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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Nephenee or anyone else with Wrath could be fun with it as well, although the +10 will be wasted on it (same with the extra effect for Minerva and Michalis, sadly).

I don't think Wrath actually Synergies with Galeforce at all, I think the -1 to charge only activates on the next player phase if the last special went off during battle and Galeforce occurs after battle. But I thought of something fun involving Eldigain, I just need to upgrade the Mystelltain   

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

I don't think Wrath actually Synergies with Galeforce at all, I think the -1 to charge only activates on the next player phase if the last special went off during battle and Galeforce occurs after battle. But I thought of something fun involving Eldigain, I just need to upgrade the Mystelltain   

Hm, your right, I'm not actually sure if it's considered a Special that activates by attacking, but it probably isn't. But at least that narrows down the options!

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Who's a good recipent of the Water Blessing? I assume someone who could synergise with Fjorm, but who exactly would that be? 

Also if I train someone with the Water Blessing (double SP), train on double SP weekend and have someone with the corresponding Valour- will they get 24 SP? (If they are a TT bonus unit, will that go up to 48 SP?)

If that's the case, the only Valours I have is Blue Tome, Axe and Dagger. I don't think stacking blue is wise, and the only good Daggers I have are Fanlivia and Neko Sakura. Maybe Axe? Cherche/Minerva/Beruka? (Hector doesn't need anymore SP. Amelia maybe but she already S supports BK). Barst?

Any of those who would like the HP and Speed boost?

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Who's a good recipent of the Water Blessing? I assume someone who could synergise with Fjorm, but who exactly would that be? 

Also if I train someone with the Water Blessing (double SP), train on double SP weekend and have someone with the corresponding Valour- will they get 24 SP? (If they are a TT bonus unit, will that go up to 48 SP?)

If that's the case, the only Valours I have is Blue Tome, Axe and Dagger. I don't think stacking blue is wise, and the only good Daggers I have are Fanlivia and Neko Sakura. Maybe Axe? Cherche/Minerva/Beruka? (Hector doesn't need anymore SP. Amelia maybe but she already S supports BK). Barst?

Any of those who would like the HP and Speed boost?

will go up to 24 SP, as for TT bonus dont know, i assume so

as for Teammates for Fjorm. What exactly is her task in your Team?

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Just now, Hilda said:

will go up to 24 SP, as for TT bonus dont know, i assume so

as for Teammates for Fjorm. What exactly is her task in your Team?

At the moment I tried her with my armour team of Hector, BK and Amelia since it's very green heavy and they don't have the best Res stat. it's a bit touch and go, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. That said maybe I should give her Swordbreaker instead of Shield Pulse against Ayras but then I wonder if that defeats the purpose of her niche

I guess it's just more general synergy. Does she work well with melee partners better or ranged units>

Also part of it is mostly for the appeal of super high SP gains to be honest, since I'm not sure how often Fjorm will be a bonus unit.

Also I just realised she does get 24 SP in Arena with double SP weekend and her own double SP with the Water Blessing. Anyone with a Lance Robin want to find out if it goes all the way to 48 SP?

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30 minutes ago, Hilda said:

@mcsilasher niche is very niche unfortunatly unless you built her. She is okeish range bait but her Ice mirror counters lack punching power and are random depending on the enemy stats/special etc they use. There is no consistency :/

Ah that's a shame. Still I guess Distant Counter is useful and she gives more points than Sharena right now.

I put Close Def seal on her to try and tank swordies but her speed isn't the best.

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5 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Second question would a -Atk, +Def Beruka work or does she need the atk 

In my opinion, she needs Attack. Her Attack is already pretty low and relying solely on Specials to deal damage is not a good idea in my opinion. Tanks with firepower is always better than tanks without, since dead enemies cannot get into Vantage range, activate Specials, swarm you with Wings of Mercy, etc.

Ideally, Beruka should bane Speed or Resistance.

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I have a Tiki with forged Lightning Breath++ now, so both Fae and Tiki glow. My remaining Dragons are Ninian and Nowi. Is there a good way to get all four to glow different colours and still play to their strengths to some degree? (Fae currently sits at Atk and Tiki on Def).

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Who's a good recipent of the Water Blessing? I assume someone who could synergise with Fjorm, but who exactly would that be? 

Ayra. Anyone with a Firesweep weapon. Enemy-phase units that aren't expecting to be double attacked often.

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6 minutes ago, claire said:

what fujin yumi upgrade do i do for takumi?

defense, speed, or the teleporting one?

If he is on a defense team, definitely the teleporting one. For the others, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish with him.

Edited by XRay
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17 minutes ago, claire said:

what fujin yumi upgrade do i do for takumi?

defense, speed, or the teleporting one?

@XRay Takumi already has a weaker Brave Bow and Firesweep set than Bride Cordelia and Brave Lyn. If you’re going to use Takumi, it’s most likely to take advantage of his refined Prf, as without the upgrade it’s pretty terrible.

Flier movement and flier formation that works on any ally has more value than a small Spd or Def boost. I would choose the exclusive upgrade for sure.

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I have a ton of feathers. While I have to keep around 14,000 for some 3* units, I've got about 100k right now.

Naturally, I have no idea who to spend it on. I'll put what I already have up and what I'm considering as worth the upgrade. Or if I should go for merges, say so.



Alfonse, Alm (+Res/-HP), Gray (+Def/-Atk), Tobin, Ayra (Neutral), Lyn (+HP/-Def), Eirika (+Def/-Spd), Joshua, Ike (+Res/-Atk), Chrom (+HP/-Res), M!Marth, Arden, BK, Sigurd (+Atk/-HP), B!Roy (+HP/-Atk), Eliwood (+Spd/-Def), Xander, Elincia (+Def/-HP), Y!Tiki (+Def/-Atk), Arvis, Sanaki (+Spd/-Res), Witch Nowi (Neutral)


Sharena, Fjorm (Neutral), Nephenee (+Spd/-Def), Azura (Neutral), Azura (+Def/-Atk), Camus, Clive, Peri (+Atk/-Spd), Hinoka (+Res/-Atk), Ninian (+Def/-Spd), M!Robin (+Atk/-Res), Springcina (+Res/-HP), Ursula


Anna, B!Ike (+Def/-Atk), Nohrzura (+Atk/-Res), Hector (Neutral), Titania (+Spd/-Def), Michalis, Sonya (+Atk/-Def), Julia (Neutral), SummElise (+Def/-HP), VampHenry (+Res/-Def), Bunnilla (+Res/-Spd)


Takumi (+HP/-Res), FrankenJakob (+Atk/-Def), B!Lyn (Neutral), Elise (), Mist ()



Ogma (+Atk/-Res), Athena (+Atk/-Res), Roy (+Spd/-Def), Lloyd, M!Corrin (+Spd/-Res), Hana (+Atk/-Res), Zephiel, Palla (+Atk/-Res), Seth (), Caeda (+Atk/-Def), Henry (+Atk/-Spd), Tharja (+Spd/-Res)


Mathilda (+Spd/-Def), Oscar (+Spd/-Res/Def), Wendy (+Res/-Spd), Est (+Spd/-HP), Catria (+Spd/-HP), Valter, Cordelia (+Spd/-Def), Subaki (+Spd/-HP), Nowi (+Atk/-Def), F!Corrin (+Def/-Res), Mae (+Spd/-Def), Tailtiu (+Res/-Def)


Barst (+Atk/-HP), Legion, Sheena (+Def/-Spd), Frederick (+Def/-Res), Fae (+Atk/-Def), Cherche (+Atk/-HP), Camilla (+Atk/-Res), Merric (+Atk/-Res), Nino (+Spd/-Res), F!Robin, Cecilia (+Spd/-Def)


Clarisse, Klein (+Atk/-Spd), Rebecca (+Spd/-HP), Setsuna (+Spd/-Def), Saizo (+Atk/-Res), Kagero (+Spd/-HP), Lissa (+Spd/-Atk), Clarine (+Spd/-Res)

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25 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Flier movement

Fujin Yumi's base refine effect only removes the penalty for forests. It does not allow him to walk across any terrain that he normally cannot walk across. The Japanese skill description words the effect as

"Any square this unit can occupy has its movement cost treated as if it were flat ground."

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Since it didn't end up getting answered before: what would be a better boon/bane for Sigurd? I can choose between +Atk/-Spd and +Spd/-HP. I'm not sure if the massive increase in Spd is worth the drop in Atk and HP.

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23 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Fujin Yumi's base refine effect only removes the penalty for forests. It does not allow him to walk across any terrain that he normally cannot walk across.

Thanks for the clarification. What did today's text update fix then?

I assumed "impassible terrain" meant tiles that were occupied by blocks. Do water, lava, and mountain tiles not have a "movement cost" like forest and plain tiles?

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Which Hauteclere upgrade would y'all recommend for a +spd -res Minerva? I'm torn between the speed upgrade and the special damage one. She's still in the process of being built, but I'm using her on my flier team with Elincia, Nowi, and Tana if that helps.

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19 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Thanks for the clarification. What did today's text update fix then?

Description for after combat effects on weapons to clarify that they only activate if the unit attacks at some point during the round of combat.


19 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I assumed "impassible terrain" meant tiles that were occupied by blocks. Do water, lava, and mountain tiles not have a "movement cost" like forest and plain tiles?

It's almost certainly a yes-no setting and not a numeric movement cost.

Of particular note, if it were a numeric movement cost that was simply higher than the movement range of the movement type, you would be able to use mobility assists and teleportation skills to move units onto terrain they cannot normally move to.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I have a ton of feathers. While I have to keep around 14,000 for some 3* units, I've got about 100k right now.

Naturally, I have no idea who to spend it on. I'll put what I already have up and what I'm considering as worth the upgrade. Or if I should go for merges, say so.

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Alfonse, Alm (+Res/-HP), Gray (+Def/-Atk), Tobin, Ayra (Neutral), Lyn (+HP/-Def), Eirika (+Def/-Spd), Joshua, Ike (+Res/-Atk), Chrom (+HP/-Res), M!Marth, Arden, BK, Sigurd (+Atk/-HP), B!Roy (+HP/-Atk), Eliwood (+Spd/-Def), Xander, Elincia (+Def/-HP), Y!Tiki (+Def/-Atk), Arvis, Sanaki (+Spd/-Res), Witch Nowi (Neutral)


Sharena, Fjorm (Neutral), Nephenee (+Spd/-Def), Azura (Neutral), Azura (+Def/-Atk), Camus, Clive, Peri (+Atk/-Spd), Hinoka (+Res/-Atk), Ninian (+Def/-Spd), M!Robin (+Atk/-Res), Springcina (+Res/-HP), Ursula


Anna, B!Ike (+Def/-Atk), Nohrzura (+Atk/-Res), Hector (Neutral), Titania (+Spd/-Def), Michalis, Sonya (+Atk/-Def), Julia (Neutral), SummElise (+Def/-HP), VampHenry (+Res/-Def), Bunnilla (+Res/-Spd)


Takumi (+HP/-Res), FrankenJakob (+Atk/-Def), B!Lyn (Neutral), Elise (), Mist ()

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Ogma (+Atk/-Res), Athena (+Atk/-Res), Roy (+Spd/-Def), Lloyd, M!Corrin (+Spd/-Res), Hana (+Atk/-Res), Zephiel, Palla (+Atk/-Res), Seth (), Caeda (+Atk/-Def), Henry (+Atk/-Spd), Tharja (+Spd/-Res)


Mathilda (+Spd/-Def), Oscar (+Spd/-Res/Def), Wendy (+Res/-Spd), Est (+Spd/-HP), Catria (+Spd/-HP), Valter, Cordelia (+Spd/-Def), Subaki (+Spd/-HP), Nowi (+Atk/-Def), F!Corrin (+Def/-Res), Mae (+Spd/-Def), Tailtiu (+Res/-Def)


Barst (+Atk/-HP), Legion, Sheena (+Def/-Spd), Frederick (+Def/-Res), Fae (+Atk/-Def), Cherche (+Atk/-HP), Camilla (+Atk/-Res), Merric (+Atk/-Res), Nino (+Spd/-Res), F!Robin, Cecilia (+Spd/-Def)


Clarisse, Klein (+Atk/-Spd), Rebecca (+Spd/-HP), Setsuna (+Spd/-Def), Saizo (+Atk/-Res), Kagero (+Spd/-HP), Lissa (+Spd/-Atk), Clarine (+Spd/-Res)

I found it practical to have at least one brave Archer, so Klein would be my first choice since he doesn't need much further investment than the promotion. 

You lack blue fliers and your Cordelia is perfect for a Firesweep built, which costs further 40k feathers for LnD and the Lance. 

Your horse team hasn't got a second mage and your Cecilia got the perfect nature for a Blade tome build. Additional 20k for Gronnblade.

Dragons got a boost with forged weapons and Fae is of the only color your dragons lack. Lighting Breath cost additional 20k. 

Well that's a total of 160k feathers, but you don't need to build all those at once anyway. ;-)

51 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Since it didn't end up getting answered before: what would be a better boon/bane for Sigurd? I can choose between +Atk/-Spd and +Spd/-HP. I'm not sure if the massive increase in Spd is worth the drop in Atk and HP.

How do you want to build him? On what team? Horse buffs can make up for that -SPD or make your +SPD Sigurd even faster for an offensive build. 

If you want to bait ranged opponents (without DC), the -SPD doesn't hurt him much, since the second attack would be reduced greatly by his skill. 

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I found it practical to have at least one brave Archer, so Klein would be my first choice since he doesn't need much further investment than the promotion. 

You lack blue fliers and your Cordelia is perfect for a Firesweep built, which costs further 40k feathers for LnD and the Lance. 

Your horse team hasn't got a second mage and your Cecilia got the perfect nature for a Blade tome build. Additional 20k for Gronnblade.

Dragons got a boost with forged weapons and Fae is of the only color your dragons lack. Lighting Breath cost additional 20k. 

Well that's a total of 160k feathers, but you don't need to build all those at once anyway. ;-)

I'd probably have promoted Klein already if he wasn't -Spd to be honest.

Cordelia is probably the one I'd be least likely to promote of these four on the basis that she's in a competitive field already, much as that +Spd is great on her.

Cecilia already has regular Gronnblade, and she would fit on a team quite well with all the horses I already have, probably promote her.

Fae's probably one I should just get on with as well, regardless of the lack of Lightning Breath fodder. She has TA inherited too, she'll be a great blue counter.

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

How do you want to build him? On what team? Horse buffs can make up for that -SPD or make your +SPD Sigurd even faster for an offensive build. 

If you want to bait ranged opponents (without DC), the -SPD doesn't hurt him much, since the second attack would be reduced greatly by his skill. 

I'll probably keep his base kit with just a changed Special and an Assist, at least for now. I might give him DC eventually, but there are a lot of other people who want the skill before he does, so it'll be a while before that ever happens. Horse Emblem will probably be the main place I use him, except for Tempest Trials I suppose, since I'd have to run a dancer and bonus unit as well.

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