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11 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Mordecai will not stop, even after a +10, he shall haunt and lurk in the darkest corners. Waiting, just waiting, for a summoner to build anticipation at a ring of smoke...and then strike.

Seriously, though, Mordecai with +Def at +10 has enough Def to rival an armor unit.

I already have +Def though. :P

And currently Sturdy Stance.

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6 hours ago, Lysithea said:

No one here can challenge PhoenixMaster's luck in the legendary banner.

Yeah, poor guy. I was like "wow, for once I had better luck!" Not to put him down or anything, but I was always a little envious of him because he consistently had much better luck on those banners than I did. lol

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Legendary Banner Experience:

I started by summoning everything except Green since I have all of them. Surprisingly, I got Bugs Bruno in the first circle. He's +Res/-Def which is fine I guess, but he's also new to my barracks so both my Veronicas will be happy to have him around. A few more pulls got me yet another RD Ike (+HP/-Spd), who is being saved for fodder. I kept summoning and got not one, but two Hot Spring Elises in the same circle, one being +Res/-HP and the other +Def/-Spd. I'll be merging them and keeping the +Res as base.

After some unlucky summons, I bought a small orb pack to clear the pity rate and surprise, it got me Legendary Tiki. I already have a +Def one, but this one is +Spd. They're definitely getting merged, but I'm debating which to keep as base. Any recommendations on which is better?

And finally, the day after, when I got enough orbs to do a full summon again, my gut told me to YOLO pull. Two blues, went for the top, and surprise Julia! Who is good enough at +Spd/-Def. Great way to end the banner.

So around 200 orbs got me 6 units, including the shiny new Legendary, as well as a couple of new ones. Best luck I've had in this game in a while.

Edited by Jave
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11 minutes ago, Jave said:

Legendary Banner Experience:

I started by summoning everything except Green since I have all of them. Surprisingly, I got Bugs Bruno in the first circle. He's +Res/-Def which is fine I guess, but he's also new to my barracks so both my Veronicas will be happy to have him around. A few more pulls got me yet another RD Ike (+HP/-Spd), who is being saved for fodder. I kept summoning and got not one, but two Hot Spring Elises in the same circle, one being +Res/-HP and the other +Def/-Spd. I'll be merging them and keeping the +Res as base.

After some unlucky summons, I bought a small orb pack to clear the pity rate and surprise, it got me Legendary Tiki. I already have a +Def one, but this one is +Spd. They're definitely getting merged, but I'm debating which to keep as base. Any recommendations on which is better?

And finally, the day after, when I got enough orbs to do a full summon again, my gut told me to YOLO pull. Two blues, went for the top, and surprise Julia! Who is good enough at +Spd/-Def. Great way to end the banner.

So around 200 orbs got me 6 units, including the shiny new Legendary, as well as a couple of new ones. Best luck I've had in this game in a while.


if you have special fighter fodder, +spd
also. i am v. jealous of you. lol

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8 hours ago, Sir Radiant said:

At least he got something

.......two units with 350 orbs

Idk what the amount of orbs is to get a free 5*.


8 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, poor guy. I was like "wow, for once I had better luck!" Not to put him down or anything, but I was always a little envious of him because he consistently had much better luck on those banners than I did. lol

Hmm, I never really thought he was extraordinarily lucky.

Most of his sessions seem to be average in relation obtained 5* units to invested orbs. 

In the CYL2 banner from last year he gained no single focus unit with 450 orbs which was unique in terms of bad luck to me. 

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BHB banner first. Going blue since Jeorge and Gordin aren't exactly spectacularly rare.

  1. 3* Reinhardt: Worthless.

Now back to Julia's banner since the BHB brought me up to 25 orbs.

  1. 4* Est: Also worthless.

One more pull. 20 orbs left.

  1. 3* Marth: Ugh.

I'm pissed off now, so another pull. 15 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Julia: YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! She's here at last, a fine capstone to what has honestly proven to be an incredibly profitable banner. +HP/-Spd, which is the exact opposite of her original self. The asset means her HP is actually decently solid at 43. The flaw's annoying, but she's never going to be fast unlike her original self so I can live with it. Many OHKOs are on the horizon...Now for the other blue.
  2. 4* Oboro: You disappoint me...

I'm so happy right now. I was starting to fear that I wouldn't get Julia even after all of the orbs I poured into this banner. Now that she's here I can look back and say things went very well. For 287 orbs I got:

  • L!Julia, L!Tiki, Naga*3 (kind of annoyed at this since she's easily the blue I wanted least)
  • HS!Elise
  • Kaden, Guunthra merge

That's an average of 35.875 orbs per 5*, great by any standard. Even if I only count Naga as a single unit since I really don't care about her merges it's 47.83 orbs per, which is still quite efficient given everyone here is pretty useful to me in some way. Now to save up for November when Julia comes back. Unless they introduce Farina or something that's all I care about for the foreseeable future.





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We've got a free pull: I'm going to try for Hardin.

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (On second thoughts..... I'D WANT THIS FOR THE LEGENDARY BANNER YOU ASSHOLES!)

5* Gordin (5.



Free Brave Bow! +Spd/-Atk, if I wanted a 5* Gordin I have +Atk, but that fodder is too good.)

Back to Julia.

4 Blue, 1 Green (Oh, we're being nice then?)

4* Mae (I wish I got Shanna more. +Res/-Def), 3* Peri (Certainly not this, least it's Glimmer. +Atk/-Def), 4* Peri (I said I want good fodder. Why am I so unlucky? +Res/-Def), 4* Lukas (Frick. +Atk/-Def)

8.5%. Shit.

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Gods am I done with this game.

On the one hand I can't complain, I did manage to get Julia after 120 orbs and I am seriously happy with that.

But for some reason I'm really not bloody allowed to ever get something that isn't -spd or -atk. Before her I got a -atk Tiki and a -atk Naga. And now a -spd Julia. Her superbane too, how nice. And a +HP boon, thanks. After her I got a Gunnthra who is also -Spd, can you freaking believe this (let's ignore for now that Gunnthra is food anyway). As if there can't be banes in def or res or hp in my game.

With that, my 'units that are -spd or -atk I got this year' count is up to 14. Out of 21 units that I summoned who aren't food. 67% of the units I want are -spd or -atk.

I am so done with this game.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas This wasn’t too bad!


Yes! Yesss!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spd/HP, too. Micaiah might not be the fast one but it’s always nice to nudge that doubling threshold even a little bit.

She’s so adorable in her yukata I can’t even. Seems she’s forgiven me for blowing my orb fund I was preparing for her?

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Wow, three of us got free 5 star Gordins. lol


Mine isn't +Atk though. +HP, -Def. But I'll keep him anyway because I like him enough and the only good fodder he has is Vantage and that's easier to get from Reinhardt and Lon'qu.

Gordin looks young for his age and I can relate to that.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I have a 4 star +Atk Gordin that I can later upgrade and merge this one into as well, so yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Quite a few people are presented with Free 5* here. But I got a free Hadin with atk+. I think of keeping him..
Kind of funny, I wanted a Blue Armored unit with Bold fighter.. started building Effie to have this and now the game has thrown, Hardin and Kjelle at me. Also have Legendary Tiki now, but that was bound to happen while pulling a lot for Julia.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, three of us got free 5 star Gordins. lol

Congrats! Will you make something out of him? He is a bulky dude. 

4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

She’s so adorable in her yukata I can’t even. Seems she’s forgiven me for blowing my orb fund I was preparing for her?

Cool, congrats! She is good girl and my best AR unit, have fun with her. 

3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Because why not, right?

Haha, awesome congrats! Will you sacc your legendary Alm for him?





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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Cool, congrats! She is good girl and my best AR unit, have fun with her. 

It’s not like I ever cared about ayther but I can always use more dancers, especially those that can delete horses and knights and are absolutely adorable in the process.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I meant to ask if you had an idea for a build or team. 

Oh, that. Well, Gordin has Brave Bow+ and his Spd is blah regardless, so I'll just give him Death Blow and such. Klein 2.0 I suppose. 😛

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51 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It’s not like I ever cared about ayther but I can always use more dancers, especially those that can delete horses and knights and are absolutely adorable in the process.

AR became annoying to me as well, I'm just running 2 GF units plus 3 dancers every week to maintain tier 21. Micaiah is one of them, it's so good to know she can one-shot most armors.

Wish brave Micaiah could dance. Do royals loose this ability?

15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, that. Well, Gordin has Brave Bow+ and his Spd is blah regardless, so I'll just give him Death Blow and such. Klein 2.0 I suppose. 😛

His def is really good, if he had better RES he would have been my choice for a guard bow. 


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