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14 minutes ago, Shahbaz said:

#1 If you guys could suggest the best possible team for PvE

One unit of each non-colorless color. Then add either a dancer or a colorless unit.

You preferably want at least 1 melee and 1 ranged unit among the first three. Units capable of counterattacking from any distance are very useful in any content.


24 minutes ago, Shahbaz said:

#2 Best team for PVP

If you're just getting started, ranged cavalry units are the easiest to work with. Their lower scoring potential won't matter until you get into the higher tiers, where things get more competitive.


27 minutes ago, Shahbaz said:

#4 Which units are worth training?

Gamepedia's Budget Tier List is a good place to start, as it covers quickly at a glance how good units are when you only have access to easy-to-obtain skills.


29 minutes ago, Shahbaz said:

#5 Is there anything i need to keep in mind while playing the game? Any tips and advice with story mode or completing this stuf first etc would be appreciated a lot ^^

Your first priorities should probably to be to clear the story mode through the interlude chapters at the end of Book 1 to unlock some of the advanced upgrade facilities. Also make sure to grab Fjorm from the first chapter of Book 2 (since I notice you don't have her listed).

Expanding your barracks if you run out of space is always an economical choice. It takes 1 orb to add 5 more slots and a minimum of 20 orbs to fill those 5 slots (not including free units).

Free units are your friends. A lot of Youtubers make videos for clearing challenge content using only free units (promoted to 4- or 5-star, level 40, and with minimal or no Skill Inheritance). For a starting player, try to prioritize promoting and leveling free units, which will let you clear these maps easily for extra rewards.

No character in this game is so bad that they're unusable. Some just require more investment.

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Thanks so much both of you 

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

One unit of each non-colorless color. Then add either a dancer or a colorless unit.

You preferably want at least 1 melee and 1 ranged unit among the first three. Units capable of counterattacking from any distance are very useful in any content.


If you're just getting started, ranged cavalry units are the easiest to work with. Their lower scoring potential won't matter until you get into the higher tiers, where things get more competitive.


Gamepedia's Budget Tier List is a good place to start, as it covers quickly at a glance how good units are when you only have access to easy-to-obtain skills.


Your first priorities should probably to be to clear the story mode through the interlude chapters at the end of Book 1 to unlock some of the advanced upgrade facilities. Also make sure to grab Fjorm from the first chapter of Book 2 (since I notice you don't have her listed).

Expanding your barracks if you run out of space is always an economical choice. It takes 1 orb to add 5 more slots and a minimum of 20 orbs to fill those 5 slots (not including free units).

Free units are your friends. A lot of Youtubers make videos for clearing challenge content using only free units (promoted to 4- or 5-star, level 40, and with minimal or no Skill Inheritance). For a starting player, try to prioritize promoting and leveling free units, which will let you clear these maps easily for extra rewards.

No character in this game is so bad that they're unusable. Some just require more investment.

Yup i didnt get Fjorm yet and this statement "No character in this game is so bad that they're unusable" makes me happy as I love the freedom and endless possibilities of many team combinations ;D

Thank you for that


1 hour ago, Ginko said:

@Shahbaz I will list by your catergories.

#1  Legendary Ike, Azura, Soren, BowLyn. These 4 should be able to do most job for story mode(chain challenge not included). With color balance, Ike as physical tank, Soren mage tank, Azura as your only dancer, Bowlyn as filler(maybe she is your sweeper). This team would be balance and easy to control from my opinion.

#2 Best team for arena, I won't focus for scoring but I will focus for good performance priority as beginner. Team #1 can be used for Arena too.

#3 same as above.

#4 some of these 4* might be helpful to you in future if you decide to promote them to 5*

-Eirika, your best buffer as best partner with your 5* Nino.

-Olivia, your second dancer. She can be one of your new core team with your remaining 5* units.

-Maria and Sakura, choose to promote 1 of them (or both if you like both). Healer is necessary for hardcore grinding content like Tempest Trial.

#5 Suggestion? Don't feel salty with your 3* units and send them home, keep them all . They can be useful for skill inheritance that will improve your units performance better and better. Focus to fully build your unit one by one then you will have strong unit to clear all contents in this game with ease.



I'll do that , looks like a solid team to me , Thanks again ;D 

i also just got a 5 star Karla right now xD 

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2 hours ago, Shahbaz said:

#1 If you guys could suggest the best possible team for PvE

Depends on your play style, and I would not worry about this too much. If you build an Arena team properly, they should also work in non competitive modes.

2 hours ago, Shahbaz said:

#2 Best team for PVP

In my opinion, there are two most effective teams for clearing Arena: Player Phase teams and Enemy Phase teams. The best Player Phase teams use Firesweep nukes, while the best Enemy Phase teams deploy Distant Counter dragons.

I am going to defer Enemy Phase teams and tactics to the videos you see below, since I am not exactly great at using them myself. You may also want to consult @Ice Dragon for building a dragon team for Arena.

Assuming you have the resources to whale, in my opinion, the best Player Phase team will look something like this:


ASS!Takumi +Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res

Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Luna

Life and Death, Poison Strike, Fortify Fliers

Poison Strike

Summoner Support


SA!Tana +Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res

Rauđrblade, Reposition, Moonbow

Atk/Spd Push, Renewal, Hone Fliers

Speed +3 / Heavy Blade


HNY!Azura +Atk/Spd, -HP/Res

Emerald Axe, Sing, Moonbow

Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, Hone Fliers

Distant Def / Flier Formation


For more information, I am going to quote myself since I do not want to retype everything:

On 7/8/2018 at 6:05 PM, XRay said:

However, I also recommend checking out the following YouTube videos that highlight the two most effective, but opposite, play styles. If you find that you prefer one play style over the other, then you may want to consider rerolling as soon as possible.

Player Phase:
Phoenixmaster1: Player Phase Game Play (Setsuna is outdated, so I do not recommend investing in her unless she is your favorite unit or something.)

Enemy Phase:
StuckInAPool: Enemy Phase Overview
Phoenixmaster1: Enemy Phase (Dragon Team) Game Play

I cannot find a good Player Phase team overview, so I would just summarize the three primary team members in a good Player Phase team; the fourth member is intentionally left blank to accommodate a Bonus unit.

1. Firesweep Nuke: This is your primary attacker. In my opinion, having a Firesweep unit is pretty much mandatory if you want a good Player Phase team. They completely shutdown counter attacks (i.e.: enemies cannot fight back), so they are kind of "immortal." I recommend giving Summoner Support to this unit.

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A. Firesweep Bow: This is the best Firesweep Weapon in my opinion. Firesweep Bow is pretty expensive though since only Faye has it and she is a 5* exclusive. Here are some of the best units and their builds:
WOF!Hinoka [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def, Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death, Poison Strike, Def Smoke/Def Ploy/Hone Fliers, Poison Strike]
TOD!Jakob [+Atk, -Spd, Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Moonbow, Death Blow, Bold Fighter, Def Smoke/Def Ploy, Armor Boots]
BH!Lyn [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def, Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Luna, Swift Sparrow/Life and Death, Poison Strike, Def Smoke/Def Ploy/Hone Cavalry, Poison Strike]
BB!Cordelia [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res, Firesweep Bow, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death, Poison Strike, Def Smoke, Poison Strike]

B. "Firesweep" (Dazzling Staff-Wrathful Straff) Healer: This is the second best type of Firesweep nuke. Its primary disadvantage is that these nukes lack Reposition, so they may have some positioning problems on the field, but it should not be a big deal especially if you use Gravity. If you are using Atk/Spd Push on your healer instead of Atk/Spd or Attack +3, you may also want your third unit to run Ardent Sacrifice or have another healer. Atk/Spd Push require 100%HP to activate, but it also deals 1HP of damage after combat. Pain is a bit risky to use in Arena, so I will only be listing builds with Gravity.
Elise [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Atk Spd, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Spd Ploy/Res Smoke/Spd Smoke, Attack +3/Speed +3/Res Ploy]
Elise [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Atk Spd Push, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Spd Ploy/Res Smoke/Spd Smoke, Live to Serve]
Elise [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Reconcile, Atk Spd Push, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Spd Ploy/Res Smoke/Spd Smoke, Attack +3/Speed +3/Res Ploy]
Genny [+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Attack +3, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Res Smoke, Attack +3/Res Ploy]
Genny [+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Atk Spd Push, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Res Smoke, Live to Serve]
Genny [+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def, Gravity [Dazzling Staff], Reconcile, Atk Spd Push, Wrathful Staff, Res Ploy/Res Smoke, Attack +3/Res Ploy]

C. Flying Firesweep Sword/Lance/"Axe": This is the cheapest option. They are not as effective as the ranged Firesweep options, but they should still serve you well. If you use these, your team will need to be color balanced. Firesweep Axe is not released yet, so I have it in quotation marks. Since they all have pretty much the same build, I will just list all the suitable candidates with the better candidates listed first, and then list the build.
Sword: SS!Ryoma, Elincia, HNY!Camilla
Lance: Cordelia, Tana, Shigure, Hinoka, Shanna, Catria
Axe: SA!Innes, Minerva, Camilla
[+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res, Firesweep, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death/Swift Sparrow, Hit and Run, Spd Smoke/Def Smoke/Spd Ploy/Spd Smoke, Poison Strike/Speed +3]


2. Dancer/Singer: This is the workhorse and life line of a Player Phase team. They basically give any allies an additional turn via the Dance/Sing Assist skill. They generally Dance/Sing your primary nuke out of enemy range. If you are using a Firesweep archer or Firesweep healer, this unit's build does not really matter. If you are using a flying Firesweep user with a melee Weapon, I highly recommend this unit be a melee Dancer/Singer to counter units that can tank your nuke.

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A. Dancer/Singer Score Optimization: If you are using a Firesweep archer or healer, your Dancer/Singer's build does not really matter since they are not going to see much, if any, combat. Since they are not going to see combat, you can optimize them for scoring.

[Any Refineable Weapon [Spd/Def/Res], Dance/Sing, Aether/Galeforce, Distant Counter/Close Counter, Wings of Mercy/Quick Riposte/Renewal, Guidance/Drive Atk/Drive Spd, Drive Atk, Guidance/Close Def/Distant Def/Quick Riposte/Drive Atk/Drive Def]

B. Dancer/Singer for Flying Firesweep Sword/Lance/"Axe": There may be times when it may take your Firesweep unit too long to finish off a unit, and taking that much time to finish off that one unit might not be an option if other enemies are closing in on you. So, if you are using a flying Firesweep Lance user, you want to use a Dancer/Singer that uses a sword to counter green units that can tank your Firesweep Lance unit; i.e. your Dancer/Singer should be a weaker color to your nuke.
Sword: Olivia, Lene
Lance: Azura
Axe: PA!Azura, HNY!Azura
[+Atk, -HP/Res, Gem Weapon, Dance/Sing, Moonbow/Glimmer, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte/Vantage, Threaten Def/Hone Attack/Hone Speed/Hone Flier, Close Def/Quick Riposte/Attack +3]
[+Atk, -HP/Res, Lightning Breath [Spd/Def], Sing, Moonbow/Glimmer, Triangle Adept, Quick Riposte/Vantage/Swordbreaker, Threaten Def/Hone Attack/Hone Speed/Hone Flier, Close Def/Quick Riposte/Attack +3]

3. Nuke/Tank: I recommend running a secondary nuke to speed up the battle, but you can basically use anyone you want. If you are using a Firesweep healer with Atk/Spd Push, I recommend equipping Ardent Sacrifice on your third unit so they can always heal the healer. Alternatively, you can also run Fury on your third unit so the third unit will always receive damage when they enter combat, so your healer will have someone to heal to activate Reconcile/Live to Serve. If you are using a flying Firesweep Sword/Lance/Axe user and you do not have a Dancer/Singer of the right color to counter certain tanks, your third unit can be a tank instead with the same build as the above Dancers/Singers; since this unit cannot equip Dance/Sing, I recommend giving them Reposition or Swap instead.


2 hours ago, Shahbaz said:

#3 Maybe a team that works for both?

A Firesweep team can handle 99% of the content in game. For Rival Domains and Grand Conquest, I recommend searching for players with Enemy Phase dragons as representatives and befriend them instead of building your own so you can save your Sacred Seals for other units. I run a team of 7 dragons and 1 healer.

2 hours ago, Shahbaz said:

#4 Which units are worth training?

Offensive ranged units like SS!Nino, BH!Lyn, and Delthea are really good for Player Phase teams.

Dancers/Singers like Azura and Olivia are essential for a Player Phase team.

Distant Counter units like Ike, Nowi, and Hector are good for an Enemy Phase team.

2 hours ago, Shahbaz said:

#5 Is there anything i need to keep in mind while playing the game? Any tips and advice with story mode or completing this stuf first etc would be appreciated a lot ^^

Do not send home free units since they are commonly used in strategy videos for free and new players to help them solve difficult content.

If you run out of space, expanding your Barracks is more economical than sending valuable fodder home. Even units that are not great fodder can be cheaply built as good Arena Assault units when you merge them to 4*+10.

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12 hours ago, XRay said:

I have experience with Minerva, and even though she is 5*+1 with +Spd, she still cannot reliably double without Hone Fliers, so I recommend +Spd for Camilla as well. Unless your Player Phase unit is running a slow Brave set, you generally want to Spd stack Player Phase units as much as possible.


12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

A player-phase build (Life and Death / Swift Sparrow / Fury + Desperation) prefers +Spd. An enemy-phase build (Distant Counter + Quick Riposte) favors +Atk.


10 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I use a +spd -hp one as one of my core +10 arena units. Generally I'd recommend +spd for any of her builds. For a cheaper LaD/Fury/etc type build, +spd for sure. And even with a DC/QR build it still keeps her from being doubled by speed demons and she can tank a wider range of things safely by getting doubled less. +atk does let her do a bit more damage, especially to the armors in high tier arena, but for overall use I'd still go with +spd.

I’ve decided to use a player-phase build for her with +Spd, so thanks for the input everyone!

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More questions, this one about Valentine Lyn. I have her at maximum +10 with +Atk/-Res IVs.

-Is it possible to switch IVs should I summon another Lyn? Or is she totally set at those IVs now? I don't plan on switching as I do like her IVs, but for future reference for other characters and/or situations, it'd be good to know.

-I've given Lyn her native weapon with a Defense boost, Reposition, Moonbow, Fury, Desperation, Armor March, and Atk/Def +2 as the S Seal. Is that a pretty good build, or are there other options? She's used as both an armor team unit and a mixed team unit.

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Summer Camilla can take at least one hit from non-triangle advantage colors, but there ought to be better candidates for CC (Spring Camilla, for instance). Her bulk (no, not THAT bulk) leaves a bit to be desired, unless you have Fortify/Ward/Drive in play.

Edited by Karimlan
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38 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

-Is it possible to switch IVs should I summon another Lyn? Or is she totally set at those IVs now? I don't plan on switching as I do like her IVs, but for future reference for other characters and/or situations, it'd be good to know.

Yes. You can merge a +10 into a +0 (or any other merge level for that matter) just like anything else.


41 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

-I've given Lyn her native weapon with a Defense boost, Reposition, Moonbow, Fury, Desperation, Armor March, and Atk/Def +2 as the S Seal. Is that a pretty good build, or are there other options? She's used as both an armor team unit and a mixed team unit.

The build treats her as a traditional player-phase tome user, which works, but can be improved on if the sustain from Desperation isn't necessary to your usage of the build.

The armor-specific Bold Fighter and Vengeful Fighter are just too good of skills to ignore the existence of. The increased Special charge speed allows her to run Iceberg and activate it every round of combat (if the opponent can counterattack), and the guaranteed follow-up attack removes the reliance on the Spd stat comparison.

  • On a pure player-phase build, you'd run Iceberg, Death Blow 3, Bold Fighter 3, and Attack +3. (Replace Iceberg with Moonbow or Glimmer if running Blarblade on all of these builds.)
  • On a pure enemy-phase build, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3, and Close Def 3 or Distant Def 3.
  • On a mixed-phase build with a player-phase focus, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Bold Fighter 3, and Quick Riposte 3.
  • On a mixed-phase build with an enemy-phase focus, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3 and stack the crap out of Spd.
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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

-Is it possible to switch IVs should I summon another Lyn? Or is she totally set at those IVs now? I don't plan on switching as I do like her IVs, but for future reference for other characters and/or situations, it'd be good to know.

You can merge a +10 into a +0 and the resulting unit will have the nature of the +0. However, the +0 will become +10 instead of +11

1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

-I've given Lyn her native weapon with a Defense boost, Reposition, Moonbow, Fury, Desperation, Armor March, and Atk/Def +2 as the S Seal. Is that a pretty good build, or are there other options? She's used as both an armor team unit and a mixed team unit.

I would go with Spd Refinement and Speed +3 if you want her to double and activate Desperation. Having a higher Spd also allows her to avoid enemy doubles.

28 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Regular Takumi pitybroke me on the way to Summer Takumi. The Summer Camilla I pulled was +Def -Res. Is she a good choice for Close Counter? If not, he's getting merged.

She is fine with Close Counter, but Hone Fliers is mandatory as she is pretty slow without it. Without Spd buffs, Close Counter would only reduce her survivability further since she would counter attack and charge up the enemies' Special. She got decent stats as a Player Phase Blárblade mage, so you might want to use her that way instead.

I would save Close Counter for a ranged armored unit instead.

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2 hours ago, Karimlan said:

Summer Camilla can take at least one hit from non-triangle advantage colors, but there ought to be better candidates for CC (Spring Camilla, for instance). Her bulk (no, not THAT bulk) leaves a bit to be desired, unless you have Fortify/Ward/Drive in play.

2 hours ago, XRay said:

She is fine with Close Counter, but Hone Fliers is mandatory as she is pretty slow without it. Without Spd buffs, Close Counter would only reduce her survivability further since she would counter attack and charge up the enemies' Special. She got decent stats as a Player Phase Blárblade mage, so you might want to use her that way instead.

I would save Close Counter for a ranged armored unit instead.

As for my other candidates: Spring Camilla is running TA/Gronnraven+ to be one of my two counterpicks for non-CA F!Grima. Valentine's Lyn already has it. Halloween Henry and Jakob are -Def.

I guess I have a +Atk -Res Merric that could become a monster with Close Counter, shrugging off lance fliers, and provided they aren't Firesweep, blasting them in the face. But Summer Camilla gets to play with Desperation and Vantage at the same time. Or, a decently merged M!Morgan, forgot his IVs. He hits first, then they have to hit and most likely get doubled.

Edit to add: M!Morgan, +Spd -Res, is another candidate. Assuming he hits first, the enemy is going to be very weak upon countering.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

The build treats her as a traditional player-phase tome user, which works, but can be improved on if the sustain from Desperation isn't necessary to your usage of the build.

The armor-specific Bold Fighter and Vengeful Fighter are just too good of skills to ignore the existence of. The increased Special charge speed allows her to run Iceberg and activate it every round of combat (if the opponent can counterattack), and the guaranteed follow-up attack removes the reliance on the Spd stat comparison.

  • On a pure player-phase build, you'd run Iceberg, Death Blow 3, Bold Fighter 3, and Attack +3. (Replace Iceberg with Moonbow or Glimmer if running Blarblade on all of these builds.)
  • On a pure enemy-phase build, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3, and Close Def 3 or Distant Def 3.
  • On a mixed-phase build with a player-phase focus, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Bold Fighter 3, and Quick Riposte 3.
  • On a mixed-phase build with an enemy-phase focus, you'd run Iceberg, Close Counter, Vengeful Fighter 3 and stack the crap out of Spd.


1 hour ago, XRay said:

I would go with Spd Refinement and Speed +3 if you want her to double and activate Desperation. Having a higher Spd also allows her to avoid enemy doubles.

Okay awesome, thank you both! I'll probably go with one of those mixed-phase builds once I have the fodder, seems more my style.

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I pulled a few interesting units, including a +Atk -Spd Zelgius (already leveled up and merged my neutral Zelgius), but which ones to keep and which to merge/fodder:


  • +Spd -Atk Jaffar instead of +Res -Def
  • +Spd -HP Sigurd instead of +Def -HP
  • Fodder +Def -AtkS!Takumi for Odd Res Wave or Fishie Bow+ for (got a +Atk -Def)
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6 minutes ago, Simpsons138 said:

+Spd -Atk Jaffar instead of +Res -Def

I lean towards +Spd for doubling mages. Although most mages are pretty squishy, Jaffar's Atk is also pretty low; he is pretty reliant on Poison Strike for damage and will probably need Dancer/Singer support to finish off mages.

8 minutes ago, Simpsons138 said:

+Spd -HP Sigurd instead of +Def -HP

I think +Spd is better overall since it allows him to better avoid doubles from melee units.

4 minutes ago, Simpsons138 said:

Fodder +Def -AtkS!Takumi for Odd Res Wave or Fishie Bow+ for (got a +Atk -Def)

I personally prefer Fishie Bow. Odd Res Wave is not very reliable, but it may depend on your play style.

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Now that I hare failed to get elise in the last banner, I need to decide if it is worth it to promote my +atk/-res priscilla. The issue is not feahters (which i get slightly faster than i use), so much as it is the fact htat I have one garbage bride lyn to use as dazzeling fodder., and i don't buy many orbs, so I have n idea when I will get another bride lyn or genny, Note that i my current list of staff users consists of a bride lyn and genny with great IVs, I -atk lachesis, a +atk clarine, and a might as well be neuteral nana. Should i:

1. Promote priscilla.

2. wait for an optimal priscilla

3. Wait for an elise untill the BHB. HThe fact that the next new BHB is called "leo and elise", and will have a banner will give me another opprotunity to try and get one.

3. wait for a elise, even if i don't get one in the BHB banner.

Edited by sirmola
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@Humanoid Thanks for the comparison- what's the site for that again?

@mampfoid Hmm that's fair, the only reason I chose Bond was because of spare Fjorms. Plus my playstyle is mostly enemy phase, and she'll mostly combat dragons who usually have a weaker Player Phase. 

I'll have to wait for an Ares then for a Brazen (I mean there's Linus as well, but I need feathers for other things right now).

Torn between Sealed Falchion or Spectrum Bond- her Drive skills would be nice for the Spectrum Bond set as it has good team synergy.

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Diving through colorless hell nowadays will get you more chances to get a Priscilla with neutral Def (she is on the 3-4 star banner after all) and a Speed boon (I assume that's what you're going for). This current one you have would have boosted damage output and healing capability though, so I don't think it's that bad.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Humanoid Thanks for the comparison- what's the site for that again?

@mampfoid Hmm that's fair, the only reason I chose Bond was because of spare Fjorms. Plus my playstyle is mostly enemy phase, and she'll mostly combat dragons who usually have a weaker Player Phase. 

I'll have to wait for an Ares then for a Brazen (I mean there's Linus as well, but I need feathers for other things right now).

Torn between Sealed Falchion or Spectrum Bond- her Drive skills would be nice for the Spectrum Bond set as it has good team synergy.


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So I was lucky enough to pull a +Atk/-Res Summer Linde.

I've put together a build that I feel should work well enough alongside one of my cavalry teams (Swordhardt, Blue Reinhardt & Olwen WT. Predominantly used for Arena Assault purposes):

Starfish (Spd+), Draw Back, Moonbow, Fury 3, Chill Def/Spd, Fortify Cavalry, Spd+3 Variant Seal

Stuck on the B Skill mainly. Both synergise well with both her team needs & her own. A tough split.

Which one should I roll with? (Yes, i've got the fodder for both). 

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I am thinking about to pull a Linde for the Starfish weapon, because i have the opportunity to finish my Kagero to +10 but. I am not sure if its worth it.

I am thinking of the current build:
Kagero [+SPD/-Def]
Starfish+ [SPD refine]
Assist: Ardent Sacrifice
Special: Glimmer
A: Brazen Atk/SPD
B: Brash Assault
C: flexible
S: Flashinig Blade (after release)

or ATK+ boon
Startfish: Atk refined
A: Brazen Atk/Def
B: Brash Assault
C: flexible
S: ATk+3 seal


I am rather skeptical and think its not worth it

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5 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

if I confer a blessing to an unit and then merge it into another of the same unit, will the merge base get the blessing too? 


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Pulled +Def -Atk Summer Gaius, much to my disappointment. I just do not think he is usable in this current form, and I heavily doubt I'll get another Gaius before the banner ends.

Should I try to keep this Gaius on hand (he's still fast, despite the terrible Atk), or should I just fodder him off? Def Ploy is still on Arvis, who I have 4 copies of, so I'd probably be using him as Refreshing Bow fodder. If fodder, how should I go about using the Refreshing Bow?

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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Pulled +Def -Atk Summer Gaius, much to my disappointment. I just do not think he is usable in this current form, and I heavily doubt I'll get another Gaius before the banner ends.

Should I try to keep this Gaius on hand (he's still fast, despite the terrible Atk), or should I just fodder him off? Def Ploy is still on Arvis, who I have 4 copies of, so I'd probably be using him as Refreshing Bow fodder. If fodder, how should I go about using the Refreshing Bow?

Refreshing Bow synergize with Atk/Push and Renewal. Do you have any candidate who will enjoy all stat +2? It can be use for both baiting or initiating the battle.

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4 hours ago, Hilda said:

I am thinking about to pull a Linde for the Starfish weapon, because i have the opportunity to finish my Kagero to +10 but. I am not sure if its worth it.

I am thinking of the current build:
Kagero [+SPD/-Def]
Starfish+ [SPD refine]
Assist: Ardent Sacrifice
Special: Glimmer
A: Brazen Atk/SPD
B: Brash Assault
C: flexible
S: Flashinig Blade (after release)

or ATK+ boon
Startfish: Atk refined
A: Brazen Atk/Def
B: Brash Assault
C: flexible
S: ATk+3 seal

I am rather skeptical and think its not worth it

If she is your favorite unit and you use her often, I think it is fine. However, I think ASS!Linde is a better user of Starfish since she is faster, although Kagero with merges should be just as fast.

Starfish is one of the better daggers out there, but I would wait for Firesweep Dagger instead, although I am not really sure if they would release that since it is more overpowered than Firesweep Bow. The -7 Def/Res debuff is a far superior effect compared to flier effectiveness in my opinion.

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