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Day 1: Summer Gunnthra. Well, not that exciting, but I'll be happy for any new unit.

Day 2: Halloween Niles. Didn't need another copy, he's not very useful.

Day 3: Summer Gunnthra?

Please just give me blue orbs. I want Duo Alfonse.

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4* SR Special Ticket #1: Ballroom Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #2: Hot Springs Ryoma (+Atk/-Spd, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #3: Bride Tanith (+Atk/-HP, NEW)

Bride Sigrun is now the only Path of Radiance unit who I'm missing. To put aside this new unit steak for a second, what's with this +Atk streak? All that's missing now is a +Atk/-Def unit.

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4* SR Special Ticket #1: Ballroom Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #2: Hot Springs Ryoma (+Atk/-Spd, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #3: Bride Tanith (+Atk/-HP, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #4: Winter Nino (+Atk/-HP)

The new unit streak is over, but the +Atk streak still isn't. Shame, though, that I can't really make use of this asset since I have a Forma Winter Nino.

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Today's summons were kinda troll.

With the exception of the special heroes banner, I don't think I got a single orb of the color I wanted to summon. Want to go for Flora? No reds. Would be okay with either Lysithea or Annette? Neither of those colors show up! Going for the red on the Ash revival banner? Again, no reds. (Got a Louise here though.) Going to try to get either Ayra or Sigurd? NO REDS YET AGAIN. The actual fuck is this?

For the special hero banners, the last two days were pretty meh. Summer Camilla and Summer Takumi, both of whom I had and neither better than my previous versions. Today is +atk -HP spring Catria, who is new, which is nice I guess.

Also, I'm pretty sure my special hero summoning didn't give me a red option (not that I was going to pick red) either. Probably.

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So flash back to a full month ago when I got Fallen Byleth and Ascended Mareeta from the first day of the second summer banner, from 27 pulls. In the weeks following I went to 43 pulls with no further result, and a hanging 3.75% rate before I started having to dedicate every single orb I earned towards sparking the Engage banner. Since I managed to not have any hanging pity rate from that, I had a few days to return to summer before the banner vanished for good.

Bad decision. I did a few idle pulls and before I knew it I had to dig into my rainy day orbs (story and CC) to get around 3 full rounds worth of summons in. At 4.5%, I was broken by my second Fallen Maria (+Def -Res), and my second Ascended Tiki (+Atk -Def) in the same round. So that's how this banner ends: four off-focus units, plus one 4*SR in Edelgard. Can't use the Focus Charges, and even if I decide to go ahead and buy FEH Pass in around 18 hours time, I won't be summoning any further with the pity rate back down to nothing.

I mean, they're four good units, none more than a generation old, but of the four only Byleth is new. I'll probably let them sit around for a while I decide what to do with them, maybe fodder Maria to Elice if I can get 10 more copies of Elice. No idea with Tiki, her fodder value is pretty meh, but my old copy is already perfect at +Atk/+Spd/-HP. At least I got my third Dorothy, building her up is going faster than expected.


The summons I didn't have to spend orbs for have been good today though. Free Ash and free Flora from their respective revivals, and the free seasonal was Spring Marisa, who is new. No idea what to do with that second Ash, I can't merge her because I use my base one for F2P strats, but she has minimal fodder value. But eh, free's free.

Anyway, 0 orbs. If I do buy FEH Pass tomorrow then I'll spark the Tea banner, but if I don't, I won't spend on it at all. No idea what my plans are with CYL, it'll be a power-based decision because I have no strong feelings about any of the winners as characters. if they're just plain 5* units I might wait to see if the Legendary banner is more appealing than it.

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Today's 4-star SR Special Hero ticket gets me New Year Selkie, who would be +5 if I finally decided which merge base to use and merged all of them together:

  1. Bride Sigrun [+Res, -Def], now +2, already +Spd
  2. Picnic Felicia [+Def, -Spd], now +2, skill neutral
  3. Halloween Mia [+Spd, -HP], already +10 and +Spd
  4. Bride Caeda [+Def, -Res], already +10 and +Spd
  5. New Year Selkie [+Res, -HP], now +5 if all copies merged, waffling on merge base because none of them are +Spd (neutral, +Atk, and +Res as options)


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4* SR Special Ticket #1: Ballroom Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #2: Hot Springs Ryoma (+Atk/-Spd, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #3: Bride Tanith (+Atk/-HP, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #4: Winter Nino (+Atk/-HP)
4* SR Special Ticket #5: Summer Noire (+HP/-Res)

No blues today, I so went colorless (mostly hoping for a Bride Cordelia merge) and got the wrong Awakening archer. I legitimately would've preferred Summer Gaius because I at least don't have him.

Also, my free pull on the Ash & More re-run gave me a M!Kris. Which is pretty funny, since he was also my Arena summon this week / my final Arena Reward 2 summon.

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Grey for Ascended Laegjarn's Revival.

  1. 3* Norne: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 33.

  1. 4* Cordelia: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 67.

  1. 4* Kent: Reposition fodder.

Grey for Ash's Revival.

  1. 3* Azama: No.

Red for the TT banner.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

Grey for Ascended Joshua's Revival.

  1. 4* Lachesis: No.

No freebies this time around. Hopefully I get lucky on the upcoming teatime banner.

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Second consecutive Spring Marisa. However I begrudgingly accept this because the first one was +Def/-Atk, while this one is the exact opposite.

Decided to spring for FEH Pass with 10 minutes to go, I think confirming how Tea Ayra's Canto works tipped the scales for the decision in the end. In doing so, I claimed my Spring Ephraim and Spring Ivy sparks under wildly diverging circumstances: Ephraim because he's the only one on his banner I don't have, and Ivy because I don't have any of the units but decided her mobility trumps Duo utility.

For future planning, it's unfortunately 100% certain I won't be able to catch the start of the September seasonal banner, but I guess that means I spark the Tea banner plus one other. It won't be Hero Fest, it won't be the current Mythic banner, might be CYL (in which case FEH Pass doesn't help at all), but not sure what else is coming up over the coming month (I think a double seasonal banner is due?).

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Today's 4-star SR Special Hero ticket gets me Bon Ryoma, who is now +2. This one is my first copy of him with a Spd Asset, which is pretty sweet:

  1. Bride Sigrun [+Res, -Def], now +2, already +Spd
  2. Picnic Felicia [+Def, -Spd], now +2, skill neutral
  3. Halloween Mia [+Spd, -HP], already +10 and +Spd
  4. Bride Caeda [+Def, -Res], already +10 and +Spd
  5. New Year Selkie [+Res, -HP], now +5 if all copies merged, waffling on merge base because none of them are +Spd (neutral, +Atk, and +Res as options)
  6. Bon Ryoma [+Spd, -Res], now +2, new merge base


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4* SR Special Ticket #1: Ballroom Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #2: Hot Springs Ryoma (+Atk/-Spd, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #3: Bride Tanith (+Atk/-HP, NEW)
4* SR Special Ticket #4: Winter Nino (+Atk/-HP)
4* SR Special Ticket #5: Summer Noire (+HP/-Res)
4* SR Special Ticket #6: Performing Arts Olivia (+Spd/-Def)

No blues again, so I went colorless again and got a different Awakening character not named Cordelia. +Spd is at least better than the +HP of my preexisting PA Olivia.

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Today's special hero is Dancer Shigure. Ancient but new, fine.

Can only afford one round of Tea currently and got nothing, going to be a long wait to get to the spark.

Weekly arena freebie is Nagi, who I have plenty of.


1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi
15. Larum
16. Yarne
17. Genny
18. Faye
19. Loki
20. Bernadetta
21. Caineghis
22. Green Olwen
23. Silque
24. Rinkah
25. CYL Claude
26. CYL Claude
27. CYL Claude
28. Kinoka
29. Takumi
30. Loki
31. Annette
32. Takumi
33. Sonya
34. Ranulf
35. Maribelle
36. Nagi

Edited by Humanoid
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First, blue for Ascended Idunn's Revival.

  1. 3* Tatiana: No.

Now to see if 254 orbs is enough to get me Ayra and Mercedes. Starting with one full circle for the fun of it...

  1. 4* Athena: No.
  2. 4* Titania: No.
  3. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.
  4. 3* Clarine: No.
  5. 4* Kiragi: No.

Disappointing. Now to start sniping reds. 239 orbs left.

  1. 4* Guy: No.

234 orbs left.

  1. 4* Miranda: No.

229 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: No.

224 orbs left.

  1. 4* Erk: No.
  2. 4* Chrom: No.
  3. 3* Knoll: No.

211 orbs left.

  1. 4* Miranda: No.
  2. 4* Sophia: No.

202 orbs left.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 3* Tanith: No.

193 orbs left.

  1. 3* Miranda: No.

188 orbs left.

  1. 3* Cain: No.

183 orbs left.

  1. 3* Kent: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Silvia: No.

174 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.
  2. 4* Eirika: No.

165 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Ayra: There we go! I was starting to get annoyed. +Atk/-Spd like way too damn many of my offensive units. Now for the rest of the circle.
  2. 4* Shanna: Desperation fodder.
  3. 3* Atlas: No.
  4. 3* Rath: No.
  5. 4* Maria: No.

I could stop now, but I'd rather get a merge to fix that horrid Spd flaw. 145 orbs left.

  1. 3* Oboro: No.

140 orbs left.

  1. 3* Chrom: No.
  2. 3* Eirika: No.
  3. 4* Eliwood: No.

127 orbs left.

  1. 3* Fir: No.
  2. 3* Draug: No.

118 orbs left.

  1. 3* Phila: No.

113 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: No.

108 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mamui: No.
  2. 3* Hana: No.

There should not be this many 3* units. 99 orbs left.

  1. 3* Kamui: No.
  2. 4* Cain: No.

90 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seliph: No.

85 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kent: Reposition fodder.

80 orbs left.

  1. 4* Vanessa: No.

75 orbs left.

  1. 3* Roy: No.

70 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.
  2. 4* Hana: No.

61 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kent: Reposition fodder.

56 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eirika: No.

51 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lukas: No.

46 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Ayra: That took long enough! +HP/-Res is mediocre, but this copy was for merge fodder from the beginning anyway.
  2. 4* Bartre: No.
  3. 3* Sylvain: Meh. +Spd/-Res is good though, so I'll keep you around.
  4. 3* Frederick: No.
  5. 5* Fallen!Femui: Huh, a decent 4* Special as a capstone to this session. +Res/-Atk is bad, so merge fodder for my +2 +Def copy.

That went reasonably well in the end, unlike the usual total disasters that happen whenever I try to pull from seasonal banners. 228 orbs and 52 pulls got me 2 copies of Harmonic!Ayra and a merge for Fallen!Femui. That's still below average, but it's nicely concentrated on the Harmonic that I actually care about.

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Today's 4-star SR Special Hero ticket gets me Valentine Roy, who is now +3:

  1. Bride Sigrun [+Res, -Def], now +2, already +Spd
  2. Picnic Felicia [+Def, -Spd], now +2, skill neutral
  3. Halloween Mia [+Spd, -HP], already +10 and +Spd
  4. Bride Caeda [+Def, -Res], already +10 and +Spd
  5. New Year Selkie [+Res, -HP], now +5 if all copies merged, waffling on merge base because none of them are +Spd (neutral, +Atk, and +Res as options)
  6. Bon Ryoma [+Spd, -Res], now +2, new merge base
  7. Valentine Roy [+Res, -Spd], now +3, waffling on merge base because none of them are +Atk (+Def and +Res as options)


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So in wanting to prove a point to all like 3 of you who even know I exist, I spent orbs to get a copy of Ferdinand to get his tome for Tailtiu.

I also happened to get Teatime Sigurd as well, so orbs well spent. +Atk -Res too.

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