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31 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

@mampfoid It's so weird to see Nowi in S+ tier even on a budget list. She clearly needs to inherit stuff to become good.

Like @Ice Dragon mentioned, it's not expensive to make Nowi good (while not perfect), but she was none of the newer units I meant. To give some non-armored examples: BH!Lyn, Dorcas, Linus, Elise (Dazzle refinement), Cordelia, Lilina (special refinement), L!Ike,  Elincia, Alm (special refinement) and Sword!Reinhardt are pretty good without SI. 

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To be fair, regular Reinhardt was listed as requiring investment, but he's easily built on a budget too, since DB3 is just as accessible as Fury these days. In that context, I took the question literally - no SI whatsoever.

Speaking of DB3, Klein certainly qualifies as complete-out-of-the-box too.

(In the meantime, a bunch of units are competing for the affections of my two spare Hinatas: Titania, Felicia, Frederick, Masked Marth, Caeda, Palla, Linde, Michalis, Chrom, Lucina, Tharja, M Morgan, Sharena, Lukas, Ephraim, Nephenee, Oscar, Hinoka, Tailtiu, Amelia, Bride Marth, M Grima, Julia, F Robin, Summer Elise, Horse Lilina)

Edited by Humanoid
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@Humanoid Yes, I wanted to show with Reinhardt that I'm looking for heroes that need no SI instead of low investment. Brave Roy can be good with low investment too, but he's not perfect out of the box without some extra skills.

@mampfoid I didn't try to imply that you were wrong, just something I noticed atm. Nowi can be good, but she defineately needs investment. Also your list looks promising, have half of those units already, I just didn't promote Cordelia yet - I have so much unlock potential to do.

@Ice Dragon I can agree with the strength of Distant Counter. In that case, can we say that M!Grima is also great out of the box?

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18 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Merged armors quickly make a gap. Grima, for example, has 1 more base Spd than Hector, meaning a +10 Grima without buffs will be able to double a +2 neutral Hector, as can a +3 Grima with dual rallies.

I don't know what kinds of team compositions D4RTH sees in his score range or what kind of team composition he's intending to use with Hector.

Exactly my thinking. The higher the merges I face, the more important speed becomes.

My aim was to use him in my core arena team (Both Armoured and or Tactics mixed, depending on how I feel). I'm currently in Tier 20, so the base nature is quite important to me.

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1 hour ago, Garlyle said:

@mampfoid I didn't try to imply that you were wrong, just something I noticed atm. Nowi can be good, but she defineately needs investment. Also your list looks promising, have half of those units already, I just didn't promote Cordelia yet - I have so much unlock potential to do.

No problem, I don't have a history of being near 100% correct, discussion is a chance to help and learn.

Definitively try Cordelia. If you want to invest some more in her, I'd gladly give some suggestions around Galeforce. 

As far as I understood you want to use the potential of your roster by promoting units with low need of SI first? Where will you use them, in AA? In this case you could promote also some more specialized units like

  • Anti-armor units with high ATK like Frederick, Cherche and Est (Brave+ is their best set, but vanilla versions are very good against armors),
  • TA/Gem units like Roy (anti-green, anti-dragon with refinement), Oscar (anti-red, also has lancebreaker), Titania (anti-blue, could use some SI though)
  • Clair/Caeda (anti Cav/Armor). In comparison to Cherche for example, Caeda and Clair need some SI to boost ATK, but the refinements are very cool. 
  • Firesweep units Soleil (good offense, comes with Darting Blow) and Roderick (while not the best Lance Cav, can be your cheap Firesweep Cav, needs an A skill though)

Further units who are less specialized, but work very well even without SI or few SI after promoting them:

  • Xander and Camus (vanilla DC)
  • Sothe (good attacker/debuffer/buffer, comes with LnD3)
  • Felicia, similar to Sothe but needs SI to boost ATK. Attacks the lower of DEF and RES which helps against min/maxed units. 
  • Klein (vanilla Brave+/DB3 as @Humanoid mentioned)
  • Lissa (Gravity+/Dazzle refine)
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Hey guys.

I'm building up my H!Jakob and for now he's using Guard Bow (+Def) and Close Counter. I don't know what to have on his B slot, since I don't have fodder for Vengeful Fighter yet. He's -Atk/+Def. Right now he is using Wary Fighter, but I' thinking abount giving him Quick Riposte. Which one would be better?

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On 6/30/2018 at 9:22 PM, XRay said:

How often do you summon? If you are free to play, Arena Assault can be a little difficult without enough resources. But if you are a minnow, Gem Weapons, Glimmer, Triangle Adept, and Breakers are all quite plentiful. Arena Assault is pretty easy once you build enough counters and just make a team on the fly.

I got about half of the original 3*-4* pool to 4*+10 already and they generally run Gem Weapons/Triangle Adept-Breaker.

Sorry for the really late reply. I didn't mean to imply Arena Assault was hard. Just not fun. And hard on me since I REALLY HATE NOT HAVING APPROPRIATE C SKILLS EQUIPPED! Even if it isn't needed for anything the mere fact that it isn't synergistic just blows my gaskets to next week and back.


AS for ending my deathless runs, it is mostly silly mistakes(such as just assuming Hardin can tank a red mage rather then running the math). I don't really like Gem/TA much so those units quite literally only get used when I can't think of any other way to deal with a unit. And what units do have them only have the first tier since I don't care to invest that many feathers into a playstyle I so dislike.

But yeah I got enough budget units to pull it off. I just don't care for it in the least. It is beyond a chore and the complete and utter opposite of fun. Regular Arena is fine since I can tweak my builds all I want for a given team before fighting. AA. . . ugh just ticks me off even before I start the later maps. What I need to do is get enough strong synergistic teams that it just doesn't matter what they face I can just use them.

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48 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

As far as I understood you want to use the potential of your roster by promoting units with low need of SI first? Where will you use them, in AA? In this case you could promote also some more specialized units like

Not really, just a question that raised my curiosity. And to see what units I should look for and not worry about building them anytime. I already read some topics about which units worth the SI investment anyway, but I still need to get used to Firesweep weapons, debuffing, and to the fact that I still don't have Klein.

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2 hours ago, Usana said:

What I need to do is get enough strong synergistic teams that it just doesn't matter what they face I can just use them.

That would be pretty expensive though, since that is essentially 6 more Arena teams. If you are lucky in getting multiple Gennys and Fayes, you can get by with 2 member teams consisting of a Firesweep nuke and a Dancer/Singer to lower your cost further, but Firesweep Bow and Wrathful Staff are still pretty hard to obtain since they have not been on Foci a lot lately.

2 hours ago, Rinco said:

Hey guys.

I'm building up my H!Jakob and for now he's using Guard Bow (+Def) and Close Counter. I don't know what to have on his B slot, since I don't have fodder for Vengeful Fighter yet. He's -Atk/+Def. Right now he is using Wary Fighter, but I' thinking abount giving him Quick Riposte. Which one would be better?

In my opinion, Vengeful Fighter/Quick Riposte are practically always mandatory, and you either have it in the Weapon slot, B slot, or Sacred Seal slot.

I personally do not like Wary Fighter because it leaves a lot of enemies alive, and half dead enemies are more dangerous to deal with due to stuff like Wings of Mercy, Vantage, and maybe Desperation. Wings of Mercy is the most annoying in my opinion since the enemy team can immediately reinforce its hurt allies from anywhere on the map. Vantage is annoying to deal with too, but if you are running a Player Phase team, Vantage can be safely ignored if you have Firesweep nukes. Desperation is not a big deal for a well built Arena teams, but for Enemy Phase teams that do not run Quick Riposte, Desperation enemy nukes can easily kill one of your tanks by attacking first twice.


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I pulled a +atk/-hp F!Grima on the legendary banner so I'm looking at her and the +def/-spd one I've been using. In theory I feel like I'd appreciate the extra attack and speed, but I know I'd miss that bulk and simulations seem to point to my current one performing better...what do y'all think? (For reference she's on my flier team, so she has access to Flier buffs)

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56 minutes ago, kirauza343 said:

I pulled a +atk/-hp F!Grima on the legendary banner so I'm looking at her and the +def/-spd one I've been using. In theory I feel like I'd appreciate the extra attack and speed, but I know I'd miss that bulk and simulations seem to point to my current one performing better...what do y'all think? (For reference she's on my flier team, so she has access to Flier buffs)

 Your +Atk/-HP will be better after she gain more merge for sure especially with QR to catch more kill. 

I understand somehow why you prefer +Def. Because she can tank BowLyn better, am I right? 

Also it depend on how you use her too, enemy phase or player phase focus. +Def benefit enemy phase for sure but I think +Atk can do both (mixed phase).

Edited by Ginko
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@kirauza343 I'll also weigh in. I ran a few sessions with my set ups for Mass duel simulators. +ATK/-HP is by far the superior Player Phase one. SwiftSparrow/Desperation/Speed+3 Seal. On Enemy phase however, it appears you are correct. +DEF/-SPD outperforms. Actually the list of enemies used actually showed an increase in kills on her part thanks to -SPD making her slow enough to get doubled by some threats she couldn't quite kill without a special proc. I was surprised to see that. However, the difference in performance with Dragonskin/QR/CD or DD is less than the offensive variant's difference.

So if you know you are only going to use her on Defense and that you can give her Fort and Wards then it seems +DEF is a safe enough bet. The -SPD completely neuters your player phase though. Mine is +Defense/-Resistance and I only really use her on EP. But she is quite nice on EP. I have the advantage though of being able to operate on both phases since I didn't take the speed hit. Basically you need to decide if you are fine with her only having an EP presence(and a rather solid one at that) or if you are willing to trade some EP performance for being able to project on both phases. Or at least that is the way I look at it.

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1 hour ago, Ginko said:

 Your +Atk/-HP will be better after she gain more merge for sure especially with QR to catch more kill. 

I understand somehow why you prefer +Def. Because she can tank BowLyn better, am I right? 

Also it depend on how you use her too, enemy phase or player phase focus. +Def benefit enemy phase for sure but I think +Atk can do both (mixed phase).

I probably should've specified that I use her as an enemy phase unit (bonfire, dragonskin, quick riposte, and distant defense), because the rest of her team is very player phase oriented (Elincia, Life and Death Blade tome Ninian, and Airzura). The +def has been nice especially with archers, and between a hone (bless Airzura) and a goad the -spd hasn't hurt near as bad as I thought it would.

59 minutes ago, Usana said:

@kirauza343 I'll also weigh in. I ran a few sessions with my set ups for Mass duel simulators. +ATK/-HP is by far the superior Player Phase one. SwiftSparrow/Desperation/Speed+3 Seal. On Enemy phase however, it appears you are correct. +DEF/-SPD outperforms. Actually the list of enemies used actually showed an increase in kills on her part thanks to -SPD making her slow enough to get doubled by some threats she couldn't quite kill without a special proc. I was surprised to see that. However, the difference in performance with Dragonskin/QR/CD or DD is less than the offensive variant's difference.

So if you know you are only going to use her on Defense and that you can give her Fort and Wards then it seems +DEF is a safe enough bet. The -SPD completely neuters your player phase though. Mine is +Defense/-Resistance and I only really use her on EP. But she is quite nice on EP. I have the advantage though of being able to operate on both phases since I didn't take the speed hit. Basically you need to decide if you are fine with her only having an EP presence(and a rather solid one at that) or if you are willing to trade some EP performance for being able to project on both phases. Or at least that is the way I look at it.

Man I wish Swift Sparrow was easier to get; it's such a nice skill for so many characters. I've only ever pulled one that I could spare and that went straight on Celica.

Like I mentioned above though I've been using her as an enemy phase unit (which I should've mentioned in my original post my bad) on her team (and I don't see her team changing any time soon because they've been working incredibly well for me), where I need an enemy phase unit much more than another player phase one. I was also surprised at how good the -spd seemed to be on defense; speed just seems like it would be such a bad bane for someone with her speed.

Thanks for the feedback y'all!

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@kirauza343 One more thing I want to add. If you are looking for enemy phase flier. I would recommend Myrrh for the best. F. Grima is second best here because she will shine more on player phase build. That's all I know.

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I would like to build a Fae and just got a +Def/-HP and find it to be a very intriguing choice. I feel like her bulk would be equally aided with a +Spd/-HP nature though. Any advice when it comes to this unit's nature? She would end up with a Def refinement lightning breath and quick riposte.

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12 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I would like to build a Fae and just got a +Def/-HP and find it to be a very intriguing choice. I feel like her bulk would be equally aided with a +Spd/-HP nature though. Any advice when it comes to this unit's nature? She would end up with a Def refinement lightning breath and quick riposte.

Fae seems pretty flexible with her nature depending on what you want her to do and what buffs you can supply her with. [+Atk/Spd/Def/Res, -HP/Spd] are all decent. If you want a generalist, here are two routes you can go:

Fae +Spd, -Res
Lightning Breath [Spd], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 143:68:53
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 172:36:56

Fae +Def, -Spd
Lightning Breath [Def], Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 155:73:36
Enemy Phase [4/0/4/0] 176:62:26

If she is not facing red enemies, +Def is better:

Non Red Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 138:24:19
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 159:10:12

Non Red Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 154:14:13
Enemy Phase [0/0/4/4] 160:7:14

If you need a generalist who can go against the triangle, +Spd is a little better in my opinion. If she is not going to face reds at all, +Def is the better option. If she is going to specialize in just blues, Triangle Adept would be better, and I would go with something like [+Atk, -HP/Spd] for her nature.

If you are running Fury instead, here are her results:

Fae +Spd, -Res
Lightning Breath [Spd], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 71:36:157
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 92:18:154

Fae +Def, -Spd
Lightning Breath [Def], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 73:59:132
Enemy Phase [4/0/4/0] 87:48:129

Here are the results with reds taken out:

Non Red Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 71:5:105
Enemy Phase [4/4/0/0] 80:3:98

Non Red Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 73:4:104
Enemy Phase [4/0/4/0] 79:4:98

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Update on my previous question. It looks like I'm making Titania my next 5+10. I had the better-scoring +HP -Def copy already. Scoring-wise, I'll have to run an AOE on Titania (Prf/DC) for her to outscore Spring Alfonse (Brave/L&D/Galeforce). If I run a normal special, she falls 100 SP short.

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Hmmm . . . am debating on what A skill I should go with for Halloween Jakob. Deathblow or Close Counter. He is one of my better options for the skill. Though that would mean all my CC units would be armors. CC would be a 20k feather investment since I would rather use the freebie Takumi. I do have a Klein and if I were to use him I would likely use 20k feathers to give both 3 and Brave Bow+. However if I am going CC it would probably be better to save premium DB fodder and get a brave bow from Gordin. I guess I could just do both and have options available.

Running the duel simulator seems to indicate that CC isn't really a super great option for him compared to the crazy power of Brave Bow/Bonfire/Death Blow/Bold/DEF Ploy/Quickened Pulse. Bow Breaking Boey is still a thorn in Jakob's side though. Not to self - Stay away from Boey.

Anyways as that last bit indicates I am currently leaning towards sitting on the Takumi for even longer. Just not a lot of good CC candidates that can't run something else better.

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@Usana Jacob can have both builds if  you want to switch them around. But I would prefer Brave Bow set. It's his bread and butter.

Alternatively, Halloween Henry and LA! Lyn need that Close Counter to work properly more than Jacob.

Bulky ranged unit like Sophia or Boey appreciate CC too. Also it can be deadly on healers and daggers if you build them correctly.

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Some questions:

1. I have pulled several Myrrhs with 2 standing out; +Res/-Spd and +Atk/-Hp. Which one should I raise? I lean towards the former since 42/36/34 with Great Flame is quite good in terms of mixed bulk and Spd is her best bane anyway.

2. What non-5*-locked A passives are good for an EP Deirdre? I use Julia as my PP Dragon killer and she already has Divine Naga and Quick Riposte with a better Res stat, so I want to build her in that way. If I had Morgan she would probably get Mirror Stance but that's unfortunately not possible for now.

3. What kind of unit could use Atk Spd Push well? I was thinking about M.Marth/Lucina with Sealed Falchion first but even for them I prefer Fury since not only does the stat increase carry over it also patches up her bulk. The only other that comes to mind is Celica who can replace L&D for this to avoid being thin paper.

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1 hour ago, The Priest said:

2. What non-5*-locked A passives are good for an EP Deirdre? I use Julia as my PP Dragon killer and she already has Divine Naga and Quick Riposte with a better Res stat, so I want to build her in that way. If I had Morgan she would probably get Mirror Stance but that's unfortunately not possible for now.

3. What kind of unit could use Atk Spd Push well? I was thinking about M.Marth/Lucina with Sealed Falchion first but even for them I prefer Fury since not only does the stat increase carry over it also patches up her bulk. The only other that comes to mind is Celica who can replace L&D for this to avoid being thin paper.

#2 I would reccomend Fury for non 5* locked. It give her more Res to perform Ploy support better. Distant Def or Mirror Stance is also good for your future decision.

#3 Alm suit Atk/Spd Push the best. After first engagement, he regen his health and activate Double Lion along with Atk/Spd push again. Atk/Spd push will help him perform more quad with +Spd nature. Also help him prevent double on enemy phase (at full health). 

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3 hours ago, Usana said:

Running the duel simulator seems to indicate that CC isn't really a super great option for him compared to the crazy power of Brave Bow/Bonfire/Death Blow/Bold/DEF Ploy/Quickened Pulse. Bow Breaking Boey is still a thorn in Jakob's side though. Not to self - Stay away from Boey.

For Enemy Phasr armors, I personally prefer Distant Counter over Close Counter armor units since they score better and have a stat advantage (although Owls do help a lot in boosting range armors' stats).

I would just hold onto Takumi and wait unless you are really out of space or something.

42 minutes ago, The Priest said:

1. I have pulled several Myrrhs with 2 standing out; +Res/-Spd and +Atk/-Hp. Which one should I raise? I lean towards the former since 42/36/34 with Great Flame is quite good in terms of mixed bulk and Spd is her best bane anyway.

I think there was a similar question asked recently and I think [+Atk, -Spd] is better if you are running Close Def Sacred Seal to increase her damage output and she cannot be "out sped" by melee units with her high Def. If you are running Iote's Shield, I think [+Def, -Spd] is better. This is assuming she runs Distant Counter.

Between +Res and +Atk, I lean towards +Atk, but I will need to double check the calculator, since -HP might hurt her physical bulk too much.

If she is not facing reds, I do not think her nature makes a huge difference, so you can just go with either.

53 minutes ago, The Priest said:

2. What non-5*-locked A passives are good for an EP Deirdre? I use Julia as my PP Dragon killer and she already has Divine Naga and Quick Riposte with a better Res stat, so I want to build her in that way. If I had Morgan she would probably get Mirror Stance but that's unfortunately not possible for now.

In addition to Fury, there is also Triangle Adept if you only need her to tackle blues.

If you want something even cheaper, then I would just go with Attack +3.

58 minutes ago, The Priest said:

3. What kind of unit could use Atk Spd Push well? I was thinking about M.Marth/Lucina with Sealed Falchion first but even for them I prefer Fury since not only does the stat increase carry over it also patches up her bulk. The only other that comes to mind is Celica who can replace L&D for this to avoid being thin paper.

Atk/Spd Push also pairs well with Ylissean Summer Weapons.

If you have a healer on your team, Atk/Spd Push is also great for Enemy Phase Spd tanks (e.g.: Ryoma, Zelgius). Kestrel Strike is not dependent on HP, but it has slightly worse stat performance.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

If you have a healer on your team, Atk/Spd Push is also great for Enemy Phase Spd tanks (e.g.: Ryoma, Zelgius). Kestrel Strike is not dependent on HP, but it has slightly worse stat performance.

Speaking of healers, ATK/SPD push is one of the few offensive A skills inheritable by staff users. @The Priest

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Speaking of healers, ATK/SPD push is one of the few offensive A skills inheritable by staff users. @The Priest

@The Priest

Oh yeah, if you plan to use the healer as a nuke and you are not worried about scoring, you may want want to use Reconcile over Martyr. Martyr heals 50% of HP lost on the healer, so if the healer has only 1 damage, then Martyr is not going to heal the healer.

An optimized Firesweep healer may have something like this:
Gravity [Dazzling Staff] / Pain [Dazzling Staff] / Candlelight [Dazzling Staff]
Atk/Spd Push
Wrathful Staff
Attack +3 / Speed +3

If you want to keep the higher tier healing Assist, Life to Serve on the Sacred Seal slot also work, but the healer will be slightly less effective during combat:
Gravity [Dazzling Staff] / Pain [Dazzling Staff] / Candlelight [Dazzling Staff]
Atk/Spd Push
Wrathful Staff
Live to Serve

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