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@Ginko Yeah my initial gut urge said +RES, but for this type of stuff I do like to do a quick Calculator look as well and that muddied the waters a bit. And I forgot about dragons. Though he doesn't duel them too often since the red dragons are usually easier to deal with than the likes of Nowi and Myrrh and Grima.

@XRay Since he is/was the only user of Bold Fighter I had that would see any use I do indeed run him fairly standard dual phase. Throw on positional of choice/bonfire/c of choice/QR seal and have fun. Green was too contested for Winter Lissa to ever have a chance to shine(plus she isn't a great boon/bane). So if I wanted to play with Bold Fighter(which boy I did) then I Hardin was the only option. Blue is probably my least contested slot.

I should probably clarify my hammered statement though. Due to him being an armor and being deployed in armor emblem when he faces a mage it is something like a Bold Fighter Tharja. Who has successfully killed him before, much to my shock. Running a duel calculator seems to indicate he has a better chance to survive with +RES than +DEF. Warding Breath would help eliminate any possibility of him losing. So saying hammered may have been a bit hyperbole. We all know Bold Fighter is bonkers. But still when I see my blue who is there specifically to deal with red threats get deleted by a red threat. . . well. . . yeah. He wins easily on offense though so I just had to work it into my mind that not all Tharja's run Vengful and that if she has Bold DO NOT TRY AND TANK HER FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY. Still it has made RES stacking him very appealing since sometimes tanking her may just be best for position and map control. Also it can make a difference in matchups against Reinhardt(and yes he is another one where I took a loss by surprise). This isn't as important since Amelia does that job just fine. But still a data point in my consideration. Obviously pulling out the DD sacred seal in place of QR can alleviate some of these issues as can Wary Fighter. But I don't care to juggle a bunch of different builds per unit since then I end up in AA or another game mode with the wrong crap equipped and no way to change it out without forfeiting and starting over. So for ease of use I would just prefer one build maybe with minor variations for extraordinary situations that can't be handled any other way.


And I am rambling, but I figured I should clarify that he isn't always losing to mages, but rather that I am pretty miffed that my red all range counter dies to a red. A very fringe case red, but it is still a thorn in my palm so to speak. Plus being able to handle any 'standard' Reinhardt rather than just some is always nice.


Anyways, as usual, thanks for the input both of you. Still undecided, but I am in no rush to fodder him off to my Jakob. It'll happen eventually unless someone new comes out who I want to have it more, but my need for archer Armor is low enough that it it is likely to wait a while. Got other projects higher on my to do list.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

Obviously pulling out the DD sacred seal in place of QR can alleviate some of these issues as can Wary Fighter. But I don't care to juggle a bunch of different builds per unit since then I end up in AA or another game mode with the wrong crap equipped and no way to change it out without forfeiting and starting over. So for ease of use I would just prefer one build maybe with minor variations for extraordinary situations that can't be handled any other way.

2 hours ago, Usana said:

And I am rambling, but I figured I should clarify that he isn't always losing to mages, but rather that I am pretty miffed that my red all range counter dies to a red. A very fringe case red, but it is still a thorn in my palm so to speak. Plus being able to handle any 'standard' Reinhardt rather than just some is always nice.

Are you using your armor team as Arena Assault Team 1? In my opinion, changing some skills around and maximizing score is pretty worth it.

Losing Team 1 is also no big deal in my opinion since you can quickly restart (my win rate with my armor team is pretty crap), so if your armor team already net you a max skill score, then I would not bother with further investments and just stick with what you have.

If you are using your armor team as Team 2-7, then I agree that swapping Sacred Seals is not worth it. However, you generally want to swap out some team members out with hard counters against insanely strong units, even if you are using a set team.

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I just got a 4☆ Ares with terrible nature, +res -spd, so I decided to use him as SI fodder. Who's a good recipient for Brazen Atk/Def 3? Among my pool of characters I have:

Seliph (atk, hp)

Chrom (atk, res)

Tiki (Adult: atk, spd)

All three have minimum SI investment, and I would consider refining their weapons: Divine Tyrfing, Sealed Falchion and [atk/def bond] Breath of Fog.


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@Quintessence I think Chrom suit Brazen Atk/Def the most. It can combo with Sealed Falchion, Desperation, Brash Assault seal.

While the other two rely on Quick Riposte so they should keep their health high with Aether. It's not good for them to use Brazen Atk/Def in my opinion.

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@XRay Sadly my armor teams aren't my highest scoring. Team one is usually Eirika+10/Amelia+9/Myrrh+4/4*Nowi+10 or during fire season Legendary Ephraim+2. I don't really like using those folks there though. Myrrh and Amelia are both major crutches when it comes to play so burning them both in the first round is kinda guh. Nowi I am pretty sure is my fourth highest, though Ephraim is just barely behind her(2 according to the calculator so I believe his fire boost during fire season easily outweighs that). Sadly Winter Tharja is behind both of them.

Anyways Hardin never gets run on team one. When I plugged him in he didn't even hit 700 points. He gets dumped on a backup armor team with the likes of Henry. Unless I decide I don't care enough about AA that week(I don't even usually bother for a deathless, I really don't like that game mode for a whole slew of reasons) and run a lower scoring team leaving my Big Greens for later matches. So Eirika+Nowi+whatever. To be honest half the time I don't even bother to do a full 7. I REALLY don't care for it. I can't build a synergistic team if I can't edit what skills I have equipped and that just frustrates me so damn much that I just want to toss the phone aside in disgust. I can be really OCD about some stuff. If my horse has hone cav and no other cavs or if I have a tactic skill but all the same movement on the team I blow a gasket and then some.

And I think I have gone far enough off topic.


@Quintessence Ginko is on point there. That is a potent combo indeed.

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2 hours ago, Usana said:

Sadly my armor teams aren't my highest scoring. Team one is usually Eirika+10/Amelia+9/Myrrh+4/4*Nowi+10 or during fire season Legendary Ephraim+2. I don't really like using those folks there though. Myrrh and Amelia are both major crutches when it comes to play so burning them both in the first round is kinda guh. Nowi I am pretty sure is my fourth highest, though Ephraim is just barely behind her(2 according to the calculator so I believe his fire boost during fire season easily outweighs that). Sadly Winter Tharja is behind both of them.

Anyways Hardin never gets run on team one. When I plugged him in he didn't even hit 700 points. He gets dumped on a backup armor team with the likes of Henry. Unless I decide I don't care enough about AA that week(I don't even usually bother for a deathless, I really don't like that game mode for a whole slew of reasons) and run a lower scoring team leaving my Big Greens for later matches. So Eirika+Nowi+whatever. To be honest half the time I don't even bother to do a full 7. I REALLY don't care for it. I can't build a synergistic team if I can't edit what skills I have equipped and that just frustrates me so damn much that I just want to toss the phone aside in disgust. I can be really OCD about some stuff. If my horse has hone cav and no other cavs or if I have a tactic skill but all the same movement on the team I blow a gasket and then some.

And I think I have gone far enough off topic.

How often do you summon? If you are free to play, Arena Assault can be a little difficult without enough resources. But if you are a minnow, Gem Weapons, Glimmer, Triangle Adept, and Breakers are all quite plentiful. Arena Assault is pretty easy once you build enough counters and just make a team on the fly.

I got about half of the original 3*-4* pool to 4*+10 already and they generally run Gem Weapons/Triangle Adept-Breaker.



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4 hours ago, Ginko said:

@Quintessence I think Chrom suit Brazen Atk/Def the most. It can combo with Sealed Falchion, Desperation, Brash Assault seal.

While the other two rely on Quick Riposte so they should keep their health high with Aether. It's not good for them to use Brazen Atk/Def in my opinion.

Oh great point there with the Desperation and Brash Assault combo, thank you very much, indeed! I was about to upgrade Res Tactic Seal but this one sounds better.

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1 hour ago, Tree said:

Which Myrrh iv is better: +def -hp or +atk -spd? (I can't really tell; it might be situational.)

Will be +3 total and am considering adding distance counter.

I lean a little towards +Atk if you are giving her Close Def, if not, then +Def.

Great Flame, Moonbow
Distant Counter, Quick Riposte

Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Spd, Close Def] 174:43:47
Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Spd, Iote's Shield] 159:74:31
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP, Close Def] 168:27:69
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP, Iote's Shield] 159:58:47

Non Red Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury,
Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Spd, Close Def] 151:21:9
Enemy Phase [+Atk, -Spd, Iote's Shield] 145:27:9
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP, Close Def] 153:14:14
Enemy Phase [+Def, -HP, Iote's Shield] 147:21:13

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2 hours ago, Tree said:

Which Myrrh iv is better: +def -hp or +atk -spd? (I can't really tell; it might be situational.)

Will be +3 total and am considering adding distance counter.

I'm using Arcticsilverfox's calculator's Hard List (i.e. the most obnoxious builds known to man) set to +8 merge and +3/3/3/3 buffs.

I'm running +3 Myrrh (Great Flame, Glimmer, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte 3) on enemy phase.

With Fortify Fliers and Iote's Shield:

  • [+Atk, -Spd]: 78-64-55
    • No red: 69-26-23
    • No red or colorless: 60-23-17
    • Blue only: 32-1-10
  • [+Def, -HP]: 73-45-79
    • No red: 66-14-38
    • No red or colorless: 57-13-30
    • Blue only: 31-2-10

With Hone Fliers, Fortify Fliers, and Iote's Shield:

  • [+Atk, -Spd]: 115-52-30
    • No red: 82-19-17
    • No red or colorless: 72-16-12
    • Blue only: 33-0-10
  • [+Def, -HP]: 112-38-47
    • No red: 85-9-24
    • No red or colorless: 73-8-19
    • Blue only: 32-1-10

With Fortify Fliers and Close Def 3:

  • [+Atk, -Spd]: 80-42-75
    • No red: 65-24-29
    • No red or colorless: 64-12-24
    • Blue only: 32-1-10
  • [+Def, -HP]: 69-39-93
    • No red: 62-17-39
    • No red or colorless: 61-6-33
    • Blue only: 32-1-10

With Hone Fliers, Fortify Fliers and Close Def 3:

  • [+Atk, -Spd]: 130-34-33
    • No red: 83-18-17
    • No red or colorless: 81-7-12
    • Blue only: 33-0-10
  • [+Def, -HP]: 113-32-52
    • No red: 78-15-25
    • No red or colorless: 76-4-20
    • Blue only: 32-1-10

I'll vote for [+Atk, -Spd]. The difference is very minimal when running Iote's Shield, but using Close Def 3 gives [+Atk, -Spd] a slightly bigger lead.


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1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Can a Cecilia (+atk -spd) run a raven build well using triangle adept 3 and bow breaker?

In general, [+Atk, -HP/Spd] is my preferred nature for Raven mages and most Arena Assault counters. In my opinion, +Atk helps ensure kills against more unorthodox builds, +Def is not necessary since counters are usually only used once per battle, and -Spd does not matter since counters generally run Breakers.

Getting Cecilia to 4*+10 with [+Atk, -HP/Spd, Gronnraven (the regular one without +), Glimmer, Triangle Adept 3, Bowbreaker 3] is enough to counter Reinhardt, BH!Lyn, and LA!Roy assuming they are not running anything too funny like Miracle or Cancel Affinity.

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@Xenomata, if you have a Caeda there, I'd drop everyone and give her the Wing Sword refine. But then, here are my picks from your candidates:

  • Hinoka
  • Alm
  • Lilina
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I didn't think close defense (and other invisible boosts during combat) helped prevent doubles with her primary weapon? Or is close defense recommended just because of the extra melee protection? Probably won't be using close defense all of the time because other units have to share that seal.

The extra attack would be nice during offense, but that doesn't work as well with distance counter. Should I save distance counter and just leave the default fury then? (Distance counter does seem pretty good whenever I've encountered a Myrrh with it though.)


I was leaning toward the +atk -spd version, but was afraid of the increase in potential doubles.

Edited by Tree
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46 minutes ago, Tree said:

I didn't think close defense (and other invisible boosts during combat) helped prevent doubles with her primary weapon? Or is close defense recommended just because of the extra melee protection? Probably won't be using close defense all of the time because other units have to share that seal.

The extra attack would be nice during offense, but that doesn't work as well with distance counter. Should I save distance counter and just leave the default fury then? (Distance counter does seem pretty good whenever I've encountered a Myrrh with it though.)


I was leaning toward the +atk -spd version, but was afraid of the increase in potential doubles.

As an enemy-phase unit, Myrrh can prevent doubles with Close Def 3. Assuming that your Myrrh is at 0+, the enemy must have 38 Def and 27 Speed to double. This could be countered with Hone and Spur skills.

Edited by Aera
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I thought only the base defense stat (before any boosts were applied) was counted on her weapon. If I can boost the defense to prevent doubling, then that does seem to favor the +atk version.

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50 minutes ago, Tree said:

I didn't think close defense (and other invisible boosts during combat)

Unless the skill specifically states otherwise, all buffs and debuffs are included.

50 minutes ago, Tree said:

helped prevent doubles with her primary weapon? Or is close defense recommended just because of the extra melee protection?

Both. The extra def helps prevent some one hit kills, although probably not from Falchions though.

50 minutes ago, Tree said:

The extra attack would be nice during offense, but that doesn't work as well with distance counter.

How does extra Atk not work with Distant Counter?

50 minutes ago, Tree said:

Should I save distance counter and just leave the default fury then? (Distance counter does seem pretty good whenever I've encountered a Myrrh with it though.)

If you only have one Hector, I would save Hector. Armads-Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte is stupid powerful.

50 minutes ago, Tree said:

I was leaning toward the +atk -spd version, but was afraid of the increase in potential doubles.

Ranged units generally will not have 30+ Def. Most melee units will not have 35+ Def either, and if they do, they generally do not have the Spd to double you.



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53 minutes ago, Tree said:

I didn't think close defense (and other invisible boosts during combat) helped prevent doubles with her primary weapon? Or is close defense recommended just because of the extra melee protection? Probably won't be using close defense all of the time because other units have to share that seal.

The extra attack would be nice during offense, but that doesn't work as well with distance counter. Should I save distance counter and just leave the default fury then? (Distance counter does seem pretty good whenever I've encountered a Myrrh with it though.)


I was leaning toward the +atk -spd version, but was afraid of the increase in potential doubles.

Close Def adds 6 Def on enemy phase against melee-range opponents, and that does count towards Great Flame's effect (all in-combat buffs count toward in-combat effects). The boost to Def also helps curb some of the damage taken from fast armors and Bold Fighter armors since it mitigates a massive 12 damage over the course of two hits.

Myrrh shouldn't be fighting much on player phase unless you're running a Weaponbreaker skill (or you can one-hit kill) due to her low Spd stat.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 minute ago, XRay said:

If you only have one Hector, I would save Hector. Armads-Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte is stupid powerful.

I thought Wary Fighter took precedence over Quick Riposte. I was not able to have Hector follow-up when I had both equipped. 

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8 minutes ago, Aera said:

I thought Wary Fighter took precedence over Quick Riposte. I was not able to have Hector follow-up when I had both equipped. 

Wary Fighter cancels out one of the Quick Riposte. Since you are giving Hector two Quick Ripostes (one of them from Armads) Hector should have one Quick Riposte left to double.

If your Hector cannot double for some reason, you should double check the enemy to make sure that they are not running Axebreaker/Wary Fighter/Great Flame (or any other skills that stop enemies from doubling), as those will cancel out Hector's second Quick Riposte.

And make sure you check Hector's HP too, since Armads' Quick Riposte is 80%+ HP instead of the usual 70%+.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

How does extra Atk not work with Distant Counter?

Oh, I'm sure it works, just that because distance counter is more enemy phase based, I thought the double prevention would be more important.

19 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you only have one Hector, I would save Hector. Armads-Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte is stupid powerful.

I got a legendary Hector recently with +hp -spd; I also have two original Hectors, one with +atk -res and one with +atk -spd. (They are some of my better iv units.) I've invested a little bit in the -res one, but the -spd version seems better. I almost always prefer merging over inheritance, but I like both of the new Hector's art, stats, and skills better than the original, so I don't plan to invest too much more in the original one. I've never inherited distance counter before as it is really rare. Would it be good to use the -res one for Myrrh? I'm still second guessing myself. I have a +4 Michalis, but I think Myrrh would do better with it.

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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

Wary Fighter cancels out one of the Quick Riposte. Since you are giving Hector two Quick Ripostes (one of them from Armads) Hector should have one Quick Riposte left to double.

If your Hector cannot double for some reason, you should double check the enemy to make sure that they are not running Axebreaker/Wary Fighter/Great Flame (or any other skills that stop enemies from doubling), as those will cancel out Hector's second Quick Riposte.

And make sure you check Hector's HP too, since Armads' Quick Riposte is 80%+ HP instead of the usual 70%+.

OH. I was using Valentine’s Hector, that’s why it didn’t work. 

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7 minutes ago, Tree said:

Oh, I'm sure it works, just that because distance counter is more enemy phase based, I thought the double prevention would be more important.

That depends on the unit and how you build them. For some Enemy Phase units, you want them to be doubled so they can activate a higher damage Special.

7 minutes ago, Tree said:

I got a legendary Hector recently with +hp -spd; I also have two original Hectors, one with +atk -res and one with +atk -spd. (They are some of my better iv units.) I've invested a little bit in the -res one, but the -spd version seems better. I almost always prefer merging over inheritance, but I like both of the new Hector's art, stats, and skills better than the original, so I don't plan to invest too much more in the original one. I've never inherited distance counter before as it is really rare. Would it be good to use the -res one for Myrrh? I'm still second guessing myself. I have a +4 Michalis, but I think Myrrh would do better with it.

I would keep one of the original Hectors, since he does not need to be near his allies for Armads-Wary Fighter-Quick Riposte to work, so you might find him more useful for some challenging content. I would save the [+Atk, -Spd] one too.

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A few questions of varying complexity.

1) Horse Ephraim, +Spd -HP, or +HP -Spd? I know speed is often dumped here because of his guaranteed doubles, but I'm thinking 31 speed instead of 24 (he gets +1 from merges) might be better for enemy phase survivability by preventing doubles.

2) Is there a rule of thumb regarding Slaying Edge vs Wo Dao? Guessing it's statline specific but main candidates I'm thinking here would be Palla and Olivia.

3) I hear a lot about how awesome Berserk Armads is, but how about when on a budget? I'm happy enough with my neutral regular Hector's regular Armads, so before spending a decent wad of dew on the Berserk version, I'd like to know its effectiveness without premium fodder like Wrath or Bold/Vengeful Fighter, especially weighed against Omnibreaker.

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