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Didn't get a freebie Leo but did get a M!Morgan at 5 star instead. And he's +Spd/-Def which is very optimal. I had a +Atk/-def primed for promotion but now I guess I don't need to.

Also plunked another 20 orbs into current legendary banner since I feel like it's a better investment than who will be on the next one. Pulled the single grey just to finish the session, but out came my third L!Robin. This banner just will not stop giving me dupes despite me owning very few of these characters. Guess I'll save the rest of my orbsĀ  instead

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No reds. Well, it's not like I wanted you that much anyway Leo!

Three greys and a blue, so walked away with 3* F Corrin +Spd -Atk. Will only barely break double digits in my orb count before the legendary banner expires so no chance of going again, might YOLO on the final summer banner on the final day but undecided for now.

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Here's hoping for Leo.

  1. 4* Gaius: Or not...

And with only 25Ā orbs left, a few final shots at Lucina.

  1. 4* Gordin: Nope.

And since there were no blues in that whole set, dropping out early.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Meh.
  2. 4* Effie: Throw me a bone here, Feh...

Alright, going to grind whatever quests I can and wait for Arena orbs before trying one last time.

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Tried my best with a final 20 orbs pulled together for a last ditch effort at getting a better W Lissa, even though I had no pity % on the legendary banner built. Only 1 green on the session and no 5*s, so I guess I'm stuck with a -atk Lissa until I can hopefully pull her again at Christmas time. Hopefully I can get L Lucina next time too, though waiting till November for the next chance hurts a bit.

My overall gains from this legendary banner were: +spd -atk Lissa, +spd -atk L Lyn, +res -hp L Lilina and +def -hp Ishtar. No notable fodder. I'm happy with the Lilina and Ishtar(replaces my +def -atk one), but too bad Lissa and Lyn got crippled. That's my second -atk L Lyn too, but at least she has a spd boon instead of hp this time and I can feel free to fodder the first one now.

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Sadly, I'm not going to be getting another Chrissa, though the QR banner is one of the trickier ones to decide on. Leo chance, Klein or Subaki for fodder?

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (Where were the greens in the legendary banner?)

3* Est (I am not wasting 2000 feathers on a merge. +HP/-Def, no thanks)

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I don't want to seem ungrateful for the Lady Lyns but 3 is a crowd at this point. Can I just get Lissa or Lilina? :/

Also pulled another Ishtar trying for Azura >_>

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free pull gave me 4* Stahl. Since I started my account just yesterday and was in need of reposition fodder I hit the legendary banner - 137 orbs gave me 2 chrome dupes, 1 +atk ryoma and 1 -atk Lilina. Got 1 selena - better than nothing I guess...Ā 

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Despite my statement from yesterday, I got inspired by @kirauza343s clear to tryĀ again with a meager orb stash for a Grima ... only to pull another Brave Lyn from this banner ...Ā 

That's four 5* I didn't want (BH!Lyn x2, Camilla & Hinoka) and only one I wanted (Lucina ... -ATK though), the one I wanted the most didn't come. Legendary banners won't become my favorites ...Ā 

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35 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Despite my statement from yesterday, I got inspired by @kirauza343s clear to tryĀ again with a meager orb stash for a Grima ... only to pull another Brave Lyn from this banner ...Ā 

That's four 5* I didn't want (BH!Lyn x2, Camilla & Hinoka) and only one I wanted (Lucina ... -ATK though), the one I wanted the most didn't come. Legendary banners won't become my favorites ...Ā 

Ouch, the legendary banners are rough!

Personally, Iā€™m hoping I can use threĀ orbs from the arena to break my 10% pity rate (come on, Iā€™d be happy with any of the blues!).

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Finally decided to start pulling on the legendary banner despite waiting till the last day to do it. Spent 170 orbs on it and got three Kinokas and thankfully one of them was not -atk or -spd (one of them was neutral).Ā Still don't have F!Grima yet and the search for her will have to wait till the next legendary banner since the banner with M!Grima is tomorrow and I still don't have him either.

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just fuck me up right now


UPDATE: a blessed sf discord user bought me orbs and the final pull, that would have bumped me to 14% pity, was legendary lyn. it's over.

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@VaximillianĀ @RezzyĀ @AlexmenderĀ O-oh....


I did get a neutral Bow Hinoka that I really don't care about and was an accident from this banner, but nothing from Blue or Green. Literally anything would have been fine.


At least I did get her. Neutral nature again.

Ouch, I know the pain, I had a similar streak a month or two ago.

Neutral is always nice.Ā  As long as my units aren't -Atk or Spd, I'm happy.

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45 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@VaximillianĀ @RezzyĀ @AlexmenderĀ O-oh....


I did get a neutral Bow Hinoka that I really don't care about and was an accident from this banner, but nothing from Blue or Green. Literally anything would have been fine.


At least I did get her. Neutral nature again.

Oof. That pity rateĀ reminds me of GunnthrĆ”'s Legendary banner...It wasn't pretty when it ended and I got 0 five star units. I'll pray you get anything from it (even if it is LA!Lilina).

That Linde is the same as mine, she's very cool as a quad debuffer. Her base skills don't fit very well though. Anyways, congrats on getting Linde!

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On 8/4/2018 at 10:44 PM, Landmaster said:

Congrats, that's quite the haul you've got~ I also netted a Shiro and Tailtiu in the Summer Banners than just ended~

Thanks!Ā  My luck was bad on the first summer banner (was going for Summer tana, just got multiple off focus pity breakers), so this is a relief.Ā 

On your pulls Shiro is actually pretty solid, Tailtiu is a good blue blademage Ā but she is available at 4 star, so I'm sorry about that.Ā Ā Did you have good luck on legendary banner and the first summer banner?Ā Ā 

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Done all I could do for the Legendary Banner and ended up with Lucina, 3 Lady Lyns, and an Ishtar. I'm at the least grateful I pulled Lucina and the Lyns did give me more Wind Blessings, which I was low on, so even though I missed Azura, Lissa, and Liliana, I won't say it's a total bust as Lucina was my main priority and I did get her so, all's well~Ā 

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8 hours ago, kirauza343 said:

Personally, Iā€™m hoping I can use threĀ orbs from the arena to break my 10% pity rate (come on, Iā€™d be happy with any of the blues!).

Good luck then!

Did it work?Ā 

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My last hours summoning got me the luck again. This must be a sign.

It's not Lilina, but at least I got a Legendary Lucina. Don't worry, she has bad IVs - Res+, Atk-. I am not worried about that though, she's my first Wind legendary.


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