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17 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Woooo congrats! Glad you got two beasts and especially Ranulf~ Hope this is a good sign going forward!

Thank you! I hope so as well.

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16 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Thank you! I hope so as well.


OOh you got Ranulf? congrats!!! (hug)

I did a Yolo summon to try for Kagero before she disappears for the year
naturally no greys, and I forgot what the focus colours were. so I picked red, for maybe +atk Caeda..

well i did a +atk something
Brave Celica!
(but she came with -spd bane. boo).  - I do believe everyone can be fixed. basically. I have a Lady Owain haha (neutral owain is 37 speed) so i can deal with this and she (until she gets a renewal seal) can have the +spd 3 SS. 

so that's 3 for 4 on the CYL2 front - just need Veronica.

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49 minutes ago, Nanima said:

@daisy jane Thanks! And congrats on your Celica too. She is a really powerful sword unit even with the bane.


mhm. i was talking to a friend, and I was just like. this is bugging me, because it means. like if i get a 2nd celica do i negate the bane, or is she dooable w/the minus speed, and she was like, basically Celica's job is to rip off a Quad, get out of dodge, and somehow get healed. haha, even with the bane.  (also I don't really have many units who want DB4. I mean i know reinhardt is the gimme, so is Cherche, but neither are DYING for it). 

but thanks!!
now i hope I can either just.. tell myself I don't need Marshmallow Genny), and Skip legendary. let me just get out of the month.with the majority of my orbs.

Edited by daisy jane
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Alright, time for a picnic. Going to take everything except blues, since Lukas is depressingly mediocre. Starting with 189 orbs.

  1. 4* Priscilla: Not the right cavalry healer.
  2. 3* Ogma: Bleh.
  3. 3* Ares: Good SI fodder.
  4. 3* Palla: More good SI fodder.

Not unexpected. At least some of the units are good for SI. 177 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nanna: Another cavalry healer, more good SI fodder.
  2. 5* Picnic!Genny: And there's the right cavalry healer! +Res/-HP, so decent asset and flaw. Now for the rest of the set.
  3. 4* Raigh: Meh.
  4. 4* A!Tiki: Bonfire fodder.
  5. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.

That went very well. 32 orbs for Genny and quite a bit of good SI fodder. Depending on what the banners over the next few weeks are like I may come back for Flora and Felicia.

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My free pull was my first Thea (4*, neutral)...but that's the only good thing I can say about this particular circle:



OK seriously, what the fuck did I do to deserve TWO 3* Raighs in the same circle?! Needless to say, Thea is the only one of these five that didn't get poofed into feathers immediately.


Edited by Tybrosion
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A red, three greens and a grey. After seeing Felicia's statline, I was spared the dilemma of whether to spend orbs here.

4* Klein


This is a satisfactory result. Next.

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In the order they appeared...

~Lukas came first, +Spd -Res. CLEARLY I'm resummoning for him, or at least persisting in summoning him til I get them all.

~Felicia +Spd -Def next. Good asset! Though I'm not sure if her Def or her HP wanted the flaw more...

~Didn't matter, another Felicia came +Atk -Spd.

~Genny was in the same session as the above Felicia, and she was +Atk -Spd. Didn't know what to think at first... then it turned out her Spd is as useless as her Defense is bad, so this works.

~Flore appeared finally!



~Not related to the camping guys (but it is Echoes related, so... it counts), but I pulled my final Brave Celica needed to +10 her (+Spd -Atk)

...I don't need to give anyone Death Blow 4 at this point, so I guess Walhart wasn't my next +10 after all... Laevatein appeared in the same session to, but she's not being +10ed.

~Lukas arrived this time +Atk -Spd. MUUUUCH better,

~And no false alarm this time, it's Camping Flora +Res -Def. If Gamepress is right, then her Def is a superflaw... but nothing a merge can't fix!

...I'll just keep summoning til I get that new Flora, no reason to report a unit who'll be used as merge fodder, but overall... good assets.

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There's no teddy bears here.

That's actually kind of disappointing.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (No shot for Genny I guess)



Edited by Dayni
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Excellent pulls.

Main: 111 saved orbs, $120 paid orbs. Three copies of Lukas (+Atk), two of Felicia (+HP), and a Helbindi (who taught G Duel Infantry to Bartre) and Leanne (used for a merge).

Alt: Free pull is +Res -Def Dream Camilla.

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I spent about 100 orbs and no Lukas... Only to get dumb pitybreakers, two of them with shitty IVs and will be turned into fodder. However, the one I intend to keep is...interesting.


+Spd, -Def. He's got decent IVs and stuff, and I kinda hoped to get him one day because I have all the other Ram peeps (Alm, Tobin, Gray (even if he's still -Atk, poor boy), Faye (even if dislike her)). But the timing kinda stinks since he's about to get a TT banner! Still, glad to have him and with IVs that don't wreck him.

My other two pitybreakers are shitty IV NORMAL FUCKING FLORA (and I see I'm not the only person that this happened to here...o_O), and an Ylgr with equally shitty IVs. Both -Atk. I'd keep Flora if she was better IV'd, as I think she's pretty and deserved better in Fates's story. But she's getting turned into QR fodder when I need it. I don't give a crap about Ylgr, I like her siblings more. Even if she does complete the Nifl set for me. So more fodder. Sorcery Blade looks really good, even if it has limits on who can use it. Also, they wouldn't be useful to me with bad IVs when I have Bunny Palla, Hot Spring Elise, and Yukata Ryoma.

All in all, three 5 stars in 100 orbs isn't bad, I just wish Kliff wasn't the only one I'm keeping. And I wish my boy Lukas would join the party. :( I wanted to save the TT orbs for a potential legendary Elincia. Now I kinda hope the legendary isn't someone I want...

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I spent about 100 orbs and no Lukas... Only to get dumb pitybreakers, two of them with shitty IVs and will be turned into fodder. However, the one I intend to keep is...interesting.


+ I don't give a crap about Ylgr, I like her siblings more. Even if she does complete the Nifl set for me. So more fodder. Sorcery Blade looks really good, even if it has limits on who can use it. Also, they wouldn't be useful to me with bad IVs when I have Bunny Palla, Hot Spring Elise, and Yukata Ryoma.

All in all, three 5 stars in 100 orbs isn't bad, I just wish Kliff wasn't the only one I'm keeping. And I wish my boy Lukas would join the party. :( I wanted to save the TT orbs for a potential legendary Elincia. Now I kinda hope the legendary isn't someone I want...

3 in 100 is great but sorry no focus units. :( 
(I think  -if it were me I'd kill Ylgr for Speed Tactic over Sorcery - but that's only really if you use mixed teams. MIne is instantly dying once i start cultivating a tactics team)

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I feel like a troll now:


First and only circle, double Felicia! 




Didn't want to pull at all first, but those grey and colorless orbs where smiling at me. Getting a good bonus unit for TTs and arena was worth the 8 orbs. 

@Mau (didn't we talk about Felicia lately?) @Landmaster (for the pretty) 

19 hours ago, daisy jane said:

well i did a +atk something
Brave Celica!
(but she came with -spd bane. boo).  - I do believe everyone can be fixed. basically. I have a Lady Owain haha (neutral owain is 37 speed) so i can deal with this and she (until she gets a renewal seal) can have the +spd 3 SS. 

so that's 3 for 4 on the CYL2 front - just need Veronica

Great, congrats again!

She is one of the fastest units in the game, her sword gives +3 SPD and quatting isn't her only trick. 

Plus: With full HP, an ally in range and QP seal, she can insta-GF no matter the SPD!

Plusplus: Even with that bane, with her vanilla skills she reaches 39 SPD. Add a buff, Darting blow seal or Swift Sparrow on A (ATK boon evens out the -4 ATK compared to DB4) and she'll be very fine/fast. 

Have fun with her, that's her purpose! :-))


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I couldn't help but someone on the new banner.

Instead of getting Flora or Felicia, I got another Laievtain and... Kaden!

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Everyone's gotten a lot of goodies, congrats!

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I feel like a troll now:

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First and only circle, double Felicia! 




Didn't want to pull at all first, but those grey and colorless orbs where smiling at me. Getting a good bonus unit for TTs and arena was worth the 8 orbs. 

@Mau (didn't we talk about Felicia lately?) @Landmaster (for the pretty) 


Ooo double Felicia and +Atk! Sorry about the -Spd, oof but that can be worked around. Congrats!!

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

3 in 100 is great but sorry no focus units. :( 
(I think  -if it were me I'd kill Ylgr for Speed Tactic over Sorcery - but that's only really if you use mixed teams. MIne is instantly dying once i start cultivating a tactics team)

Speed Tactic might have more sources and a seal though. Ylgr is the only one that has Sorcery Blade.

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I used 50 orbs on this banner and got Felicia, the one I wanted the most. She's +Atk -Res too so that's it for me in this banner. Now it's time to save orbs for the Legendary banner. Too much Legendary Micaiah potential for to start using up my orbs.

As I said in the other thread, good luck to all pullers and hope you get your favorites!

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