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My first circle literally gave me five 3-stars. Yuck.

However, the second circle gave me a neutral HS!Elincia! I am very happy.

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Going to hold off on Duma's banner until the BHB one gives me something. 21 orbs right now, enough for one set.

  1. 4* Cain: Bleh.
  2. 3* Selena: More Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Donnel: Garbage.
  4. 4* Arthur: Also garbage.

That was a waste of 17 orbs.

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First summon and we done for the week. Two greys, one was Felicia and the other was +Hp, -Res Duma. Now let’s see what that valentines banner is bringing before I pull more on this banner.



Edited by Vicious Sal
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300 orbs spent on the Mythic banner - more than what I actually planned, but I'll stop now.

  • Legendary Tiki(Atk+, Def-) - she's new. Def is superbane, but overall nice.
  • Legendary Ike(Atk+, Hp-) - seems like I can't avoid him. With the merge changes, this could be quite useful though.
  • Brave Ephraim(Res+, Hp-)  - another dupe, but Res is superboon, so he can be saved for merge. Atk+, Spd- would be perfect though.
  • Brave Ephraim(Hp+, Atk-) - just no. What am I going to do with you?
  • Dancer Ryoma(Atk+, Res-) - perfect IV for a unit I already had as vanilla. Game, please.
  • Loki(Atk+, Spd-) - this can be good.

I rolled all 3 units from the banner that I already had, Ephraim twice too. Only 2 new units which is disappointing, but other than that I shouldn't feel bad. But it's already 300 orbs, I need to call quits.

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So a new banner with characters I don't particularly care for...


Pulled free colourless and got 3 star Priscilla :/ fodder I guess?


Then like the idiot that I am I decide to yolo a second pull and got...



Not sure on the IVs but I don't see me using her anytime soon

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I got pretty lucky this time! I am so happy! My results are in the Spoiler Tab.


Screenshot-20190130-073339.png  Summer Linde was the first one. She is +Res -Hp. Not bad. I foddered a Summer Linde last month, so it's good to have her back.

Screenshot-20190130-073345.png  Loki was next, in a 8% circle. +Def -Hp. It hurts her Thokk, but it's better than the one I already have, which is +Def -Atk.

Screenshot-20190130-073350.png  In my final circle, Duma appeared! +Spd -Hp. Pretty bad IVs, but I will take it. You are so welcome to my team, God of Strength.

I got 3 Focus units, one of them being Duma, with 70 orbs... and without the need to sell my soul for the Duma Faithful! I am happy with my results. I will stop my summons, because I don't have more orbs and I already summoned my target, Duma.


3 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Got +SPD/-HP Summer Linde and +ATK/-RES Legendary Tiki in 35 Orbs, so I think it paid off.

Great! Two good units with only 35 orbs! Good job!

3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

However, the second circle gave me a neutral HS!Elincia! I am very happy.

Congrats for your neutral Hot Springs Hoshido Summer Elincia.

2 hours ago, Zelgius said:

My free summon on the Duma banner got me Laegjarn (-att/+SPD).

Great! Congrats for your Laegjarn. I would like to summon one of her, to give R Duel my Aversa, but I don't plan to spend more orbs on this banner.

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Summoning with 135 orbs, guess what I got? Two Ikes ... 

Ouch... At least you didn't spend your orbs for nothing, I guess... Good luck next time. The sun always shines after the storm

2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

First summon and we done for the week. Two greys, one was Felicia and the other was +Hp, -Res Duma.

Congrats for your early Duma. The last mine I got the Legendary/Mythic Hero on the first circle was on Gunnthrá's Legendary Banner, which I got her on the 3rd orb.

1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

300 orbs spent on the Mythic banner - more than what I actually planned, but I'll stop now.

  • Legendary Tiki(Atk+, Def-) - she's new. Def is superbane, but overall nice.
  • Legendary Ike(Atk+, Hp-) - seems like I can't avoid him. With the merge changes, this could be quite useful though.
  • Brave Ephraim(Res+, Hp-)  - another dupe, but Res is superboon, so he can be saved for merge. Atk+, Spd- would be perfect though.
  • Brave Ephraim(Hp+, Atk-) - just no. What am I going to do with you?
  • Dancer Ryoma(Atk+, Res-) - perfect IV for a unit I already had as vanilla. Game, please.
  • Loki(Atk+, Spd-) - this can be good.

You got good units on your summons... Not the best IVs for some of them, but they can be useful. Congrats!

31 minutes ago, Stroud said:

Only did free summon with nothing worth mentioning. I will wait for Duma to appear on a better legendary banner. And I need to save up anyway.

The next time Duma will appear will be Late May, with Legendary Eirika, Legendary Tiki and Legendary Lyn (not that much difference from this banner), but May's Banner will be another Mythic Hero Banner, so 2 of them in one banner is pretty good. Good luck in your future summons.


Edited by Diovani Bressan
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2 hours ago, KongDude said:

Hey I recommend checking these out for some adorable illustrations


They are really adorable! Too bad we only have the illustrations for the Legendary/Mythic Heroes.


marth-hero-king-pop04.pngMarth: Yay! I killed a dwagon!


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36 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You got good units on your summons... Not the best IVs for some of them, but they can be useful. Congrats!

I agree, nice to see you got Duma, he'll defineately help you in the Aether Raids.

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I demolished Duma's maps, so I'm back up to 25 orbs thanks to some extra Chain Challenges. Another set, go!

  1. 4* Olivia: Mediocre.
  2. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Chrom: SP fodder.
  4. 4* Est: Feathers.
  5. 3* Peri: More feathers.

Stupid game...

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Went for blue and colorless on the Duma banner and 50 orbs in I got a Loki. She’s +Res -Spd so I’ll merge her on my previous +Res -Atk and wait for the update to nullify her bane. Done with the banner for now. 

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Ouch... At least you didn't spend your orbs for nothing, I guess... Good luck next time. The sun always shines after the storm

3 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Yeah, you are right. Would have been nice to get something new though. 

Congrats on your pulls, that's what I was aiming for (Loki & Duma), also in few orbs. Very cool. 

Don't need Duma anyway now that I've beaten him senseless.


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This banner was downright stupid... I summoned all eleven focus units at least twice before Duma showed up even once.

I accidentally summoned enough Kliffs to +10 merge him if I wanted to, and eventually I began sniping Colorless to try and get Duma easier, and instead I manage to +10 merge Summer Linde to??? And I even have a few copies left of both afterwards for skill inheritance (thank god the both of them have skills worth foddering for)...

And Duma didn't even have the decency to be a good nature. He's +HP -Def, which might as well be neutral for what it's worth.

Uuuugh... well whatever, what's done is done, and I got out with a number of now powerful units, each with at least one merge to eliminate the flaw in... what, two weeks?

  • Legendary Ike: +Res -HP (same)
  • Laegjarn: +Atk -HP (prev +D -A)
  • Legendary Eirika: +Spd -Atk (new)
  • Kliff: +Spd -Res (prev +A -H)
  • Maiougi Ryoma: +Spd -HP (new)
  • Legendary Tiki: +Atk -Res (prev +H -A)
  • Maiougi Elincia: +Spd -HP (new)
  • Brave Ephraim: +Atk -Spd (prev +A -R)
  • Legendary Lyn: +Spd -Def (new)
  • Summer Linde: +Atk -Res (prev +H -A)
  • Loki: +Spd -Def (new)

For anyone keeping up, I now only have two normal summoning pool and two Legendary heroes left to summon (Zelgius and Male Grima, Hrid and Female Grima), as well as a number of seasonal units. Once that's over, it'll just be getting all the 3*, 4*, and Heroic Grail units to 5* and I can call my army complete and focus completely on powering up.

...man, I'm not looking forward to all the new units coming so soon...

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26 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

This was great! I liked that you ended Duma with Alm. Well played! This map was made for Fliers...

Anyway, I was working on my defensive team... And Duma + 3 allies with Anima Blessing (2  Anima blessed units and 1 Earth Legendary Hero, which is consider as a Anima blessed unit because we are on Earth/Water Season) reduce my Defense Lift Loss from -80 to -68, a total of -12. It's not a huge difference, but it's something. If I had another Duma, the reduction would be higher (-24), but I will not try for another one. Maybe if I get lucky and summon another Duma in the May's Banner.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

This was great! I liked that you ended Duma with Alm. Well played! This map was made for Fliers...


Thanks! Yeah funnily Alm was the best choice for that kill. 

1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Anyway, I was working on my defensive team... And Duma + 3 allies with Anima Blessing (2  Anima blessed units and 1 Earth Legendary Hero, which is consider as a Anima blessed unit because we are on Earth/Water Season) reduce my Defense Lift Loss from -80 to -68, a total of -12. It's not a huge difference, but it's something. If I had another Duma, the reduction would be higher (-24), but I will not try for another one. Maybe if I get lucky and summon another Duma in the May's Banner.

That was my idea too. L!'Hector would have been my offensive tank, but I didn't get Duma and the next light season will have only 5 days. I may as well wait for the next Mythic hero. 

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Congratulations everyone on your pulls! I can't quote everyone, need to finish my term paper, haha~

Well, Tiki is back~ I regretfully had to skip her before because I was saving for Halloween~ @daisy jane forced me to only spend 100 Orbs on this Banner so that was my goal~ Had to get this out of the way because I need to dedicate the rest of my time to Tiki and Duma's Abyssal maps. First 5* was this guy


Nice, I wanted some food for Ducklese and here he is~

Went a little further and got


OK cool, guess he knew I intended to feed him to a smol loli and wasn't about that life, so he is back~ Both are -HP, +Atk so I imagine he ALSO knew I have been dying for a Blue Dancer for Dancer Emblem since forever, so I guess I'll keep him~

Other goodies were some Tailtiu and Nowi merges but after I reached my 100 Orb limit, I ended up on a 8.50% pity rate and I just figured I'd spend until my rate broke~ It was about 30 orbs later aaannddd



SHE IS HERE! Neutral L!Tiki! Finally, the Blue Manakete reign of terror over my head is over~  

So I'm done with this Banner~ Linde would also be some good food, but I'm fine stopping here~ Went only a little over my limit and I got fine IVs so I'm good~

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