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1,523 total pulled units.  I should update this more often!


Odin (+Res/-Atk): Fodder it is!
Arthur (+Atk/-Res): This, on the other hand, is perfect~!
Rebecca (+HP/-Spd): Oh heck no.
Sully (+HP/-Res): I still use Draw Back/Swordbreaker.
Shanna (+HP/-Atk): I also use Desperation.

Lukas (neutral): I swear he's gonna be the +10 merge over Leon, and I'm not sure how I feel about that!
Olivia (+Res/-Spd): Thank you for Hone Atk. . .stop looking at me like that, it's still a useful buff!
Merric (+HP/-Res): You'll be good fodder when AoE specials become A Thing.
Frederick (+Spd/-Def): YES YOU ARE GOOD FODDER TOO!
Felicia (+Def/-Res): Well, uh, Breath of Life is still something I use every now and then.

Jakob (+Res/-Def): Renewal, not so much.
Seliph (+Spd/-Res): Can you, like, switch with Olivia?
Raven (+Res/-Def): I use Sol as a gateway for Aether.
Leanne (+HP/-Res): She should not be tanking too many hits.  Won't be as effective as a ploybot, but I think I'll manage.  I'm happy that I pulled her~!
Matthew (+HP/-Res): I also use Hone Spd on random things.

Azama (+Atk/-Def): I still adore Martyr.

Ogma (+Res/-Atk): Noontime goes on things that give extra damage with a special (Wo Dao and its ilk).
Chrom (+Atk/-Def): Dammit. . .this one's actually decent.
Ayra (+Res/-HP): There is a certain irony in pulling her off of the Sword Valor banner.  Glad I finally have a copy of her!

Cecilia (+Atk/-Def): Well, uh, join Chrom on the "good combo" bandwagon!
Cecilia (+Res/-Def): You, on the other hand, will give Escape Route to someone.

Gunter (+Spd/-Def): Dear slow characters, please stop doing this.
Libra (+Atk/-Def): Do I have one like this?  If not, I'm keeping him~!

Boey (+Spd/-Atk): You need to trade with Azama.
Ares (+Atk/-HP): The hell, this one's good.  And an exact clone of the very first one I pulled.  GAH!
Tiki (+Atk/-Def): I, uh, need to think about this.  She likes being a tank, but she also likes hitting hard.
Ylgr (+Atk/-HP): EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  This one's far superior to my -Spd copy, so she's getting merged ASAP!  Also, WTF Ylgr, you're too young for a hot springs alt!
Corrin (+Def/-Atk): Thanks in advance for Dragonic Aura.

Priscilla (+Res/-Spd): NO!

I got some good units out of it, but now I don't know whether I should sit on my orbs or go back into the hot springs.  I'll wait and see what's in store for the anniversary, I guess.


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So, free getting the reset and grinding up orbs, I summoned, and lo and behold who I got: 



And like that, I am done with the NY banner. I could try for better iv’s, but I don’t trust my chances. 

Unfortunately, she is +res/-atk. However, I have already thought of a build to fix this. Anyways, I can focus on the Hostile Springs Banner 

@mampfoid @Zeo @mcsilas and @Rezzy because of that unfortunate curse

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Excited as I am to see him now, I could only muster a relieved sigh when he popped out of that last stone. Good lord, this banner tried my patience.

But, I got him! That's all the matters in the end. Oh, and he's even +Atk/-HP. Yeeeessssssss.

Now, I can only hope the hot spring banner doesn't make me wait nearly as long (my rate was up to 5.25% before Tibarn finally came to roost) for the best little sisters. I obviously like to get the herons and Nailah as well, but that'll have to happen later as I am so done with this banner (which isn't going to be hanging around for much longer anyways).

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5 hours ago, Poimagic said:

So, free getting the reset and grinding up orbs, I summoned, and lo and behold who I got: 

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And like that, I am done with the NY banner. I could try for better iv’s, but I don’t trust my chances. 

Unfortunately, she is +res/-atk. However, I have already thought of a build to fix this. Anyways, I can focus on the Hostile Springs Banner 

@mampfoid @Zeo @mcsilas and @Rezzy because of that unfortunate curse

Cool, congrats! Fjorm is a nice unit with a good color. Her bane won't hurt her back against blue.

Did you make a break at pulling too until now? 

4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


But, I got him! That's all the matters in the end. Oh, and he's even +Atk/-HP. Yeeeessssssss.


Oh congrats! That took long, but you were rewarded with the best boon. 

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Another day, another try on the NY 2019 banner.

Aaaaand another off-focus pity breaker, meet nr. 4:


I guess Lene gets Wo Dao+ after all. Ok IS, that was fun, can I please have my focus units now? Please?

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NY's banner 2019 ended as I was feared of: Got no green in the circle and pulled NYLavatein with 4.75%. Not really wanted, but definitely better than a Mist or Takumi. She is +atk / -spd, which is not too shabby. NY 2019 is done. No Fjorm merges, but therefore three focus units and no pitybreaker. 

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I'm about to fucking give up. Almost every session I go into has no fucking red. And I still can't believe IS hasn't implemented a fix to this problem (sessions lacking the color you want to pull).

EDIT: And when I finally do get a single red, Leo pitybreaks me. This isn't even the TT banner.

Edited by Anacybele
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7 hours ago, Poimagic said:

So, free getting the reset and grinding up orbs, I summoned, and lo and behold who I got: 

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And like that, I am done with the NY banner. I could try for better iv’s, but I don’t trust my chances. 

Unfortunately, she is +res/-atk. However, I have already thought of a build to fix this. Anyways, I can focus on the Hostile Springs Banner 

@mampfoid @Zeo @mcsilas and @Rezzy because of that unfortunate curse

Congrats on Fjorm!

7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


Excited as I am to see him now, I could only muster a relieved sigh when he popped out of that last stone. Good lord, this banner tried my patience.

But, I got him! That's all the matters in the end. Oh, and he's even +Atk/-HP. Yeeeessssssss.

Now, I can only hope the hot spring banner doesn't make me wait nearly as long (my rate was up to 5.25% before Tibarn finally came to roost) for the best little sisters. I obviously like to get the herons and Nailah as well, but that'll have to happen later as I am so done with this banner (which isn't going to be hanging around for much longer anyways).

Finally! Glad you got him, and with great IVs

1 hour ago, Mau said:

Another day, another try on the NY 2019 banner.

Aaaaand another off-focus pity breaker, meet nr. 4:


I guess Lene gets Wo Dao+ after all. Ok IS, that was fun, can I please have my focus units now? Please?

Another pitybreaker? Well Wo Dao is nice >_> Hope this pitybreaking ends~ Red is such an evil color~

8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm about to fucking give up. Almost every session I go into has no fucking red. And I still can't believe IS hasn't implemented a fix to this problem (sessions lacking the color you want to pull).

EDIT: And when I finally do get a single red, Leo pitybreaks me. This isn't even the TT banner.

I don't think IS can do anything about that, it's not really a "problem", it's just random~ It isn't as if the game know what color you want to pull.

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5 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I don't think IS can do anything about that, it's not really a "problem", it's just random~ It isn't as if the game know what color you want to pull.

They can though. They can either change it to where each session always has at least one of each color or they can allow you to back out of a session without doing any summoning. I'd prefer the latter. You might argue "but people would then just back out until they get a full session of the color they want" but that isn't really practical, and they'd probably end up passing up a ton of red or blue or whatever color they're going for before they actually do hit a session of all red or all blue. And do they really want to pass up all those summons that very well might be the unit they're looking for?

I feel you Mau, I've just gotten my fourth pitybreaker trying for HS Elise too.

Edited by Anacybele
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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

They can though. They can either change it to where each session always has at least one of each color or they can allow you to back out of a session without doing any summoning. I'd prefer the latter. You might argue "but people would then just back out until they get a full session of the color they want" but that isn't really practical, and they'd probably end up passing up a ton of red or blue or whatever color they're going for before they actually do hit a session of all red or all blue. And do they really want to pass up all those summons that very well might be the unit they're looking for?

I feel you Mau, I've just gotten my fourth pitybreaker trying for HS Elise too.

The first wouldn't really solve anything, if someone is sniping for one color, having sessions where they're forced to get every color would hinder them more than help~ I wouldn't mind being able to back out of Sessions without doing anything but that would begin to feel like a waste of Orbs since you have to spend 5 to start a session. I don't think anyone would keep backing out until they got a full one color session because they realistically wouldn't skip even just one of the color they want, but I still don't think that would end up very fruitful because of the 5 Orbs it costs to start a session.

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2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

The first wouldn't really solve anything, if someone is sniping for one color, having sessions where they're forced to get every color would hinder them more than help~ I wouldn't mind being able to back out of Sessions without doing anything but that would begin to feel like a waste of Orbs since you have to spend 5 to start a session. I don't think anyone would keep backing out until they got a full one color session because they realistically wouldn't skip even just one of the color they want, but I still don't think that would end up very fruitful because of the 5 Orbs it costs to start a session.

I thought you only had to have at least 5 orbs handy to start a session, not actually use them to start. It looked to me like you only actually used the orbs when you started summoning.

2 hours ago, Mau said:

Ugh red really is the worst color when it comes to pity breakers :/

Yeah, seems to be the case. :/ Though I like the Zelgius I got. So at least not all of my pitybreakers were useless. I can hang onto Leo for next time I need QR too.

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I said earlier that I wouldn't pull from Julia's banner anymore, but I'm iffy on whether I want to bother with the Mythic banner after the disaster with L!Azura, so might as well try to get Julia another merge. Starting with 57 orbs.

  1. 3* Sheena: Meh.
  2. 3* Gunter: No thanks.
  3. 3* Lukas: SP fodder.

That was worthless. 44 orbs left.

  1. 3* Raven: Eh. Not going to bother with blues anymore. Tailtiu can come as a 4* anyway.

Onward and hopefully upward. 39 orbs left.

  1. 3* Arthur: Swap fodder.
  2. 5* F!Kana: I guess someone else is getting the merge then. This copy's +Atk/-HP is marginally worse than the original's +Atk/-Res IMO, so that's that. Now to get the rest of the set as I like to do.
  3. 3* Femui: Meh.
  4. 4* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.
  5. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder. It's been a while.

Okay, I've definitely pushed my luck too far now. It's not often Julia shows up on a banner, but I already got two merges for her. That'll have to do.

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Tried for Tibarn on Laguz banner these last few days. Built up to 3.75% while getting I think 3 Reds, then got +RES/-SPD Sumia today. This would be mildly annoying, but I have another Sumia so I can neutralize the bane next month (once I figure out whether +HP or +RES is better for Sumia).

Not gonna keep going on it now, gonna put the remaining TT+ orbs toward either this month’s Mythic Banner, next month’s Legendary Banner, or March’s Binding Blade Banner, depending on whether the former two hold anything of interest to me.

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I thought you only had to have at least 5 orbs handy to start a session, not actually use them to start. It looked to me like you only actually used the orbs when you started summoning.

You do only lose the Orbs when you actually Summon but you can't choose a Banner without at least 5 Orbs. Those 5 Orbs go to the first stone you select to Summon, so it's not taking 5 from you twice~

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

You do only lose the Orbs when you actually Summon but you can't choose a Banner without at least 5 Orbs. Those 5 Orbs go to the first stone you select to Summon, so it's not taking 5 from you twice~

Yeah, exactly. So you don't lose the orbs if you could just back out of the session without summoning, like I said. You only lose the orbs when you actually do a summon.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, exactly. So you don't lose the orbs if you could just back out of the session without summoning, like I said. You only lose the orbs when you actually do a summon.

That's because you're thinking of our current system. If they allowed you to back out without doing anything, they would then take 5 Orbs from you and you wouldn't get anything. The reason they force you to stay is so you're not wasting 5 Orbs every time you enter a session.

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2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

That's because you're thinking of our current system. If they allowed you to back out without doing anything, they would then take 5 Orbs from you and you wouldn't get anything. The reason they force you to stay is so you're not wasting 5 Orbs every time you enter a session.

But that doesn't make sense to me when it only takes 5 orbs from you when you actually summon, like we said. Currently, it's a waste of orbs to be forced to pull on a color you don't want.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

But that doesn't make sense to me when it only takes 5 orbs from you when you actually summon, like we said.

Look at the Summon screen, when you press Summon, it says "Redeem the following to Summon a Hero"~ You're automatically choosing to use 5 of your Orbs to Summon a Hero, but you still need those Orbs to get in. If you didn't have 5 Orbs to select at least one Stone, you wouldn't be allowed to start the session in the first place because you're choosing to actually Summon a Hero.

So if they made it so you could potentially enter and back out without doing anything, they would still have to charge you the 5 Orbs to start the Session at all, you would just be denying your choice at a Hero by leaving.

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

Look at the Summon screen, when you press Summon, it says "Redeem the following to Summon a Hero"~ You're automatically choosing to use 5 of your Orbs to Summon a Hero, but you still need those Orbs to get in. If you didn't have 5 Orbs to select at least one Stone, you wouldn't be allowed to start the session in the first place because you're choosing to actually Summon a Hero.

So if they made it so you could potentially enter and back out without doing anything, they would still have to charge you the 5 Orbs to start the Session at all, you would just be denying your choice at a Hero by leaving.

Yes, but the orbs don't actually get used until you summon. So I'm saying it shouldn't be hard to change the system a bit to allow players to back out of a session without summoning or using orbs.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yes, but the orbs don't actually get used until you summon. So I'm saying it shouldn't be hard to change the system a bit to allow players to back out of a session without summoning or using orbs.

But that would mean you would be able to start Summons for free, which I'm sure IS is not going to do. Like we said, without the 5 Orbs, you can't enter at all, even if they don't get spent until you select a Hero to Summon. Because the way it current works is that you're not entering just to see the Stones, you've already selected to Summon a Hero regardless of which Stones are there. Changing to allow us to back out without Summoning a Hero would just be a waste of the 5 Orbs because of how the Summoning Sessions work.

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3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

But that would mean you would be able to start Summons for free, which I'm sure IS is not going to do. Like we said, without the 5 Orbs, you can't enter at all, even if they don't get spent until you select a Hero to Summon. Because the way it current works is that you're not entering just to see the Stones, you've already selected to Summon a Hero regardless of which Stones are there. Changing to allow us to back out without Summoning a Hero would just be a waste of the 5 Orbs because of how the Summoning Sessions work.

You're still missing the point. They're not free when you still need to have at least 5 orbs in your inventory to start one. So if you have zero, you have to buy orbs to start one.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You're still missing the point. They're not free when you still need to have at least 5 orbs in your inventory to start one. So if you have zero, you have to buy orbs to start one.

But that is the point. If you don't have 5 Orbs, you can't start a Session. But when you do start that Session, you are already choosing to Summon a Hero. If IS were to change the System that would allow you to back out without Summoning, then you would be choosing to Summon a Hero with 5 Orbs, but then leave without Summoning one. They wouldn't give the Orbs back to you because that would mean you can enter and leave the Session without paying anything (that's what I meant by free).

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