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+Def -Atk is... not at all what Naesala would want, but... I have him!
Vika... probably doesn't want +HP -Spd, but... hey I also have her.
Brave Edelgard... is not even on this banner, so why did I summon her...

...that was an interesting summoning session.

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I like the pirate banner. it's silly, it's dumb, and i think just plain fun. I think i don't mind seeing this stick around. So i wanted, if possible, one of each of the units here. I toyed with the idea of trying to +10 Vika, since she's demote. And i gotta say, that Sutr art is top-tier. So in i go. On the second circle, I got a 5* Vika, not the best IVs but i'm happy.

And then....


at about 4%, i finally catch a 5*...Annette...back up to about 4.25%...Gatrie.....back up to about 4%....Mamori...up to about 4.25%....Forsyth....


deep breathing.

I quit the application, uninstall, then install a new version. It seems fashionable to have an f2p account on the side, so i thought, it might be a good time to see what it's like. Hero fest tickets give me a F!Julia, one of my favs, best pull in the whole week.


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Well, got to 4.25% I think before managing to pull neutral Hinoka+Camilla on a circle with no blue, so I'm gonna hope P!Surtr ends up on a Double Special Heroes banner or something. Still, always appreciate a certified Brave Hector killer who is also a strong addition to my relatively very weak Fates line-up. 

I did pull a free Laevatein (+Atk -HP) on her Revival this morning -- here's hoping her Refine comes soon and is good! Seems a little strange to think now that this far out from Book 2, just Surtr and now finally Laevatein are the only non-seasonal Book 2 OC's I've ever summoned. 

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Time to do some pulls before CYL comes along. First, green on the TT banner.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: No.

Green again for Perilous Seas.

  1. 5* Dedue: Huh, not bad! Unfortunately he's +Spd/-Res, which is atrocious. Still, nice to finally get a Save unit.

Red for the BHB banner.

  1. 3* Lilina: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 32.

  1. 4* Leon: No.

And lastly grey for the New Power banner since I'm only missing Maribelle.

  1. 3* Gaius: No.

Getting Dedue was good enough for today. Hopefully I'm lucky when CYL comes along.

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Todays the day I buy the two orb packs with free summon tickets, and I dipped the rest of the orbs into the Perilous Seas banner. Call it one last "big" summoning session before CYL makes me regret all past FEH purchase.

Only 3 5*s though, but they aren't bad. Guinevere and Flayn each came from a session on the Hero Fest, while on the Pirate banner I got Duo Hinoka (+Def -Atk... which... um... moving on...)
Also snagged Vika +Res -HP. She could make a solid magic tank if I felt like building her, but as-is she should function just fine as a Sabotage inflictor.

So... yeah guess that's that for the Pirate and Hero Fest banners for me. Now to just wait and see about CYL...

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Usual shit luck.

1 Naesala, 2 Surtr, and 3 Hinoka from the Pirate banner. Every single one of them is either +HP, +Def, or +Res. No problems with Vika, but you're not supposed to expect problems when you pull 11 copies of a character (I'm looking at you, Freyja).

58 more pulls on the Hero Fest banner. No Henriette. Pity-broken by Guinivere (who is [+Def, -Spd] because of course she would be) and both versions of Mareeta.


On the other hand, I finally got my first +Atk copy of vanilla Ike, this being my 20th copy of him (21st if you include the free Resplendent copy). So not quite as bad as a certain someone else (I'm still looking at you, Freyja). Though at this point, it might just be better to run Ike with +Spd because with Ragnell's refine and Resplendent bonuses, he actually has decent Spd (34 with Asset, +4 from Ragnell, +3 from Dragonflowers, +2 from Resplendent, and +4 from merges gets him to 47 Spd before passive skills).


I'll try for more copies of Henriette after we get the CYL banner.

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so, i did finally get those pirate units. got Surtr after pity breakers, then my last circle included both Duo Hinoka and Naesela.

but, the pity breakers...

2x gatrie

1x mamori, forsyth, caneghis, larum


also pulled my first Mia and Sigurd.

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11 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

2x gatrie

Those two are pitybreakers I would not mind having! I got a Gatrie too so I was pretty happy. Larum is also nice. I recommend slapping Crafty Fighter on a non dragon Save armor if you have one, since it is pretty strong.

However, I also got crap like Sue, Perceval, and a few others, and they do not really have much in terms of fodder, or if they do, I already got lots of it.

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On 8/14/2021 at 10:35 AM, XRay said:


However, I also got crap like Sue, Perceval, and a few others, and they do not really have much in terms of fodder, or if they do, I already got lots of it.

Those two should have been sent to the special 4* pool, like seriously; pulling them is just painful. At least mamori is one i like, and gatrie like you say seems to have useful fodder, though atm i wish i had another far save candidate rather than near save (i have pirate surtr and b!ector for that).

Also, free pulled a Lavatein out of somewhere in the more recent banners. That's my first copy of her, but she's obviously very dated now, shame.

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I don't know whether to call my summons good or not.

Did 40 summons.

Got 1 Valentian Palla
1 Brave Marth
1 Ophelia
1 Fallen Edelgard (WHY)

EDIT: Forgot to add Valentian Palla

Edited by Sunwoo
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So far, so good. 

12 summons in and I got an OG!Azura and a +Hp -Def B!Eirika. I have enough orbs for 1 spark by sniping blues and including the free 5* that's a guaranteed +2, maybe higher if luck allows. The plan is to get her to +10 on the likely Golden Week Hero Fest. 

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Jeez does this game drive me crazy sometimes. But turned out all right. Went for all colors, spark at 135 orbs (ended up getting impatient with the Forging Bonds and haven't gotten Eirika's ticket yet, so not totally optimal). 

Free 5* summon: SA!Marianne

[nothing at all for the first few rounds]

20th summon: Flayn (+Spd -Res). 

22nd summon: SA!Marianne! (+Res -Def)

33rd summon: F!Kris (+Def -HP). 

36th summon: SA!Marianne!! (+HP -Res)

38th summon: Gatekeeper!! (+Def -Spd, awesome!)

Sparked for PR!Eirika! 

So a rocky start but solid second half to this session. I already had a couple each of Flayn and F!Kris, so not the most exciting pity-breakers but still. At this rate I'll very likely make a +10 project out of SA!Marianne (although I clumsily merged the +Res onto the neutral copy just now, smh). It's tempting to try and Spark again for her and pull mainly colorless along the way, but there's also the Double Special Heroes banner right around the corner, both Red heroes of which I'm really hoping for (not sure if those heroes' identities are Spoiler territory)...

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Alright alright alright... all the anticipation, all the promise of potential, and a number of eh units have been moved to the 4* special pool... let's see what happens. Got the 4 free summon tickets, time to get some legends.

  1. Brave Marth +HP -Spd: 2nd session. Damn, that came a lot faster than expected. Also worth mentioning, Distant Pressure requires DC be learned already. It's literally a Tier 4 of a passive that didn't even have tiers, wow.
  2. Brave Marianne +HP -Atk: 4 sessions in. Hm... not liking the +HP on these two, but at least I can fodder AtkSpd Unity, knowing at least there's a freebie Marianne... at some point.
  3. Brave Marth +HP -Def: ...really now? I really don't think these guys need +HP...
  4. Gatekeeper +Spd -Atk: 5 sessions. Brave Gatekeeper? Nah, just keep it Gatekeeper. Ugh... I'm getting these guys easy, but with plain bad assets and flaws...
    ~4* Micaiah: 7 sessions. First 4* special summon, and a welcome merge.
  5. First Spark: Brave Eirika. I don't have her yet, so she's the first freebie.
  6. Charlotte +Spd -Res: 10th session. So this is where the best assets and flaws have been hiding... hm, guess I'm training Charlotte again.
    This isn't really notable, but Raven appeared and I forgot he had a Resplendent, so seeing him appear in Helian armor was... kinda surprising, not gonna lie.
  7. Brave Marth +HP -Spd: 12th session. Well at least I have some Distant Pressure fodder, that or a good leadup to +10ing Brave Marth. God the idea is frightening as I type it...
    ~4* Leanne: 16th session. Oh right, she was put in the 4* special pool as well... dangit...
  8. Midori: 16th session. Dangit, there goes some pity rate...
  9. Second Spark: Brave Marianne.
  10. Brave Marth +Spd -Res: 17th session. FINALLY a good asset on one of these guys!
  11. Brave Marth +Res -Spd: 17th session. This was really in the same session as the last guy? I can't decide if that's ironic or plain funny. Wait, how many Marths does this make again? ...5???
    ~4* Helpful Chrom: 18th session. That is indeed a summon, yes sir it is.
  12. Brave Eirika +Def -Res: 20th session. Finally summoned her naturally.
  13. Brave Eirika +Res -HP: 21st session. Reverse of the old usual nature I guess.
    ~4* Tibarn: 23rd session. Yay.
  14. Osian +Spd -HP: 24th session. Wait this guy wasn't- ugh... fine I guess...
  15. Third Spark: Gatekeeper. Where have you been man, you're only the most loved hero in all the lands.
    This was also the point that I bought the last of the special orb packs, so it's all normal orb purchases from here.
  16. Brave Eirika +HP -Atk: 25th session. Yes.
    ~4* Brave Lyn: 27th session. Oh shit... I just +10ed Brave Lyn... guess I gotta +10 Brave Roy now.
  17. Brave Edelgard: 29th session. Shit go back in the orb I need- gah, wrong green Fodlan brave unit...
  18. Brave Marianne +HP -Spd: 31st session. Yay another one.
  19. Brave Edelgard: 32nd session. What the... WHY.
  20. Brave Marth +Def -Res: And to cap off the 160 sessions needed to cover all 4 sparkings, the focus unit who was summoned the most, once more.
  21. Fourth Sparking: Brave Marth
    At this point, I'm not keeping track of sessions. It's all freestyle from here, cause apparently I'm +10 merging Marth.
  22. Forsyth +Res -HP: I do like Forsyth, just a shame I never got that great an asset... til now.
    ~4* Karla: woot
  23. Brave Marianne +Def -Spd: and the bad natures continue.
  24. Ingrid +Spd -Res: ...seriously if that was on Marianne...
    ~4* Owain: hmm
  25. Brave Marth +Spd -HP: yep this is happening...
    ~4* Helpful Chrom: Wait wasn't my Chro- shit that's 2 5*+10s now.

Think I'll put the summoning on pause for the time being, cause sleep is something I want right now. 21 5* units summoned, most of them Marth, a sizable number of 4* Special summons, two of them becoming a 5* +10 unit, and some thinking to do about my freebie that I still haven't claimed... quite the night of summons. Kinda wish the assets were better... by a ton...

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I said I was going to +10 Gatekeeper if he got 1st place in CYL5, and by God I'm going to try.

Spent orbs: 735



- Gatekeeper #1: +Atk/-HP
- Amelia: +Spd/-Atk (4* Special)
- Farina: +Atk/-Def
- Jill: +Def/-Atk
- Gatekeeper #2: Neutral
- Gatekeeper #3: Neutral (Spark)
- Gatekeeper #4: +Spd/-Atk
- Helbindi: +Atk/-Spd (4* Special)
- A!Anna: +Def/-Spd
- Gatekeeper #5: +HP/-Res
- B!Ephraim: +Def/-Spd (4* Special)
- Hilda: Neutral
- B!Eirika: Neutral (Spark)
- Ranulf: +Def/-HP
- B!Marianne: Neutral (Spark)
- Gatekeeper #6: +Res/-Def
- B!Marianne: +HP/-Spd
- Dedue: +Atk/-Res
- Gatekeeper #7: Neutral
- Ced: +Res/-Spd
- B!Marth: Neutral (Spark)

This haul was as blessed as it was cursed. Cool fodders, but too many pitybreakers. The extra B!Marianne in particular made me mad because she's -Spd, and not a single Gatekeeper is +Def.

Free summon has not yet been used.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Picked up a Gatrie in my first session! He was the only main pool unit I was missing from the last few months of 2020.

Also got a regular Lute from yesterday's revival, which leaves just 10 Book 1 main-pool units.

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My luck seems to have packed itself back up with this banner.

With about 100-ish orbs + tickets I got
1. BMarth
2. Two Bravekeepers
3. Leagyarn
4. Azelle

Sparked a free Gatekeeper so I could fodder his new skill + joint drive defense off to Chad and Asbel.

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Did 40 pulls.

- Got Gatekeeper (+Atk/-Spd)
- Got TWO B!Mariannes (One of which is +Spd/-HP HELL YES)
- Got B!Eirika (+HP/-Spd)

So I sparked B!Marth and Free pulled B!Eirika for a Neutral IV one.

All in all great haul. Surprised at not a single Off-Focus or Special 4*.

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Two sparks ~300orbs

-3 B!Marths
-2 B! Eirika
-Bravekepeer first spark
-B!Marianne Second spark
- 1 B!Dimitri
- 1 Jill
- 1 M!Kris

Got all of them and nice fodder as well and still missing my free summon but I don't know who to pick for now.

Edited by Naoshi
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I have SLEPT and am ready to finish my fate! First and foremost, my freebie is Marth, I'm dedicated now. I'm done summoning from Blue and Colorless orbs, just Red and Green for me.

...alright that's now Fallen Celica +10ed, aka my first Fallen unit at +10... mhm +Spd -Atk Brave Marianne, that is somehow the best Marianne summoned... yep that's +Atk normal Lysithea... Annette and Hubert, what a kick in the privates with those two... wow, multiple 4* special summons of units I've had +10 for years, that's just rude... AHA and that makes +9 merge Marth!
Hm... my luck seems to have turned into a burning trash heap in the 8 hours of sleep I had...
Aaaaaand this is the point where my card began getting declined, so... yeah. But hey, I'm fully dedicated now, so I just need 1 more Marth, and then I guess I'll be done with this banner! Weird to think that I'd be +10ing someone when previously I didn't even think I cared, but apparently I care a lot...

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Didn't do much summoning but all I got was Gatekeeper, two copies of Marianne and a pity braking Sara. Ironically the only Brave characters I summoned were the ones I don't care for. I think in the forty summons I did I only got five blue orbs, somehow green and colorless were the most common colored stones I got. Only copies of Brave Eirika I got was the spark and the free summon. I'll take it as a sign that I should save orbs for later or something else.

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Saved 1055 orbs for this banner, used ~620.

Got 5 Marths and 5 Mariannes, main copies with +ATK. But both Eirika and Gatekeeper needed to be sparked. I still have the free Redeem, wondering who I merge.

Also ended up getting:

  • Larcei (-ATK)
  • Annand (+DEF)
  • Dream Corrin (+HP)
  • Pent (+ATK)
  • Orochi (+ATK)
  • Pegasus Nino (+ATK)
  • Takumi (+DEF wut he's still a 5* in the pool).
  • Eldigan (+SPD)
  • Ninian (+DEF)
  • Mamori (+DEF)
  • Claude (+DEF)
  • 2x Zelgius (both +DEF)
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