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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I should take taken a picture of this. In TT, my Catria was in the range of a Katarina and got doubled and was killed. They both had 37 speed though, so Swift Sparrow shouldn't have been enough to double. What happened? The Mae next to her didn't have a Spur skill either. Was it the Owl tome or something?

I never used them so I'm not sure, but I think the Owl tomes boost every stat other then HP of the wielder by 2 points for every adjacent ally.

In your case, Katarina was standing next to Mae, so she got +2 speed from the Owl tome and +4 from Swift Sparrow. 37+6=43, which is enough to double your Catria.

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Exactly. In combat, Owl tomes give +2 to each stat per adjacent ally. With Swift Sparrow’s +4 and Mae’s +2 it was enough for Katarina to double Catria.


8 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I never used them so I'm not sure, but I think the Owl tomes boost every stat other then HP of the wielder by 2 points for every adjacent ally.

In your case, Katarina was standing next to Mae, so she got +2 speed from the Owl tome and +4 from Swift Sparrow. 37+6=43, which is enough to double your Catria.

My just desserts for not paying attention ┐(´д`)┌


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10 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Can someone explain in detail to me how Phantom Speed SS works?

The only skills that compare Spd at the moment are Windsweep (found on Alm) and Watersweep (found on Soren).
If the sweeping unit’s Spd is 5/3/1 (depending) higher than the enemy’s, the enemy doesn’t retaliate.

Phantom Spd makes the bearing it unit’s Spd count as 5 higher for these skills.

For example, a neutral Alm has 30 Spd. With Windsweep 3, he can attack an enemy with 29 Spd or less without retaliation.
With Phantom Spd, this threshold rises to 34 Spd.

The caveat is that a sweeping unit can’t double.

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32 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The only skills that compare Spd at the moment are Windsweep (found on Alm) and Watersweep (found on Soren).
If the sweeping unit’s Spd is 5/3/1 (depending) higher than the enemy’s, the enemy doesn’t retaliate.

Phantom Spd makes the bearing it unit’s Spd count as 5 higher for these skills.

For example, a neutral Alm has 30 Spd. With Windsweep 3, he can attack an enemy with 29 Spd or less without retaliation.
With Phantom Spd, this threshold rises to 34 Spd.

The caveat is that a sweeping unit can’t double.

Oh, wow. Cool, thanks!

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This is more about the app itself but I've been trying to link my Nintendo account again and I keep getting an "access denied" error. Question is, since I switched over to the Japanese version, if I contact them, is NOA or NOJ going to respond? When I try to link my account, it does take me to the English version of the sign in page though. 

For now, I've switched back to the English version and contacted them about both inquiries. 

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Have they ever said why we stopped getting Light's Blessings a few months ago?  It's not like they're overpowered, since half the game modes don't let you use them anyway.

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15 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Have they ever said why we stopped getting Light's Blessings a few months ago?  It's not like they're overpowered, since half the game modes don't let you use them anyway.

I've got over 20 of them and no idea where to use them.

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19 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

I've got over 20 of them and no idea where to use them.

I'm hording mine, but I used to use them if I flubbed up on tough story missions.

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So... um... this is awkward...

This whole time I thought my Nino was +Spd -Res...

Well, turns out I was wrong, and I only found out after punching her into KageroCharts battle simulator. My Nino is +Spd -Att.

I can only assume I made a mistake and favorited the wrong Nino when I had a group of 3 or 4 differently natured Ninos right next to each other, so now my Nino is weaker than other Ninos out there.

Thing is, this Nino hasn't been getting bad results. She has consistently never let me down, and in fact the neutralness of Def and Res plus Fury 3 may have let her barely survive attacks she wouldn't otherwise. Plus she is already a +1 merged unit.

I'm wondering, should I think about fixing the problem and merging her into a different Nino when I get one of better nature (Prob +Spd -HP/Res)? Or maybe I should stick with the Nino I've been satisfied with this whole time? I don't know, I'm still confused how I never noticed for this long...

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18 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

So... um... this is awkward...

This whole time I thought my Nino was +Spd -Res...

Well, turns out I was wrong, and I only found out after punching her into KageroCharts battle simulator. My Nino is +Spd -Att.

I can only assume I made a mistake and favorited the wrong Nino when I had a group of 3 or 4 differently natured Ninos right next to each other, so now my Nino is weaker than other Ninos out there.

Thing is, this Nino hasn't been getting bad results. She has consistently never let me down, and in fact the neutralness of Def and Res plus Fury 3 may have let her barely survive attacks she wouldn't otherwise. Plus she is already a +1 merged unit.

I'm wondering, should I think about fixing the problem and merging her into a different Nino when I get one of better nature (Prob +Spd -HP/Res)? Or maybe I should stick with the Nino I've been satisfied with this whole time? I don't know, I'm still confused how I never noticed for this long...

Fixing the problem would result in 3 damage more per attack.  Depends on how many high speed units are surviving with >=3 HP and how many lowspeed units are surviving with >=6 HP.

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18 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Fixing the problem would result in 3 damage more per attack.  Depends on how many high speed units are surviving with >=3 HP and how many lowspeed units are surviving with >=6 HP.

To be fair, not many. If Nino is in Desperation 3 range, almost everything save for bulky reds (Ryoma and TA3 reds) are down for the count, and if she isn't in D3 range then only the likes of POWERFUL reds who can counter her (Ryoma) and Hector can really outright kill her. Defensive tiles prove a problem in some cases, but Defensive Tiles tend to do that anyways, so I'll let it slide this time.

Horse/Flier teams prove problematic, but don't they always? At this point only the bullcrap in Tempest Trials, Chain Battles, and maybe Squad Assault would prove problems...

Yeah this is looking more and more one-sided a decision the more I think about it...

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

To be fair, not many. If Nino is in Desperation 3 range, almost everything save for bulky reds (Ryoma and TA3 reds) are down for the count, and if she isn't in D3 range then only the likes of POWERFUL reds who can counter her (Ryoma) and Hector can really outright kill her. Defensive tiles prove a problem in some cases, but Defensive Tiles tend to do that anyways, so I'll let it slide this time.

Horse/Flier teams prove problematic, but don't they always? At this point only the bullcrap in Tempest Trials, Chain Battles, and maybe Squad Assault would prove problems...

Yeah this is looking more and more one-sided a decision the more I think about it...

With max Eirika buffs and 100%HP, Nino [+Spd, -Atk] nets the most kills. In merged battles with max Eirika buffs and 100%HP, Nino [+Spd, -Def] performed the best against +Atk vanilla units, and -Res does slightly better against neutral vanilla units.

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I may as well just finish building this Faye. She's almost complete anyways. I slapped together a Brave Bow Faye for the trials and she's doing well so I think I'll just complete her set and make her a backup B!Cordelia. She deserves it as while I thought she would be a nightmare to drag along, she's actually been trivializing the trials.

She's got Brave Bow/Draw Back/Luna/Death Blow 2/Poison Strike 3/Hone Speed 1.

She is +DEF/-RES. She's not getting attacked often but at 42 HP and 29/31 defenses she's not easily OHKO'ed, even when doubled.

I'm going to get her BB+ and DB3 after B!Cordelia but should I keep Poison Strike or go for something like Sword-breaker? She is OHKOing quite a few things in the tempest already. Will she still need the chip when she gets an additional 5 x2 damage from BB+ and DB3? SB would also let her fight distant counter swords which currently kill her out right.

You can reccomend a C passive. But Faye doesn't really want things close to her unless she's walling which isn't really what I'm going for. She's basically a weaker but bulkier B!Cordelia that doesn't die in one hit.

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Hey guys.
I have a 5* Abel that I have never used. Wondering if it's worth to give his Brave+ to Effie (+Atk/-Spd) or Summer Robin (+Res/-Spd).

Probably Effie would be better with it, since she has a really good nature for Brave. 

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

You can reccomend a C passive. But Faye doesn't really want things close to her unless she's walling which isn't really what I'm going for. She's basically a weaker but bulkier B!Cordelia that doesn't die in one hit.

You might want to wait for a response from one of the more experienced players but given your usage of her, it seems like a Hone/Spur skill might go well with your Faye since since she's not on the front lines. If you go with Hone, she can buff your other units before they move out for an attack at the beginning of the turn. Spur skills buff your units during battle so some positioning is required but their buffs are not restricted to the beginning of your turn. 


Got a question of my own though. Pulled a 5* Haweye last night. In general, what kind of builds other than Brave weapon builds want Death Blow 3?

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8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

To be fair, not many. If Nino is in Desperation 3 range, almost everything save for bulky reds (Ryoma and TA3 reds) are down for the count, and if she isn't in D3 range then only the likes of POWERFUL reds who can counter her (Ryoma) and Hector can really outright kill her. Defensive tiles prove a problem in some cases, but Defensive Tiles tend to do that anyways, so I'll let it slide this time.

Horse/Flier teams prove problematic, but don't they always? At this point only the bullcrap in Tempest Trials, Chain Battles, and maybe Squad Assault would prove problems...

Yeah this is looking more and more one-sided a decision the more I think about it...

I don't think the new nature will result in much more effectiveness.  Is it worth it?  Probably not.   I'd still do it because I'm obsessed with making perfect builds for units to the point where a good IV Caeda is more appeasing than a bad IV Minerva.

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@Zeo Unless you are low on resources, having a C passive is better than no C passive. Having said that, depending on how often you use Faye outside of this event, you might not want to invest too much into her though. Giving her L&D2 is fine, but I would not spend 20,000 Feathers to give her L&D3 if you are not going to use her much after the event is over.

@Rinco Give it to Effie. It makes monthly armor quests easier. Robin is not bad, but I would rather invest in better blue units like Linde or any blue mage cavalry.

@Thienphu She is not worth the promotion. However, you can still invest in her and merge her into a better nature copy later.

@tobuShogi Death Blow needs Braves to really shine. Otherwise, for most units, Life and Death, Swift Sparrow, and Fury would be better. Death Blow is still okay without Braves, but it just would not be as good.


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42 minutes ago, XRay said:


@tobuShogi Death Blow needs Braves to really shine. Otherwise, for most units, Life and Death, Swift Sparrow, and Fury would be better. Death Blow is still okay without Braves, but it just would not be as good.

Fair enough. I'll hold onto him for now. Thanks.

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3 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

Any news on what the next Grand Hero Battle will be? I'm assuming it will be repeat.

We were just talking about that in the general thread.

Odds are we'll see something in the next couple of days regarding both GHB and a new banner through datamines or official reveals.  If we don't see anything in the next couple of days, we can assume it will skip a week or two.

I'd wager we'll see something tonight.  Quests come through updates that are often datamined and come with some hints at future content.  And we're getting new quests tomorrow that havent been updated into the game yet.

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5 hours ago, XRay said:

@Zeo Unless you are low on resources, having a C passive is better than no C passive. Having said that, depending on how often you use Faye outside of this event, you might not want to invest too much into her though. Giving her L&D2 is fine, but I would not spend 20,000 Feathers to give her L&D3 if you are not going to use her much after the event is over.

I've already decided on DB3. She has DB2 already and LnD3 does nothing for her. At +DEF/-SPD she's only getting 21 SPD so she's still getting doubled by everything under the sun, all LnD does is weaken her enemy phase and make significantly more people able to oneshot her. She might get Hone Speed 3 since she already has 1. I really wanted advice on a B skill as I don't know if the extra 5 x2 damage from BB+ and DB3 will need Poison Strike. Maybe something like a breaker, but it's up in the air.


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8 minutes ago, Lushen said:

We were just talking about that in the general thread.

Odds are we'll see something in the next couple of days regarding both GHB and a new banner through datamines or official reveals.  If we don't see anything in the next couple of days, we can assume it will skip a week or two.

I'd wager we'll see something tonight.  Quests come through updates that are often datamined and come with some hints at future content.  And we're getting new quests tomorrow that havent been updated into the game yet.

All right, I see. Thanks!

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5 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I've already decided on DB3. She has DB2 already and LnD3 does nothing for her. At +DEF/-SPD she's only getting 21 SPD so she's still getting doubled by everything under the sun, all LnD does is weaken her enemy phase and make significantly more people able to oneshot her. She might get Hone Speed 3 since she already has 1. I really wanted advice on a B skill as I don't know if the extra 5 x2 damage from BB+ and DB3 will need Poison Strike. Maybe something like a breaker, but it's up in the air.


Poison Strike is good with her native Firesweep. She can kite Hector with it. If you are having trouble with a particular weapon, I would give her that Breaker. If you do not have trouble with any weapon, then Swordbreaker gives her the most kills.

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