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Okay barracks suddenly filled up too fast for my orbs to keep up, so I need to clear some space soon with some inheritance.

A few questions:

1. I've got a spare 5 star Klein. I'm thinking of inheriting either Brave Bow+ or Quick Riposte 3 (to complete Xander's QR2) but sort of leaning to the Brave Bow+ so I don't have to promote my single Gordin for inheritance. Would the weapon be better for neutral Brave Lyn or for +Atk/-HP Jeorge (who I have to promote first, then merge with my current 5 star +Def/-HP Jeorge)? I have a feeling Lyn is better but I guess I just wanted second opinion if Jeorge is worth investing at all, since I don't hear too much from him compared to Klein/Takumi.

2. If I do go for Brave Lyn, should I replace Sacae's Blessing? Is it better to use Desperation or Cancel Affinity? Which is better for arena defense, Sacae's Blessing or CA?

3. Another Nowi question, but this time for my main who only has 2 Nowis. Which do I get rid of, -Atk/+HP or -Def/+HP? She's more of an enemy phase unit though right, so would the -Def be really bad?

4. For -Atk/+Spd Ninian, what's a more important A skill, Fury or Triangle Adept? I'm kind of low on level 3 skill fodder on each, so either one is a possibility up to level 2. 

5. Looking for suggestions on builds for -Res/+Atk Amelia. Not sure what to do with her, but definitely want Armor March on her for an Armour team with Hector and Black Knight/Effie. I may try a 3 armours + bonus unit for Arena once I finish levelling her up, but what would be a good set in the arena context?  (Hopefully her extra BST compensates for running PA!Olivia?)

6. I've been using a -Def/+Atk Cecilia as my 4 star merge but realised I have a -Def/+Spd one at 3 star. Is it better to have a +Spd Cecilia instead of +Atk for the merge base? Using her as a Gronnblade unit.

Edited by mcsilas
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So I've been lucky with this performing arts banner and I got an Olivia +spd/-def and a Shigure +res/-def. What kind of builds could I do if I want to use them for AA? I know the usual WoM for the B slot, but does it have to be WoM3 or will WoM2 suffice? Only got 1 fodder for WoM3 and was planning on giving it to my PA! Azura. I might keep the weapons for both of them cause I kinda like the idea of them being a healer & support at the same time. On that note, what A slot & specials should I be using for the 2?

Another thing, would watersweep be useful for Olivia since I got a +spd boon? I've seen builds using windsweep but I don't have alm and I was just wondering if watersweep could be just as useful?

Edited by ScarletSylph
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7 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

Clearly it's time to come to the big leagues and go all out with -blade TA-3 just to fight Reinhardt.

Nah I’ll whip out my +HP Panic Ploy Hector and make Inigo his Private Dancer

I’d promote Alfonse but I don’t have Reposition

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Smokestack, what are you smoking?

28 Atk (base) + 7 Atk (Gronnraven) = 35 Atk.
35 Atk × 1.4 (Triangle Adept) = 49 Atk.
49 Atk − 25 Res (Reinhardt) = 24 damage.

None of my calcs used Triangle Adept.

To be fair, the confusion came from mentioning neither Triangle Adept nor which Gronnraven was used.

Thought you were smoking something because you magically produced 1 extra damage from thin air

4 hours ago, XRay said:

@MrSmokestack, if you do not mind sharing, I want some of that too.

I’m clean I swear

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14 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

So I've been lucky with this performing arts banner and I got an Olivia +spd/-def and a Shigure +res/-def. What kind of builds could I do if I want to use them for AA? I know the usual WoM for the B slot, but does it have to be WoM3 or will WoM2 suffice? Only got 1 fodder for WoM3 and was planning on giving it to my PA! Azura. I might keep the weapons for both of them cause I kinda like the idea of them being a healer & support at the same time. On that note, what A slot & specials should I be using for the 2?

Another thing, would watersweep be useful for Olivia since I got a +spd boon? I've seen builds using windsweep but I don't have alm and I was just wondering if watersweep could be just as useful?

I've been using WoM 2 since I rarely pull Cains, so WoM 2 is better than nothing.

Azura might like it better though since she has no natural B slot, so Olivia/Shigure can probably use their B skill dance buffs for now if you want to use the SP.

As for Watersweep, as fun as that would be I would personally just have the mobility skill like WoM for the B slot (or Blaze Dance if no more WoM fodder). It could be decent if you give Olivia Poison Dagger+ for an anti-mage build, but I'd rather have her focus on dancing rather than attacking. A lot of the mages like having Speed buffs, so I'm not sure if Olivia's +Spd is enough when they are fully buffed.

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4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Is that Reinhardt assumed to be using Blarblade+ instead of Dire Thunder? Because from the calcs I did, Dire Thunder Reinhardt (+Atk, Death Blow 3, QP Moonbow, buffed by Hone Cav and two Goad Cavs) can't kill TA3 -Res Inigo even if the former is a +10 5*. Besides, this is kinda a moot point as my arena scoring tier isn't near high enough (to put it in other words, I'm not someone who can stay in Tier 20 for more than a week) to where I'm at risk of running into +10 5*s though I suppose I could run into +10 4* Reinhardts. Though yeah, I am more inclined to give TA3 to Julia at this point if I'm to use him at all.

3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

35 Atk (Reinhardt [+Atk]) + 9 Atk (Dire Thunder) + 6 Atk (Death Blow 3) + 6 Atk (Hone Cavalry) = 56 Atk.
56 Atk × 0.6 (Triangle Adept 3) = 34 Atk.
34 Atk − 17 Res (Inigo [-Res]) = 17 damage.

17 Res × 0.3 (Moonbow) = 5 damage.

17 damage + 17 damage + 5 damage = 39 damage.

Inigo has 33/37/40 HP, meaning he'll only survive if he's +HP.

A merged Reinhardt kills Inigo [+HP]. You basically need Fortify Res to guarantee Inigo doesn't just straight up die.

I used the calculator (so much easier, I am not doing math by hand unless I really have to), and Inigo [-Res] cannot survive a fully pimped Reinhardt. If you do not see fully pimped Reinhardts often, I suppose you can give Triangle Adept to Inigo when you get more.

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Okay barracks suddenly filled up too fast for my orbs to keep up, so I need to clear some space soon with some inheritance.

A few questions:

1. I've got a spare 5 star Klein. I'm thinking of inheriting either Brave Bow+ or Quick Riposte 3 (to complete Xander's QR2) but sort of leaning to the Brave Bow+ so I don't have to promote my single Gordin for inheritance. Would the weapon be better for neutral Brave Lyn or for +Atk/-HP Jeorge (who I have to promote first, then merge with my current 5 star +Def/-HP Jeorge)? I have a feeling Lyn is better but I guess I just wanted second opinion if Jeorge is worth investing at all, since I don't hear too much from him compared to Klein/Takumi.

2. If I do go for Brave Lyn, should I replace Sacae's Blessing? Is it better to use Desperation or Cancel Affinity? Which is better for arena defense, Sacae's Blessing or CA?

3. Another Nowi question, but this time for my main who only has 2 Nowis. Which do I get rid of, -Atk/+HP or -Def/+HP? She's more of an enemy phase unit though right, so would the -Def be really bad?

4. For -Atk/+Spd Ninian, what's a more important A skill, Fury or Triangle Adept? I'm kind of low on level 3 skill fodder on each, so either one is a possibility up to level 2. 

5. Looking for suggestions on builds for -Res/+Atk Amelia. Not sure what to do with her, but definitely want Armor March on her for an Armour team with Hector and Black Knight/Effie. I may try a 3 armours + bonus unit for Arena once I finish levelling her up, but what would be a good set in the arena context?  (Hopefully her extra BST compensates for running PA!Olivia?)

1. If I remember correctly, it goes Takumi > Jeorge > Klein. Takumi was the best non-limited archer and Klein is the cheapest usable archer right out the box. Jeorge is between Takumi and Klein in performance, but unlike Takumi since he was never the best and unlike Klein since he is just as expensive to build as Takumi. It is still worth building him, but only after you have built BH!Lyn, BB!Cordelia, Innes, Takumi, and maybe YS!Gaius if you have them.

2. For offense, Sacae's Blessing is fine. For defense, Cancel Affinity is better.

3. I would keep the -Def.

Nowi +HP
Lightning Breath, Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte
Enemy Phase [-Def] 115:12:49
Enemy Phase [-Atk] 97:8:71

4. It depends on what you want her to focus on. If you want her to have better survivability against everyone, Fury is better. If you want her to focus on walling reds, Triangle Adept is better. I would go with Fury first if you are not sure since Fury is cheaper than Triangle Adept in my opinion, unless you somehow managed to get more Roys than Hinatas in the future.

5. I would give Amelia a Brave Axe build.

Amelia +Atk -Res
Brave Axe, Luna
Life and Death, Desperation, Armor March
Player Phase 163:3:10

43 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

So I've been lucky with this performing arts banner and I got an Olivia +spd/-def and a Shigure +res/-def. What kind of builds could I do if I want to use them for AA? I know the usual WoM for the B slot, but does it have to be WoM3 or will WoM2 suffice? Only got 1 fodder for WoM3 and was planning on giving it to my PA! Azura. I might keep the weapons for both of them cause I kinda like the idea of them being a healer & support at the same time. On that note, what A slot & specials should I be using for the 2?

Another thing, would watersweep be useful for Olivia since I got a +spd boon? I've seen builds using windsweep but I don't have alm and I was just wondering if watersweep could be just as useful?

I would keep their B slot. I usually stick my Dancers/Singers near my teammates anyways so I rarely need to use Wings of Mercy. I would give them either Moonbow or a defensive Special. You can give Shigure Triangle Adept. Olivia's default skill set is fine.

As a Dancer, Olivia is better off with her Blaze Dance in my opinion since that is her niche. If she was just a regular old dagger user with nothing better to do, then Sweeps are fine. However, Watersweep is only fully unlocked at 5*, and Watersweep 2 is not very good in my opinion; even with Olivia's +Spd, she is not going to out-speed other Blade mages who also run +Spd and Fury/Life and Death.

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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I've been using WoM 2 since I rarely pull Cains, so WoM 2 is better than nothing.

Azura might like it better though since she has no natural B slot, so Olivia/Shigure can probably use their B skill dance buffs for now if you want to use the SP.

As for Watersweep, as fun as that would be I would personally just have the mobility skill like WoM for the B slot (or Blaze Dance if no more WoM fodder). It could be decent if you give Olivia Poison Dagger+ for an anti-mage build, but I'd rather have her focus on dancing rather than attacking. A lot of the mages like having Speed buffs, so I'm not sure if Olivia's +Spd is enough when they are fully buffed.

I don't think I will change her weapon for poison dagger since I really like the debuff her original weapon does. Guess I will skip out on the Watersweep. On a side note, I'm curious as to who would make good use of watersweep. I got a bunch of 4* sorens that are just sitting around in my barracks.

2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would keep their B slot. I usually stick my Dancers/Singers near my teammates anyways so I rarely need to use Wings of Mercy. I would give them either Moonbow or a defensive Special. You can give Shigure Triangle Adept. Olivia's default skill set is fine.

As a Dancer, Olivia is better off with her Blaze Dance in my opinion since that is her niche. If she was just a regular old dagger user with nothing better to do, then Sweeps are fine. However, Watersweep is only fully unlocked at 5*, and Watersweep 2 is not very good in my opinion; even with Olivia's +Spd, she is not going to out-speed other Blade mages who also run +Spd and Fury/Life and Death.

Will try using both their own B slots and WoM2 and see which I prefer. I don't mind spending the sp since warrior maps is around and I do have a lot of WoM2 fodders.

Does Shigure have other alternatives other than triangle adept? I don't have any TA3 fodder and not a lot of TA2 fodders left but if it is really necessary for his survivability then I am willing to have him inherit it.

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@XRay Cool, thanks for the advice! Any other cheap builds that use Slaying Axe for now though? (Kind of low on fodder right now but I will keep the Brave Axe build in mind since I pulled a 4 star Raven just then)

Also maybe you haven't seen it since I edited my post before, but is a +Spd/-Def Cecilia better than a +Atk/Def one for Gronnblade? (been using the latter for a while since her speed is usually low, but I just realised I had a +Spd one that I forgot).

Thanks always for the replies though!

@ScarletSylph How about Fury? That could boost up Shigure's low stats. Otherwise, if you just need a filler skill and are low on TA/Fury fodder like me, then maybe something like Speed +3 or HP+3 could suffice.

As for Watersweep, I've seen a Distant Defense, Windsweep Felicia build- so Watersweep could be a good substitute.

Otherwise, maybe pure debuffer units like +Spd Saizo/Clarisse's Bow Jeorge might be able to use it (Saizo especially since he hates being hit by mages). Or even better if Saizo/your dagger user has Poison Dagger+ to quickly delete that mage (maybe Gaius?).

That said I just merge my Sorens. Or use him for Fortify Res if needed,

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18 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

I don't think I will change her weapon for poison dagger since I really like the debuff her original weapon does. Guess I will skip out on the Watersweep. On a side note, I'm curious as to who would make good use of watersweep. I got a bunch of 4* sorens that are just sitting around in my barracks.

Will try using both their own B slots and WoM2 and see which I prefer. I don't mind spending the sp since warrior maps is around and I do have a lot of WoM2 fodders.

Does Shigure have other alternatives other than triangle adept? I don't have any TA3 fodder and not a lot of TA2 fodders left but if it is really necessary for his survivability then I am willing to have him inherit it.

For Watersweep, I would go with Felicia and Setsuna since they have the Speed to outspeed most mages to debuff them safely. For Windsweep, the previous two are good and Clarisse can also use it well too.

If you want general survivability, then Fury is better than Triangle Adept. I prefer Triangle Adept since he got [-Def, +Res] so he can specialize in tanking red mages.

9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@XRay Cool, thanks for the advice! Any other cheap builds that use Slaying Axe for now though? (Kind of low on fodder right now but I will keep the Brave Axe build in mind since I pulled a 4 star Raven just then)

Also maybe you haven't seen it since I edited my post before, but is a +Spd/-Def Cecilia better than a +Atk/Def one for Gronnblade? (been using the latter for a while since her speed is usually low, but I just realised I had a +Spd one that I forgot).

Thanks always for the replies though!

@ScarletSylph How about Fury? That could boost up Shigure's low stats. Otherwise, if you just need a filler skill and are low on TA/Fury fodder like me, then maybe something like Speed +3 or HP+3 could suffice.

As for Watersweep, I've seen a Distant Defense, Windsweep Felicia build- so Watersweep could be a good substitute.

Otherwise, maybe pure debuffer units like +Spd Saizo/Clarisse's Bow Jeorge might be able to use it (Saizo especially since he hates being hit by mages). Or even better if Saizo/your dagger user has Poison Dagger+ to quickly delete that mage (maybe Gaius?).

That said I just merge my Sorens. Or use him for Fortify Res if needed,

For Player Phase Slaying Axe, I would go with [Bonfire, Fury, Axebreaker/Desperation].

For Gronnblade, +Spd is better. Blade mages usually want +Spd, although the fastest Blade mages with access to Hone Movement buffs would go for +Atk.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

How about Fury? That could boost up Shigure's low stats. Otherwise, if you just need a filler skill and are low on TA/Fury fodder like me, then maybe something like Speed +3 or HP+3 could suffice.

As for Watersweep, I've seen a Distant Defense, Windsweep Felicia build- so Watersweep could be a good substitute.

Otherwise, maybe pure debuffer units like +Spd Saizo/Clarisse's Bow Jeorge might be able to use it (Saizo especially since he hates being hit by mages). Or even better if Saizo/your dagger user has Poison Dagger+ to quickly delete that mage (maybe Gaius?).

That said I just merge my Sorens. Or use him for Fortify Res if needed,


Just now, XRay said:

For Watersweep, I would go with Felicia and Setsuna since they have the Speed to outspeed most mages to debuff them safely. For Windsweep, I the previous two are good and Clarisse can also use it well too.

If you want general survivability, then Fury is better than Triangle Adept. I prefer Triangle Adept since he got [-Def, +Res] so he can specialize in tanking red mages.

I don't use Felicia, Setsuna, or Saizo xD I was never really a big fan of dagger users because of their low atk. Olivia is an exception because she is a dancer. I guess I will just hold onto the sorens. Don't really plan on merging since I have a 5* +spd one already built.

As for Shigure, I would probably stick fury 2 on him since I got no hinatas but a bunch of jagens and bartre. I want him to mainly survive a bit better in case I put him out of position singing for someone. 

One last question, could Luna work on Olivia? I've seen builds that uses Luna instead of Moonbow on Olivia.

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50 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:


I don't use Felicia, Setsuna, or Saizo xD I was never really a big fan of dagger users because of their low atk. Olivia is an exception because she is a dancer. I guess I will just hold onto the sorens. Don't really plan on merging since I have a 5* +spd one already built.

As for Shigure, I would probably stick fury 2 on him since I got no hinatas but a bunch of jagens and bartre. I want him to mainly survive a bit better in case I put him out of position singing for someone. 

One last question, could Luna work on Olivia? I've seen builds that uses Luna instead of Moonbow on Olivia.

I prefer Moonbow for quicker activation. Luna takes a little too long for my liking.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

35 Atk (Reinhardt [+Atk]) + 9 Atk (Dire Thunder) + 6 Atk (Death Blow 3) + 6 Atk (Hone Cavalry) = 56 Atk.
56 Atk × 0.6 (Triangle Adept 3) = 34 Atk.
34 Atk − 17 Res (Inigo [-Res]) = 17 damage.

17 Res × 0.3 (Moonbow) = 5 damage.

17 damage + 17 damage + 5 damage = 39 damage.

Inigo has 33/37/40 HP, meaning he'll only survive if he's +HP.

A merged Reinhardt kills Inigo [+HP]. You basically need Fortify Res to guarantee Inigo doesn't just straight up die.

HP just happens to my Inigo’s boon actually so I guess I’m good on that front if I do decide to give him TA3.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

HP just happens to my Inigo’s boon actually so I guess I’m good on that front if I do decide to give him TA3.

Inigo survives with only 1 HP left. You definitely want one of HP +3, Res +1, Distant Def 1, or someone to provide Fortify Res if you actually want to use him to counter kill Reinhardt since any number of shenanigans will give Reinhardt the edge in this match-up.

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Just pulled a random 5* Shanna from the free pull of the Threaten Speed banner.

She's got Desperation but I don't like to sack 5* units (never did, unless they were duplicates) so I don't plan to. I don't know what to do with her. As far as flying lances go, I already had a 5* Est and 5* Valter.

Is there any role, any niche she can specifically occupy?

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1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

Just pulled a random 5* Shanna from the free pull of the Threaten Speed banner.

She's got Desperation but I don't like to sack 5* units (never did, unless they were duplicates) so I don't plan to. I don't know what to do with her. As far as flying lances go, I already had a 5* Est and 5* Valter.

Is there any role, any niche she can specifically occupy?

She pulls off Brave Lance well. I mean sure Est does that, too but she at least has a good base kit of Desperation, Iceberg and Threaten Speed at her disposal (although maybe you can give her Luna instead?). Even if you kept Killer Lance it helps activate her specials faster.

If anything, it's good to have a backup during Arena Assault

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Clarisse's Bow says it debuffs foes "around" the target, so does it not debuff the target itself? If it does, does it stack with Seal skills? I got another Clarisse from the GHB and was considering a debuffer kit.

P.S. Is that a good idea?

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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Clarisse's Bow says it debuffs foes "around" the target, so does it not debuff the target itself? If it does, does it stack with Seal skills? I got another Clarisse from the GHB and was considering a debuffer kit.

P.S. Is that a good idea?

Clarisse's Bow indeed doesn't debuff the actual target of the attack. And even if it did, stat debuffs work like Hone/Fortify buffs in that only the strongest version of the buff is applied. 

And regarding a debuffer kit, debuffing is often seen a sub-optimal strategy in Heroes, since leaving a target alive can lead to surprise WoM units swooping for a kill, dancers refreshing the unit to attack again or activate Vantage or Desperation on the target. Clarisse can still use her bow for the built-in Atk Smoke 2, but she'd probably prefer a B skill that helps her kill more units rather than debuff them.

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So I just 4*'d one of my Cecilia's to finish my 4*+10, but then I quickly checked her IV's and realized she's +SPD/-RES.

My current Cecilia is +ATK/-RES and runs a Gronnblade+ build with Fury, Vantage, and Draconic Aura, so which one should I keep? The +ATK or +SPD one?

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34 minutes ago, SageOfAnys said:

So I just 4*'d one of my Cecilia's to finish my 4*+10, but then I quickly checked her IV's and realized she's +SPD/-RES.

My current Cecilia is +ATK/-RES and runs a Gronnblade+ build with Fury, Vantage, and Draconic Aura, so which one should I keep? The +ATK or +SPD one?

Definitely keep the +Spd one for the Gronnblade set. +Atk only gets more wins if she runs LaD, but in every other situation +Spd is more flexible, since Atk is trivial when you can buff it to +30.

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What are some good skills to give to the Black Knight?

I was actually thinking of giving him Steady Breath from one of my Brave Ikes (one of them is +Res/-HP, the other is +Def/-Atk). I think Alondite's DC properties might be good with that, so I think I might sacrifice my -Atk B!Ike (RIP that defense boon though).

Sacrifice Brave Ike would also give him Aether as an option I guess, but does he want more than Black Luna? (I could always learn Aether/Steady Breath before I merge my BKs)

Would QR be good for his B skill? What other B skills would be good for him?

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31 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

What are some good skills to give to the Black Knight?

I was actually thinking of giving him Steady Breath from one of my Brave Ikes (one of them is +Res/-HP, the other is +Def/-Atk). I think Alondite's DC properties might be good with that, so I think I might sacrifice my -Atk B!Ike (RIP that defense boon though).

Sacrifice Brave Ike would also give him Aether as an option I guess, but does he want more than Black Luna? (I could always learn Aether/Steady Breath before I merge my BKs)

Would QR be good for his B skill? What other B skills would be good for him?

Steady Breath is definitely great on him since he already has Steady Stance 1-2 and while I think Black Luna is often preferable to Aether, you might as well give it to him (I've also seen people saying to give him Threaten Def 1-2 from someone else since he can then get Steady Breath, Aether and Threaten Def 3 from B!Ike).

QR is definitely an option for him, since with his Spd, he'll probably avoid being doubled by a majority, but won't double some of the faster units. Vantage is also an option.

Aether is probably really good in content like TT and CC, but considering that he needs QP to guarantee Aether to proc even with QR if the attacking unit only hits once, it isn't as good in the Arena. Meanwhile, he either procs Black Luna on the counter with QP or procs it on his second counter if he has QR, meaning he'll probably blow up anyone that tries to attack him.

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22 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Steady Breath is definitely great on him since he already has Steady Stance 1-2 and while I think Black Luna is often preferable to Aether, you might as well give it to him (I've also seen people saying to give him Threaten Def 1-2 from someone else since he can then get Steady Breath, Aether and Threaten Def 3 from B!Ike).

QR is definitely an option for him, since with his Spd, he'll probably avoid being doubled by a majority, but won't double some of the faster units. Vantage is also an option.

Aether is probably really good in content like TT and CC, but considering that he needs QP to guarantee Aether to proc even with QR if the attacking unit only hits once, it isn't as good in the Arena. Meanwhile, he either procs Black Luna on the counter with QP or procs it on his second counter if he has QR, meaning he'll probably blow up anyone that tries to attack him.

Ooh I never thought of using Threaten Def actually I did pull two Ravens in the dancer banner so that actually works out! Funny how Brave Ike makes the perfect inheritance fodder for the Black Knight!

Speaking of Brave Ike, would +Res/HP Ike still want Bonfire as the preferred special over Aether during arena? 

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54 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Speaking of Brave Ike, would +Res/HP Ike still want Bonfire as the preferred special over Aether during arena? 

Yeah, anytime you have a unit with Def over 30, Bonfire is the way to go.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Yeah, anytime you have a unit with Def over 30, Bonfire is the way to go.

Okay cool, I just wasn't sure if forgoing Aether's arena points for Bonfire (or maybe Ignis works for Ike?) is okay. Thanks for the tip!

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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Okay cool, I just wasn't sure if forgoing Aether's arena points for Bonfire (or maybe Ignis works for Ike?) is okay. Thanks for the tip!

Aether's only real benefit is for maximizing score, but unless you're trying to stay in Tier 20, the difference is negligible.  Bonfire is more useful for actually winning matches.

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