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Pretty much last chance to get anyone off the Legendary banner, and I got...

Legendary Ephraim +HP -Atk.

Hm... he is horrible for skill fodder... Sturdy Stance is about all he has to offer, and that's really not saying much...


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Got a -Spd/+HP B Alm sniping the full circle with a ticket!! Bad IVs but he’s cute and new so that’s all that matters lol. Gonna be going for only blue and colorless for the next tickets!! Hopefully I can both Camilla and Eliwood. Alm was my least wanted of the 4 just cuz I don’t need another red sword infantry (who does?! Lol), but I’m happy that I deferred from pulling on their debut banner for this higher rate + ticket  instead.

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It's great to be back in business after that black hole of an FE4 banner and maybe some day soon I'll also shut up about that banner.

Oh and yeah I know Spd is her best asset, but this is still damn good. I won't count on also snagging Hilda off of this banner, but that won't stop me from trying.

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6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


It's great to be back in business after that black hole of an FE4 banner and maybe some day soon I'll also shut up about that banner.

Oh and yeah I know Spd is her best asset, but this is still damn good. I won't count on also snagging Hilda off of this banner, but that won't stop me from trying.


We're Bylass twins!! that's the ivs that I got yesterday! HURRAH

Actually for me, I was stupidly happy that she was +atk. (which i think is better than her speed).and I would rather have a 37/40 than and a 34/44 (if i had to choose). 
I would have really loved to dump a lot more orbs in here and try to get merges, but can't. (i figure Bylad will be the fodderable candidate, Bylass is a red merge that maybe will never happen). 

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After the Feh Channel, I decided to summon for Duo Alfonse since none of the banners thar are coming in the next weeks interest me. After a lot of orbs, and reaching 4%+ rates, I got this:

eDAnLGn.png wBj08Mv.png w1RGeZ5.png

I am a happy boy... poor in orbs, but happy! And I even got snuggles times too! Only Anna missing from the banner... oh well, I can live without her.

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I pulled a little more to see if I could get a Picnic Lukas or a Legendary Ephraim and I got a Legendary Lucina. At least I didn't have her before, but...I wasn't really going for her...at all... Eh. My fault for pulling when she was a possibility.

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More miscellaneous summons

Cecilia and Lilina BHB: 3* Caeda

Eirika and Ephraim BHB: 4* Catria

Hero Fest ticket #2:
4* Shanna
4* Niles
4* Wrys
4* Kagero
4* Laslow

Hero Fest ticket #3:
4* Shigure
4* Marth
3* Lissa
3* M Corrin
4* Norne


Looking forward to Golden Week already because this anniversary event isn't doing me any favours.

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I got tempted by the Mythic banner and used 70 orbs, because another C Duel Infantry would be useful and merges for one of the most powerful units (Leif) wouldn't hurt.

I got a +SPD/-ATK Caineghis instead ... sigh

This morning I got a free OG Ephraim. He was one of my first 5* units ever, but he was collecting dust for more than two years now. Undusting him only to make him +3. Would gladly trade him for his legendary version. 

On 2/2/2020 at 9:58 PM, Landmaster said:

+Atk, I will take it, that's all I wanted, I'm good with this~ Hopefully Divine Toilet Paper will offer Keatons~

Wow, +ATK Keaton! Congrats! Can't wait to try him out in AB. 

Also Congrats to the red dancers and Tibarn, even if they weren't your goal. 

9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am a happy boy... poor in orbs, but happy! And I even got snuggles times too! Only Anna missing from the banner... oh well, I can live without her.

Another awesome session (after the recent one with three 5*), congrats again! 

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Did a final try for an extra Nailah since VG banner was ending.

Main had 1 blue and 1 red. Blue was a Gwendolyn (meh) and red was a +Atk/-Spd Tibarn! Awesome catch at base rate, since the last time I touched the banner was a Keaton at base rate.

...Then I should have stopped there (darn the high that you get from being lucky)

Decided to focus on mythic to try for Leif again...but all I got was a 10% pity rate... and a lot of Gaiuses and Sestunas..

Then I tried to get a non -Atk Nailah for my second account. Well at least I finally broke the rate with a +Res/-Def Nephenee (much better than my current +Res/-Atk one), but I've been drained gathering orbs to try again (and I was also planning to do a final pull on Mythic or for Eliwood).

Well gotta be happy with what you got at least, but still trying to wash the salt from orb waste is tough

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Hey, that’s not Altena dammit.

That puts him at +4, which is suppose is a bit impressive given that I’ve never gone way out of my way to pull for him.

Also, I got a Yune duplicate instead of Hilda. I think I’ll just stop there on that banner as it’d probably be a better idea to pursue duo Alm & Celica instead of Hilda.




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I finally got Emofonse.  +Res/-HP neutralish which is fine.  What isn't is that he took a 30 and 40 dollar orb pack to decide to come, on top of all the orbs I spent previously.  Now to save the rest of my measly stash of orbs for the Tiki and Nowi BHB banner because Grimmy has been annoyed by his lack of merges and he is my S-Support and overdue for some attention (not that he doesn't get any...)

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Ninian and Hawkeye BHB: 3* Est

Minerva and Maria BHB: 4* Barst

TT: 3* Eliwood

Hero Fest Ticket #4:
4* Sothe
4* Chad
3* Valbar
4* Selena
5* Altena +Spd -Atk

First 5* unit of the banner and unfortunately it's someone in the 4* pool. The game really seems to be pushing her on me, having given me two 4* copies in the last few days despite barely pulling on blue. Maybe I should just accept my fate and start her as a merge project given that one of the copies is +Def.

Combined with the previous Hero Fest, I think I've pulled at least 75% off-focus 5-stars on Hero Fests. *sigh*

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Alright, quite a few banners today. The TT banner first. Celica's already +2 and Alm is strong enough as is, so I'll see if I can get Silque a merge.

  1. 5* Alm: Okay then. I guess he wasn't content with being unmerged after all. +Res/-Atk is worse than +Def/-HP, so merge fodder it is.

Lucky me. Now for Minerva and Maria's banner. Green obviously.

  1. 4* Gunter: Nope.

And lastly Ninian and Hawkeye. Blue, again rather obviously.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: Meh.

That free Alm was certainly a pleasant surprise. I suppose he wants some action in the Tempest Trial.

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Yesterday’s ticket I used to try for Brave Alm and I got... Regular Alm. I asked for Alm and got him, I guess?

Nothing noteworthy on today’s ticket and free pulls. 

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On Minerva’s banner, where the foci are red, grey and green, I got 5 blues. 

That somehow, even though I have a fije Minerva, felt like a gut punch. I don’t know why, I don’t even need or want to pull any of the focus units. It just felt wrong somehow.

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