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Wow, my summoning today... Free pull red for Olivia on the weekly revival banner, I get Laslow. Pull (with a ticket) blue with a ticket for Seteth, I get a more different wyvern rider (Altena/Altina, whichever one is Cuan's kid), I pull green for Summer Adult Tiki, I get Fae (a more different dragon), and then I pull colorless on the same wheel hoping for Summer Gaius and I get regular Gaius. All these are just hilarious thematic near-misses. XD

Edit: I got another ironic pull today while going for Summer Adult Tiki. I got Surtr. Given recent events in the game, I'd call that an interesting pull.

Edited by Mercakete
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I'm so conflicted, since I had about 90 orbs saved and a willingness to expend that much to get Dorothea after trying and trying and failing to summon her in 2020. But I've only had 2 colorless choices show up in the first 5 circles. Taking that as the game's suggestion to not bother and keep saving. 

20 orbs to get a F!Byleth (+HP -Atk) isn't bad I guess. Gave her Ruptured Sky to Ninja Lyn (a little weird timing, since I had only just yesterday foddered a F!Byleth for Ruptured Sky to QV!Celica). 

Also free pulled Julia (neutral) on the Goddess's Servants rerun. I should mention, that was the only green choice that showed up with any of the free/ticket summons. 

Dang it. 

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I did 41 pulls and didn't even get Orochi. Or any of the focus units outside the spark, where I chose Nifl.

At least the Guinevere and fallen F!Morgan I got along the way were new for me.

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Got a +Spd Orochi from the free pulls. Her Spd is garbage, so I'm not too amused with this, but I'll take it. 

The S!Freyja banner is mocking me, now at 4.75% and counting....

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Well my luck on this banner within 15 summons has been absolutely insane.

2 copies of Nifl, 1 Nyx. 3 Orochi (1 5 star version of her), and an off focus fallen mareeta.

This was only with about 50 orbs spent.

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Not too shabby of luck. Ended up several non-focus heroes, most of whom I had never summoned before (and 3 Shanna's, who is always great for Desperation and of whom I had just run out of!). 

3rd summon: 4* Orochi (!) (+Spd -HP)

8th summon: 5* Adrift M!Corrin (!) (+Res -HP)

9th summon: 4* Benny (!) (+Res -HP)

16th summon: 5* Lugh (!) (+HP -Def)

24th summon: 5* SB!Dimitri (+Res -Atk, probably foddering since I already have a neutral version of SB! and a +1 SK!Dimitri)

25th summon: 5* Nyx (!) (+Spd -Res)

36th summon: 5* Nah (!) (+Def -Atk)

Sparked for Charlotte. 

Got really lucky in that only a couple circles had a colorless spot, so I was able to get to the Spark without even needing to play the new story chapters for orbs. I guess I'll have to hope for Nifl in the future, but she's not particularly interesting to me so no worries. 

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Well this has been an... interesting set of 40 summons.

10 colorless units, so only 30 on-color summons. One of them was Maribelle to be fair, so... mildly forgiven.

Two pity breakers in Selkie and Fallen Julia. Selkie... is SaboAtk fodder to be frank, while Julia... I honestly don't know. Is Panic Ploy even that good in the current meta?

Meanwhile in on-focus summons, one Orochi early on, 4* and +Spd -Atk, which would have been considered a joke even in Fates, and +HP -Res on both Charlotte and Nifl. Since neither of them have high enough Res to really care... I'm okay with that.

Which left the guaranteed on-focus unit. I can get Orochi any time, and I have technically neutral of Charlotte and Nifl, one of whom was the only unit I truly cared about, and I don't focus on getting skill fodder when it comes to these things, I'm more of a collector... well, that just leaves Nyx I guess. If I could get Benny I would, but as is I'll just have to wait to get him...

Benny is definitely on my +10 radar by the way, damn the fact that there's like 10 better Lance armors already.

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A ton of backlog banners before the New Heroes. First, red for Overseas Memories.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.

Green for Summer Refreshes since S!Wolt's the only one I'm missing.

  1. 4* Merric: No.

Green again for the Null banner.

  1. 4* Rath: No.

Grey for A Steady Summer.

  1. 3* Robin: Or not.

Green for Weekly Revival 20.

  1. 3* Nino: No.

And finally time to look for Nifl. I've only got 129 orbs right now, so no spark today. While I've got free pulls I'll take greens too to see if I can get Charlotte or Orochi.

  1. 4* Raven: No.

Three greys and one red. Ticket 1.

  1. 3* Jagen: No.
  2. 3* Python: No.
  3. 4* Nino: No.

121 orbs left. Ticket 2.

  1. 4* Shanna: No.
  2. 4* Ferdinand: Normally I'd say Reposition fodder, but +Spd/-Res is about as good as he's going to get, so I'll keep this copy.
  3. 4* Nino: Really?

113 orbs left. Ticket 3.

  1. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder.

Three reds and one grey. Ticket 4.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: All reds...

No more free pulls.

  1. 4* Beruka: No.

Two reds and two greys. 108 orbs left.

  1. 3* Est: No.
  2. 4* Rath: No.

99 orbs left.

  1. 4* Subaki: No.

94 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: No.
  2. 5* Delthea: A 4* Special! +Spd/-HP isn't great, but it's better than +Res/-Def. New master copy it is then.

85 orbs left.

  1. 3* Effie: No.
  2. 4* Mordecai: No.
  3. 3* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.

Disappointing. 72 orbs left.

  1. 4* Robin: No.

67 orbs left.

  1. 3* Catria: No.

62 orbs left.

  1. 4* Peri: No.

57 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tailtiu: No.
  2. 3* Benny: Hello! +Res/-Spd is quite good, so welcome to the team.

Finally something nice. 48 orbs left.

  1. 4* Oboro: No.
  2. 4* Reinhardt: No.

25 units pulled, a 4.25% pity-rate. Things are not going well. 39 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lilina: No.

4 greys. Ridiculous...34 orbs left.

  1. 3* Roderick: No.
  2. 3* Benny: +Spd/-HP is awful, so no thanks.

25 orbs left.

  1. 4* Orochi: Unfortunately +Def/-Atk is horrible, so merge fodder it is.

20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Catria: No.

A 4.5% pity-rate, so I'll try one more time with 15 orbs.

  1. 3* Benny: +Res/-HP, so no.

This is going absolutely horribly. Down to 10 orbs after 31 pulls, I've got nothing to show for it but a 4.5% pity-rate, a 4* Special Delthea, a terrible 4* Orochi, and three 3* Benny copies. Given both the L!Byleth and the summer banner went horribly too, I've been having a vey bad month all in all.

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Used up all my saved Orbs to pull 42 units on the new banner so I can spark. The results were pretty insane:

- Nyx (+HP -Spd)
- Charlotte (+Spd -Atk)
- Ronan (+Def -Spd)
- Annette (+Spd -HP)
- Nephenee (+HP -Atk)
- Nyx (Neutral)
- Brave Hector (+Def -HP)
- Nifl (Neutral) *Spark*

Plus one 4* Orochi. No Benny, sadly.

But I'm very happy with this haul.

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Sparked on the latest new heroes banner!

Free pulled a 4* OG Azura, +Def -Spd, making her +3

Then, I got a dupe Duessel (+Spd -Def), Julian (neutral) about one-third and two-thirds of the way in. I also got a +Def -Atk 4* Orochi.

Last circle, I got BOTH Charlotte and and Nifl!! Charlotte is neutral, Nifl is +Atk -Res.

Thus, I sparked for Nyx 🙂

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So after sparking on Dawning Reality, this was my haul:

Siegbert: +Atk/-Spd
4* Orochi [New]: +Spd/-Def
Lewyn [New]: +Def/-Spd given her nature and the IVs she got, I'm choosing to blame Orochi for these IVs
Nyx [New]: +Def/-Res
Nifl [New]: +Res/-Atk
4* Orochi: +HP/-Def
Charlotte [New]: neutral



The only thing missing was a Benny, but that's fine. He'll show up when he wants to.

Back on the Goddess's Servants re-run, I initially only redeemed my five free pulls (and got a CYL Claude with the last one), but then went back to try for Flayn and did end up getting her.

CYL Claude: now a manual
Maribelle: used for a merge (now +3)
Innes: used for a merge (now +1)
Flayn [New]: neutral



And to end off, recently I also pulled Eldigan, Sigurd and Igrene. The first two were both free pulls and were used for merges (now Sigurd and Eldigan are both +5). Igrene showed up when I tried to snipe a Summer Freyr. And in entirely unrelated news (yup, definitely), my +10 Lilina now has Life and Death 7, Special Spiral 3 and 75/46 offense.




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Really only cared about Nifl in this banner. Took all 40 summons before she appeared. So I sparked a second one. I also got a good number of special summons: Exalt Chrom (+6 now), Brave Celica, Hinoka and Kinoka. I also picked up Brave Alm and Brave Claude. So, all in all, it was a really good haul. Hopefully this month's Mythic banner treats me just as nice.

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Alright, back to pulling. Green for the Legendary Remix since Jill's the only one I'm missing.

  1. 4* Cecilia: No.

Blue for the Solo banner.

  1. 3* Laslow: Or not.

And green for Weekly Revival 21.

  1. 4* Tharja: Not quite right.

Now back to looking for Nifl. 65 orbs, 4.5% pity-rate, and 31/40 pulls.

  1. 4* Jagen: No.

A bad start to things. 60 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ross: No.

All greens that time. 55 orbs left.

  1. 4* Orochi: +Def/-Atk is horrible, so no thanks.

Still no blues. 50 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Berkut: Okay, sure. Sadly +Spd/-Res is awful.
  2. 5* Hinoka: A 4* Special and one of the last launch units I'm missing! Not that she's any good anymore, but +Def/-Spd is poor. Now it's just Ryoma who's absent.

That went pretty well. 41 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silas: Reposition fodder.

36 orbs left.

  1. 3* Reinhardt: No.
  2. 4* Ferdinand: More Reposition fodder.

27 orbs left for the last pull needed to get the spark.

  1. 3* Catria: No.
  2. 4* Est: No. I'm just going to take the rest of the circle now since I have no plans of coming back.
  3. 4* Sheena: No.
  4. 3* Miranda: No.
  5. 4* Erk: No.

Well, I sparked for Nifl to cap off this disgrace of a banner. 1 pity-breaker Fallen!Berkut and 2 4* Specials in Delthea and Hinoka. Not a single 5* focus after 44 pulls, just two terrible 4* copies of Orochi. I can only hope that the upcoming CYL banner doesn't go as badly as this one.

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Me: "Hey FEH, I can get base Fjorm back?"


Note: the other two blues in the first screenshot had nothing of note.

By the by, the first F!Kris was +Atk/-Def while the second was +Spd/-HP. Between that and my M!Kris being +Spd/-Res, Kris really doesn't want to be Spurn fodder apparently.

Also, this was the free pull on the opening blue-less set:



In addition to now being +4, F!Grima now has an even 50/40 for Atk/Spd with that merge.

Then today, I got this free pull off of the Weekly Revival that goes great with the above one thematically:



Your weekly revival was like two months ago, Lucina. Leif isn't going to be too happy about you taking his spotlight.

Despite having played this game consistently since shortly after its launch, I believe this is only the second vanilla Lucina I've pulled. 

This one was also +Spd, so I now have a +2, +Spd Lucina to pair with my +10, +Spd Masked "Marth".


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I haven't touched this one in a while, so a few things, mostly the good ones lol

well back when the banner with Flayn/Seteth/Shamir had its rerun a few weeks now, i decided to try a experiment. I wanted to see if it was possible to +10 Shamir before reaching the spark. Before this i had one. The answer? no, lol. Total Shamirs: 4. actually pretty good i think, at least got some nice NFU fodder. I sparked for Flayn btw, so now i finally have 2.

Also, both Ashera and Byleth treated me really well. Got both of them on within 3 summoning circles.


And F!Julia is FINALLY ALONE. I almost shed tears of joy. F!Ike still gives me nightmares from the first time i tried for her, the next she showed up was color sharing with Say'ri, and i decided to try for merge, and what happens? Say'ri shows up of course. I was too disappointed to try for her again when the bound hero battle with f!Ike happened and skipped that banner completely, but almost as if taking pity on me, she randomly showed up later on a different banner, which felt great. And now that she's here, i definitely went for merges, not missing this chance. she's one of my favorite units in the game, so yeah.

Edited by Sil/phire
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Got Nifl right before the spark! Pulled Charlotte and an extra regular Lysithea earlier, so I finished by taking Nyx as my spark. 

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A bit of bad luck for Ullr banner. Using 400 orbs...

-Lucky free pull one, L!Dimitri +Atk. So he is now +1
-3 Eir all of them +hp. she is now +3
-1 Yune +spd.
-1 Mila +def. Great IV
-1 Serios +Atk. she is now +2

Manage to get 2 ouf 3 from what I wanted Yune and Mila since I was missing them but It cost me many orbs, didnt want Eir but she keep coming and blocking Mila... hopefully Ullr comes home in Oct.

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I finally got my second Ullr. On my way there, I merged SK!Dimitri from +6 to +10 and got myself 4 more Seiros (I think I will give her a merge and Manual the rest). Got two Milas, a Pent, and a Shamir as well.

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Definitely unsatisfied with the Mythic banner, but that's how it goes sometimes. Was missing both Legendary Sigurd/Seliph, plus trying to +10 SK!Dimitri, so of course most circles had only 1-2 red or blue spots. Ugh. I only spent 94 orbs total, but that's all I'd saved and I'm trying to stop spending $ on this game outside of Feh Pass for now, so that's that for me with this banner. 

4th summon: Lute (!) (+Atk -Def)

8th summon: Reginn (+Spd -HP) (merged the free neutral onto this, so now Reginn is at +1 +Spd at least)

21st summon: Ullr (!) (+Atk -Spd)

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Sniping blue with around 200 orbs on the Mythic banner got me:

- 3 Seiros
- 2 Demitris
- 1 Ninian
- 1 F!Morgan
- 1 Shamir

And my first Benny.

Great haul, but no Ullr, which is the one I wanted the most. Not meant to be, I suppose.

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Time to pull again. First, Nohrian Summer.

  1. 3* Merric: No.

Next, the BHB banner.

  1. 3* Tanya: No.

Now for the Mythic banner. I've only got 58 orbs with CYL 5 on the horizon, so I'll take one circle and leave it at that.

  1. 4* Fir: No.
  2. 3* Lon'qu: No.
  3. 4* Nowi: No.
  4. 3* Cherche: No.
  5. 4* Leon: No.

More lousy luck...

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