stash of orbs and whaled a bit since I was a good girl and skipped the last banner.  :P: 

I went through a lot of orbs, but I don't really regret it.  My rate was about 1 5* per 68 orbs.  I was hoping for better, but when am I not, hehe?  Overall, I feel satisfied.  I did a lot of pulls and don't feel like posting them all.

I finally managed to get a Summer Corrin that isn't -Atk or -Spd.  She's +Def -Res, so yay, good enough.  I also pulled a +Atk -Spd Brave Ike, who I will be making my main one now. 

Got Ephraim near the end of my whale sesh.  He's +Spd -Atk.  That's pretty bad, eh?  Ah, well, happy to have him at least... 

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@mcsilas Ok so, not a single blue stone across 3 different summoning pools. I also left a colorless orb on the table in the 2nd that could have been PA!Olivia (or not) but not really bothered by that. Free pull was an M!Corrin and the rest of the pool for the most part was pretty crap. But that matters not as in the top green orb was~



Well isn't that a surprise. Steady Breath fodder would have been great and I want a Dorcas but honestly this was the single pool with not a single loss. I needed every unit that was green. I finally have Gunnthra. Yep she's +DEF/-ATK which is probably her single worst nature but I don't even care. She'll likely get paired with a Dagger user which will turn her into a destructive ball of death regardless.

So I was feeling good and did another pull. Not a single blue, grabbed the green for a *4 Beruka, blegh. So I moved on to the next pool and there 3 Colorless stones. One was a *3 Lissa but the other was~!



So soon! This one's +SPD again, but it's actually +SPD/-HP which is one of his best natures behind +SPD/-DEF and +ATK/-DEF or HP. I may actually switch to this Matt. Giving him Summoner Support would patch up the loss of HP and it's something that's been needing to happen.

So... in 40 orbs I pulled a *5, a +1 towards my main merge project and some Death Blow 3 fodder to boot. I'd say that's a win. I'm completely satisfied. Will I pull more on this banner is the question. But it's one that won't be answered until the final day of it.

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4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Good luck if you do! At least Shiro and Ephraim aren't the worst things to get spooked by, so that makes it a little less painful gunning for her specifically.

Thanks! Ephraim would be nice because of the legendary stuff and Shiro is decent fodder (Steady Stance, DEF Tactic). I still have to wait for Saturday if Cordelia will be featured on the 4* banner. 

@Zeo Congratulations! Go for the perfect 10! 

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