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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

No dice. Discount Ninian didn't get summoned even after 135 orbs.

Next summon session will be payday, on Friday.

You didn't use REAL Lake water

that's unfortunate :(

Well at least you have some more orbs to dump. Make for absolute certain that you use 100% REAL lake water.


Singing while you summon is also very effective


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Decided to give Hero Fest a shot.

I pulled another Hinata (Fury fodder, yay /sarcasm), Shanna (Desperation fodder, actually that could come in handy some day), and Sophia (+DEF/-ATK, could be usable), and a 5-Star...

I mean, I like the boon/bane on this one (+HP/-DEF, which seems to be something of a trend for me lately) more than my other one (+DEF/-SPD, that -SPD isn't good), but it's not Ryoma... or Takumi... or even Azura...
I am disappoint.

I'm gonna just save my orbs for the Celica banner now.

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Made a f2p alt on my phone (usually play on iPad)

46 rolls in the hero fest banner 

15 reds no notables outside of neutral Eliwood, using free palla rn

6 Blues Azura from rr, dupe est and f corrins already

14 greens got hector on 10th green, 3 nino 3 gunter 2 Cecilia 2 barst for dupes

11 colorless got takumi on 10th have 4 virions for dupes -.-

Pretty average but having the free palla be my best red rn isn't a very good thing

-def+spd Azura +atk -spd hector!! +hp-res takumi decent boon bane combos 

Edited by TearingShadows
Forgot ivs on golds
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Hero Fest Pulls

Ryouma x3 Atk+ Def-, Res+ Spd-,  Lucina - Neutral    Lyn - Neutral x2   Leo - +Res -HP; +Spd - HP Azura - Atk+ Def-, Neutral, Def+ Spd-, Spd+ Atk-

Hector - Spd+ -Res, HP+ Atk-, Atk+ Spd-, Def+ Spd-, Def+ HP-  Takumi - HP+ Def- , Spd+ Atk- Linde - Atk+ Def-, Spd+ Atk-, HP+ Def-

Gonna hunt for more Takumi's and Hector's



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27 minutes ago, Dexterino said:

Hero Fest Pulls

Ryouma x3 Atk+ Def-, Res+ Spd-,  Lucina - Neutral    Lyn - Neutral x2   Leo - +Res -HP; +Spd - HP Azura - Atk+ Def-, Neutral, Def+ Spd-, Spd+ Atk-

Hector - Spd+ -Res, HP+ Atk-, Atk+ Spd-, Def+ Spd-, Def+ HP-  Takumi - HP+ Def- , Spd+ Atk- Linde - Atk+ Def-, Spd+ Atk-, HP+ Def-

Gonna hunt for more Takumi's and Hector's



Wow, how many orbs did you spend? How many 5* did you get the most in  one pull?

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Oh yes I live for these sort of draws worth all the effort it takes to get the orbs 


Edited by Mackc2
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Well shadowofchaos might not have gotten Azura but I somehow managed to! And she came with one of her sisters. Hello Hinoka #2 with a worse nature. 


Azura is +spd/-atk. I hope this doesn't become my new 5* trend. The Ike I got a few days ago was the same...

On a different note I am like seven different kinds of done with Palla and Sophia. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

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After going through ~150ish orbs without a 5 star, I finally got 2 in one pull!  :D:  I feel so happy right now, hehehe.  I wanted Azura really bad, and I got her!  She is +HP/-Res.  I debated whether or not I should pull the red orb too since I already got who I wanted, and I'm glad I did because it was Ryoma (+Atk/-Def).  Yay, yay, yay!

It would be nice to get a Hector too since he's good, but I'll be fine without him.  My future pulls will go back to the PoR banner in an attempt to get Ike and Mist.  

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Well, after two earlier shitty pulls of five 3-star duplicates, I actually got three 4-star characters. And only four of my characters were duplicates. Managed to get a 4-star Lachesis, which I'm still pretty happy about because she's new. BUT WHY COULDN'T YOU BE SAKURA :|

Also, Donnel, getting real sick of your shit.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 hour ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Well shadowofchaos might not have gotten Azura but I somehow managed to! And she came with one of her sisters. Hello Hinoka #2 with a worse nature. 


Azura is +spd/-atk. I hope this doesn't become my new 5* trend. The Ike I got a few days ago was the same...

On a different note I am like seven different kinds of done with Palla and Sophia. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Congrats two 5* in one pull are always great! Besides Azuras function is not necessarily that of a fighter.

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Looks like I really did use up all my luck pulling Ike last week.

Got to 20 orbs using most of the May quests, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 red, 1 colorless orbs came up. I only rolled blue/green since I'm really gunning for Azura and Hector would be nice. I'd roll for Ryoma too if I didn't already have Ike, so I need to conserve orbs, and I already have Takumi.

3* Donnel, 3* F Corrin, 3* Cecilia.

Like come on, at least give me one of the 3* units I don't have already.

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I'm super ashamed of myself... I totally whaled. ...or at least mini-whaled. Had a rough day at work and decided to treat myself to some orbs. (It totally started as one small purchase....and then I made 3 more. My credit card was like, "Yo. This is suspicious activity. You never use me. What's up with these purchases?") I think I have a serious addiction though. >.> Like...I'm really glad I don't live near Vegas or anything. But I came out of it with Azura, Hector, and Takumi. I was doing some random pulls for Ike, but no such luck. 

Azura is +SPD -ATK. (To stick with the trend I suppose? Though to be fair, my Lucina was -ATK before I even figured out how to calculate boons/banes. XD)
Hector is +DEF -RES. (Not bad at all. I can give him my spare Faye's Wings of Mercy.)
Takumi is +RES -SPD. (Probably not the best. His SPD is still fine. The extra RES should help a bit against pesky mages. Though I haven't seen him as much of a threat in the Arena lately...) 

Hector was the one I wanted most of all. XD The other two were happy accidents. I think the only other new character I managed to get was Jakob.I did get a nice duplicate Merric. I may merge the two I have together for maximum Merric. Other notable pulls: another 4 star Olivia (to merge into my +2 one. Including that one and my two 3 star Olivias, I'll be up to a +5 Olivia soon.) I got a non -ATK Adult Tiki finally. This one is -SPD, but her speed is nothing special anyway. Some Shannas for Desperation and another Camilla. And two more Ninos. I've got 6/10 now to be able to merge into my 5 star Nino. Still holding out for a +SPD one that isn't also -ATK. (Though a +ATK one that isn't -SPD would also be nice. I'm gonna' need a WHOOOOOLE bunch of feathers.) 

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied. Do I feel silly for spending money on a game? Yup. I got hardcore suckered. (But...being selfish like this helped me decide that I'm definitely going to donate my hair this month. Maybe that'll make up for the whaling.) 

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Guh, I don't know what to do...

On one hand, Heros Fest propose nice heroes... No. Powerful heroes. But I don't use them in my team. Ryoma can replace my Hana if he's on for arena, and if I got two Takumis, I can pass Close Counter to my Merric for my Defense Team.

On the other hand, I'd like to get Spur Def/Res 2 for my Robin.


Already tried Heroes Fest, and got a 3* Raigh and a 4* Jakob (but I don't care about him. Why he follow me now ?). I'm conflicted...

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Got 9 orbs today

So I could pull blues to get Azura

Here's the results


3 words 


I got fricking trash >:[


1st orb was my third Female Corrin..... hip hop hooray!


2nd Blue orb



2 Words








I know @GuiltyLove was gonna pull so she should see that I tested the waters.

Also, @shadowofchaos, I used lake water so you can see its effectiveness.

Edited by Arcanite
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Okay, so finally, I tried Heroes Fest again. 4 reds, 1 blue. Did I got Ryoma ?



Of course not ! And Hinata just came a week too late ! I have used 2000 feathers to give Fury to Michalis...

Such a troll... Not fun.


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So I was somewhat annoyed to see the hero fest banner after spending most of my orbs on Ike.


seriously IS, you give me a banner with my second favourite character to trow my orbs at, only to give me one with favourite and a higher appearance chance after...

Decided to make the best of it and used what I had left to only try green orbs. Got  Hector in my third try. He's -HP +Spd, which doesn't seem to good, but it could be worse. I would probably been happy with a +Res -Atk one anyway, since it's Hector!

After that, I decided to pull red and blue as I already have Takumi. a +Atk -Res Ryoma showed up on my 4th attempt. I'm really liking these higher appearance rates.

Now I only need to decide wether I keep trying for Azura, or safe my orbs for the mages banner.

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4 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I'm super ashamed of myself... I totally whaled. ...or at least mini-whaled. Had a rough day at work and decided to treat myself to some orbs. (It totally started as one small purchase....and then I made 3 more. My credit card was like, "Yo. This is suspicious activity. You never use me. What's up with these purchases?") I think I have a serious addiction though. >.> Like...I'm really glad I don't live near Vegas or anything. But I came out of it with Azura, Hector, and Takumi. I was doing some random pulls for Ike, but no such luck. 

Azura is +SPD -ATK. (To stick with the trend I suppose? Though to be fair, my Lucina was -ATK before I even figured out how to calculate boons/banes. XD)
Hector is +DEF -RES. (Not bad at all. I can give him my spare Faye's Wings of Mercy.)
Takumi is +RES -SPD. (Probably not the best. His SPD is still fine. The extra RES should help a bit against pesky mages. Though I haven't seen him as much of a threat in the Arena lately...) 

Hector was the one I wanted most of all. XD The other two were happy accidents. I think the only other new character I managed to get was Jakob.I did get a nice duplicate Merric. I may merge the two I have together for maximum Merric. Other notable pulls: another 4 star Olivia (to merge into my +2 one. Including that one and my two 3 star Olivias, I'll be up to a +5 Olivia soon.) I got a non -ATK Adult Tiki finally. This one is -SPD, but her speed is nothing special anyway. Some Shannas for Desperation and another Camilla. And two more Ninos. I've got 6/10 now to be able to merge into my 5 star Nino. Still holding out for a +SPD one that isn't also -ATK. (Though a +ATK one that isn't -SPD would also be nice. I'm gonna' need a WHOOOOOLE bunch of feathers.) 

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied. Do I feel silly for spending money on a game? Yup. I got hardcore suckered. (But...being selfish like this helped me decide that I'm definitely going to donate my hair this month. Maybe that'll make up for the whaling.) 

Same thing happened to me last aftera bad week in general I failed to get ike. So purchased orbs for the first time. Way more than I planned... got roy and soren. And then I purchased more which just increased my appearance rate. And then I purchased more abd got two ikes in the same pull, +atk -def and +def-spd.

In the end I think I really like this game so it might be ok to spend some money on it. Definitely not gonna spend as much as last week, ever!!!!

My plan is to get back to f2p as much as possible and maybe just purchase 23 orbs packs like twice a month or something. In order to calm down my conscience I am trying to cut down on smoking with additional orbs pack as rewards. Will see how that will go, yesterday was quite tough, today a little bit better but its gonna be hard to reach my goal which would be smoking just one cig per hour. If this game is gonna help me stop smoking I would have no regrets buying orbs ☺

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8 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

Same thing happened to me last aftera bad week in general I failed to get ike. So purchased orbs for the first time. Way more than I planned... got roy and soren. And then I purchased more which just increased my appearance rate. And then I purchased more abd got two ikes in the same pull, +atk -def and +def-spd.

In the end I think I really like this game so it might be ok to spend some money on it. Definitely not gonna spend as much as last week, ever!!!!

My plan is to get back to f2p as much as possible and maybe just purchase 23 orbs packs like twice a month or something. In order to calm down my conscience I am trying to cut down on smoking with additional orbs pack as rewards. Will see how that will go, yesterday was quite tough, today a little bit better but its gonna be hard to reach my goal which would be smoking just one cig per hour. If this game is gonna help me stop smoking I would have no regrets buying orbs ☺

I had the same issue this week too. Ended up spending well over $100 between the two banners. The Ike banner gave me a garbage Caeda to ruin my pity chance, and now I'm back up to 4% on it. 

It's a terrible feeling to spend for the 40$ pack and get nothing. I'm kind of ashamed that I fell into that trap and spent more. Definitely no more 40$ packs again. The $13 pack once a month or so is better on the wallet and sanity b

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8 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

Same thing happened to me last aftera bad week in general I failed to get ike. So purchased orbs for the first time. Way more than I planned... got roy and soren. And then I purchased more which just increased my appearance rate. And then I purchased more abd got two ikes in the same pull, +atk -def and +def-spd.

In the end I think I really like this game so it might be ok to spend some money on it. Definitely not gonna spend as much as last week, ever!!!!

My plan is to get back to f2p as much as possible and maybe just purchase 23 orbs packs like twice a month or something. In order to calm down my conscience I am trying to cut down on smoking with additional orbs pack as rewards. Will see how that will go, yesterday was quite tough, today a little bit better but its gonna be hard to reach my goal which would be smoking just one cig per hour. If this game is gonna help me stop smoking I would have no regrets buying orbs ☺

I had the same issue this week too. Ended up spending well over $100 between the two banners. The Ike banner gave me a garbage Caeda to ruin my pity chance, and now I'm back up to 4% on it. 

It's a terrible feeling to spend for the 40$ pack and get nothing. I'm kind of ashamed that I fell into that trap and spent more. Definitely no more 40$ packs again. The $13 pack once a month or so is better on the wallet and sanity b

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