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Did one final pull from Yune's Mythic banner and actually got pretty lucky! I got another Halloween Mia that I'm either gonna merge into my +Atk H. Mia, or use for skill fodder. I also got Yune with an +Atk asset/boon.

Now to wait and see what the April 10th banner is.

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Well since everyone and their mom got Yune other than me, I guess I will have to remain bitter about that until her rerun in August/September or October/November/December. (June being way too busy with all those seasonals)

It's funny, I should really be happy right now. And I was actually when I did my session today:

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane


I finally got L!Ryouma. (+Spd -Res even) After way over 600 orbs spent trying to get him, he is finally here. And I was happy about it for like a minute, before I remembered just how many resources I wasted and how many banners I had to skip out on for this. And now I just feel exhausted. Not to mention, I can't help but think of all the people who consistently have an easier time in getting who they want. Not just on these banners, but in general.

I know someone with a lot of the same faves, who got both Sakunyan and L!Ryouma as free pulls. Who got Micaiah in 5 orbs (when she was scared, since she only had 10), and proudly presented me with her Yune the day this banner launched. Meanwhile I had to fight tooth and nail for the former two and still don't have the latter. It's just hard not to feel resentful with this game. 

Oh well, I hope I can cheer up while leveling this guy. I should really just stop being so petty and be happy with what I have. It'd be better for much for me and my emotional state in general.

Edited by Nanima
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14 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Well since everyone and their mom got Yune other than me, I guess I will have to remain bitter about that until her rerun in August/September or October/November/December. (June being way too busy with all those seasonals)

It's funny, I should really be happy right now. And I was actually when I did my session today:

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane tumblr_ppdjnnqAj21ta965c_1280.pnj

I finally got L!Ryouma. (+Spd -Res even) After way over 600 orbs spent trying to get him, he is finally here. And I was happy about it for like a minute, before I remembered just how many resources I wasted and how many banners I had to skip out on for this. And now I just feel exhausted. Not to mention, I can't help but think of all the people who consistently have an easier time in getting who they want. Not just on these banners, but in general.

I know someone with a lot of the same faves, who got both Sakunyan and L!Ryouma as free pulls. Who got Micaiah in 5 orbs (when she was scared, since she only had 10), and proudly presented me with her Yune the day this banner launched. Meanwhile I had to fight tooth and nail for the former two and still don't have the latter. It's just hard not to feel resentful with this game. 

Oh well, I hope I can cheer up while leveling this guy. I should really just stop being so petty and be happy with what I have. It'd be better for much for me and my emotional state in general.

You're not the only one that unlucky.  Try waiting three years to get a unit and your friend pretty much gets the same unit in their first year of heroes.  That is the scale of unluck I have to work with.

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@Nanima I know the feeling all too well man, I was this close to just completely quitting the game after getting pity broken by a Legault (my second one too sakjlsdf) after 100+ orbs on Bownoka's banner, and that after my last 5* unit was Kliff (another unwanted pity breaker) on the Beasts banner, a whole month ago while having spent all orbs I have :/ And that after dealing with extreme bad color sharing luck (getting the unwanted unit thrice on two banners and not the wanted unit at all) and getting two -atk beasts. Yes, I was lucky as hell to get my fav Selkie with perfect IVs (and getting three beasts at all I guess) but man I sure had to pay for it. Your luck seems to be even worse though, sorry man :/

Seeing everyone else get everything they want for free or in just 35 orbs and all with perfect IVs too is maddening when you just continually have to deal with bad luck :( I decided to just throw every sad orb I still get for free these days at the leg banner to just get anything and finally got my first 4* Reyson so now I got something to care about still at least, so it keeps me playing for now.

Congrats on your L!Ryoma with good IVs though! :D I hope you did get something else too in those 600 orbs :( And nah it's fine to be 'petty', this game just sucks and it really feels like some people got more luck installed with this game than others which is just ugh. You just have to do quite some work to get all those orbs, and getting nothing in return for all that saving and wasted hours of grinding or solving a hard map is just extremely annoying.

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9 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

You're not the only one that unlucky.  Try waiting three years to get a unit and your friend pretty much gets the same unit in their first year of heroes.  That is the scale of unluck I have to work with.

The game's only been out for 2 years, (unless you meant that you'll have waited that long before you can try again? In which case, ouch) but yeah I get the feeling when it seems to take forever and a day to get a unit. I probably would have had to wait a very long time for my Takumi if I hadn't rerolled on day 1 until I got him. Life can be cruel. I hope you still get who you want though.

13 minutes ago, Mau said:

I know the feeling all too well man, I was this close to just completely quitting the game after getting pity broken by a Legault (my second one too sakjlsdf) after 100+ orbs on Bownoka's banner, and that after my last 5* unit was Kliff (another unwanted pity breaker) on the Beasts banner, a whole month ago while having spent all orbs I have :/ And that after dealing with extreme bad color sharing luck (getting the unwanted unit thrice on two banners and not the wanted unit at all) and getting two -atk beasts. Yes, I was lucky as hell to get my fav Selkie with perfect IVs (and getting three beasts at all I guess) but man I sure had to pay for it. Your luck seems to be even worse though, sorry man :/

If it makes you feel better, on Kinoka's debut banner I got pity broken by Jaffar after about 250 orbs spend. I got her in another 40, but you can imagine my levels of salt. Sorry to hear about your bad luck otherwise. Sometimes "At least you got them" doesn't help with getting over shitty IVs *looks at my -Atk Elincia*.

16 minutes ago, Mau said:

Seeing everyone else get everything they want for free or in just 35 orbs and all with perfect IVs too is maddening when you just continually have to deal with bad luck :( I decided to just throw every sad orb I still get for free these days at the leg banner to just get anything and finally got my first 4* Reyson so now I got something to care about still at least, so it keeps me playing for now.

 Congrats on your Reyson! He's an excellent unit and will help you out a lot. Finding joy in 4*s is sometimes the only recourse, but it doesn't have to be bad. (I myself am merging Reyson, so the copy I got between all the vendor trash made me feel better too)

24 minutes ago, Mau said:

Congrats on your L!Ryoma with good IVs though! :D I hope you did get something else too in those 600 orbs :( And nah it's fine to be 'petty', this game just sucks and it really feels like some people got more luck installed with this game than others which is just ugh. You just have to do quite some work to get all those orbs, and getting nothing in return for all that saving and wasted hours of grinding or solving a hard map is just extremely annoying.

Thanks. Yeah, those 600 were spent across multiple banners, so I got a few other things in between as well. 2 Tiki merges on his debut banner, Chill Defense fodder on the Lucina banner, 1 Laevatein and 2 Hrids on the Hrid banner, and now 1 H!Myrrh merge and Special Spiral for Ophelia. So when you look at this, the rate doesn't seem that bad. I just had bad luck in getting the man himself for so long. And thanks, your sympathy makes me feel much better about this. Now I can at least go back to saving orbs... for L!Tiki. haha;;; 

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@Nanima Glad I could make you feel a bit better :D

And man I actually would've been happy if it was a Jaffar instead since I want more merges on him haha. Instead I just get Sothes and Legaults, got two of both now D:< Really hope they both (and Jaffar too) demote in the near future, the daggers are just terrible pity breakers to get since there's just no useful fodder on them (nothing that isn't on their 4* versions as well at least).

And yeah I wanna merge Reyson too but he's a damn myth. I've been pulling green pretty much non-stop since he demoted and this is my first one sakjfsdf, it was almost as worse as not getting the 5* units I wanted haha. So glad I finally have him though, was still in need of a green unit on my beasts team since I also didn't get Kaden so now I got something to have fun with again.

Good to hear you did also get some other stuff for those orbs, if it was just trash that would've been extremely sad. Still annoying to continually not get what you want though, I know I've spend hundreds of orbs on Innes too across 4 banners before I finally got him, it's maddening -_-

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@Nanima Waiting to pull for said unit (Springcina) for the third time lucky. I seriously hope the game gives me regular Lucina soon because she is like the myth of myths to me.  And Grima merges so Grimmy can wreck stuff in chain challenges.

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1 hour ago, Mau said:

And man I actually would've been happy if it was a Jaffar instead since I want more merges on him haha. Instead I just get Sothes and Legaults, got two of both now D:< Really hope they both (and Jaffar too) demote in the near future, the daggers are just terrible pity breakers to get since there's just no useful fodder on them (nothing that isn't on their 4* versions as well at least).

It's just hard to appreciate a unit, when you are both not a fan of the character and skill and stat line are meh. But yeah, they really should demote all of these guys.

1 hour ago, Mau said:

And yeah I wanna merge Reyson too but he's a damn myth. I've been pulling green pretty much non-stop since he demoted and this is my first one sakjfsdf, it was almost as worse as not getting the 5* units I wanted haha. So glad I finally have him though, was still in need of a green unit on my beasts team since I also didn't get Kaden so now I got something to have fun with again.

Definitely, though I am also merging Soren, so my chances of getting a unit I want from green are even higher. Though most of the time, the game seems to think I plan on merging Titania or Bartre instead. Congrats on filling out the beast team!

1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

 Waiting to pull for said unit (Springcina) for the third time lucky. I seriously hope the game gives me regular Lucina soon because she is like the myth of myths to me.  And Grima merges so Grimmy can wreck stuff in chain challenges.

The banner is on right now, so are you waiting until the last day for better chances? Either way, good luck on getting both Spring! and Normal!Lucina, as well as Grima. 

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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

It's just hard to appreciate a unit, when you are both not a fan of the character and skill and stat line are meh. But yeah, they really should demote all of these guys.

Definitely, though I am also merging Soren, so my chances of getting a unit I want from green are even higher. Though most of the time, the game seems to think I plan on merging Titania or Bartre instead. Congrats on filling out the beast team!

The banner is on right now, so are you waiting until the last day for better chances? Either way, good luck on getting both Spring! and Normal!Lucina, as well as Grima. 

Grima is the most annoying to try to pull but I did get Springcina thanks to TT orbs and am saving for regular Lucina/Grima.

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48 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Grima is the most annoying to try to pull but I did get Springcina thanks to TT orbs and am saving for regular Lucina/Grima.

Congrats on your Springcina then and I hope both Grima and OG!Lucina show up soon. 

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Well I am probably done on this mythic banner. No Yune and no Halloween Myrrh. Those were whom I were interested in. More Myrrh than Yune though. Instead I drove up to 11+% and got a Celica. Then the remaining resources turned out an identical Celica and a Lewyn at about 9.5%.

So that was my run on this banner. Both of them are new to me. But like Nanima I am not particularly excited. May have been more so if the dupe was Lewyn since Special Spiral comes across as more interesting than DB4.

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Done with all these banners, just show us who's next. Legendary banner was overall okay, got pity broken on the Spring banner by Sothe so no 2019 bunnies for me. Legendary was a total two Lewyn, one Ophelia, and one LAzura. And then there was a freebie Karla that needs to give her Wrath to Laslow. Being f2p now kinda sucks after whaling so much before...

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5 hours ago, Nanima said:

Well since everyone and their mom got Yune other than me, I guess I will have to remain bitter about that until her rerun in August/September or October/November/December. (June being way too busy with all those seasonals)

It's funny, I should really be happy right now. And I was actually when I did my session today:


I finally got L!Ryouma. (+Spd -Res even) After way over 600 orbs spent trying to get him, he is finally here. And I was happy about it for like a minute, before I remembered just how many resources I wasted and how many banners I had to skip out on for this. And now I just feel exhausted. Not to mention, I can't help but think of all the people who consistently have an easier time in getting who they want. Not just on these banners, but in general.

I know someone with a lot of the same faves, who got both Sakunyan and L!Ryouma as free pulls. Who got Micaiah in 5 orbs (when she was scared, since she only had 10), and proudly presented me with her Yune the day this banner launched. Meanwhile I had to fight tooth and nail for the former two and still don't have the latter. It's just hard not to feel resentful with this game. 

Oh well, I hope I can cheer up while leveling this guy. I should really just stop being so petty and be happy with what I have. It'd be better for much for me and my emotional state in general.

I'm happy you got a good IV L!Ryoma finally after so long of trying for him! I surely would have given you mine if I could (though he's -Atk, I don't use him much myself, I doubt you would either) I wouldn't feel bed about being petty, we all get petty sometimes, nothing wrong with it. 

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7 hours ago, Nanima said:

Well since everyone and their mom got Yune other than me, I guess I will have to remain bitter about that until her rerun in August/September or October/November/December. (June being way too busy with all those seasonals)

It's funny, I should really be happy right now. And I was actually when I did my session today:

@mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane


I finally got L!Ryouma. (+Spd -Res even) After way over 600 orbs spent trying to get him, he is finally here. And I was happy about it for like a minute, before I remembered just how many resources I wasted and how many banners I had to skip out on for this. And now I just feel exhausted. Not to mention, I can't help but think of all the people who consistently have an easier time in getting who they want. Not just on these banners, but in general.

I know someone with a lot of the same faves, who got both Sakunyan and L!Ryouma as free pulls. Who got Micaiah in 5 orbs (when she was scared, since she only had 10), and proudly presented me with her Yune the day this banner launched. Meanwhile I had to fight tooth and nail for the former two and still don't have the latter. It's just hard not to feel resentful with this game. 

Oh well, I hope I can cheer up while leveling this guy. I should really just stop being so petty and be happy with what I have. It'd be better for much for me and my emotional state in general.

aww hon (HUGS). 
that's really the ugh about this game sometimes. Everytime I remember how many orbs it took to get ONE LAzura (whom i actually wanted to have merges in for Arena etc, plus i love Azura) and everyone else is just pooping 5*'s left right centre, with fantastic IVs, I am like really? seriously (and the worst bit is too that this banner didn't even give me fodder to work with, so not only do i have to try NOT to summon this month  (because i want to save up), but I have to hope i can get away with NOT doing SI on units either. (because I simply am very low on it. Like Everytime i get Mathilda i am sad because I LOVE Mathilda and this game decided to make her sucky) . And Let's not even talk about the fact that I still don't have a Regular Micaiah - and almost every single 5* Blue outside of Nephenee, Nailah and what I got on Legendary - is because i DON'T Have Micaiah (or now Lazura as she really upped my 5* pity count. I did get a -atk Azura prime so... yay i guess because who knows when SHE'LL have a banner).

You are 100 percent NOT ALONE in this feeling. (I actually STILL do not have a Ryoma. and while people complain how Robin had so many banners. Guess who doesn't have a Robin *points to self). or my heartbreak everytime someone gets a Flying Olivia pitybreak (or free pull),complaints about it - and I am like. I would love. just one (right now, my only one - +spd (or atk)-res, yes i'm greedy, but still) because who knows if she'll ever have a banner  and the two times she was available, i got nothing. and 3 summer tanas. I wanted Mia, still nothing. This game can royal bite the biscuit a lot of the time. 

So i always feel - get upset, because that's what it is like when you sacrifice and don't get good stuff,  or it finally comes and it's like cruddy ivs, etc but i know for me, I'm just gonna figure out other ways how to make myself better - its the only thing that i can. I still enjoy it. I HOPE I can eventually get a +atk Caeda. LOL (or other stuff), but it's also quite okay to feel the sourness too. i think it's normal. if you ever wanna talk and vent etc, i am only but a PM away. 

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This banner dragged me that much that I decided to buy some orbs. It ended with a second Kagerou and Yune. Latter is +res which is perfect! It was a fantastic banner for me overall, especially since green was the most common colour (for the very first time ever).

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2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I'm happy you got a good IV L!Ryoma finally after so long of trying for him! I surely would have given you mine if I could (though he's -Atk, I don't use him much myself, I doubt you would either) I wouldn't feel bed about being petty, we all get petty sometimes, nothing wrong with it. 

Thanks, yeah trading would be a good measure to implement, but I doubt we'll see that happen. But I do appreciate the offer! After so long, I really wouldn't have minded the IVs and tried to make the best use of him.

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, congrats! I know it's hard to get what you want. But think of someone who tried to get a +SPD Ryoma. You might spend thousands of orbs before that happens.

That's a good way of looking at it, especially after what happened to me with Senkura. lol

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

aww hon (HUGS). 
that's really the ugh about this game sometimes. Everytime I remember how many orbs it took to get ONE LAzura (whom i actually wanted to have merges in for Arena etc, plus i love Azura) and everyone else is just pooping 5*'s left right centre, with fantastic IVs, I am like really? seriously (and the worst bit is too that this banner didn't even give me fodder to work with, so not only do i have to try NOT to summon this month  (because i want to save up), but I have to hope i can get away with NOT doing SI on units either. (because I simply am very low on it. Like Everytime i get Mathilda i am sad because I LOVE Mathilda and this game decided to make her sucky) . And Let's not even talk about the fact that I still don't have a Regular Micaiah - and almost every single 5* Blue outside of Nephenee, Nailah and what I got on Legendary - is because i DON'T Have Micaiah (or now Lazura as she really upped my 5* pity count. I did get a -atk Azura prime so... yay i guess because who knows when SHE'LL have a banner).

You are 100 percent NOT ALONE in this feeling. (I actually STILL do not have a Ryoma. and while people complain how Robin had so many banners. Guess who doesn't have a Robin *points to self). or my heartbreak everytime someone gets a Flying Olivia pitybreak (or free pull),complaints about it - and I am like. I would love. just one (right now, my only one - +spd (or atk)-res, yes i'm greedy, but still) because who knows if she'll ever have a banner  and the two times she was available, i got nothing. and 3 summer tanas. I wanted Mia, still nothing. This game can royal bite the biscuit a lot of the time. 

So i always feel - get upset, because that's what it is like when you sacrifice and don't get good stuff,  or it finally comes and it's like cruddy ivs, etc but i know for me, I'm just gonna figure out other ways how to make myself better - its the only thing that i can. I still enjoy it. I HOPE I can eventually get a +atk Caeda. LOL (or other stuff), but it's also quite okay to feel the sourness too. i think it's normal. if you ever wanna talk and vent etc, i am only but a PM away. 

Thank you for the very thoughtful reply. I agree that these feelings are pretty universal, but it often feels lonely when we usually only hear about other people's successes. Anyway, I have calmed down now (it's not anything very serious after all. Just a mobile game). The rant was mostly just the initial realization of "This is what it took" crashing down, but now I've moved past it and am pretty happy with my Ryouma. Again, thanks for the very thoughtful reply!

On a final note:


He knows what he has done.

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4 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Thank you for the very thoughtful reply. I agree that these feelings are pretty universal, but it often feels lonely when we usually only hear about other people's successes. Anyway, I have calmed down now (it's not anything very serious after all. Just a mobile game). The rant was mostly just the initial realization of "This is what it took" crashing down, but now I've moved past it and am pretty happy with my Ryouma. Again, thanks for the very thoughtful reply!

On a final note:


He knows what he has done.

haha and it suits him. 
and of course :) trust me i understand. and that's why when i post in here, i always do the sucky, sucky. as well as the happy happy. i got Hinoka in 4 orbs. yaaaaayy. 
it took me. over 1080 orbs get get Lazura. and my friends basically +10'ed her in less orbs before i got one. 

game sucks butt at times 

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Fresh out of of orbs and won’t have enough pull tomorrow. I was going for Yune but wound up with two Lewyns instead. I’m probably gonna save one in case I ever get a Sonya (really she should be in the demote list if we ever get a mass demotion...) for special spiral, but I’m not sure what I want to do with the other...Odd Atk Wave could be hilarious overkill on Celica or mesh perfectly with Nino’s prf, or maybe I should save him as well for someone who’d appreciate special spiral.

Gonna try and start saving for either the June legendary banner for another shot at Yune or for when Leanne gets a banner, at least as long as none of the upcoming banners are super interesting.

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Well I kept summoning until I got another 5* from the Leg/Myth Banner like I said I would and I finally ended up with one.


Unfortunately, not the colors I wanted to summon on, but I did get my first Ophelia out of this. Decided to just go ahead and finish up the rest of the circle anyway and...


H!Myrrh appeared! Of the 3 reds I’m happy it was her because L!Ryoma is uninteresting to me and I already have a serviceable Brave Celica (though I wouldn’t have minded DB4 fodder)

They both came with fantastic natures too as Ophelia was +spd/-def and Myrrh was +res/-spd so lucky me. Best luck I’ve had with a Leg/Myth Banner ever.

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Sigh still no luck for me sadly. Managed another 20 orbs today only to get the worst of the worst:

  • 4* Merric
  • 4* Lachesis
  • 4* Cecilia
  • 3* Azama

Spend hours trying to solve Yune on Infernal for another 4 orbs so I had one last chance for:

  • 3* Frederick

And a 9% pity rate :( Oh well, back to waiting till my luck finally returns from the war. I better get at least 3 L!Hectors next leg banner to make up for a 5* Legault being my only 5* in the whole of March D:<

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@NegativeExponents- Congrats! Two very cool new units! Have fun with them.

Who was your primary goal on this banner?


My primary goals were either Yune or H!Mia, but 2 Lewyns, an Ophelia, and Myrrh are a good trade-off. Especially those two Lewyns.

I’ll just have to hope for the best next time they appear.

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