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2 hours ago, Reality said:

Is the Bladetome+Vantage trap Spring Camilla a real thing? Because I do have a Takumi and a Gordin lying around to burn and it does put up very nice numbers in the simulator.....

Reinhardt with Blárblade-Close Counter is sort of a thing. I think @DehNutCase might have one and has more experience with it.

In my opinion, I think it is less flexible than a regular Player Phase Blade build since Desperation allows you to double units to get more kills without retaliation. I personally do not recommend Vantage since Player Phase units can achieve the same goal with Desperation to delay enemy attacks, and Quick Riposte is a better skill for a general Enemy Phase build.

45 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Are wrathful + dazzling or wrathful + live to serve any good? Or should I just opt to use something else for a B slot?

Also what’s the best upgrade to a slaying edge+ for a res+ hp- Saber? I’m guessing it’d probably be speed but having him at 29 res sounds good too

You want Dazzling Staff as your Weapon Refinement. Most people prefer to dine on mutton with their wife rather than to cannibalize their wife and marry a sheep... unless that is what you are into, then go ahead. Dazzling Staff Refinement with Wrathful Staff is generally for offensive staff users, usually Elise. Dazzling Staff Refinement with Live to Serve is for support. Wrathful Staff Refinement and Life to Serve is not as good since it is trying to do both roles, which I do not think it is as effective.

Saber needs Speed.

11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ice Dragon Is Indecisive.

Just summon another 11 and build a second one. You might also get enough Gennys and BH!Lyns as fodder that will last you until the game shuts down.

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11 minutes ago, XRay said:

Just summon another 11 and build a second one. You might also get enough Gennys and BH!Lyns as fodder that will last you until the game shuts down.

Fjorm has higher priority. I'm no longer summoning colorless.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Fjorm has higher priority. I'm no longer summoning colorless.

But colorless is the best color!

BB!Cordelia [Brave Bow, Drive Attack] + BB!Cordelia [Firesweep Bow, Drive Attack] + PA!Olivia [Attack Tactics] + Bonus Unit = Colorless Master Race!

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

That doesn't work because Att Tactic won't work on infantry if there are 3 or more infantry on your team.

Math fail.

Well, I guess there is always another Drive Attack. Plus, that means you are immune to those annoying Panic effects!

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I upgraded my Clair slightly from previously. She is complementing BIke Sigurd and Azama as a check against Dragonstone users and mages.
Built: Berkuts Lance +1, +4 Res, +7 additional Res if being attacked
A: Distant Counter
B: Blue Tome Breaker (to actually kill Reinhardt)
C: Def Ploy 3 (albeit i might change this to Guidance 3 if i get it somehow again ._.)
Seal: Distant Def Seal.
Thoughts? She is +SPD -DEF nature
When attacked she sits at 54 RES. and as far only a +SPD Gronnblade Nino with full buffs and Fury/Life and Death can kill her (as in Nino needs to double her) or Triangle Adept.


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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

I upgraded my Clair slightly from previously. She is complementing BIke Sigurd and Azama as a check against Dragonstone users and mages.
Built: Berkuts Lance +1, +4 Res, +7 additional Res if being attacked
A: Distant Counter
B: Blue Tome Breaker (to actually kill Reinhardt)
C: Def Ploy 3 (albeit i might change this to Guidance 3 if i get it somehow again ._.)
Seal: Distant Def Seal.
Thoughts? She is +SPD -DEF nature
When attacked she sits at 54 RES. and as far only a +SPD Gronnblade Nino with full buffs and Fury/Life and Death can kill her (as in Nino needs to double her) or Triangle Adept.


I think she is fine. Watch out around lolis though since I have seen many of them with Refined Weapons that can target Clair's low Defense.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ice Dragon Is Indecisive.

I would probably pick +Spd -Res for a Firesweep build if you're just going to use her as a counterpick for DC units in arena assault. Her current build doesn't score very high for points in regular arena outside of running a Drive skill as the C. What other bow users do you have built up?

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29 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I would probably pick +Spd -Res for a Firesweep build if you're just going to use her as a counterpick for DC units in arena assault. Her current build doesn't score very high for points in regular arena outside of running a Drive skill as the C. What other bow users do you have built up?

+10 Brave Lyn [+Atk, -Def] (Mulagir, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Life and Death 3/Swift Sparrow 2, Sacae's Blessing/Desperation 3, Hone Cavalry/Atk Smoke 3)

Yeah, just one.

EDIT: My luck with Takumi is pretty terrible. My only +Atk one is -Spd and my only +Spd one is -Atk. I'm planning on working on Jeorge once they get around to giving Parthia a buff. Klein is... doing something.

EDIT2: I also have a vanilla Clarisse that's level 40.

EDIT3: One more thing: I'm not really worried about regular Arena since my dragon core plus any +0 bonus unit can generally still score over 5000 without any issues.

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@Ice Dragon Firesweep seems like the better choice then. Brave Lyn could just have 20k feathers thrown her way and the loss of 2 Atk* would be mitigated with horse buffs, that and the extra Mov makes her a better user of Brave Bow than Bride Cordelia. Bride Cordelia in turn can run Firesweep to counter refined Lightning Breath users that Brave Lyn can't handle because of her low Def.


*Comparing +Atk Brave Lyn to +Atk Bride Cordelia, obviously.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I think she is fine. Watch out around lolis though since I have seen many of them with Refined Weapons that can target Clair's low Defense.

nope Dragons dont target her low defense (if you meant dragons by lolis), because she attacks up close and not from 2 Range, so the Dragons allways target her RES and their breath effect only applies on Units attacking from a Distance.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Most people prefer to dine on mutton with their wife rather than to cannibalize their wife and marry a sheep... unless that is what you are into, then go ahead.

No wife, just two sheep, one of whom I’m married to

On that note, what’s a good way to sp grind for healers?

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21 minutes ago, Hilda said:

nope Dragons dont target her low defense (if you meant dragons by lolis), because she attacks up close and not from 2 Range, so the Dragons allways target her RES and their breath effect only applies on Units attacking from a Distance.

Oh yeah. I need to read the effects carefully.

13 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

No wife, just two sheep, one of whom I’m married to

On that note, what’s a good way to sp grind for healers?

They sort of just grind themselves when I train other units healing them up. I would try one of the Chain Challenge maps and let a tank take hits.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Ice Dragon Firesweep seems like the better choice then. Brave Lyn could just have 20k feathers thrown her way and the loss of 2 Atk* would be mitigated with horse buffs, that and the extra Mov makes her a better user of Brave Bow than Bride Cordelia. Bride Cordelia in turn can run Firesweep to counter refined Lightning Breath users that Brave Lyn can't handle because of her low Def.


*Comparing +Atk Brave Lyn to +Atk Bride Cordelia, obviously.

Yeah, I suppose I'll go with

+10 Bride Cordelia [+Spd, -Res] (Firesweep Bow+, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death 3, Cancel Affinity 3, Hone/Drive Something 3/2)

Also on the topic of Lyn, I don't intend on ever switching her off of Mulagir. My policy is that any character that has a unique weapon keeps their unique weapon unless I ever start building a second one.

On the topic of Cordelia, what do people think about her Brave Lance+ and Firesweep Lance+ builds? I'm trying to decide which one I want to build if I start working on her.


In the mean time, I'd also like to see if there's any feedback I can get from bouncing my Immortal Michalis build off of some people (no idea if it's already been posted):

Michalis [=]

Hauteclere [unique]
Close Def 3
Quick Riposte 3
Hone Fliers

The goal is to make use of Hauteclere's unique refine with Noontime and Michalis's low Spd stat to heal on every counterattack.

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22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In the mean time, I'd also like to see if there's any feedback I can get from bouncing my Immortal Michalis build off of some people (no idea if it's already been posted):

Michalis [=]

Hauteclere [unique]
Close Def 3
Quick Riposte 3
Hone Fliers

The goal is to make use of Hauteclere's unique refine with Noontime and Michalis's low Spd stat to heal on every counterattack.

The matchups look pretty solid to me. I’m guessing he’ll be the recipient of a Hone Fliers buff as well?

Would you consider Fierce Stance in the A slot with a Close Def seal?

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2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

The matchups look pretty solid to me. I’m guessing he’ll be the recipient of a Hone Fliers buff as well?

Yeah. My flier teams usually run full Hone Fliers.


4 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Would you consider Fierce Stance in the A slot with a Close Def seal?

Maybe once Dorcas isn't the only source. I'm also probably going to wait on putting Close Def on him anyways just because it's still a rare skill.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Maybe once Dorcas isn't the only source. I'm also probably going to wait on putting Close Def on him anyways just because it's still a rare skill.

Yeah, I figured that might be the case. I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually made the Stances into seals.

Looking again, it looks like he gets similar results out of a plain ol’ Atk +3 against triangle neutral and disadvantaged foes (I gave them +Atk, Fury, and +4/4/3/3), so you could maybe get away with sacrificing a 4* Gordin and using the Close Def seal (assuming that’s in your upgrade queue) while you mull things over.

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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Yeah. My flier teams usually run full Hone Fliers.


Maybe once Dorcas isn't the only source. I'm also probably going to wait on putting Close Def on him anyways just because it's still a rare skill.

just curious did you think about giving your +10 Peri Berkuts Lance with the +Res upgrade path. Stat wise she seems to be "sameish" as Clair, a bit higher attack, but lower res/spd. She would make a Fantastic Distant Counter mage killer in a Horse Emblem Team no?

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2 minutes ago, Hilda said:

just curious did you think about giving your +10 Peri Berkuts Lance with the +Res upgrade path. Stat wise she seems to be "sameish" as Clair, a bit higher attack, but lower res/spd. She would make a Fantastic Distant Counter mage killer in a Horse Emblem Team no?

If we ever get a 12th copy of Berkut, perhaps, but even that's somewhat shaky due to Litrblade's existence.

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52 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The goal is to make use of Hauteclere's unique refine with Noontime and Michalis's low Spd stat to heal on every counterattack.

...Does the healing effect of the healing specials stack with the Wo Dao damage (say, the portion of damage healed increases)? I might want to do this myself- especially since Ignis is probably overpowered.

On a similar forging note, Gray and Tobin are probably going to be next to grab an Armoursmasher++ and a Zanbato++, but after that, I'm not sure who's getting forged weapons. What should I be considering for Divine Dew sources?

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6 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

...Does the healing effect of the healing specials stack with the Wo Dao damage (say, the portion of damage healed increases)? I might want to do this myself- especially since Ignis is probably overpowered.

Healing amount is based off of total damage done after all other calculations are completed.

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@Ice Dragon @DehNutCase @XRay @MrSmokestack

What are the odds of getting 4* Titania is any given Banner?  If it varies, can we use the Loving Gauntlet Block A for calculation purposes?  Ever since I decided to promote and merge all my Titanias, I haven't gotten any more.

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22 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

@Ice Dragon @DehNutCase @XRay @MrSmokestack

What are the odds of getting 4* Titania is any given Banner?  If it varies, can we use the Loving Gauntlet Block A for calculation purposes?  Ever since I decided to promote and merge all my Titanias, I haven't gotten any more.

It varies a bit.

From Block A, 0.18% at 5-star and 3.22% at 4-star at base rates. Block B is the same because it has the same number of green focus units.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

It varies a bit.

From Block A, 0.18% at 5-star and 3.22% at 4-star at base rates. Block B is the same because it has the same number of green focus units.

Thanks, not terrible odds, since I'd be happy with 4*, but fishing after a 4* doesn't seem like the wisest use of Orbs, so I'll just hope we get more Banners with Green focuses so I can get more incidentally.

My 4*s seem to come in streaks.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Thanks, not terrible odds, since I'd be happy with 4*, but fishing after a 4* doesn't seem like the wisest use of Orbs, so I'll just hope we get more Banners with Green focuses so I can get more incidentally.

My 4*s seem to come in streaks.

I mostly summon by which focus I want. Roy and Tailtiu would be nice, but I don't really have any red or blue focuses around. If I were to want Dorcas a little more, maybe I could go for Titania there, but as it stands, I'm waiting for a known future banner and it's blue focus. (Also a green focus I want, kinda...)

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