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Uhh ...

Free summon on the new banner got me Adrift Corrin. The male one.

Did not expect that.

He's also +spd -HP.

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Nobody on this New Power banner is particularly interesting, so might as well just go for red since I already have a 5* Cain who could use an easy merge.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: Nothing special.
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1,800 total pulled units.  I. . .just wanted an even number, 'k?

Hinata (???) - He's most likely Fury fodder.  Which is fine by me, because it's a good skill.

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With how terrible my luck currently is in Heroes, I figured the game would give me a 5* Cain or something as my free pull to troll me.

Instead I finally got this girl:


@mampfoid Finally have my very own Celica (non-brave at least)!

With the changes to the pool, I figured I'd never get her, but looks like I was wrong. She's neural too, so she'll be plenty useful to me. 

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@Nanima oh nice! Make me wish i went for red even if I was going to promote a Cain. For some reason i just tried green in case i get the now rare Hector or something.

got a Reyson at least which is awesome since i don’t have a heron in that account yet. +Atk/-HP, a 3 move dancer is pretty much as good as a 5 star. Tibarn will be even scarier now.

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After my disappointment with the Gallia banner, I'm not interested in pulling.

Though I wasn't into pulling for this banner anyway.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Donnel (No es foddero. +Spd/-Atk)

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

Finally have my very own Celica (non-brave at least)!

With the changes to the pool, I figured I'd never get her, but looks like I was wrong. She's neural too, so she'll be plenty useful to me. 

Wow, I'm happy for you! Some good luck at least. I wish you much fun with your brand new Celica! 

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58 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Nanima oh nice! Make me wish i went for red even if I was going to promote a Cain. For some reason i just tried green in case i get the now rare Hector or something.

got a Reyson at least which is awesome since i don’t have a heron in that account yet. +Atk/-HP, a 3 move dancer is pretty much as good as a 5 star. Tibarn will be even scarier now.

Thanks! And well, you can never know what comes up in these. My gut told me to go red, because there was only one of it there. Very good decision in hindsight.

Congrats on Reyson though. He is very useful and that spread is fantastic for him. He'll do great things indeed and I suggest letting the wedding bells ring for him and Tibarn as soon as you can. haha

4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, I'm happy for you! Some good luck at least. I wish you much fun with your brand new Celica! 

Thank you. Yes, it was a really nice surprise this morning and I am already raising her up.

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Rant incoming Hinata fans look away...


Pulled on the new power banner- so Lucina is even more rare these days thanks to some fucked up choices by IS.  Like seriously why the fuck couldn't she be in the four star pool?  She's around as a four star enemy unit why not demote her?  Because fucking IS thought it would be perfectly acceptable to.  That's fucking why.


So instead of Lucina I get, a fucking worthless piece of shit that is my hundredth fucking Hinata and a fucking useless three star to boot.  Like fucking hell?  Really?


Fucking REALLY?  What the fuck did I do to get a unit I not only despise almost as much as fucking Hana in this game because of how lack luster he is and the voice just pisses me off to no fucking end...he doesn't even have the decency to be decent fucking fodder material.  Like what the fuck?!  Why the fuck do I have to keep holding out for an OG Lucina banner that will NEVER FUCKING COME?!  Like seriously why can I not at least get ONE copy of Lucina?!  ONE!  That's all I'm asking for.  One Lucina.  I don't care if her IVs are shit.  Just ONE OG Lucina.  Is it too fucking hard?!  I don't know (and don't want to know) how much money I have thrown at this game on the off chance I "might" get Lucina and now the selfish pricks at IS are all like, 'Lol you wanted Lucina in the four star pool?  Lol nope, let's just make you pay even more on the off chance you might be pity broke by her and not make her a four star unit for those like you who haven't been playing since launch because lol we want your money lo, lol, lol' I am so close to done with summoning it's not funny.


So in summery, sorry.  Sorry you've had to see me rant but I really, really needed to get it off my chest.  Seriously if they made OG Lucina into an orb pack thing like BK, I'd definitely throw money on it since that would likely be the only way I'd even get her.  And people who don't want Lucina can just ignore it and move on.

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Got a 4* Effie for my freebie~

7 hours ago, Nanima said:

With how terrible my luck currently is in Heroes, I figured the game would give me a 5* Cain or something as my free pull to troll me.

Instead I finally got this girl:


With the changes to the pool, I figured I'd never get her, but looks like I was wrong. She's neural too, so she'll be plenty useful to me. 

Wow, congrats! Glad you got her and without any bad IV!

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7 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Rant incoming Hinata fans look away...


Pulled on the new power banner- so Lucina is even more rare these days thanks to some fucked up choices by IS.  Like seriously why the fuck couldn't she be in the four star pool?  She's around as a four star enemy unit why not demote her?  Because fucking IS thought it would be perfectly acceptable to.  That's fucking why.


So instead of Lucina I get, a fucking worthless piece of shit that is my hundredth fucking Hinata and a fucking useless three star to boot.  Like fucking hell?  Really?


Fucking REALLY?  What the fuck did I do to get a unit I not only despise almost as much as fucking Hana in this game because of how lack luster he is and the voice just pisses me off to no fucking end...he doesn't even have the decency to be decent fucking fodder material.  Like what the fuck?!  Why the fuck do I have to keep holding out for an OG Lucina banner that will NEVER FUCKING COME?!  Like seriously why can I not at least get ONE copy of Lucina?!  ONE!  That's all I'm asking for.  One Lucina.  I don't care if her IVs are shit.  Just ONE OG Lucina.  Is it too fucking hard?!  I don't know (and don't want to know) how much money I have thrown at this game on the off chance I "might" get Lucina and now the selfish pricks at IS are all like, 'Lol you wanted Lucina in the four star pool?  Lol nope, let's just make you pay even more on the off chance you might be pity broke by her and not make her a four star unit for those like you who haven't been playing since launch because lol we want your money lo, lol, lol' I am so close to done with summoning it's not funny.


So in summery, sorry.  Sorry you've had to see me rant but I really, really needed to get it off my chest.  Seriously if they made OG Lucina into an orb pack thing like BK, I'd definitely throw money on it since that would likely be the only way I'd even get her.  And people who don't want Lucina can just ignore it and move on.

Um. first of all. 
Hinata has fodder. He has Fury. Which is actually pretty valuable, and I say this as someone who hates Fury. However - I get that you are upset, and I usually get mad when I get dumb pity breaks too (especially if i hate that unit, 5* or not), I get when you are upset here.

However. - i have to ask,
Why are you getting upset that you are not getting one specific unit  out of 23 (I'm pretty sure it's 23 now) on an off-focus banner? Again? The odds of free pulling a 5* is really high, the odds of it being Lucina. is astronomical. So you are basically melting down that an astronomical chance isn't happening for you. Again. People have constantly told you to just keep. saving. There are people i will point out who for the most part have saved for 2 years so they would have enough orbs to wait for a unit that wasn't even introduced into the game yet. I'm pretty sure Lucina will have a banner eventually. I mean Alm had one this year, and God knows IS hates his butt, so I'm sure that Lucina will have one eventually. and then you'd get one.  

I mean there are people who would love to get Elise  (Like legitimately would whale for Elise if she'd ever have a banner again), but Elise didn't get demoted, nor the chance of her actually having a banner (because she's had a BHB), but that doesn't mean they freak out everytime they get something not Elise as a free pull. I am dying for Flying Olivia. (Pretty much as hard as you want Lucina), and the tongue in cheek joke is that every red i pull will finally be her - but that's just a hope (IF i get a 5* free pull). I mean. hell. I will also point out that even if she was a 4 star unit (addressing this part of your rant) doesn't mean that she'd be any easier to get either. 

I haven't gotten Caeda in ages.Do you know how long it took me to get my first Est? Does Nowi even exist? Do we want to play the 4* game - well do you know how many people before the demotions - haven't had a Sothe or a Nanna or a Shigure at all? I've got a friend who can''t find Soleil to save his life. So even if she demoted, doesn't mean it will be that easy for you to get her there either. (There are a lot of units that's impacted me being Thanos'snapped by the way, so yah i get it sucks, but again worth the rant you just gave? no. they'll be on banners down the road).

I am sorry - truly sorry - that you haven't gotten the #1 unit you want more than anything. And I do get your frustration because for you your Unit is a Gen 1 unit -and again I get the frustration I've been there, and done that. but from as long as I've been truly active in this game, (so about Last September?) you keep lamenting how you are spending orbs and money and no Lucinas - and I've seen a lot of people (me included) telling you to just save the majority of your orbs for a lucina banner and you constantly don't do it, and and summon on banners and even get the focus heroes and still lament it's not Lucina (even if it's a Surtr or something). 

If you don't summon, you'll 100 percent not get a Lucina. i'll tell you that. 
just save. take a chunk every month if you need fodder, or want to get a new hero or something, and if you get Lucky and get Lucy then fantastic. if not - well you get other stuff to build, and invest in until she comes. heck if you get a crappy "you really don't like them" 5* unit instead, rant. I'll get it. but getting upset that one specific unit in a huge bloated red pool won't come off focus isn't worth being upset for. because you're literally asking for a miracle and setting yourself up for something like this.

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Um. first of all. 
Hinata has fodder. He has Fury. Which is actually pretty valuable, and I say this as someone who hates Fury. However - I get that you are upset, and I usually get mad when I get dumb pity breaks too (especially if i hate that unit, 5* or not), I get when you are upset here.

However. - i have to ask,
Why are you getting upset that you are not getting one specific unit  out of 23 (I'm pretty sure it's 23 now) on an off-focus banner? Again? The odds of free pulling a 5* is really high, the odds of it being Lucina. is astronomical. So you are basically melting down that an astronomical chance isn't happening for you. Again. People have constantly told you to just keep. saving. There are people i will point out who for the most part have saved for 2 years so they would have enough orbs to wait for a unit that wasn't even introduced into the game yet. I'm pretty sure Lucina will have a banner eventually. I mean Alm had one this year, and God knows IS hates his butt, so I'm sure that Lucina will have one eventually. and then you'd get one.  

I mean there are people who would love to get Elise  (Like legitimately would whale for Elise if she'd ever have a banner again), but Elise didn't get demoted, nor the chance of her actually having a banner (because she's had a BHB), but that doesn't mean they freak out everytime they get something not Elise as a free pull. I am dying for Flying Olivia. (Pretty much as hard as you want Lucina), and the tongue in cheek joke is that every red i pull will finally be her - but that's just a hope (IF i get a 5* free pull). I mean. hell. I will also point out that even if she was a 4 star unit (addressing this part of your rant) doesn't mean that she'd be any easier to get either

I haven't gotten Caeda in ages.Do you know how long it took me to get my first Est? Does Nowi even exist? Do we want to play the 4* game - well do you know how many people before the demotions - haven't had a Sothe or a Nanna or a Shigure at all? I've got a friend who can''t find Soleil to save his life. So even if she demoted, doesn't mean it will be that easy for you to get her there either. (There are a lot of units that's impacted me being Thanos'snapped by the way, so yah i get it sucks, but again worth the rant you just gave? no. they'll be on banners down the road).

I am sorry - truly sorry - that you haven't gotten the #1 unit you want more than anything. And I do get your frustration because for you your Unit is a Gen 1 unit -and again I get the frustration I've been there, and done that. but from as long as I've been truly active in this game, (so about Last September?) you keep lamenting how you are spending orbs and money and no Lucinas - and I've seen a lot of people (me included) telling you to just save the majority of your orbs for a lucina banner and you constantly don't do it, and and summon on banners and even get the focus heroes and still lament it's not Lucina (even if it's a Surtr or something). 

If you don't summon, you'll 100 percent not get a Lucina. i'll tell you that. 
just save. take a chunk every month if you need fodder, or want to get a new hero or something, and if you get Lucky and get Lucy then fantastic. if not - well you get other stuff to build, and invest in until she comes. heck if you get a crappy "you really don't like them" 5* unit instead, rant. I'll get it. but getting upset that one specific unit in a huge bloated red pool won't come off focus isn't worth being upset for. because you're literally asking for a miracle and setting yourself up for something like this.

Just want to point out that the bold and underlined part is false. I did the maths on another thread, and you're almost a full order of magnitude more likely to get a specific 4* unit than a specific 5* unit, and that's discounting the possibility of being available at 3*. I agree with your general point, though.

* * *

On topic, I still don't have Easter Catria; only a 4 % pity rate. :-( Got a free Cain on the New Power banner... but 4*, so just WoM 3 fodder. Not that it matters, since I already have all four of the banner units at 5*.

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1 hour ago, Seafarer said:

Just want to point out that the bold and underlined part is false. I did the maths on another thread, and you're almost a full order of magnitude more likely to get a specific 4* unit than a specific 5* unit, and that's discounting the possibility of being available at 3*. I agree with your general point, though.

* * *

On topic, I still don't have Easter Catria; only a 4 % pity rate. :-( Got a free Cain on the New Power banner... but 4*, so just WoM 3 fodder. Not that it matters, since I already have all four of the banner units at 5*.

i'm just going by my experiences and some of my friends. while the math is there, and i'll respect it - there are some units at 4* rarity I truly don't believe exist because they just never ever show up. I mean it will be easier than a 5* but again just going by my experience. and that of that i know of - even respecting the math. 

sorry that you don't have Catria. 
I am jealous of your Cain (he's kinda Myth-y too!)


4 hours ago, Nanima said:

Thanks! (re: Celica)

congrats, girlie!! :) Celica is fun.

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12 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

.he doesn't even have the decency to be decent fucking fodder material.

Excuse me, Hinata has Fury 3 at 4 star and is the only easily accessible character with that distinction, so he's great fodder.

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12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Excuse me, Hinata has Fury 3 at 4 star and is the only easily accessible character with that distinction, so he's great fodder.

I mean I've had some Hinata rants haha (I even sent a tonne home before Manuals). and it's not my personal favourite A skill, but it's a great budget option. 

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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

I mean I've had some Hinata rants haha (I even sent a tonne home before Manuals). and it's not my personal favourite A skill, but it's a great budget option. 

Yeah, even though Fury really should only be paired with certain other skills like Desperation and Renewal. It's still a good budget skill.

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4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Um. first of all. 
Hinata has fodder. He has Fury. Which is actually pretty valuable, and I say this as someone who hates Fury. However - I get that you are upset, and I usually get mad when I get dumb pity breaks too (especially if i hate that unit, 5* or not), I get when you are upset here.

However. - i have to ask,
Why are you getting upset that you are not getting one specific unit  out of 23 (I'm pretty sure it's 23 now) on an off-focus banner? Again? The odds of free pulling a 5* is really high, the odds of it being Lucina. is astronomical. So you are basically melting down that an astronomical chance isn't happening for you. Again. People have constantly told you to just keep. saving. There are people i will point out who for the most part have saved for 2 years so they would have enough orbs to wait for a unit that wasn't even introduced into the game yet. I'm pretty sure Lucina will have a banner eventually. I mean Alm had one this year, and God knows IS hates his butt, so I'm sure that Lucina will have one eventually. and then you'd get one.  

I mean there are people who would love to get Elise  (Like legitimately would whale for Elise if she'd ever have a banner again), but Elise didn't get demoted, nor the chance of her actually having a banner (because she's had a BHB), but that doesn't mean they freak out everytime they get something not Elise as a free pull. I am dying for Flying Olivia. (Pretty much as hard as you want Lucina), and the tongue in cheek joke is that every red i pull will finally be her - but that's just a hope (IF i get a 5* free pull). I mean. hell. I will also point out that even if she was a 4 star unit (addressing this part of your rant) doesn't mean that she'd be any easier to get either. 

I haven't gotten Caeda in ages.Do you know how long it took me to get my first Est? Does Nowi even exist? Do we want to play the 4* game - well do you know how many people before the demotions - haven't had a Sothe or a Nanna or a Shigure at all? I've got a friend who can''t find Soleil to save his life. So even if she demoted, doesn't mean it will be that easy for you to get her there either. (There are a lot of units that's impacted me being Thanos'snapped by the way, so yah i get it sucks, but again worth the rant you just gave? no. they'll be on banners down the road).

I am sorry - truly sorry - that you haven't gotten the #1 unit you want more than anything. And I do get your frustration because for you your Unit is a Gen 1 unit -and again I get the frustration I've been there, and done that. but from as long as I've been truly active in this game, (so about Last September?) you keep lamenting how you are spending orbs and money and no Lucinas - and I've seen a lot of people (me included) telling you to just save the majority of your orbs for a lucina banner and you constantly don't do it, and and summon on banners and even get the focus heroes and still lament it's not Lucina (even if it's a Surtr or something). 

If you don't summon, you'll 100 percent not get a Lucina. i'll tell you that. 
just save. take a chunk every month if you need fodder, or want to get a new hero or something, and if you get Lucky and get Lucy then fantastic. if not - well you get other stuff to build, and invest in until she comes. heck if you get a crappy "you really don't like them" 5* unit instead, rant. I'll get it. but getting upset that one specific unit in a huge bloated red pool won't come off focus isn't worth being upset for. because you're literally asking for a miracle and setting yourself up for something like this.

When you get get him as much as I have, and hate the skill he provides, he's not good fodder and I don't  care for your justification on that matter, he is of no use to me and can go screw himself.


As for you "bad pity breaks" at consider that they likely are not someone you absolute loathe with a passion- like getting someone you HATE all of the time whenever you summon just about EVERY SINGLE TIME you summon.  I'm at the point where I am flat out sick of getting him because I have no use for Fury and am more likely to send him home than use a skill with disgusting recoil damage that likely will result in my units falling because of a miss placed location.


But sure whatever, stand on your high horse and say I'm wrong to hate him and the "best fodder skill".


20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Excuse me, Hinata has Fury 3 at 4 star and is the only easily accessible character with that distinction, so he's great fodder.

Yeah I am WELL AWARE OF THAT.  So excuse me for disliking both a skill I will never use except on Laevatien and a charcter who pisses me off to no end.


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16 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yeah I am WELL AWARE OF THAT.  So excuse me for disliking both a skill I will never use except on Laevatien and a charcter who pisses me off to no end.

Wow, okay then, chill the fuck out.

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16 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

When you get get him as much as I have, and hate the skill he provides, he's not good fodder and I don't  care for your justification on that matter, he is of no use to me and can go screw himself.


As for you "bad pity breaks" at consider that they likely are not someone you absolute loathe with a passion- like getting someone you HATE all of the time whenever you summon just about EVERY SINGLE TIME you summon.  I'm at the point where I am flat out sick of getting him because I have no use for Fury and am more likely to send him home than use a skill with disgusting recoil damage that likely will result in my units falling because of a miss placed location.


But sure whatever, stand on your high horse and say I'm wrong to hate him and the "best fodder skill".


Yeah I am WELL AWARE OF THAT.  So excuse me for disliking both a skill I will never use except on Laevatien and a charcter who pisses me off to no end.


So you hate the skill because it shows your inadequacies as a player? 

It’s not the skills fault you missposition or forget to take nonlethal recoil into account. 


Dislike a character as much as you like, but the skill is objectively a great trade. +12 stat points for 6 nonlethal damage per fight is a great deal even without factoring in synergistic skills. 


It might not be your playstyle but hating it because it emphasises your faulty moves is just dumb.

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