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Got nothing from the revival banner and the daily ticket. 

Good news is that I got a Duo Ephraim from the Legendary banner! He was +Res -Spd, not a bad nature and I was almost tempted to merge him into my +Hp -Atk copy to fix the bane, but nah. I don't see myself using Ephraim+Lyon all that much and he is prime fodder material with his HB4 and Lull skill so for now he's going to be a book.

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I finally pulled an OG Minerva! Omg! Cost like 15 orbs?

Next up, I need Faye, then I have to grab BOTH Arya and Blue Olwen... then Dorcas and finally Eldigan to get all Book 1 units.

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Things are pretty bad when it comes to the Edelgard banner. All these orbs and nothing, I am at 9.50 and get only 1 or 0 green orbs per session. And now that Fae is done and I managed to get a second Reyson to remove the bane it essentially is waiting for any 5* to pity break me. I really wished I could grab an Edelgard (my ideal scenario is +Atk +1 but I don't see that being the case). Guess I will pull until the banner ends and then hoping that Fallen is gone I will focus on the Brave one. 

The other free pulls from the picnic and revival got me nothing except a -Def Picinic Lukas (useless fodder bad nature). After getting Lilith and Caeda my luck has been pretty bad. 

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I'm so mad right now.  Every.   Single.  Op student.  Has.  Been.  +Spd.  Like no joke, every single one I've pulled thus far has been +Spd.  El, you don't need speed, you need Atk or Def not Spd, please!

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So this weekly revival.

Poor Minerva got powercrept hard.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (I can't even try for her she got hit so hard.)

4* Matthew (I mean, I wish it were Chad. I've never gotten Chad. +Res/-Atk)

More picnics.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Sylvia (Sylvinah. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Kagero (It's yet another launch unit. *sigh. +Atk/-HP)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Draug (What a Draug. Pretty sure I keep making these jokes because I keep getting these units. +Def/-Atk)

I hadn't tried the Edelgard banner yet. Let's try.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (What a sick, twisted joke.)

3* Effie (Again, stop it launch units. +Res/-Def), 3* Florina (Again, why? +HP/-Def), 4* Sothe (More of this would be nice. +Res/-HP)

I'll have to gather what I can.

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I got one Edelgard (that I intend to use, since the Def and Res are not Flaws) and a Nagi (that will end up as Special Fighter/DC fodder). 

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Three reds in this ticket session, maybe one of them will actually be picnic Flora this time?

Ooh, there is a 5 star in the second one!


But you're not Flora. Oh well, at least I didn't have this one yet. Even if she is -Spd. 😕 But seriously, two off-focus 5 stars from a ticket or ticket session now? Why can't I just get Flora?

Edited by Anacybele
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Finally got Flora last night in a session with two reds.

Today's ticket pull gave me... Ophelia. Now that's a truly welcome off-focus! And she's +Atk too! She's getting merged as the base with my previous one, which was -Atk.

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I got Picnic Genny today with my daily ticket, which makes me happy.

Now, I only don't have Felicia. Maybe I can get her with then remaining Tickets... Or at least the last copy of Reyson that I need.

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25 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Now, I only don't have Felicia. Maybe I can get her with then remaining Tickets... Or at least the last copy of Reyson that I need.

Good luck getting both!

Congrats to Genny, wouldn't mind one picnic sheep myself. 

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42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Good luck getting both!

Congrats to Genny, wouldn't mind one picnic sheep myself. 

Thanks Mampf! I appreciate your support!

I still don't know what to do with my picnic sheep. Her default staff is decent, but I could give her a Pain+ since her Atk is pretty good at 36 base.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I still don't know what to do with my picnic sheep. Her default staff is decent, but I could give her a Pain+ since her Atk is pretty good at 36 base.

Personally, I prefer having pain on low ATK healers like Azama. High ATK healers are able to deal damage and apply other handy effects like Gravity in addition. 

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I'm at CF endgame!

It's time to try again.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Soren (Just.... go please. +Atk/-Def), 3* Sully (I just really get miffed at how much I don't get of newer units. +Def/-Atk), 3* Donnel (Maybe if I played Awakening again this wouldn't make me as sad to see. +HP/-Def)


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After what seemed like 100,000,000 Wrys later...

sorry for bad photo quality my phone required me to make the photo size smaller 🙄


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Genny: 2, Forrest: 1




The second one (which was the result of today’s ticket) also happens to be +Atk/-Spd. 

I also got another off-focus red on the Archanea kids banner a couple of days ago:



Unfortunately, it was another one that I already had.

..........Oh, and I suppose I got this in the first circle on Edelgard’s banner:



I’ve also been sniping greens on this banner since this pull, but to no avail so far.


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I, uh, pulled +atk -res Forsyth on the glimmer banner. Along with a neutral (and my first) Altena.

Like, I'm actually okay with Forsyth because I was thinking it'd be nice to have him, but I really wanted a duplicate Claude or Ylgr to complete the Nifl family. Guess I'll have to see what the new banner will bring before deciding whether I want to continue or not.

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I am at 10.00, at this point I don't care about Edelgard I just want a 5* to be able to take my leave. Also having gotten 3 Faes consecutively now while trying for months to get the last one really hurt my feelings. 

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Finally got around to summoning on the Archanean kids banner. Spent 400 orbs and got two copies of Merric, two copies of Caeda, one copy of the Whitewing Sisters and one 5 star copy of Marth and two 4 star copies of Marth. Pretty satisfied overall to have gotten everyone. Back to saving orbs in anticipation of what might come on June's New Heroes banner.

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