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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


@mcsilas And your luck remains, very nice. I'd take that Tiki immediately and your Takumi has got the opposite nature of mine. 

Btw: I got a Luke not Lute. ;-)

Haha oops, I just woke up back them haha. I thought your statement meant there were no red orbs.

Well, +HP is better for his native skills anyway so that still works.

Congrats on getting one of the rarest units in the game at least haha

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Haha oops, I just woke up back them haha. I thought your statement meant there were no red orbs.

Well, +HP is better for his native skills anyway so that still works.

Congrats on getting one of the rarest units in the game at least haha

He is nice for the collection, but his skill set doesn't work even with +HP, because he is a Cav. In higher difficulties every unit has got more HP than him. 

I know what it means to get up and start writing too early. ;-)

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2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Subaki (I haven't pulled him in a while. +Def/-HP, think I have better), 4* Tailtiu (The game's really just being a dick at this point. Neutral, have better)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Jagen (Ugh. For the merge? +Spd/-HP), 4* Odin (This is just painful. +Def/-Res, huh.)

4.25%. Salt's still going strong I see.

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First summer banner again, courtesy compensation orbs.

3* Ogma +Spd -Def
5* Nephenee +HP -Atk
4* Mathilda +Def -Spd
4* Fae Neutral
4* Azama +HP -Atk

Ugh, third time pity-broken on the banner, and some minor regret at not sniping, but in the end it was "only" 3.75% and TT orbs will soon come, so it's okay.

Terrible nature too, following my original +Atk -Spd one and a +Res -Def one. It does mean I can safely fodder one and keep the other for a theoretical Lyn in the future at least. But to who? Buggered if I know.

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This gacha is starting to REALLY piss me off. I spent a lot of orbs on the Luna banner, sniping reds for Mia or Celica, but I didnt even got a pitybreaker, and its up to 4.5% already.

What the hell game? The only chance to get orbs is TT, which starts after this banner ends, and I just wasted a lot of orbs for nothing. People are opening 5* units for free, and I just get the same 3 and 4* units constantly. I wish I saved up that orb for an upcoming legendary banner or something, because this is ridiculous.

No, I am not going to spend money to get orbs now, its a gamble which I am not willing to take. Maybe from next month, I will save up my orbs better, but dont take my word for it.

Just F! Gacha, F! It.

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

This gacha is starting to REALLY piss me off. I spent a lot of orbs on the Luna banner, sniping reds for Mia or Celica, but I didnt even got a pitybreaker, and its up to 4.5% already.

What the hell game? The only chance to get orbs is TT, which starts after this banner ends, and I just wasted a lot of orbs for nothing. People are opening 5* units for free, and I just get the same 3 and 4* units constantly. I wish I saved up that orb for an upcoming legendary banner or something, because this is ridiculous.

No, I am not going to spend money to get orbs now, its a gamble which I am not willing to take. Maybe from next month, I will save up my orbs better, but dont take my word for it.

Just F! Gacha, F! It.

I feel you. I have reached 5.25% on Bridal Bloom banner and now 4.5% on Summer banner part 1 trying to snipe for S!Cordelia. Every time a blue stone pops up, it is always a 3* unit and if it comes down to not getting anything, I might have to wait for the legendary banner that includes her down the road.

I have been having very bad luck at summoning not just FEH but on other mobile titles as well. Salt level has hit a new high.

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I can't say my 5* rate has been bad, but it's becoming increasingly hard to actually get new units as opposed to merge or SI fodder. Looked back on my last month of summoning and I count 1 new unit, 5 duplicates to merge, and two duplicates who will be SI fodder. The one new unit was a terrible nature off-focus Lene who turned up instead of Summer Tana.

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

This gacha is starting to REALLY piss me off. I spent a lot of orbs on the Luna banner, sniping reds for Mia or Celica, but I didnt even got a pitybreaker, and its up to 4.5% already.

What the hell game? The only chance to get orbs is TT, which starts after this banner ends, and I just wasted a lot of orbs for nothing. People are opening 5* units for free, and I just get the same 3 and 4* units constantly. I wish I saved up that orb for an upcoming legendary banner or something, because this is ridiculous.

No, I am not going to spend money to get orbs now, its a gamble which I am not willing to take. Maybe from next month, I will save up my orbs better, but dont take my word for it.

Just F! Gacha, F! It.

I feel you, and I can related to seeing everyone's lucky pulls usually just makes it even saltier when your having bad luck. I did decently on the summer banners this time, for me anyway, but I still got up to almost 6% trying to get myself a second non -spd Camilla. So it took me over 300 orbs to get a good one in the end. My average rate before I get a 5* on most banners has to be at least 4% or more. I usually don't feel "safe" about getting a particular unit I want unless I have 250-300 orbs sitting ready.

Just try to remember there's plenty of other people getting RNG-screwed too, and it's mostly the people who got good pulls who will bother to post about what they got.

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So I wanted to save the compensation orbs and was already to 18 orbs again when I had a strange feeling. So I went to summon for a Tiki ...

Session with 4 reds and 1 colorless, cool. After getting Seliph, Hana and Athena I wasn't so sure anymore about my feeling ... opening the fourth red orb and the app lags and lags and lags ... a good sign? 




+ATK/-HP (opposite nature of my regular young Tiki). 

This is a good summer! Not like last year. 


Only question: DC on her or not? 


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Okay, let's see what 42 orbs can get me. Up to a 3.75% pity rate on the new summer banner, so fingers crossed.

  1. 4* Wrys: Haven't seen you in a long time. Still, not somebody I'm looking for.
  2. 4* Raigh: Worthless.
  3. 3* Tharja: Meh.
  4. 4* Wendy: More meh.
  5. 3* Abel: Even more meh.

That was disappointing. 22 orbs left.

  1. 4* Clarine: Ugh.
  2. 4* Palla: Don't really need you.
  3. 4* Abel: Guess I know why Palla's here...

And the other 2 orbs are green, so no picking those. This is turning into a massive orb sink. Fortunately it's a long banner, so I have time to stock up.

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@mampfoidDamn, you're really clutching new units out lately. Congrats on her, that's an amazing IV too.

I was weak as well and spent my apology orbs as well, + the couple I'd started to build back up(10+18) trying to get Noire again. Unfortunately, nothing but 1 Tharja merge fodder came of the summonings. I suppose that lucky Tana I got the other day without any pity rate was where I should have left things to start saving up for the legendary banner, but boy I sure wish I could get Noire.

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So apology orbs and such got me a few more units. Had 5 afterwards and decided to Yolo. No Red. Not a single one. Luckily I opened one color I wasn't interested in that was hiding a 4* so no pity breakers that I didn't want. Now I have 4.75 pity. Jeez.


@Garlyle I really wish they had a global pity rather than per banner. Obviously rate up banners would have to be their own thing, but it would be nice to if a 4 or 5 percent pity wasn't just flushing orbs down the toilet.

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@mampfoid thank you for the well wishes it worked for me I ended up pulling Tak-Tak he is -spd,+res but I will live with it since I am happy to have him at all.  I am giving up on pulling an Awakening summer unit and with Tak-Tak I will save my orbs for regular Leo.

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3 hours ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoidDamn, you're really clutching new units out lately. Congrats on her, that's an amazing IV too.

I was weak as well and spent my apology orbs as well, + the couple I'd started to build back up(10+18) trying to get Noire again. Unfortunately, nothing but 1 Tharja merge fodder came of the summonings. I suppose that lucky Tana I got the other day without any pity rate was where I should have left things to start saving up for the legendary banner, but boy I sure wish I could get Noire.

Thanks, yeah I'm really happy with her. Now I wish I could pull a F!Grima, but Legendary banners are my bane so far. Since last year summer banners have been my bane, perhaps also this will change. ^^

Good luck getting Noire, there is still plenty of time getting her. 

1 hour ago, EricaofRenais said:

@mampfoid thank you for the well wishes it worked for me I ended up pulling Tak-Tak he is -spd,+res but I will live with it since I am happy to have him at all.  I am giving up on pulling an Awakening summer unit and with Tak-Tak I will save my orbs for regular Leo.

Congratulations on your personal Tak-Tak! 

I got my first regular Leo (and also the second regular Leo in the same session) while trying for Summer Tana last week. May he come also to you soon! 

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@mampfoid Niiiiicceee!!! Perfect nature as well!

DC could be nice if you have the spare Hectors i guess but in my case, i think i will wait for a Myrrh to give it to since her stats seem better for enemy phase. Plus Blue tomes seem more dangerous and Myrrh can deny followups. With the teams i’m facing, i’m not sure i see enough dangerous green mages to warrant it (fully merged Ninos i guess but bladetome buffs can be dangerous with Tiki’s low Res)

Maybe ask around for better opinions.

still, a SB breath weapon sounds interesting enough so it could be nice with DC? Plus DC scores well with her huge BST so there’s that as well.

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31 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Niiiiicceee!!! Perfect nature as well!

DC could be nice if you have the spare Hectors i guess but in my case, i think i will wait for a Myrrh to give it to since her stats seem better for enemy phase. Plus Blue tomes seem more dangerous and Myrrh can deny followups. With the teams i’m facing, i’m not sure i see enough dangerous green mages to warrant it (fully merged Ninos i guess but bladetome buffs can be dangerous with Tiki’s low Res)

Maybe ask around for better opinions.

still, a SB breath weapon sounds interesting enough so it could be nice with DC? Plus DC scores well with her huge BST so there’s that as well.

I got the fodder, but I thought to give it to a blue unit. 37 HP seems a bit squishy for a tank, I'll think about it. 

Score doesn't matter in her case. 

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Hey look, the jackass who doesn’t even like Takumi once again pulled an alt of him incidentally since Camilla was and still is my actual target.

But hey if you’re mad that I got him (and I do apologize to the actual Takumi fans), you can at least be glad that he got stuck with +Res/-Atk.

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I do have to ask, if you were sniping for Camilla why didn't you pick green instead to avoid a possible focus unit

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

I do have to ask, if you were sniping for Camilla why didn't you pick green instead to avoid a possible focus unit

I didn’t mind if he or Linde showed up. That, and my 5* rate was only at 3% there.

I am also someone who is willing to use characters I don’t like, Anamnesis Eirika and my beef with her non withstanding.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I didn’t mind if he or Linde showed up. That, and my 5* rate was only at 3% there.

I am also someone who is willing to use characters I don’t like, Anamnesis Eirika and my beef with her non withstanding.

Fair enough, although I did know you sacrificed or sent home certain characters you don't like so I wasn't sure whether that extended to all characters you don't like.

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10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Fair enough, although I did know you sacrificed or sent home certain characters you don't like so I wasn't sure whether that extended to all characters you don't like.

Yeah, I can’t deny that I did some rage quit-induced things to Lyon. Past him and deliberately foddering Anamnesis Eirika (and arguably Bride Lyn), I don’t boot out characters only for the purpose of getting rid of them.

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3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Hey look, the jackass who doesn’t even like Takumi once again pulled an alt of him incidentally since Camilla was and still is my actual target.

But hey if you’re mad that I got him (and I do apologize to the actual Takumi fans), you can at least be glad that he got stuck with +Res/-Atk.

If nothing else at least this version of Takumi has nice skills to fodder off (especially fury and that desperation-like bow of his seems nice) and you can always grind his hero merit for 5000 feathers if you do that sort of thing.

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30 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

If nothing else at least this version of Takumi has nice skills to fodder off (especially fury and that desperation-like bow of his seems nice) and you can always grind his hero merit for 5000 feathers if you do that sort of thing.

I did max HMs on regular Takumi before Henry ate him for Close Counter (which does mean no complete Takumi Emblem for me), but this Tak-Tak isn’t going anywhere. Fishie Bow on Bridelia or my +Spd Noire is a nice thought, but I’d prefer having a second bow flier around.

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So I was hunting for a better IV's Summer Camilla. The two that I currently have are +Spd/-Atk & +Atk/-Spd.

Hit a 4.5% pity rate (Sniping Blue, with the odd Red/Colourless). It was looking bad, until quite possibly the best pity breaker i've ever gotten appeared:


Ishtar shows up!!! (Currently after copies of her for an eventual +10. Didn't expect her to appear now). One of my favourite FE characters.

I was happy obviously, despite it not being a Summer Camilla. She was the only 5* to appear on the circle as well.


It gets better but:

So I go to check her IV's (All of the copies i've gotten, are a mix of either -Atk or -Spd):

SHE'S +ATK/-DEF!!! (The exact copy I've been wanting as the base version). My jaw dropped as I froze and stared at the screen for a few minutes trying to make sense of what just happened haha.

Anyways, that's my story. Stoked as and still can't believe it happened :)



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