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Got Legendary Roy for free summon (+HP, -Res).

Was gonna spend my orbs to find more Keatons (hoping for a +Atk one) and got my third NEUTRAL Keaton. With the update, I'd take any Boon/Bane rather than a Neutral one. Please. ANY Boon will do. :( 

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Finally cleared the LHB and picked up a few orbs from the Arena quests. Up to 31.

  1. 4* Seth: Seriously?

What the hell is wrong with this banner? 26 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ogma: Nope.

Really though, it keeps throwing completely worthless units at me. 21 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ogma: WTF?
  2. 3* Olivia: Trash.
  3. 5* Hrid: Finally somebody. And of course the game has to get another FU in there since he's +Spd/-Atk which is actually horrible. Even then he's a strong unit, but this whole banner has been a shitshow from the start. Might as well get the last two orbs and never come back.
  4. 4* Clair: No.
  5. 5* F!Grima: Another one? Guess that's +2 for her then. +Defense/-HP isn't meaningfully different from +Res for her, so I'll be lazy and keep the original copy.

Well, things turned out tolerably in the end since Grima showed up again. 2 5*s for 138 orbs, plus a few good SI fodders. A poor showing for a legendary banner, but I've had worse (*cough* AZURA *cough*).

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@Glaceon Mage Dang! That is a really nice pull.

@mcsilas Glad to hear you are satisfied with your pulls!

@Alastor15243 If you look you'll notice lots of us posting images use external hosts. This is because the attachment limit is a 'total' limit. So every image you have uploaded counts against it. Obviously you can run out pretty easily. If you click your name in the upper right there is link to 'my attachments' which will show you all your attachments and the posts that have them and your limits. To clear up your attachments you have to go the post in question and delete it. No easy deletion to my knowledge. Just easier to use something like imgur or something.

Anyways I have been rather unengaged lately forum wise, but have still been pulling.

Velouria is apparently shy and I am probably going to have to give up on her. Not that I had lots of orbs saved up, but still I was hoping to get her. Instead I got a pity breaker Veronica. As far as consolation prizes go that isn't a bad one. I also got a Kaden from that banner early on(+DEF/-ATK) and he is my favorite personality wise of the four so that is fine. But I haven't managed any exciting pulls form that banner. Keaton may have been exciting since I love Valor skills and haven't had a chance to play with dual phase brave yet.

The legendary banner netted me a Male Corrin so I suppose I have Null/hone Dragon Fodder if I ever find a dragon I want to use it on. Not exciting, but serviceable. Sadly Reds were pretty scarce. I wanted Reds or blues. And the original session was 1 blue/2 green/2 colorless. As was the other session I tried. Clearly the gatcha is saying no Roy for you.

The one bit of excitement I did have is I got an Amelia from her banner. That means she is officially +10. Took a year, but she got there. Sadly I didn't get the option to switch her to +SPD. A +ATK base was great for a while, but she really needs speed to keep up with everyone these days. So the pull wasn't quite as exciting as I would like. At least it makes it easier to get her attack to match Duma's. So she can be a staple on my defense team along with Christmas Eirika.

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More shots at Myrrh!

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* M!Morgan (Good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 4* Sylvia (Please just get the 5* out of the way. +Def/-Res)

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I completed my Roy collection and i'm now the owner of a Legendary Roy. A -attack/+hp one which is why I continued till I got my second one. A +attack/-res one.

I think I should't have done that since i'm now left with only 13 orbs. Not a good thing with the fe6 banner coming soon. At least I kind of planned ahead and still have tons of chain challenges in reserve.

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220 orbs yields two copies of Hrid, two of Legendary Roy (chose +Atk), and one of Dream M!Corrin.

I think I will make Roy my final merge project. During months where he gets a rerun, I stop pulling until his banner shows up and see how far I can merge him with the money I set aside.

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So I used up nearly 300 orbs in a bid to get Hrid, Roy, Micaiah merges, Surtr and Gunnthra so my pulling strategy was reds and greens. Instead I got two Adrift F!Corrins and a single Micaiah merge. For using up 300 orbs on a legendary banner, that is quite mediocre especially since two of the pulls were of the unit that I didn't want. 

Also fuck Roy. I kept on getting the "Young Lion". I got his original version four times despite it being less likely to pull for him than his legendary banner on this particular banner. 

Edited by Icelerate
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Decided I wanted to do something about that pity rate I left on the beast banner and started sniping reds. I got Saber, who is not new to my collection. That'll show me. The good news is that he's +Atk/-HP. Definitely better than my +Def/-Spd. 

I also looked through the fodder I pulled last night on the legendary banner and I've got a +Atk/-Spd Sophia. That's the one I've been waiting for!

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This was... painful to say the least. But I think I'm done with the banner, and this time I managed to get out without +10ing anyone.

The Adrift units were completely unwanted, ergo they were not recorded. Also, so this is down for record, I summoned Dancing Xander four times. And you know what his Asset/Flaws were? +Atk -Spd, +Atk -Res, +Atk -HP, and +Atk -Def. Like... how??? Anyways, here's everyone I'm settling with, keep in mind everyone has at least a +1 merge and the flaws do not matter...

Legendary Roy [+Spd -HP]

Hrid (either [+Def -Spd] or [Neutral], kinda leaning towards Neutral since that provides a point of Atk from the merge)

Dancing Micaiah [+Atk -Spd]

Legendary Ephraim [+Atk -HP]

Gunnthra [+Res -Atk]

Surtr [+Res -Def]

Legendary Robin [+Def -Res]

Dancing Xander [+Atk -Spd]

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Did one round of reds on the Legendary banner, hoping for a Hrid for DC:

  • 4* Seliph
  • 4* Caeda

Well that's that. Decided to keep trying for Kaden instead to complete the Fates Beasts set, maybe I'll at least get a Reyson as a green beast instead.

Two rounds for Kaden:

  • 3* Camilla
  • 3* Boey
  • 4* Frederick
  • 3* Cecilia

Ew to all of those :/ Why is Reyson such a myth sigh. 3.25% pity rate now, think I have a fair chance of still getting Kaden before the banner ends. If I don't get an off-focus pity breaker that is, have been lucky to not run into those so far. At least give me Reyson.

Edited by Mau
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Still don't have Myrrh. I hope this time's it.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Draug (Wrong armour. +Res/-Def)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Raigh (JUST DIE ALREADY. +Atk/-Def)

..... Really, that's it?

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Nothing remarkable from the Legendary Banner, but I only did one Session~ I'll wait for the March Orbs before going back~

On 2/27/2019 at 3:16 AM, mcsilas said:

So legendary banner is here. My main aim was to get Festival Micaiah and (hopefully) 2 Summer Xanders (1 for CC + QR3 + his dagger for Summer Frederick)..

I started with 181 orbs (proud of saving this much!)

After about 60 orbs, when there were no reds I got Summer Xander! At a perfect +Atk/-Res as well! One down!

Next I had to focus on Summer Micaiah. I finally did get her though, maybe around 20-25 orbs later although it was a +Spd/-Atk Summer Micaiah. Opened the rest of the session to see if I can luck out with Surtr/Gunnthra or a bow armour. Instead I got an Adrift Female Corrin, also +Spd/-Atk (boo at flaw, nice asset though!) At least Water Emblem will have more greens!

I still had a decent stash of orbs left, so I thought, maybe I will look for a better natured Micaiah because I also need a better natured Hrid on the way or DC fodder (current one is +Spd/-Atk).

It wasn't until I was at 40 orbs when I get my next 5 star...another Summer Micaiah!!! This time she's +Spd/-Def, so it looks like a merge is in order. She really wants to be speedy!

I was down to 16 orbs but I had the legendary battle to do, so I did Lunatic LHB and a story map quickly to make it 20. Then to do another summon..


Base 8% and I picked the first green and... neutral Surtr! Finally I get to join the game breaking club with my main. Opened the rest since maybe I can fish out another Summer Xander....instead it was +HP/-Spd Female Grima! Looks like it's just a merge to my +Atk one at least.

Now down to 0 orbs but I'm VERY satisfied. Unsure if I want to try for another Xander (or a bow armour but that's not the biggest priority) since i need to save for Mia next month, but I can be happy with what I have. Been really lucky to be honest, last time I had a big orb stash for a legendary banner I didn't get much.

Second account had nothing with my limited orbs but that's fine. Need a Mia stash anyway.

I read "Summer Xander" and thought, "Wait, how many Xanders are on this Banner?" haha! Congrats on getting him~ I'd like his Dagger for Hostile Elise myself~ Congrats on the Summer Micaiahs and Adrift Corrin, looking forward to seeing her in clears! Lots of goodies!

On 2/27/2019 at 5:38 AM, Glaceon Mage said:

I am pretty sure this is the best pull I have ever gotten in this game:

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Roy is +HP/-Res

Hrid is neutral

Robin is +Atk/-Def

Xander is +HP/-Atk.

This was with +1.5% pity.



Wow, awesome Session~ Congrats!

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Well free pull from the legendary banner was Hrid so I finally have DC fodder for Myrrh.  I broke my pity rate on the find and vote banner with H!Myrrh so I finally have armor march fodder.  While I would have loved a L!Azura or a L!Roy, I got some really good fodder and I can save my orbs for the FE 6 banner without any pity rates built up, since I told myself I will start saving my orbs tomorrow for the FE 6 banner.  I just hope that some how IS decided to put Elphin on the banner.

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I spent the last of my February orbs on the 2nd Anniversary banner for another shot at Legendary Lyn, and who should I summon...


IT'S LEGENDARY LYN! FREAKING YES! FINALLY! I am SO happy she actually won the green slot for the 2nd anniversary. With this, I now have enough to merge her up to the +10 max, AND she has +Atk! Now all I have to do to complete her is maximize the Dragonflowers for her, that'll take a little while but at least I don't have to worry about summoning her anymore. Such an awesome and severely underrated unit.

Now to save up March's orbs for maybe a shot or two at Legendary Roy, or the Binding Blade banner.

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I said I wouldn't come back, but March orbs are here and I would really like Roy, or at least a Hrid with IVs that aren't literally the worst he can possibly have. 36 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Stahl: Dude, go back to Ylisse.
  2. 3* Cain: You go back to Altea.

More damn duplicates. 27 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Roy: Roy's our boy! His IVs are +Atk/-Spd, which I've seen on far too many of my good swords. However, since he easily buffs both of those stats by +12 anyway, it's not that big of a deal. I can always pair him with B!Lucina for even more stats anyway. More importantly he's my second Fire hero. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 4* Mamui: I was hoping for a second Roy. Not sure why...
  3. 4* Abel: Swordbreaker is always useful.
  4. 4* Lachesis: Meh.
  5. 3* Bartre:

Alright, I'm definitely not coming back now. I got both of the guys I wanted, even if their IVs really could have been better, plus a Grima merge and some good SI fodder.

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So since I got payed today, I went to try for papa wolf again...and succeeded!



Oh, and I also pulled a vanilla taco for literally the first time ever. Keaton got a less-than-desirable +Res/-Def, while Takumi got +Atk/-Def (coincidently the same combo as my first Ryoma). *sigh* I guess I’ll let him stick around this time.

I also tried sniping for Duma after that and got some...interesting results that didn’t include actually getting Duma.



Oh...it’s you. I knew I couldn’t avoid you forever. That +HP/-Atk she got makes it a bit tempting to toss her into the fodder grinder, but I’ll show some benevolence and let her stick around.

Then, literally the pull / circle after that:



I got the only remaining colorless hero (barring seasonals and Duma) I was missing. Yup, I don’t know how either. Needless to say, I was much happier to see Leanne (+Res/-HP) than Veronica. I do like how I somehow managed to get Leanne before Reyson too.

So yeah, some rather crazy results that I am 100% OK with.

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Another try for Kaden/Reyson gave me:

  • 4* Raven
  • 4* Merric

Sigh, for someone who should be easiest to get because he's green he sure is hard to get. If only I had those missing 5 orbs from the monthly quests, I could've summoned again, thanks a lot IS :/

3.50% now, the orb hunt continues.

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Oh boy here I go being disappointed again!

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Sophia (I swear, I want her gone too. +HP/-Def)

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Caeda (Should I consider merging her? +Res/-Atk), 4* Olivia (Another dancer I wasn't looking for. +Def/-Res), 3* Fir (Someone I wanted even less! +HP/-Atk)

4.5%, I'm not sure I'll have enough for another session. Joy.

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