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...I just wanted Delthea. Not so much to ask for, right...?

In 40 pulls, i instead got Spring Sonya and... Gatrie. Not even one Henry...

Welp, at least Gatrie was the pity rate resetter, cause I am NOT going back to this banner. I'll take my Sonya and sparked Delthea and head on home thanks...

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Decided to use a few orbs for a chance at S!Maria. Got her in 9 orbs alongside a M!Grima. Maria's nature is bad (+Hp -Spd) but I can fix that with Trait Fruits. Grima is +Atk -Def, but I doubt I'll ever use him considering the Expiration refine doesn't really do much for him compared to F!Grima. Vengeful Fighter isn't all that great nowadays, so he'll probably be just a collectable.

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Free Dedue from the TT banner, neat. +Def -HP even.

Was a little ahead in my orb savings for the AHR spark so I did indulge a little. Green from the seasonal looked good but got relatively few green orbs, but then a +Spd -Res Pent showed up. Acceptable I think.

Then did one full round of the Legendary banner (having only taken a the single free unit from it before). A Nina and a Sad Tiki. Both duplicates, but I didn't even know Tiki was in the 5* upgrade pool, so that's nice. Both go to +2. Down to 160-odd orbs and while it's tempting to actually go for a banner unit, it's risky.


EDIT: Well, actually it's not that risky since I have hundreds of story mode orbs to collect, some all the way back to Book 3 Chapter 1, I'm dumb. But still.

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Huh, I had no idea the Palla and More banner was being re-run, her debut obviously coming while I was away. While I actually prefer the OG look, I was sort of duty-bound to at least use up all the ticket rounds on Red and Blue. Duly rewarded with a +Atk -Res Palla, perfect, same as my Trio. That impulse could have been disastrous but I'll happily grind away the 32 orbs to pay back this result. I can finally do this:


I have a new concern though in that I noticed there's less than two weeks left to claim the Forma unit. I was planning on sparking AHR which would give me the last bit of currency to get a Forma Soul to spend on Laegjarn, but now the timing for the banner might not work out. We'll see I guess, but regardless of that, I'll be able to go back to hibernation pretty contented.

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46 pulls on the Echoes Palla banner just going for the spark and then cleaning up the pity rate:

  • 2 Palla (+1 spark for 3 total), both of which were +Res
  • 1 Fallen Ike, also +Res
  • 1 Female Kris, also +Res
  • 1 Igrene, also +Res

4.3% focus rate and 10.9% overall 5-star rate.

Overall good haul, if you ignore the obvious conspiracy with the Assets.

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I'd say that the Nott & More free pulls treated me well. That's +6 for Sigurd and +1, +HP for momma Palla.

Also, this is photo evidence that I am saving orbs (ideally to try and +10 CYL A!Tiki, but I'll probably get baited by something else before mid-August).

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Got nothing on the Nott banner. It's not that big of a deal because I already have 2 Nott's and 1 Palla from the original run. 

I also had a hunch I needed to use a few orbs on the legendary banner before it was gone. I was right because I got Caeda after using 9 orbs. +Res -Hp is basically neutral, so that's cool. 

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I feel like Mikoto likes me a little too much. I wanted to summon for NY!Gunnthra on the New Power banner, but there were no reds. So I just went for a colorless. And there was Mikoto. With the exact same nature as the one I'm already using. This is literally my fifth one.

Guess it's better than when Peri used to pity break me all the time though.

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Yeah, I didn't expect to be back with another free pull 5* so soon either.

New Year's Gunnthra was one of two FEH units I previously had that I never fielded (Laegjarn was the other one) so her HM count is at 0. So, she might as well be a new pull for me.

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Pulled 3 copies of New Year Gunnthra in 55 pulls to reach +10, which comes out to a 5.5% focus rate. Finally got a +Spd copy of her to use as a merge base on the +9 merge pull. I'm a bit disappointed that yesterday was the melee Special Training maps because now I'm going to have to wait another 4 days to level her up.

Also got a +6 on Echoes Palla and a +9 on female Byleth. I'm happy Byleth is now in the 4-star SR pool. I'm almost at the point where I can finally start passing out Ruptured Sky.

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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm happy Byleth is now in the 4-star SR pool. I'm almost at the point where I can finally start passing out Ruptured Sky.

Huh, I had no idea. Indeed it looks like I missed the last two rounds of demotes. I probably should've figured it out when I summoned Sad Tiki as one, but for some reason in my mind I thought she was older. I guess I shouldn't guard the spare Byleth I have in my barracks so jealously now (since the main copy is already +Spd +1). Come to think of it, I could use her to pass Ruptured Sky, Fury 4 and Wrath 3 at the same time (with the help of Astram, Hinata and Camilla) to my newly acquired Neo-Palla who comes with nothing in those slots. Not sure if that's a good build for her though.

I probably should be more prepared to inherit tier-4 skills to my best units in general knowing now that they're more readily available now, my mind is still operating in 2020 mode where skills like that are still jealously guarded by IS.

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5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Come to think of it, I could use her to pass Ruptured Sky, Fury 4 and Wrath 3 at the same time (with the help of Astram, Hinata and Camilla) to my newly acquired Neo-Palla who comes with nothing in those slots. Not sure if that's a good build for her though.

Wrath can't be used by fliers.

Personally, I think Fury 4 is a bit underwhelming unless the unit absolutely wants points in all of their stats or needs visible stats for skill activation (the latter of which is better done with Life and Death for Atk/Spd or Fortress Def/Res for Def/Res). If you need recoil damage, the tier-4 Push skills are generally better, granting +7 to two stats instead of +4 to four stats.

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52 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wrath can't be used by fliers.

Personally, I think Fury 4 is a bit underwhelming unless the unit absolutely wants points in all of their stats or needs visible stats for skill activation (the latter of which is better done with Life and Death for Atk/Spd or Fortress Def/Res for Def/Res). If you need recoil damage, the tier-4 Push skills are generally better, granting +7 to two stats instead of +4 to four stats.

Ah right, I used to know that but my brain has had other ideas since. I'll go do some reading on what tends to be recommended for modern builds, subject to my very limited fodder. A quick look at my tier 4 A skill fodder only shows Fury 4, Sturdy Impact, Heavy Blade 4, Life and Death 4 and Close Def 4, the last two probably being irrelevant for her. Besides that there's always Distant Counter I guess, not sure how viable it is for an unprotected flier but doing something other than yet another player-phase Brave weapon flier would be interesting.

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Used 2 free summon tickets trying to get Nott. I got Original Miciah and Benny. Not the unit with a bird I was going for, but I'm kind of amazed that I got 2 OTHER (that is, besides Nott) units with birds.

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I got Sonya/Tharja a few pulls in, so I didn't waste too many orbs last week. I spent a few orbs trying for Vanilla!Lucina I think, but I didn't get her. I did pull Harmonic!Nah/Myrrh on my first pull of the rerun though, so that's exciting! Next year I'll try for Inigo. 


Overall, I'm still incredibly ahead of schedule for my CYL6 Banner Quota, so if anything comes up that I must pull, I'll be fine. 

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This game has a sense of humor.

I pulled on the sole red orb on the revival banner with female Byleth. And for my free pull, I got ... Male Byleth. Ahaha.

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Nothing on the revivals, then I paid 20 orbs for a -Atk Malice on the legendary banner. Doubt I'll use her especially with the Dragonflower requirement, but I do like the art.

Felt a little guilty about that and falling back down under 150 orbs, so I resolved to farm the orbs back up. Well, one thing led to another and now I have 266 orbs. Polished off Book 3 - think it was 60-odd from remaining from Normal, about 20 from Normal. 18 from outstanding LHBs (fewer than I thought, guess not many relevant re-runs this month), and did a few chapters worth of chain challenges. Bit of a blast from the past really. Will probably polish off the remaining 80 orbs from Book 4 to use on AHR - see I can't get all the focus units and ensure both duos get to +1 minimum. Hopefully there's be enough left over to get a head start on CYL when I next come back.

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I should be stockpiling, but I have the urge to pull another circle from L!Caeda's banner before it goes away. 122 orbs on hand isn't great, but I think I can spare some.

  1. 3* Caeda: Absolutely not.
  2. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.
  3. 5* L!Caeda: Much better! +Res/-Atk isn't fantastic, but I'll take it.
  4. 4* Soren: No.
  5. 4* Lissa: No.

That went nicely. Now for the other banners. Blue for Nott's banner and its tickets.

  1. 4* Seth: No.
  2. 5* B!Eliwood: Nice! +Atk/-Spd is a good master copy, but I already have a +1 +Atk copy. +2 now.
  3. 4* Libra: No.
  4. 5* Fallen!Mamui: Huh, that's a surprise. +Def/-HP is fine, so welcome to the barracks.
  5. 5* Azelle: Wow, this is my lucky day! I've been wanting him for a while, so this is awesome. +HP/-Res is fine as well.

That went absurdly well. Now for red on the New Power banner.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

Green for Willful Rabbits.

  1. 5* Spring!Inigo: What is going on here?! +HP/-Res like Azelle, which is good enough.

This is just ridiculous. Grey for Weekly Revival 13.

  1. 4* Fir: No.

And green for Weekly Revival 44.

  1. 4* Orochi: No.

Well, that summoning session was certainly something. 9 free pulls gave me 4 5*s, all of which were actually decent. With L!Caeda to sweeten the package I don't think I'll need to be doing any pulling for a while now.

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Been a bit blasé about spending orbs unnecessarily before AHR so I've put in a policy that it's okay to do that as long as I farm the orbs back up and end each day with more orbs than I started with.

With that in mind I did a full round on the Remix banner as the only CYL5 unit I have is the freebie Gatekeeper. Nothing doing. Then as a palate cleanser I did a mini round on the Palla banner (which I did because I finally got around to reading what Nott and Zeke actually do and they're better units than I thought) and for 9 orbs I got a ...+Atk -Res Phina, a unit I forgot existed. Fine, I guess.

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It pains me to skip this banner, but I have to in order to get a Thorr spark. At least B!Eirika is 100% coming back in May and I can wait until then to +10 her. 

As for my free summon. No blues so I went with green for a chance at Gunnthrá. Got a 4* Ross.

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I wish my luck didn't always suddenly become complete shit every time I decide to clear my pity rate after grabbing the spark.

Ended up with an 8% pity rate at the spark on the Remix banner which didn't break until it hit 10%. Ended up pulling 65 pulls from the banner for 2 copies of Eirika, 1 copy of Azura, and 1 Eirika spark, for a below-average 4.6% total 5-star rate. Bleh.

Well, at least it's three more copies of Surge Sparrow and Atk/Spd Menace, so it's not terrible.

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Screw it, the New Heroes reveal made me snap and do the 25 remaining summons to spark on the re-run banner. I can still do so and comfortably remain above 200 orbs to spark AHR so I'm going for it, and the Celestial Stone will buy me a Forma Soul that I would otherwise not get in time before the current claim period expires.

+HP - Spd Zeke - Sure, why not, even if I struggle to use enemy phase units these days due to being really bad at accounting for new powercreeped player-phase skills. The Spd bane is nice too.
+Res -Atk Celica - Both my previous copies were +Def so this is a better base I guess?
+Atk -Def Swordhardt - New to me and with an Atk boon, can't complain.
+HP -Res Evil Julia - Shame about breaking the pity rate near the end with her, but a relatively good unit right? I don't actually know what she does, ha.

At the cost of a little over 100 orbs before accounting for the Spark, it's a moderate return. But after the Spark and the Forma, no regrets.

Now the tough decision since unfortunately neither of them appeared over the course of these 25 pulls. Nott looks cool, has an interesting gimmick, but I doubt I'd use much given I don't do ARs and as mentioned above I'm really bad at enemy phase calcs these days. Up against that is a simple merge for Palla for a boost on her only stat that matters on a unit that's already become a core unit for my gameplay despite only having had her for one single week. And that's not even due to favouritism - summoning her was, but the amazing performance I've subsequently discovered is wholly natural. So after checking the wiki and seeing she's only ever been run previously in a one-off Mythic banner appearance plus a random Heroes with Rally Skills banner, I had to do it. So yeah:

Neutral Valentian Palla - Yay mild blue glow and not being lost in the crowd of unmerged 5-star sword units in the barracks display. Wipes out her Res superbane too.

Forma Summer Laegjarn - A shame I can't use my lone existing +Spd copy as a base, but the premium skills and the merge make up for it, plus there's the upcoming refine that the value of this trade ultimately hinges on. My only other blue tome fliers are the even-older Summer Corrin plus the two dancers in Legendary Azura and Peony, so she has her niche. Didn't get her perfectly optimised but got Rally Up Atk+, Blue Flame, Atk/Spd Catch, S/R Far Trace and Spd/Res Rein.

A reasonable day's work. Anyway, as penance, it's time for me to do the entirety of Book 5 in Chain Challenges. (Plus the entirety of Book 4 in Hard difficulty, to finish that book off)


P.S. My calculations on the date were right, right? Today's the 17th and it'll tick down to 4 days remaining. That means on the reset of the 21st it'll tick down to 23 hours remaining, and so when the AHR banner launches, it'll be gone.

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Got Eldigan from the Oath banner! One of the oldest units I was missing - now all that's left from the first month is Lucina, Minerva, and Sanaki.

Also means I can finally stop getting confused and thinking it might be Eldigan every time I summon Ares.

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Spent a token 4 orbs on the skills banner and picked up an +HP -Def Asbel in exchange, nice. I have no idea who he is, but from seeing him in random maps he seems a pretty good unit.

Also happened to notice that a bunch of Paralogue CCs weren't showing because I never did the original maps, so that's a bundle more orbs in reserve that I didn't know I had, neat.

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