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3 hours ago, Sias said:

Is there a specific cutoff point for you where +Spd isn't worth it anymore? You mentioned Azama, and Lissa/Lachesis are even slower than him, so I guess they don't get too much value from it either? What about someone like Mist, wo is a bit faster but still below average?

I second @Ice Dragon. Units want to ideally reach around ~40 Spd to reliably avoid doubles. Mist can reach 37 Spd with +Spd-Speed +3-Speed +3, so it feels like she is almost kind of there but not really. Since Mist got a pretty decent 34 Res, I would just go with +Res-Fortress Res and let her Ploy things.

3 hours ago, Sias said:

As you didn't mention the other two characters, I guess my preference regarding those was okay?

I am blind.

For Sheena, I do not think it makes a huge difference between +Def and +Res, especially in a Ward Armor team. Since you are not running Distant Counter on her, I am leaning towards +Def. I think mine is [+Atk, -Spd], but basically anything like [+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd] works.

For Nino, if you are going with Life and Death, I think I would go with -Def. Nino's Def would get so low that I do not think Nino is going to survive any physical counterattack whether she keeps her physical bulk or not. Her magical bulk is not that much better either, but she has a better chance of surviving a counter from magical attacks if you preserve her Res.

20 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Should I postpone my Cordelia 5+10 and consider Clair or Shigure instead? Currently, Cordelia and Shigure are 5+1. Clair, I don't have a 5-star at the moment.

It looks like Shigure will require the least investment. Cordelia requires me to promote a Roderick to yoink Firesweep+, while Clair requires dew to forge the Flashing Blade refinement onto Rhomphaia.

Also, should I make Sothe or Nanna my first 5+10 colorless? They're tied at +4 right now.

I would go with Shigure for a higher score.

I would go with Nanna and give her Dazzling Staff-Wrathful Staff. Firesweep healers are just too good to pass up on. I would not bother with Sothe until they release a Firesweep Dagger or something.

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Hey everyone, so I have two units that I need some advice on:

I have two Halloween Henrys (one +SPD -ATK, and another one that's +DEF -ATK) and I need to know which nature works better for him overall.

The next unit I'm building is a Halloween Jakob (+ATK -RES) and I've given him Distant Defense 3, Guard Bow and Ward Armor. So besides Bold and Vengeful Fighter what b-slot would work best for him.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the wall of text.

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11 minutes ago, CeruleanMage said:

I have two Halloween Henrys (one +SPD -ATK, and another one that's +DEF -ATK) and I need to know which nature works better for him overall.

Depends on your build. If you're not planning on using Close Counter, I'd run +Spd with Gronnblade. If you have Close Counter, you can go with +Def and Gronnowl (though +Spd also should work for that build).


11 minutes ago, CeruleanMage said:

The next unit I'm building is a Halloween Jakob (+ATK -RES) and I've given him Distant Defense 3, Guard Bow and Ward Armor. So besides Bold and Vengeful Fighter what b-slot would work best for him.

Quick Riposte.


11 minutes ago, CeruleanMage said:

Thanks in advance and sorry for the wall of text.

Don't worry. There are much, much bigger walls that come around these parts.

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46 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would go with Shigure for a higher score.

I would go with Nanna and give her Dazzling Staff-Wrathful Staff. Firesweep healers are just too good to pass up on. I would not bother with Sothe until they release a Firesweep Dagger or something.

Okay, then Shigure and Nanna are next in line to refine their weapons. I already saved one Genny for Nanna (Wrathful Staff).

However, Absorb's low might really hurts. Gravity+, Pain+, or a 12-might staff is a priority.

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56 minutes ago, CeruleanMage said:

The next unit I'm building is a Halloween Jakob (+ATK -RES) and I've given him Distant Defense 3, Guard Bow and Ward Armor. So besides Bold and Vengeful Fighter what b-slot would work best for him.

If you have the resources, I also recommend considering a Player Phase build.

Firesweep, Moonbow, Reposition
Death Blow, Bold Fighter, Def Smoke
Armor Boots

TOD!Jakob would basically have the best movement characteristics of armor units (unimpeded by forests) and infantry units (2 movement), while pairing the insane firepower of Bold Fighter with the sustainability of Firesweep Bow.

30 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Gravity+, Pain+, or a 12-might staff is a priority.

I would go with Gravity for Arena and Pain for Arena Assault. In my opinion, Pain is kind of risky in Arena due to the amount of Vantage and Wings of Mercy units there and you cannot spot them until you start the battle. Pain is a lot more manageable for Arena Assault since you can preview the enemy team and simply switch out the healer for another nuke if you see lots of Vantage or Wings of Mercy.

14 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Which Takumi should I keep: +ATK/-SPD or the free neutral-nature one? I want to give someone Close Counter, and I'm not sure which Takumi is better.

It depends on what you want him to do. If you want a Brave Bow archer, +Atk is better. If you are using him for anything else, such as his default set up for Arena defense, neutral would be better.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would go with Gravity for Arena and Pain for Arena Assault. In my opinion, Pain is kind of risky in Arena due to the amount of Vantage and Wings of Mercy units there and you cannot spot them until you start the battle. Pain is a lot more manageable for Arena Assault since you can preview the enemy team and simply switch out the healer for another nuke if you see lots of Vantage or Wings of Mercy.

Got it. Was already leaning that way, Gravity can pitybreak me (Genny and Elise). Pain can't.

Wait, is Candlelight also a viable choice? Voting Gauntlet might be bridal and they might revive the 2017 banner.

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20 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Wait, is Candlelight also a viable choice? Voting Gauntlet might be bridal and they might revive the 2017 banner.

Candlelight is viable, however it depends on if you use it correctly, which is much harder with it than it is with Gravity and Pain.

Whereas Gravity can halt the enemy advancement safely and trigger safe chip damage so long as the staff unit is pulled or danced away, and Pain is simple raw damage without the risk of triggering powerful offensive specials, Candlelight's debuff relies on the player being able to attack the affected enemies using other teammates and gain mileage out of it. Easier said than done unfortunately, as the healer will most likely be attacking the enemy out of position from the rest of the group, so you would need to pair that healer up with powerful mages or cavalry to possibly reach the rest of the group safely, which since we are talking about Nanna that is much easier done than said. And if you position/dance the healer away with no further action to the enemy, then you are wasting the Candlelight debuff and would be better off using Gravity, or you are doing chip damage, which you may be better with Pain. Or maybe you're still waiting for the prime moment to heavy assault the enemy team and just want some chip on the enemy, which is also just as likely.

That's not to say that Candlelight is a bad debuff. If used right, it's the most dangerous thing you could do to the enemy before killing them. But Gravity and Pain are much easier to use without screwing up.

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26 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Candlelight is viable, however it depends on if you use it correctly, which is much harder with it than it is with Gravity and Pain.

Whereas Gravity can halt the enemy advancement safely and trigger safe chip damage so long as the staff unit is pulled or danced away, and Pain is simple raw damage without the risk of triggering powerful offensive specials, Candlelight's debuff relies on the player being able to attack the affected enemies using other teammates and gain mileage out of it. Easier said than done unfortunately, as the healer will most likely be attacking the enemy out of position from the rest of the group, so you would need to pair that healer up with powerful mages or cavalry to possibly reach the rest of the group safely, which since we are talking about Nanna that is much easier done than said. And if you position/dance the healer away with no further action to the enemy, then you are wasting the Candlelight debuff and would be better off using Gravity, or you are doing chip damage, which you may be better with Pain. Or maybe you're still waiting for the prime moment to heavy assault the enemy team and just want some chip on the enemy, which is also just as likely.

That's not to say that Candlelight is a bad debuff. If used right, it's the most dangerous thing you could do to the enemy before killing them. But Gravity and Pain are much easier to use without screwing up.

Ideally, Nanna will be in my Mage Girl Horse Emblem Team of SM!Eirika/L'Arachel/Gunnthra. Obviously, this precludes me using her in Arena regularly. If the foe is hit by Chilling Seal, Gunnthra goes in. Otherwise, one of the other girls will blast the foe with a maxed bladetome.

Obviously, if the Voting Gauntlet isn't 2017 vs. 2018 Bridal, then Candlelight is completely out of the question.

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6 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Wait, is Candlelight also a viable choice? Voting Gauntlet might be bridal and they might revive the 2017 banner.

Candlelight is awesome if you have access to it. I still got like half a dozen BB!Lyns sitting in my Barracks, but I never got the courage to sack her for it.

I personally found it super easy to use since Player Phase ranged combat is sort of my specialty, although I could see that it may be more difficult for some players to use if they are not used to that play style as @Xenomata said.

5 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Otherwise, one of the other girls will blast the foe with a maxed bladetome.

I would prioritize other units receiving Blade tomes first. SM!Eirika and L'Arachel already got offensive exclusive tomes, so you are not going to get that much return from giving them another offensive tome. Gleipnir and Ivaldi are slightly better than Blade tomes in terms of performance.

SM!Eirika +Spd -Res
Gleipnir, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [Gleipnir, Attack +3] 181:24:44
Player Phase [Rauðrblade, Speed +3] 181:33:35

L'Arachel +Spd, -Res
Ivaldi, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [Ivaldi] 188:25:36
Player Phase [Blárblade] 182:29:38

On the other hand, someone like Katarina, Ursula, or Rhajat would very much appreciate a Blade tome for better combat performance, as their default tomes are a lot more specialized and situational.

6 hours ago, Ghostface233 said:

Got two Ishtars and I'm wondering what build would be best for her.


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Her default set is almost perfect, you just need to replace Vantage with Desperation and maybe add in Reposition or whatever Assist you like.

I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish with the first set that her default set cannot, as Swift Sparrow is superior to Fury, and Speed +3 is much better than Attack +3 on her Sacred Seal slot.

Astra and Flashing Blade are both garbage; do not use them. I am not sure what you are trying to achieve on the second set.

Ishtar +Spd, -Res
Mjölnir, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow, Desperation
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 173:20:56
(If you are using arcticsilverfox's calculator, you want to remove Odd Atk Wave as the calculator seems to be treating it like a combat buff.)

Ishtar +Spd, -Res
Mjölnir, Moonbow
Fury, Desperation
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase 164:8:77
Player Phase [Speed +3] 167:8:74

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Which Legendary Ephraim should I keep (Other will be merged into):

+Spd / -Def

+Res / -HP

I like the second one, as it leaves his defence unscathed. However, his first IV's + Cavalry boosts, allows him avoid sime doubles here and there.


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@D4RTH In general I would say decreasing doubling increases bulk by more than increasing defense. But even with 30 speed he is rather slow. And while he does lose some bulk from -HP I hadn't noticed any important thresholds being missed when I went from +ATK/-SPD to +ATK/-HP. That said the res is kinda like not having any boon at all.

Anyways since I could get some use out of +SPD I would likely go that way even if -DEF hurts worse than -HP for him. But since I was looking up ep builds for mine anyways here are some numbers for Standard Heavy Blade Galeforce Ephraim.

Against Sundere's List
101-24-1  VS. 100-24-2 Without buffs
106-19-1  VS. 106-19-1 With Hone Cavalry

Against 700-710 Tally List
133-26-9 VS. 130-29-9 Without buffs
144-19-5 VS. 144-20-4 With Hone Cavalry

Against Fury+Moonbow overwrite
213-16-5 VS. 206-20-8 Without buffs
222-9-3 VS. 222-9-3 With Hone Cavalry

When it comes to survival on enemy phase Speed tends to win or come within 1 or 2 of a tie. Generally speaking +SPD performs better ep with hone in place. Without hone +RES makes up some ground and on 1 configuration actually surpassed by a matchup or two. Also I forgot to take my merge from +2, so these numbers take a +2 into account instead of base or +1. My oops there.


Basically they look almost identical with a hone inplace with perhaps a slight edge going towards +SPD. So I would go +SPD since I think the boon actually helps a bit. Whereas going +RES is just trying to avoid the slightly higher durability hit. The boon does nothing for him. But I also tend to have a rather strong inclination towards pushing speed. So you'll probably want to wait for a few others to weigh in as well.

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On 5/11/2018 at 4:09 AM, Hawk King said:

That's exactly how I see it. And it totally works. I know how good dagger units can be I just don't like Mathew's stat spread as much as some of the others. No offense, but he's just kind of a jack of all trades master of none to me.

I don't think we've never disagreed more. 

Bold: For me, you just described Jakob. Balanced and therefore middling in every single solitary stat. DEF and RES equally average to the point that he's not particularly tanky in either field, mediocre ATK and SPD bad enough that he's not avoiding very many doubles at all. If he and Matthew ran the exact same build Jakob would die to 2x the threats simply by virtue of being doubled by twice as many units, nevermind the additional damage he's taking from physical enemies. 

Matt isn't as strong on the offense as units like Kagero, Sothe, etc, he doesn't tank physical quite as well as Saizo and can't tank magic like Felicia/ToD!Sakura, but for everything those specialized units do better, there's something they can't and Matthew can do almost every single one of those things. He's literally the only mixed tank dagger available as long as you don't drop his RES. The fact that I'm even discussing this is mindboggling. He's sitting at the very bottom of just about every list along with the likes of Jakob, Odin, Jagen, Arthur, Tobin and S!Leo which I think is utter nonsense. He's great, at the very least fully competent if built properly. I'm anticipating a refine for him, and giddy at the prospect of it. But refinery made him completely viable and with the right set he trivializes more than half of the units above him on just about any list.

Sorry, started ranting.

On 5/11/2018 at 4:09 AM, Hawk King said:

Close Counter isn't a must for her with the  Owl tome. You have no need for her to tank melee units. The Owl tome just fits better with your defensive units.

It's true that she wouldn't be susceptible to Panic Ploy (if that's common) and she'd be open to a refine of all things! Most people go +DEF, but if I'm not giving her Close Counter I could prop up her Speed to an even more ridiculous 48.

On 5/11/2018 at 4:09 AM, Hawk King said:

Sealed Falchion would be a fun build for Chrom, but it doesn't fit as well with your defensive team composition. And you would need to pull a +Spd Chrom to run it most effectively.

Weather or not I consider the build at this point will depend on the next 1-7 Chroms I pull. If +SPD/-HP or RES never shows up, this conversation is pointless and I don't know that I'll be waiting until he's +10 to cement a build.

16 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

@Zeo I’ve been thinking about it, and I think the biggest issue is not Chrom or his builds but the fact that he just overlaps with Lukas. I’m not saying you should stop building Chrom or anything, but maybe think about using a different red sword unit for this team and make another team in which Chrom is better suited for? You already mentioned Eirika, Fir, and Eliwood, which are all good choices, but it doesn’t have to be a res tank, just someone that adds more versatility to your team.

The overlapping isn't really an issue in actuality though. The team's two biggest issues are red mages and green dragons. One of these are rare and the other Chrom completely trivializes while being one of the most common unit types in arena. Even in that regard, the Sealed Falchion build gives Chrom a different role entirely which allows for a more balanced team, albeit at a cost.

In actuality though, this team was crafted out of a group of units I personally chose to +10 because I like them the most out of the available pool. I decided to synergize them as best as possible in that regard. But the reality is I will likely be +10'ing more units if I'm still playing this game following finishing these 4 up. If the other red sword could slay dragons however, then I'd say you're completely right. As for other units who could fill Chrom's shoes in the future?

  • Athena was my 2nd choice and could easily rock a Wo Dao+ Swift Sparrow set for player phase nuking. I also have a +ATK/-HP variant of her.
  • Fir could be a potent magic tank and dragon check with a Distant Counter set and I did consider her at one point.
  • Eliwood would rather be a Brave Roy counterpart, but he could run a DC magic tanking set if the team called for it. I like him enough to +10 him as well.
  • Marth can also slay dragons, but he plays a more prominent supportive role as well, he'd buff the entire team while still checking green dragons. He likely has the most synergy with this team.

Roy is too important as TA3 fodder unfortunately and don't talk to me about Soleil. I know she's amazing, I have no interest in +10'ing or even building her to be honest.

If we're being frank though? This is my +10 red sword of choice.


A man can only dream. No understanding for why such an underwhelming unit is locked to *5. I would +10 her in a heartbeat.

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@Chrom-ulent For your colourless, it depend what you need right now- a cavalry healer or an offensive dagger. Depending on how much you use horse teams, healer is better for utility.  If you want offensive damage then go with Sothe, and he has good support with Peshkatz. 

@Zeo As much fun as Sealed Falchion Chrom could be (Fury is definitely a must so it also depends if you have the fodder), I'm slightly leaning towards Spectrum Bond. It depends on positioning but I think you are good with that anyway, and Matthew's buff/debuff support will make be really good. Fury/Sealed Falchion can be good as well, but unlike Horse Chrom he lacks Emblem buffs and the extra movement. You can still go for it, and it is very satisfying to use, but you have to be really wary of his health throughout the map. Atk/Def is the best A slot from those choices.

@XRay I'm currently collecting on opinions on which Halloween Henry to use before I start inheriting skills. I have a +Spd/-Def and +Spd/-Res one, although I'm not sure which is better.

-Def superbane hurts a bit, especially if I want him to counter both Lyn and Reinhardt. But his nice, high Res is intact.

-Res seems the more balanced one but losing even a little bit of that high natural Res is kind of disappointing and I'm not sure if there are any key matchup/threats that I should be more wary of with the lower Res.

As for roles, I haven't finalised a build yet but I'm thinking either enemy phase against Lyn/Reinhardt. 

Or Gronnblade as an option for specific maps where I have more control to created mixed teams, since Hone/Fortify Armors is rare for me. I also don't have spare Bold Fighters or anything (but then again I'm depressingly low on Shannas so Gronnblade will have to wait for a while).

But I guess for now I'm either going Gronnowl or Gronnraven on him. Would the bane choice be a key factor for these builds? Also I guess if I go Gronnowl, then maybe +Res refine could be an option if I choose to go with -Res?  Or is it better to go with even more Spd? (Not sure how this affects other Arena armor teams though)


Also lastly, what bane does Sothe want the best? I pulled a +Atk/-Def one, but not sure if I should wait for a -Res or -HP one. Or even a +Spd one, before upgrading him, because I need as much LaD fodder as I can get.

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Thanks to my luck returning after a fruitless Legendary banner, I now find myself in possession of two Ishtar (+HP/-Def, +Spd/-HP respectively).  While I know that the second one is the one I'll keep (sadly I'll lose the blessing I used on the first since I pulled her two days ago unless I merge), I'm in a quandry as to what I should use the first one for.

While Swift Sparrow is undoubtedly one of the best PP skills, her unique C skill also has some allure as an inheiritable skill. Would anyone care to make an argument for either (or whether I should simply merge her)?

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I'm trying to build an Arena team of favorites, but a little worried about it.  I seem to have issues fitting in bonus units, and it's only blessed during Earth season.

Current team (pics below) (all are 5* and Earth blessed):

  • L!Ike+4: Default Kit+Quick Riptose 3.  Typically run Close Def seal.  Handles most melee combat with ease (including some blues).  Tanks the majority of B!Lyns and all green mages, since he can typically counter and kill Nino in one hit.
  • Soren+9: Wind Brand+Owl refine, Fury/Desperation.  Runs double spur attack since he's normally next to Ike (they're also S-supported).  He's amazing- he can take out red armors, including Zelgius, if he's in desperation range.  Tanks every Reinhardt, kills a lot of other units that don't have decently high res.  If Ike can't kill it, Soren typically can.
  • Oscar+10: Firesweep lance, Life & Death 3, Spur Spd/Def and Drive Atk seal.  He normally takes whatever is left.  Soren and Ike can typically clear the map by themselves, but Oscar is a beast when he sees use.  He just can't bait like the other two can.

I sometimes have issues where I can't bait an enemy, and too many get close at once.  I've also had a hard time the last few weeks fitting in a bonus unit who doesn't overlap and works well in this team.  Using Titania+9 has been great, but she fills almost the same niche as Soren.   However, that's something that will change week by week, and I don't think I can handle that in team comp overall.  I'm getting tired of losing in Arena in the middle of a chain.

I've water blessed B!Ike+3, Zelgius+1, Micaiah+3, and Sothe+3, but they're not at very high merges.  My Fjorm is also +0, so I have a feeling I'd be better off running the Earth team even during water season.  I have 4-star merges for many units, but none of them are very well built.  Plus, I'd like to stick to my favorite units if possible (you may see a theme), because sacrificing expensive skills for units I'm not attached to feels like a waste.

Any suggestions on improving my arena team?  I've put a lot of time and resources into these units, and I'm not adverse to more.  If you have a suggestion of a type of unit (blue mage tank, etc) that might fit better, I'd appreciate it.  Also, I'm not so interested in number of wins/losses- I've run a lot of those myself, and I know these kits are decent.  I'm more looking for a set of fresh eyes on team comp.






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8 hours ago, D4RTH said:

Which Legendary Ephraim should I keep (Other will be merged into):

+Spd / -Def

+Res / -HP

I like the second one, as it leaves his defence unscathed. However, his first IV's + Cavalry boosts, allows him avoid sime doubles here and there.


Flame Siegmund, Luna
Death Blow, Solar Brace
Heavy Blade
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [+Spd, -Def] 216:20:13
Player Phase [+Res, -HP] 215:29:9
Player Phase [+Spd, -Def, 6/6/0/0] 228:15:6
Player Phase [+Res, -HP, 6/6/0/0] 226:15:8

Flame Siegmund, Luna
Death Blow, Lancebreaker
Heavy Blade
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Player Phase [+Spd, -Def] 218:19:12
Player Phase [+Res, -HP] 217:24:8
Player Phase [+Spd, -Def, 6/6/0/0] 229:14:6
Player Phase [+Res, -HP, 6/6/0/0] 228:14:7

I agree with @Usana, and I will go with the +Spd too as his Player Phase performance reflects similar results.

7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@XRay I'm currently collecting on opinions on which Halloween Henry to use before I start inheriting skills. I have a +Spd/-Def and +Spd/-Res one, although I'm not sure which is better.

-Def superbane hurts a bit, especially if I want him to counter both Lyn and Reinhardt. But his nice, high Res is intact.

-Res seems the more balanced one but losing even a little bit of that high natural Res is kind of disappointing and I'm not sure if there are any key matchup/threats that I should be more wary of with the lower Res.

As for roles, I haven't finalised a build yet but I'm thinking either enemy phase against Lyn/Reinhardt. 

Or Gronnblade as an option for specific maps where I have more control to created mixed teams, since Hone/Fortify Armors is rare for me. I also don't have spare Bold Fighters or anything (but then again I'm depressingly low on Shannas so Gronnblade will have to wait for a while).

But I guess for now I'm either going Gronnowl or Gronnraven on him. Would the bane choice be a key factor for these builds? Also I guess if I go Gronnowl, then maybe +Res refine could be an option if I choose to go with -Res?  Or is it better to go with even more Spd? (Not sure how this affects other Arena armor teams though)

Unless you need TOD!Henry to Ploy enemies, I would go with -Res since baning it does not affect his survival that much. If you want a unit to be a generalist Enemy Phase unit , you want the unit to have balanced Def and Res by baning the higher stat as that stat is not contributing as much to a unit's survive as the lower stat is.

+Res refine is not bad, but I think TOD!Henry would appreciate the Spd Refinement more to prevent doubles. You want Henry to have around at least 40 Spd to reliably prevent doubles.

I do not have much experience with armor team vs armor team combat though, so I do not have any opinion to offer.



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6 hours ago, Venmi said:

I sometimes have issues where I can't bait an enemy, and too many get close at once.

Is it usually the same kind of enemy (ex. Red Tome Mage), or does it vary?

6 hours ago, Venmi said:

I've also had a hard time the last few weeks fitting in a bonus unit who doesn't overlap and works well in this team.

You might be better off just assuming that your bonus unit won't be able to contribute much, combat-wise (which is probably not completely true, given that bonus units now get +10/4/4/4/4 stat boosts), and building your core to 3v4. Building the Askr units for support roles might help (positioning or RecAid, field and/or combat buff in their C/Seal slot, maybe Wings of Mercy).

6 hours ago, Venmi said:

(you may see a theme)

Whaaaaaat?! Unfortunately PoR/RD isn't the largest pool to choose from. To be honest, I think your core looks pretty strong as it is; the only member suggestion I would make would probably be Oscar → Micaiah, but that would tank your score.

6 hours ago, Venmi said:

Any suggestions on improving my arena team?

  • For the core as it is...start by changing Ike's C Passive. If you're using an infantry bonus unit, only Oscar is getting that buff, and he really couldn't care less about it. Soren arguably doesn't really care about it either, if you're sticking to the weapon triangle.
  • Does Soren need to be running 2x Spur Atk? It seems to me that the only real use for it would be to provide +10 Atk to Ike on the EP. If all that Atk isn't needed, you're better off switching out one or both of them. Perhaps a different field/combat buff, or Def Ploy.
  • You might get some mileage out of giving Oscar a Galeforce set (Slaying Lance+Heavy Blade seal), if you add some offensive buffs and possibly Def Ploy support (I wonder if you could run Titania over Soren for Hone Cav support if you go this route...you could even keep Ike's Def Tactic if you did that). On the plus side, it lets him go in, get a KO, and just walk/trot/canter/whatever back out, which might alleviate some of the baiting issues you're having. On the minus side, he gets a little restricted to fighting reds and lower-Def blues, and will get counterattacked.
    • If you want to see how that sort of set plays, I have a Galeforce Tana set as my lead for Armor week in Rival Domains (my armors are meh, so she's there for Guidance support). Rival Domains is no substitute for the Arena, obviously, but it might be useful *shrug*.
  • Pull 7 more Micaiahs.

Those are my thoughts, at any rate.

Edit: Posted prematurely. Editing now. Alright, I'm done now.

Edited by LordFrigid
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5 hours ago, Raltis said:

Thanks to my luck returning after a fruitless Legendary banner, I now find myself in possession of two Ishtar (+HP/-Def, +Spd/-HP respectively).  While I know that the second one is the one I'll keep (sadly I'll lose the blessing I used on the first since I pulled her two days ago unless I merge), I'm in a quandry as to what I should use the first one for.

While Swift Sparrow is undoubtedly one of the best PP skills, her unique C skill also has some allure as an inheiritable skill. Would anyone care to make an argument for either (or whether I should simply merge her)?

I would personally go with a merge since Blessings are in limited supply, whereas you can simply get more Swift Sparrow if you decide to whale. Once you factor in 4/4/0/0 buffs, the difference between Swift Sparrow-Speed +3 and Fury-Speed +3 is often very negligible.

Odd Atk Wave is a dead weight skill half the time, so it is definitely not something I want to fodder around even if it is more widely available.

5 hours ago, Venmi said:

I sometimes have issues where I can't bait an enemy, and too many get close at once.  I've also had a hard time the last few weeks fitting in a bonus unit who doesn't overlap and works well in this team.

Unless you are willing to work outside of favorites, there is almost always going to be team composition issues unless your favorites just happens to line up with a team composition that works. Until they release more alts, you either have to choose between using your favorites and accept the fact that Arena is never going to be as easy as pie, or you can be worry-free of Arena by running one of the meta team compositions at the price of not running all your favorites.

If you are willing to compromise, there is a team composition that allows you to run any single unit of your choosing and it would barely affect the performance of the rest of team. One Firesweep archer/healer and one Dancer/Singer is the only team composition that I can think that only requires two members to be sufficient in Arena. Your third unit can literally be anyone you want. Obviously, the fourth unit is going to the bonus unit.

Also, the fourth unit is almost guaranteed to be a dud on the team since it is a bonus unit and you have little to no control over that. A lot of well built team compositions out there utilizes only three members (usually referred to as a "core") to be sufficient for that reason. The bonus units often times do help out the core team, but the cores of some players (like mine: BH!Lyn, Reinhardt, Olivia) can be so self sufficient that bonus units are generally more of a liability than an asset so those bonus units just sit in the back and avoid the frontlines.

If you choose running your favorites no matter what, I highly recommend going a few pages back and read @Zeo's conversations with fellow players discussing team composition. You can use the small arrow icon at the top right corner of the following quote to take you there immediately and read from there. Obviously, not everything discussed is going to translate to your team, but hopefully it can give you some ideas and creative solutions to problems you are facing.

On 5/9/2018 at 2:03 PM, Zeo said:

Recently developments have left me conflicted on what I want to do with a certain member of my endgame team. Nino and Matthew are in stone and I've decided I want to go ahead and make Lukas a Steady Breath physical tank of death. I don't think I'll regret it. Now I'm left with Chrom who I've been unsatisfied with, I don't know what I want his role to be at this point as I feel he's incomplete... so I've been looking into multiple ways to build him now that Sealed Falchion can potentially change how he's used as a unit, potentially he's not even a EP unit depending on how you build him. I'd like some advice on what to do with him, being as realistic as possible with only a few hypothetical builds.

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Thank you, @LordFrigid and @XRay for taking a look!

1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

Is it usually the same kind of enemy (ex. Red Tome Mage), or does it vary?

Red mages actually are one of the problems.  I have some issues with W!Tharja if she has enough boosts, but Ike can take her if done properly.  Liliana has also taken out Ike in one hit, but he normally can survive one.  There are others too, but I can't think of them now- it feels random.  But that's probably not an easy fix.

1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

You might be better off just assuming that your bonus unit won't be able to contribute much, combat-wise (which is probably not completely true, given that bonus units now get +10/4/4/4/4 stat boosts), and building your core to 3v4. Building the Askr units for support roles might help (positioning or RecAid, field and/or combat buff in their C/Seal slot, maybe Wings of Mercy).

You're right about bonus units...  I should put more into the Askr units.  I wouldn't mind using them.

As for the unit choices...  I've only ever played the Tellius games, so I just know so little about the others.  And I desperately wish they would add more Tellius characters to the pool.  There are some units I've gotten attached to that I should probably consider.  I'd love to use Micaiah, but while I do spend money, I haven't spent enough to +10 a 5-star exclusive.

1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:
  • For the core as it is...start by changing Ike's C Passive. If you're using an infantry bonus unit, only Oscar is getting that buff, and he really couldn't care less about it. Soren arguably doesn't really care about it either, if you're sticking to the weapon triangle.
  • Does Soren need to be running 2x Spur Atk? It seems to me that the only real use for it would be to provide +10 Atk to Ike on the EP. If all that Atk isn't needed, you're better off switching out one or both of them. Perhaps a different field/combat buff, or Def Ploy.
  • You might get some mileage out of giving Oscar a Galeforce set (Slaying Lance+Heavy Blade seal), if you add some offensive buffs and possibly Def Ploy support (I wonder if you could run Titania over Soren for Hone Cav support if you go this route...you could even keep Ike's Def Tactic if you did that). On the plus side, it lets him go in, get a KO, and just walk/trot/canter/whatever back out, which might alleviate some of the baiting issues you're having. On the minus side, he gets a little restricted to fighting reds and lower-Def blues, and will get counterattacked.
    • If you want to see how that sort of set plays, I have a Galeforce Tana set as my lead for Armor week in Rival Domains (my armors are meh, so she's there for Guidance support). Rival Domains is no substitute for the Arena, obviously, but it might be useful *shrug*.
  • Pull 7 more Micaiahs.

Right, Ike's C passive.  I really need something better for him, and I'll dig into what I have to find something better.  And you're right about Soren- I realized that was a holdover from the days when I was using regular Ike with Heavy Blade.  Maybe I have some ploy fodder I can use...  He can certainly run them.  As for the Galeforce set, I'll think about it.  I'm not sure I have the resources to pull it off, but I might.  Thank you for the suggestions!  I wouldn't have thought of Galeforce, and I think I'll try out your Tana.  I'm also Venmi in game when you get a request.  (I wish I could do the last one...)

1 hour ago, XRay said:

Unless you are willing to work outside of favorites, there is almost always going to be team composition issues unless your favorites just happens to line up with a team composition that works. Until they release more alts, you either have to choose between using your favorites and accept the fact that Arena is never going to be as easy as pie, or you can be worry-free of Arena by running one of the meta team compositions at the price of not running all your favorites.

Now if only they would release more Tellius characters (or demote more to 4-stars).  I really wish I could +10 Zelgius, but that's a dream that will likely never happen.  Also, thanks for directing me to Zeo's conversation- it was good to read.  I think I'm of the same opinion as him that I'd rather use my units, and now I know to accept it will be harder.  I'll do the best I can with the units I want to use, and accept that I may have a harder time with a streak.

Thank you!

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What would be a good 240 sp B skill to give Ishtar, +Atk -HP? For Arena Scoring purposes in case I don't have any of the non-Askr units.

I was leaning on Chill Spd, but then I remembered that that was on the FH!Celica I haven't merged into yet. I can't access Chill Res due to no Spring Catria. Given her nature as a ranged unit, I don't feel like I'd get very good mileage out of Escape Route or Wings of Mercy. Even if Quick Riposte would work, I don't have the fodder or feathers to get it on her. Watersweep and Windsweep would go well with her speed... if I wanted to completely ruin the point of having a fast and powerful Blue mage.

Accounting for skills Blue Mage units and non-dancers can't equip, this leaves me with Renewal 3, Poison Strike 3, and Dull Ranged 3. And of the skills available as 240 sp, I have access to...

Renewal, Escape Route, Wings of Mercy, Watersweep, and Dull Ranged.

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

What would be a good 240 sp B skill to give Ishtar, +Atk -HP? For Arena Scoring purposes in case I don't have any of the non-Askr units.

I was leaning on Chill Spd, but then I remembered that that was on the FH!Celica I haven't merged into yet. I can't access Chill Res due to no Spring Catria. Given her nature as a ranged unit, I don't feel like I'd get very good mileage out of Escape Route or Wings of Mercy. Even if Quick Riposte would work, I don't have the fodder or feathers to get it on her. Watersweep and Windsweep would go well with her speed... if I wanted to completely ruin the point of having a fast and powerful Blue mage.

Accounting for skills Blue Mage units and non-dancers can't equip, this leaves me with Renewal 3, Poison Strike 3, and Dull Ranged 3. And of the skills available as 240 sp, I have access to...

Renewal, Escape Route, Wings of Mercy, Watersweep, and Dull Ranged.

I would go with Renewal if you do not have Desperation. Wings of Mercy also works too, although that suits defense teams a little more.

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Hey guys, I've almost finished building my little monster (AKA 5* Niles). He's only missing Guard Bow (haven't summoned a Setsuna in a long, long time) and a C skill. At first I thought about giving him a Drive, but with that Res stat, I think a Ploy is way more interesting. Since no one in my team hits Res, this leaves me with:

-Atk Ploy (from 4* Julius): This would make Niles even tankier, while also making non-mages enemies even less dangerous for +8 Brave Ike.

-Def Ploy (from Arvis): Outside of specials, Niles hits like a wet noodle. Although this option could make him do a little more damage, I don't think this would be worthy, tbh. 

-Spe Ploy (from 4* Saias): Niles has decent speed, so maybe Atk should be more important, but since the other only unit that I'm sure that will be part of my super merged team is so slow, maybe it would be interesting.

Niles is atm +Res/-Def and 5*+5. Although +HP would give him 1 extra point in both physical and magical bulk due to the superboon, it hurts his ability to ploy (he has 42 res atm). I'm also considering to move from Iceberg to Glacies.   

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