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All of you with a Dragon fetish, I need some advice on Fae.

For ages I have a 5* Fae but she is +Spd/-Res which doesn't seem really ideal because I don't like the Res bane and the Spd boon imo doesn't do a lot for her since I don't see the point in Spd stacking on a rather slow unit. Now I have 4 more 4* Faes lying around with the following boon/banes:
- Hp/Def
- Hp/Spd
- Atk/Def
- Res/Hp
Since I want to expand my green roster a bit and have Warding Breath fodder I kinda want to build the Res/Hp with WB+QP. This would make an excellent counter against mages and her fellow dragons, as she is able to reach 41 Res max. (Res Boon, Res refine on Lightning Breath+, WB). I could also go for the Def Refine to give her at least 29 Def to go with it.
Thoughts? Should I invest my Feathers and WB fodder for her or should I wait for an even better Fae like +Def/-Spd?

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15 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Welp while I'm editing / asking things.... does anyone want to offer some input for my next feather expenditure? ~___~

1) better nature merges: 

  • m!Corrin (Atk+/-Res)
  • Oboro (+Def/-Spd)
  • Raven (+Spd/-Res) - gonna be a while before I can refine him though he's 2nd next at best


2) Ephraim: Sturdy Blow from Athena (+Atk Heavy Blade Bonfire Ephraim with his refinement = hella sexy)

3) Giving folks LnD 3:

  • Raven (has 2)
  • Nino (has 2)
  • Tharja 

4) ny!Corrin: Guard Bow 

5) Tiki merges: 140k needed, 7 remaining (they're taking up space in my barracks lol...)

I'm biased towards Tiki. She's definitely worth making a +10 out of.

For Raven, I wouldn't give him LnD3, since his refinement also gives him LnD3. Stacking those seems like it would turn his Def stat into that of a piece of paper, which could be a little rough sometimes. Upgrading to LnD3 is always pretty low priority for me, since it's not like it's that much better than LnD2.

7 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

First,  quick thank you to everyone for help in this forum. March will be my first time to get Armor Emblem and Flyer Emblem orbs. Woohoo!!! 

That said, my question now is, are any of you using ally supports successfully? I particularly find them useful in Tempest Trials and Training, but wonder if anyone uses them for other things such as Arena special maps? Is it just an interesting feature or a part of your strategy?

I've used Ally Supports on some of my characters, and, while useful in some situations, most of the time it's not really a consideration for me. The buffs are nice, but most of the time I don't need it. It has been helpful in the Arena, though, when Reinhardt and Cecilia were part of my core team. I do recommend making a core team of 3 for the Arena and having a pair support each other. But, for the most part, it's just an interesting feature that occasionally factors into my strategy. I've been intending to pair up more of my characters, but just haven't gotten around to it.

6 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards arena usage at the moment. After Chrom gets a merge, she's next in line.

+Def -Atk Tharja as a pitybreaker. Is M!Morgan (+Atk -HP) a good blade tome user, or should I just stick to his personal tome and have that boosting Nino? Alternatively, I could try SM!Eirika, but she's already -Res and without her personal, she'll get picked off by any blue mage.

Also, refined Sol Katti + Escape Route 3 for +Def -HP Lyn: good idea? +Def is a super boon, she's fast enough to not get doubled except by Ayra / Mia +Spd / Swordbreaker users, she'll tank the hit and fall into range for all three skills.

Escape Route 3 sounds fun on Lyn. I personally went with Vantage, but, yeah, there are a lot of things Lyn can run for her B-passive, since she has the important ones stacked into her weapon.

5 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Good, I gave Raudrblade+ to SM!Eirika, L’Arachel and Gunnthra providing the hone/fortify.

Now have a spare Takumi. Is NY!Corrin or LA!Lyn the better choice for CC? LA!Lyn is -Def but has S support with LA!Hector and he’s providing a fortify. Does this mean she can facetank Tikis? Or does her Lightning Breath target the lower defense even on initiation?

Meanwhile, NY!Corrin will be facetanking fliers.

5 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Refined breaths hit the lower stat regardless of who initiates. But that's fine, she can facetank Tiki either way. I'd go with Lyn, since having a spare Takumi implies you have a CC archer already, getting a second one seems far less beneficial than getting a CC mage.

Yes, she can facetank the Tikis and Nowi.

LA Lyn is a better unit than NY Corrin, so I'd give her the CC. Plus, as Humanoid pointed out, if you have a spare Takumi, this means you already have a CC archer. As for Lyn, even with the Def bane, she should be a solid CC unit, since Armor teams can stack Ward Armors and/or use Fortify Armor. Her physical bulk is still in a reasonable position.

Edit: Corrections.

Edited by Astellius
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10 minutes ago, Astellius said:

That's not right. Refined Lightning Breath targets the lower stat only if the range=2, which means that, if Tiki initiates, she will always target Res, seeing as she can only initiate at close range. But, yes, she can facetank the Tikis and Nowi.

Refined breaths (and the newer breath weapons) aim always for the weaker of DEF or RES also on attack if the foe has a ranged weapon. Otherwise the effect would be useless on everything else than lightning breath (or with DC equipped). 

Edited by mampfoid
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24 minutes ago, Astellius said:

That's not right. Refined Lightning Breath targets the lower stat only if the range=2 …

Which reads: “if enemy is ranged, hit its lower defensive stat”. Full stop. It does not specify whether the attack must be on player or enemy phase because it doesn’t care.

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43 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Refined breaths (and the newer breath weapons) aim always for the weaker of DEF or RES also on attack if the foe has a ranged weapon. Otherwise the effect would be useless on everything else than lightning breath (or with DC equipped). 

26 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Which reads: “if enemy is ranged, hit its lower defensive stat”. Full stop. It does not specify whether the attack must be on player or enemy phase because it doesn’t care.

Ah, yes, you're right, I was reading it wrong, my apologies.

Edit: The exact language is, "If foe's Range = 2, damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res." I was reading this as the character needed to be 2 spaces, but you're correct, and I fixed the original. I probably never noticed, since Tiki is an enemy phase character, so I don't really have her initiate the attack most of the time.

Edited by Astellius
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13 hours ago, Aoae said:

If I were you, I'd select Klein for it, though Catria and Camilla are both solid Chill Spd users the way you described it. Since some sword users that you really want to double can be quite fast, +Spd > +Atk Catria as Firesweep gives her enough attack by itself.

It's Chill Def, friendo ~3o If it were Spd I'd have given it to my Soren in a heartbeat (debuffing Atk/Spd with no drawbacks? Yesplz)

12 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Why do you want to give him Guard Bow? His RES is low, he would tank only bows and daggers reliably, but TA/Raven mages and dragons are better suited for this job. 

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't remember where I asked for suggestions of replacements for him, but if you have better skill suggestions for a NYC who may possibly be running Close Counter I'm all ears.

8 hours ago, XRay said:

I would go with Hit and Run instead of Cancel Affinity depending on how often you see Triangle Adept on enemies. Hit and Run is always useful, while Triangle Adept only makes sense if you see a lot of Triangle Adept users.

Yeahh that was my backup plan in the meantime anyway haha. 

2 hours ago, Astellius said:

I'm biased towards Tiki. She's definitely worth making a +10 out of.

For Raven, I wouldn't give him LnD3, since his refinement also gives him LnD3. Stacking those seems like it would turn his Def stat into that of a piece of paper, which could be a little rough sometimes. Upgrading to LnD3 is always pretty low priority for me, since it's not like it's that much better than LnD2.

Noted. Someone also suggested Fury alongside the refine, and admittedly +8/8/-2/2 doesn't sounds pretty decent actually, so I'm considering that; only issue is that I've got a relative shortage of Fury fodder relative to characters who want it lol. But, in time. 

And ofc Tiki is worth it =3= Right now she and my Ephraim (rather, giving him Sturdy Blow from Athena) are the two I'm considering. 

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7 hours ago, Zeratul said:

All of you with a Dragon fetish, I need some advice on Fae.

For ages I have a 5* Fae but she is +Spd/-Res which doesn't seem really ideal because I don't like the Res bane and the Spd boon imo doesn't do a lot for her since I don't see the point in Spd stacking on a rather slow unit. Now I have 4 more 4* Faes lying around with the following boon/banes:
- Hp/Def
- Hp/Spd
- Atk/Def
- Res/Hp
Since I want to expand my green roster a bit and have Warding Breath fodder I kinda want to build the Res/Hp with WB+QP. This would make an excellent counter against mages and her fellow dragons, as she is able to reach 41 Res max. (Res Boon, Res refine on Lightning Breath+, WB). I could also go for the Def Refine to give her at least 29 Def to go with it.
Thoughts? Should I invest my Feathers and WB fodder for her or should I wait for an even better Fae like +Def/-Spd?

Yeah, she doesn't really want a Spd boon or a Res bane. Furthermore, the Res is a superbane, so she's missing out even more.

In my opinion, the best out of that set would be +Res/-HP. It's certainly a strong nature, probably one of her preferred ones. The manaketes are quite flexible in their builds, so there are several good options for their natures. Fae has a good HP pool and wants most of her other stats, so HP seems like a safe stat to dump. The Warding Breath + Res boon would make her a great mage counter. She's a strong unit, so she's worth investing in if you wanted to. The +Def/-Spd or -HP nature would be better for a mixed tank, but +Res/-HP is better for a magic tank. It depends on what you want her specialty to be, since she can occupy various roles.

You could always promote the +Res one now to give yourself a more robust green roster now, and then switch to a +Def one later down the road when you pull one (who knows when that would be?), if that's the nature you really want.

1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't remember where I asked for suggestions of replacements for him, but if you have better skill suggestions for a NYC who may possibly be running Close Counter I'm all ears.

Firesweep Bow! =D

1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

Noted. Someone also suggested Fury alongside the refine, and admittedly +8/8/-2/2 doesn't sounds pretty decent actually, so I'm considering that; only issue is that I've got a relative shortage of Fury fodder relative to characters who want it lol. But, in time. 

And ofc Tiki is worth it =3= Right now she and my Ephraim (rather, giving him Sturdy Blow from Athena) are the two I'm considering. 

Yeah, I've used Rafiel Aria's +10 Raven, and he's great. And I definitely understand the Fury drought -- a fair number of my units have Fury 2, since I seem to be able to pull infinite numbers of Bartres.

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9 hours ago, Zeratul said:

All of you with a Dragon fetish, I need some advice on Fae.

For ages I have a 5* Fae but she is +Spd/-Res which doesn't seem really ideal because I don't like the Res bane and the Spd boon imo doesn't do a lot for her since I don't see the point in Spd stacking on a rather slow unit. Now I have 4 more 4* Faes lying around with the following boon/banes:
- Hp/Def
- Hp/Spd
- Atk/Def
- Res/Hp
Since I want to expand my green roster a bit and have Warding Breath fodder I kinda want to build the Res/Hp with WB+QP. This would make an excellent counter against mages and her fellow dragons, as she is able to reach 41 Res max. (Res Boon, Res refine on Lightning Breath+, WB). I could also go for the Def Refine to give her at least 29 Def to go with it.
Thoughts? Should I invest my Feathers and WB fodder for her or should I wait for an even better Fae like +Def/-Spd?

Eyyyy dragon fetish, that's me! Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

I would say +HP/-Spd is a great nature for abusing her high HP with skills like Infantry Pulse and Panic Ploy, which IMO is the main selling point she has over the other two green dragons... Her HP gets really quite high too, so it makes her pretty flexible for non-dragon infantry teams as well. And as you say, Spd is not such an important stat for her so taking a boon in it is perfectly fine assuming you're running something like QR to overcome this. 

Otherwise, I'd say +Atk/-Def is passable if you pump up her Defense to compensate for the bane (IE Def refine, maybe Def+3 seal, and either Fury or Steady Breath or something of the like)-- although maybe you don't even need her to counter physical things, in which case whatever. +Atk is pretty nice though, this is what I have on my 5* Fae and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. +Res/-HP is also pretty good if you want her to be more of a dedicated mage counter that doesn't sac her defense against melee matchups; I'd say you can probably still do the same thing with pumping/refining Defense, but you may not need to focus as heavily on it and her mage-blocking ability will be naturally higher without assistance.

Ultimately it's your call, but I'd say +HP/-Spd is ideal if you plan to utilize HP-based skills like Infantry Pulse (I'd consider her one of the best users of this skill) and Panic Ploy (the Boosts are another good one; Earth Boost is pretty easy to come by and easy to abuse), BUT if you don't have fodder for those or don't care to utilize them, it's +Atk/-Def or +Res/-HP depending on your preferences and what you need her to counter. (+Atk is always great on dragons though)

Hope that helps!

33 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Firesweep Bow! =D

Isn't that better on faster folks tho? :O 

Besides, I've got the very deliciously evil plan of Firesweep Bow BLyn if I ever pull a Fae >3>

Edited by BANRYU
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1 minute ago, BANRYU said:

Isn't that better on faster folks tho? :O 

Besides, I've got the very deliciously evil plan of Firesweep Bow BLyn if I ever pull a Fae >3>

Firesweep Bow + Close Counter is the ultimate combo! But I'm just kidding, I think Guard Bow would be a pretty solid option for him, particularly if he's running CC. Anyways, Fayes are friends, not food!

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9 hours ago, Astellius said:

For Raven, I wouldn't give him LnD3, since his refinement also gives him LnD3. Stacking those seems like it would turn his Def stat into that of a piece of paper, which could be a little rough sometimes. Upgrading to LnD3 is always pretty low priority for me, since it's not like it's that much better than LnD2.


You're underestimating Raven's natural bulk. Raven has 66 physical bulk with no skills, which becomes 59 physical bulk with Basilikos [unique] and Life and Death 3. A lance user needs 73 Atk to kill him.

Furthermore, because of his absurd offensive stats and Basilikos having the Killer weapon effect, you can very much run Escutcheon on him instead of a damaging Special skill. He can survive the counterattack from a sword user with 69 Atk.


2 hours ago, Astellius said:

But I'm just kidding, I think Guard Bow would be a pretty solid option for him, particularly if he's running CC.

Guard Bow only gives Distant Def and not also Close Def.

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What does Seliph want in terms of stats? Particularly his bane since -Spd seems like a go-to on with his low speed, but I remember an argument that -Res works as well because of Divine Tyrfing's 50% reduction against magic damage. +Atk, +Def, +HP, and +Res are self-explantory depending on how you would want to build him and what role he'd be taking which apparently is pretty flexible when he can be a run of the mill enemy phase unit, physical wall, or mixed wall.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


You're underestimating Raven's natural bulk. Raven has 66 physical bulk with no skills, which becomes 59 physical bulk with Basilikos [unique] and Life and Death 3. A lance user needs 73 Atk to kill him.

Furthermore, because of his absurd offensive stats and Basilikos having the Killer weapon effect, you can very much run Escutcheon on him instead of a damaging Special skill. He can survive the counterattack from a sword user with 69 Atk.

How am I underestimating his bulk? I said stacking LnD would turn his Def stat to paper, but, of course, that's not the totality of his bulk. He has a physical soak of 59 against axes, but it's not all that uncommon to see axemen with an attack stat hitting 59, between buffs, merges, etc., and so encountering one would be rough for him. I like the Fury/LnD setup, it keeps his physical soak against an axe hit outside the realm of what I would normally encounter, while keeping his Atk & Spd at stratospheric levels. That setup is the one Rafiel's Aria's Raven runs, and I quite like it, from what I've gotten to use it in. It's certainly a notable build for him, and the one I would prefer.

2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Guard Bow only gives Distant Def and not also Close Def.

Where did I say the Guard Bow gives Close Def? I only said that the Guard Bow/CC was a nice pairing for NY Corrin, not that it gave him Close Def.

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2 hours ago, Astellius said:

Where did I say the Guard Bow gives Close Def? I only said that the Guard Bow/CC was a nice pairing for NY Corrin, not that it gave him Close Def.

I think what Ice Dragon wants to say is that the DD effect of Guard bow is wasted on a built that wants to tank melee units. 

10 hours ago, BANRYU said:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't remember where I asked for suggestions of replacements for him, but if you have better skill suggestions for a NYC who may possibly be running Close Counter I'm all ears.

I was just curious what you are going to plan for Corrin, I didn't think of CC for him.

Like @Ice Dragon mentioned CC and Warding Bow don't have great synergy. Slaying Bow would let him activate his special faster (to kill other foes than Fliers). Clarisse's Bow (or Monstrous Bow) could debuff everybody before Corrin starts to tank stuff. Another (expensive) option would be Nidhogg, to make Corrin a bow-variant of CC Boey. 

Edited by mampfoid
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1 hour ago, Astellius said:

How am I underestimating his bulk? I said stacking LnD would turn his Def stat to paper, but, of course, that's not the totality of his bulk. He has a physical soak of 59 against axes, but it's not all that uncommon to see axemen with an attack stat hitting 59, between buffs, merges, etc., and so encountering one would be rough for him. I like the Fury/LnD setup, it keeps his physical soak against an axe hit outside the realm of what I would normally encounter, while keeping his Atk & Spd at stratospheric levels. That setup is the one Rafiel's Aria's Raven runs, and I quite like it, from what I've gotten to use it in. It's certainly a notable build for him, and the one I would prefer.

With the rumored upcoming Def Tactic Sacred Seal and the already existing Drive Def Sacred Seal, it's easier to get defensive buffs than offensive buffs. The Close Def Sacred Seal can also be used to help Raven soak up a hit on enemy phase as his first round of combat. With just those three Sacred Seals, Raven has 74 physical bulk when baiting for his first round of combat.

Additionally, if you are merging your own Raven, bulk scales faster with merges than Atk, with only a +5 merge required to add 4 physical bulk, but a +10 merge required to add 4 Atk.


1 hour ago, Astellius said:

Where did I say the Guard Bow gives Close Def? I only said that the Guard Bow/CC was a nice pairing for NY Corrin, not that it gave him Close Def.

What @mampfoid said. Guard Bow's Distant Def effect is wasted when running Close Counter because a Close Counter build can only run a maximum of one stack of Close Def compared to a ranged-focused build that can run three stacks of Distant Def.

Colorless units are unable to use weapon triangle advantage to artificially increase their bulk, meaning you need a lot of Def to mitigate enough damage to last even two rounds of combat, especially when your Spd is mediocre. Compared to colored units who will typically be tanking at weapon triangle advantage, a colorless unit is always running with the equivalent of 10-12 less Def, and what Guard Bow does is make up for a portion of that difference. With Guard Bow+ [Def], Close Counter, and Close Def 3, Corrin only has 43 Def, which will get eaten through very quickly without buffs to support him..

In comparison, focusing only on bow and dagger users gives him 55 Def, which is far more reliable with the prevalence of Brave Bow and Firesweep Bow.

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15 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Refined breaths (and the newer breath weapons) aim always for the weaker of DEF or RES also on attack if the foe has a ranged weapon. Otherwise the effect would be useless on everything else than lightning breath (or with DC equipped). 

14 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Which reads: “if enemy is ranged, hit its lower defensive stat”. Full stop. It does not specify whether the attack must be on player or enemy phase because it doesn’t care.


Oh my god, how did I not know this?  This whole time I thought the weaker stat was targeted only when the enemy initiates from a distance. 

I have a +10 Corrin and I didn't know this.  Well, I feel like a big ol' idiot now... :P:

14 hours ago, Astellius said:

Ah, yes, you're right, I was reading it wrong, my apologies.

Edit: The exact language is, "If foe's Range = 2, damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res." I was reading this as the character needed to be 2 spaces, but you're correct, and I fixed the original. I probably never noticed, since Tiki is an enemy phase character, so I don't really have her initiate the attack most of the time.

Me too!  I rarely initiate combat with Corrin, so I guess that's why I didn't notice either!  Hahaha.

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Just pulled a Boey who is +Atk/-Spd. I’ve been wanting to have a 5 Star Boey but I’m not sure if I should wait for a better natured Boey? Would +Atk/-Res be better or is the one I got ok?

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2 hours ago, Carter said:

Just pulled a Boey who is +Atk/-Spd. I’ve been wanting to have a 5 Star Boey but I’m not sure if I should wait for a better natured Boey? Would +Atk/-Res be better or is the one I got ok?

Do you already have the one that's -res?

Either way, he's a good raventome mage. Give him gronnraven+, bowbreaker and triangle adept. With that setup speed won't matter much. Leave your teammates to deal with green mages and reds.

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35 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Do you already have the one that's -res?

Either way, he's a good raventome mage. Give him gronnraven+, bowbreaker and triangle adept. With that setup speed won't matter much. Leave your teammates to deal with green mages and reds.

Whoops!! Sorry for the confusion, I don’t have a -Res Boey, I just think it would be a better nature. But since Boey isn’t very fast anyways, I was thinking he might be ok with a speed bane? Quick Rispote (seal) might work better for a slower Boey so faster units can double him and he can activate bonfire??

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1 hour ago, Carter said:

Whoops!! Sorry for the confusion, I don’t have a -Res Boey, I just think it would be a better nature. But since Boey isn’t very fast anyways, I was thinking he might be ok with a speed bane? Quick Rispote (seal) might work better for a slower Boey so faster units can double him and he can activate bonfire??

My bad. I understood later from reading the original text. Anyways, QR seal is a solid choice against blue mages as well as bonfire proc being much easier

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12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

You're underestimating Raven's natural bulk. Raven has 66 physical bulk with no skills, which becomes 59 physical bulk with Basilikos [unique] and Life and Death 3. A lance user needs 73 Atk to kill him.

Furthermore, because of his absurd offensive stats and Basilikos having the Killer weapon effect, you can very much run Escutcheon on him instead of a damaging Special skill. He can survive the counterattack from a sword user with 69 Atk.

Would not Fury still be better? Fury is generally cheaper (unless you pull colorless more often than reds) and the drop to Desperation range is safer.

Raven +Spd -Res
Basilikos [special], Moonbow
Fury, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 177:8:43
Player Phase [HP=30] 177:48:3
Player Phase [0/0/6/0] 177:5:46
Player Phase [0/0/6/0, HP=30] 177:38:13

Raven +Spd -Res
Basilikos [special], Escutcheon
Life and Death, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 173:5:50
Player Phase [HP=30] 174:50:4
Player Phase [0/0/6/0] 173:5:50
Player Phase [0/0/6/0, HP=30] 174:29:25
Player Phase [Moonbow, 0/0/6/0, ] 188:17:23
Player Phase [Moonbow, 0/0/6/0, HP=30] 191:30:7
Player Phase [Speed +3] 163:7:58
Player Phase [Speed +3, HP=30] 162:60:6

Def Tactic helps a lot, but that means the buffer be running that instead of Hone Attack or Hone Speed for 4/4/0/0 buffs, which I generally think is better than 4/0/6/0 or 0/4/6/0 buffs. We can run Def Tactic on another combat unit and turn them into a secondary buffer, but I rather keep that combat unit as a combat unit and make it better with Speed +3, Heavy Blade, or Quick Riposte.

11 hours ago, Kaden said:

What does Seliph want in terms of stats? Particularly his bane since -Spd seems like a go-to on with his low speed, but I remember an argument that -Res works as well because of Divine Tyrfing's 50% reduction against magic damage. +Atk, +Def, +HP, and +Res are self-explantory depending on how you would want to build him and what role he'd be taking which apparently is pretty flexible when he can be a run of the mill enemy phase unit, physical wall, or mixed wall.

I would go with -Spd unless you want him to avoid doubles from armor units or a specific threat. 24 neutral Speed is pretty slow, so I rather just drop it to 21 in favor of making Seliph even slower and easier to be doubled, so he can activate a stronger Special.

4 hours ago, Carter said:

Just pulled a Boey who is +Atk/-Spd. I’ve been wanting to have a 5 Star Boey but I’m not sure if I should wait for a better natured Boey? Would +Atk/-Res be better or is the one I got ok?

Definitely -Spd is better. I run Boey 4*+10 [+(Atk/Def; I do not remember which), -Res] for Arena Assault and he can just barely tank pimped out Reinhardt with 1 HP. I know 1 HP is no different from having slightly higher HP since Boey is no longer a combatant anyways, but having that few extra HP helps prevent heart attacks.

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Is +Spd Jeorge good with his refined Parthia or does he prefer +Atk?

i have both and with -HP so i'm just wondering which one I can get rid of for barracks space. I'm guessing -Def is the best bane though if going against mages?

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Is +Spd Jeorge good with his refined Parthia or does he prefer +Atk?

i have both and with -HP so i'm just wondering which one I can get rid of for barracks space. I'm guessing -Def is the best bane though if going against mages?

I would go with +Spd to help him avoid doubles. He is basically a more offensive version of Leo, so I would just Speed stack him to insane levels using [+Spd, Fury, Quick Riposte, Speed +3] and ideally with Speed buffs to simulate Brynhildr's effect of shutting down doubles.

If you can afford it, [Distant Def, Dull Ranged, Quick Riposte] is better for multiple rounds of combat, but it is a lot more expensive.

-Def is definitely the best if you can pull one in the future. Although if you are using him for Player Phase, you might want to consider -Res instead so he can keep his physical bulk to eat counters.

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24 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would go with +Spd to help him avoid doubles. He is basically a more offensive version of Leo, so I would just Speed stack him to insane levels using [+Spd, Fury, Quick Riposte, Speed +3] and ideally with Speed buffs to simulate Brynhildr's effect of shutting down doubles.

If you can afford it, [Distant Def, Dull Ranged, Quick Riposte] is better for multiple rounds of combat, but it is a lot more expensive.

-Def is definitely the best if you can pull one in the future. Although if you are using him for Player Phase, you might want to consider -Res instead so he can keep his physical bulk to eat counters.


It really depends on how much and what kind of support you can give him. If you can put enough stacks of Drive Atk or Spur Atk on him to simply one-hit kill everything that is fast enough to hit him twice, then there's no need to worry about his Spd.

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