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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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2 hours ago, Johann said:

Ah, well comparing his 4*+10 stats with Frederick's, I'd end up with a low investment (minus the axe) copy of Frederick. Key differences are -2 Atk, -1 Def, +6 Res, and Frederick has significantly greater long term potential. I'll probably wait til I have 11 Gunters before I get serious about it though. For what it's worth, Frederick is an absolute murder machine as is, even without cavalry buffs.

At least Gunter is a free rotation battle unit, so he'll be back as an arena bonus unit in the future (he already came back a few weeks ago)

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7 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Sadly, I just got Anna to 5*.

Guess I'll have to hope that Olivia is one of the bonus units or that the next banner is something that I'll want to pull from and manage to get a focus. 

You’re in luck because Olivia is indeed a bonus unit in the next season along with Donny and Sharena.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Despite the sound advice, I think I will be skipping a green promote for the time being unless I go with Michalis, but his max level conversation doesn't seem to add up.


Why does he say he died when he did not die?


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12 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Despite the sound advice, I think I will be skipping a green promote for the time being unless I go with Michalis, but his max level conversation doesn't seem to add up.

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Why does he say he died when he did not die?


Probably goes without saying, but Archanea spoilers:


He does die in FE3 from grievous wounds taken from Gharnef after he manages to take the Starlight tome from him and get it to Marth so Marth and his army can actually kill Gharnef. In FE12, he can actually survive and join Marth's army if certain conditions are met. Additionally, he very likely would've died after his defeat to Marth in FE1/11 if Maria hadn't chose to nurse him back to health.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Probably goes without saying, but Archanea spoilers:

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He does die in FE3 from grievous wounds taken from Gharnef after he manages to take the Starlight tome from him and get it to Marth so Marth and his army can actually kill Gharnef. In FE12, he can actually survive and join Marth's army if certain conditions are met. Additionally, he very likely would've died after his defeat to Marth in FE1/11 if Maria hadn't chose to nurse him back to health.


But he strongly implies that Minerva killed him. I also assume he would have to be pulled from a point he was still alive as well as the retconned him surviving route it the one they'd go with as canon as the best/one with most hoops to jump through routes usually are. I guess it might be him being melodramatic or something, but it seems weird.


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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

You’re in luck because Olivia is indeed a bonus unit in the next season along with Donny and Sharena.

Sweet! I can finally bring Xander back into my team. Reinhardt and his bromance will dominate the battlefield.

Edited by XRay
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18 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:
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But he strongly implies that Minerva killed him. I also assume he would have to be pulled from a point he was still alive as well as the retconned him surviving route it the one they'd go with as canon as the best/one with most hoops to jump through routes usually are. I guess it might be him being melodramatic or something, but it seems weird.



Yeah, I realize that he isn't referring to his death to Gharnef in his max level conversation. I just wanted to point out that he does die at a certain point. As for while he mentions Minerva specifically, I think it's implied that it was Minerva who defeated Michalis when Marth's army clashed with Michalis and Macedon in FE1/11. It could also be, as you said, Michalis being overly melodramatic or him being metaphorical.

Edit: After doing some digging, Minerva outright says that she struck Michalis down in one of her supports with Kris/the Avatar in FE12.


Edited by Tybrosion
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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:
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Yeah, I realize that he isn't referring to his death to Gharnef in his max level conversation. I just wanted to point out that he does die at a certain point. As for while he mentions Minerva specifically, I think it's implied that it was Minerva who defeated Michalis when Marth's army clashed with Michalis and Macedon in FE1/11. It could also be, as you said, Michalis being overly melodramatic or him being metaphorical.



Metaphorical/melodramatic seems most likely. Though I still think this is 12 Michalis who probably survived the war and simply left. Though his character still makes no sense as he apparently changed after Maria healed him, but he still seems to be power mad Michalis. 

And, yeah, characters can be summoned from before they're killed (see several villains), but they never talk about it so it's not like they're being brought back from the dead, Michalis just seems horribly inconsistent with established lore.


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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

You’re in luck because Olivia is indeed a bonus unit in the next season along with Donny and Sharena.

Is there some kind of Rotation of the free units like the rotation of the Askir trio? 

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I want to record a Lunatic run I did for Valter's map. I already have QuickTime open on my computer ready to record yet I can't seem to figure out how to get to footage from my phone screen on to the computer. Am I doing something wrong?

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32 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Is there some kind of Rotation of the free units like the rotation of the Askir trio? 

They rotate in the same order as their Hero Battle rotation with Sophia and Gunter at the same time.

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I have a couple questions, if some would like to give their thoughts on them.

First, my current 5* A!Tiki has a +Res/-Def nature, which is clearly not ideal, so I'd like to upgrade her to a better nature. To that end, which do you think is better: +Def/-Res, or +Atk/-HP? Right now, I'm inclined toward the +Def/-Res nature, since she has an impressive 38 Def with that. I think that would function really well right now in Arena Assault, especially since I see a lot of teams running Amelia+Hector.

Second, I pulled a Summer Corrin earlier today! She's +Spd/-Atk, which is a pretty good nature. I gave her Blarblade+, from the 5* Odin I got from the one free summon on the blade banner. What should I put in her A-passive slot? Fury or LnD? I'm inclined towards LnD, since I have only one Hinata to spare, but many Hanas.


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8 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I have a couple questions, if some would like to give their thoughts on them.

First, my current 5* A!Tiki has a +Res/-Def nature, which is clearly not ideal, so I'd like to upgrade her to a better nature. To that end, which do you think is better: +Def/-Res, or +Atk/-HP? Right now, I'm inclined toward the +Def/-Res nature, since she has an impressive 38 Def with that. I think that would function really well right now in Arena Assault, especially since I see a lot of teams running Amelia+Hector.

Second, I pulled a Summer Corrin earlier today! She's +Spd/-Atk, which is a pretty good nature. I gave her Blarblade+, from the 5* Odin I got from the one free summon on the blade banner. What should I put in her A-passive slot? Fury or LnD? I'm inclined towards LnD, since I have only one Hinata to spare, but many Hanas.


I generally prefer +Atk -HP/Def/Res on Enemy Phase units since their defensive stats do not matter too much if you only use them against colors they are strong or neutral against.

I would go with Life and Death. If you plan to whale on her to +10, she will actually need Swift Sparrow instead the last time I checked I think. NS!Corrin's damage output is bottle necked by her Attack, not Speed, so if you do summon her again and get a +Atk one, I would keep the +Atk one. If you get multiples of her, you can merge her or put both of her on your defense team for easy wins; she is no Reinhardt, but I think she is good enough for the job.

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19 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I have a couple questions, if some would like to give their thoughts on them.

First, my current 5* A!Tiki has a +Res/-Def nature, which is clearly not ideal, so I'd like to upgrade her to a better nature. To that end, which do you think is better: +Def/-Res, or +Atk/-HP? Right now, I'm inclined toward the +Def/-Res nature, since she has an impressive 38 Def with that. I think that would function really well right now in Arena Assault, especially since I see a lot of teams running Amelia+Hector.

Second, I pulled a Summer Corrin earlier today! She's +Spd/-Atk, which is a pretty good nature. I gave her Blarblade+, from the 5* Odin I got from the one free summon on the blade banner. What should I put in her A-passive slot? Fury or LnD? I'm inclined towards LnD, since I have only one Hinata to spare, but many Hanas.


  1. It depends on what the rest of her set is, particularly her A slot. If it's Triangle Adept, +Def is kinda unnecessary, since axes would need 59 Atk to scratch even her neutral Def (with a whole 1 dmg).
  2. I'd definitely pick Life and Death of those two. I'm running that on mine and have not seen any reason to use Fury instead. I'll usually pick Fury over Life and Death if a) I don't feel like promoting a Hana or b) if Fury lets the unit hit important survival thresholds.
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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

I generally prefer +Atk -HP/Def/Res on Enemy Phase units since their defensive stats do not matter too much if you only use them against colors they are strong or neutral against.

I would go with Life and Death. If you plan to whale on her to +10, she will actually need Swift Sparrow instead the last time I checked I think. NS!Corrin's damage output is bottle necked by her Attack, not Speed, so if you do summon her again and get a +Atk one, I would keep the +Atk one. If you get multiples of her, you can merge her or put both of her on your defense team for easy wins; she is no Reinhardt, but I think she is good enough for the job.

Thanks! But that's not really helpful. I was asking about a specific unit, so I was hoping for answers that pertained to that unit.

As for (2), I'm F2P, so, no, I won't be whaling to +10, or any of that.

3 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:
  1. It depends on what the rest of her set is, particularly her A slot. If it's Triangle Adept, +Def is kinda unnecessary, since axes would need 59 Atk to scratch even her neutral Def (with a whole 1 dmg).
  2. I'd definitely pick Life and Death of those two. I'm running that on mine and have not seen any reason to use Fury instead. I'll usually pick Fury over Life and Death if a) I don't feel like promoting a Hana or b) if Fury lets the unit hit important survival thresholds.

No, she won't be running TA, I don't have the resources for that. Just assume she's running her native Defiant Atk. Although, I am open on suggestions on that front. She'll be running QR on her B-slot, and Bonfire as her special.

For (2), thanks! I think LnD it is. She doesn't seem to lose out on any important matchups, as far as I can tell. I hope I'm not overlooking something. Like, a Fury Nino can tank a hit from some Hectors, but a LnD Nino can't.

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52 minutes ago, Astellius said:

No, she won't be running TA, I don't have the resources for that. Just assume she's running her native Defiant Atk. Although, I am open on suggestions on that front. She'll be running QR on her B-slot, and Bonfire as her special.

Hm, flicking through the matchup list (vs neutral, no inheritance), here are the observations that I'm picking up:

  • Both Tiki variants will take a loss to one green (Sonya), with +Atk/-HP landing more KOs and only really picking up losses to lance users, which probably isn't a spot you're putting her in anyway.
  • +Atk is 4 dmg shy of OHKO'ing neutral, no-inheritance Nino, so a light buff would give her that.
  • Even +Atk/-HP Tiki's QR2 (is it ok to assume that it'll be QR2 instead of QR3?) isn't broken by very many axes, and most of them will fail to break it if you run a Def buff. Notably, neutral Amelia deals two 4s (~22%), which becomes two 0s with a +4 def buff.

tbh I'd personally lean toward +Atk/-HP in this case. If you're worried about QR breaking against more customized sets you might consider running Reciprocal Aid. I've found that to be a good pick for my Adult Tiki (+Atk/-Spd).

52 minutes ago, Astellius said:

For (2), thanks! I think LnD it is. She doesn't seem to lose out on any important matchups, as far as I can tell. I hope I'm not overlooking something. Like, a Fury Nino can tank a hit from some Hectors, but a LnD Nino can't.

imo the real advantage of Fury Nino is Reinhardt tanking. -Atk -blade Corrin with Life and Death and +3/4/3/3 buffs (though I'm guessing you'd be running her on a team that can get buffs of greater magnitude) actually OHKOs every neutral, no-inheritance red on the PP, so I wouldn't worry too much there. Fury will let her tank full cav buffs Rauðrblade/Death Blow/Atk +1 Leo if she's got a +4 or greater buff of her own, if that's something you care about...or you could just OHKO him on the PP.


The matchup lists I was looking at, in case you're curious:

+Atk/-HP Tiki with Defiant Atk, QR, and Bonfire defending against neutral, no-inheritance enemies:


ORKOs (78)

  • Alfonse: 54 total dmg dealt (125%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Amelia: 70 total dmg dealt (148%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Anna: 60 total dmg dealt (146%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Arthur: 88 total dmg dealt (183%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Azama: 48 total dmg dealt (111%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Barst: 82 total dmg dealt (178%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Bartre: 84 total dmg dealt (171%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Beruka: 72 total dmg dealt (156%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Boey: 80 total dmg dealt (186%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cain: 48 total dmg dealt (114%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camilla: 71 total dmg dealt (191%), 7 total dmg taken (19%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camilla (Spr. Princess): 39 total dmg dealt (100%), 13 total dmg taken (36%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cecilia: 58 total dmg dealt (161%), 13 total dmg taken (36%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cherche: 84 total dmg dealt (182%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Chrom (Spr. Exalt): 76 total dmg dealt (176%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clarisse: 58 total dmg dealt (156%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cordelia (Perfect Bride): 54 total dmg dealt (150%), 24 total dmg taken (66%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (M): 50 total dmg dealt (119%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eirika: 42 total dmg dealt (100%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eldigan: 54 total dmg dealt (120%), 16 total dmg taken (44%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Elise: 34 total dmg dealt (113%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Elise (Tropical Flower): 62 total dmg dealt (182%), 30 total dmg taken (83%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Fae: 56 total dmg dealt (121%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Frederick: 44 total dmg dealt (102%), 3 total dmg taken (8%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Frederick (H. Watcher): 58 total dmg dealt (145%), 18 total dmg taken (50%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gaius: 60 total dmg dealt (142%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gaius (Thief Exposed): 38 total dmg dealt (111%), 18 total dmg taken (50%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gordin: 64 total dmg dealt (148%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (20 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gray: 54 total dmg dealt (125%), 28 total dmg taken (77%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gunter: 80 total dmg dealt (186%), 3 total dmg taken (8%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hana: 56 total dmg dealt (151%), 34 total dmg taken (94%). (41 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hawkeye: 56 total dmg dealt (124%), 5 total dmg taken (13%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hector: 78 total dmg dealt (150%), 7 total dmg taken (19%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Henry: 48 total dmg dealt (106%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hinata: 56 total dmg dealt (119%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ike: 62 total dmg dealt (147%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jaffar: 64 total dmg dealt (156%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jakob: 50 total dmg dealt (128%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jeorge: 46 total dmg dealt (124%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Julia: 46 total dmg dealt (121%), 35 total dmg taken (97%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Karel: 58 total dmg dealt (123%), 34 total dmg taken (94%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Laslow: 54 total dmg dealt (122%), 15 total dmg taken (41%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Legion: 74 total dmg dealt (160%), 27 total dmg taken (75%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leon: 68 total dmg dealt (174%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lilina: 36 total dmg dealt (102%), 29 total dmg taken (80%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lon'qu: 54 total dmg dealt (120%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (42 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lukas: 46 total dmg dealt (102%), 16 total dmg taken (44%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Luke: 58 total dmg dealt (134%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lyn: 40 total dmg dealt (108%), 18 total dmg taken (50%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Matthew: 62 total dmg dealt (151%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Merric: 78 total dmg dealt (162%), 16 total dmg taken (44%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Michalis: 78 total dmg dealt (181%), 5 total dmg taken (13%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Minerva: 41 total dmg dealt (102%), 7 total dmg taken (19%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Narcian: 42 total dmg dealt (100%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Navarre: 50 total dmg dealt (119%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Nino: 58 total dmg dealt (175%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ogma: 89 total dmg dealt (189%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Olivia: 46 total dmg dealt (127%), 16 total dmg taken (44%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Palla: 46 total dmg dealt (109%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Raven: 89 total dmg dealt (217%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Rebecca: 44 total dmg dealt (118%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (F): 72 total dmg dealt (180%), 16 total dmg taken (44%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ryoma: 56 total dmg dealt (136%), 30 total dmg taken (83%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Saber: 54 total dmg dealt (122%), 20 total dmg taken (55%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Saizo: 66 total dmg dealt (183%), 6 total dmg taken (16%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sakura: 38 total dmg dealt (105%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Selena: 42 total dmg dealt (113%), 4 total dmg taken (11%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Seliph: 54 total dmg dealt (103%), 15 total dmg taken (41%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Setsuna: 52 total dmg dealt (123%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Stahl: 54 total dmg dealt (120%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Takumi: 62 total dmg dealt (155%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (FE13): 50 total dmg dealt (125%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (Summer Scion): 64 total dmg dealt (182%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Titania: 38 total dmg dealt (102%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tobin: 46 total dmg dealt (100%), 11 total dmg taken (30%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Virion: 72 total dmg dealt (156%), 18 total dmg taken (50%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Paragon Knight): 64 total dmg dealt (145%), 13 total dmg taken (36%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Student Swimmer): 84 total dmg dealt (195%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)

No KO (44)

  • Abel: 30 total dmg dealt (68%), 28 total dmg taken (77%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Berkut: 20 total dmg dealt (46%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Caeda: 30 total dmg dealt (83%), 4 total dmg taken (11%). (43 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clair: 14 total dmg dealt (37%), 28 total dmg taken (77%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clarine: 34 total dmg dealt (97%), 6 total dmg taken (16%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clive: 36 total dmg dealt (80%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Donnel: 34 total dmg dealt (70%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Draug: 47 total dmg dealt (94%), 6 total dmg taken (16%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eliwood: 34 total dmg dealt (87%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ephraim: 40 total dmg dealt (88%), 26 total dmg taken (72%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Faye: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 6 total dmg taken (16%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Felicia: 22 total dmg dealt (64%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Fir: 36 total dmg dealt (87%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Florina: 12 total dmg dealt (28%), 28 total dmg taken (77%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Genny: 30 total dmg dealt (93%), 17 total dmg taken (47%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gwendolyn: 21 total dmg dealt (42%), 14 total dmg taken (38%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hinoka: 32 total dmg dealt (78%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Innes: 26 total dmg dealt (74%), 18 total dmg taken (50%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jagen: 4 total dmg dealt (10%), 19 total dmg taken (52%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lachesis: 38 total dmg dealt (97%), 6 total dmg taken (16%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leo: 38 total dmg dealt (97%), 19 total dmg taken (52%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leo (Seashore's Prince): 28 total dmg dealt (75%), 20 total dmg taken (55%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lissa: 38 total dmg dealt (97%), 4 total dmg taken (11%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lloyd: 38 total dmg dealt (92%), 30 total dmg taken (83%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucius: 28 total dmg dealt (66%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lyn (Bride of the Plains): 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Maria: 34 total dmg dealt (94%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mathilda: 12 total dmg dealt (34%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mist: 30 total dmg dealt (76%), 8 total dmg taken (22%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Niles: 18 total dmg dealt (48%), 19 total dmg taken (52%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Nowi: 26 total dmg dealt (57%), 30 total dmg taken (83%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Oboro: 32 total dmg dealt (80%), 17 total dmg taken (47%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Priscilla: 34 total dmg dealt (94%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Roy: 42 total dmg dealt (95%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sanaki: 30 total dmg dealt (90%), 27 total dmg taken (75%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Serra: 32 total dmg dealt (96%), 10 total dmg taken (27%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Seth: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 12 total dmg taken (33%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sheena: 43 total dmg dealt (95%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sophia: 28 total dmg dealt (70%), 22 total dmg taken (61%). (19 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Soren: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 13 total dmg taken (36%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Subaki: 10 total dmg dealt (25%), 32 total dmg taken (88%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Wrys: 26 total dmg dealt (61%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Spr. Prince): 28 total dmg dealt (70%), 20 total dmg taken (55%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Zephiel: 30 total dmg dealt (54%), 21 total dmg taken (58%). (21 Spd vs 23 Spd)

Losses (41)

  • Alm: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 43 total dmg taken (119%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Athena: 25 total dmg dealt (69%), 46 total dmg taken (127%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Azura: 2 total dmg dealt (5%), 50 total dmg taken (138%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Caeda (Talys' Bride): 8 total dmg dealt (24%), 54 total dmg taken (150%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camus: 23 total dmg dealt (54%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Catria: 15 total dmg dealt (38%), 47 total dmg taken (130%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Celica: 27 total dmg dealt (69%), 54 total dmg taken (150%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Charlotte (Money Maiden): 21 total dmg dealt (45%), 50 total dmg taken (138%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Chrom: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cordelia: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 50 total dmg taken (138%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (F): 19 total dmg dealt (46%), 48 total dmg taken (133%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (Novice Vacationer): 10 total dmg dealt (29%), 54 total dmg taken (150%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Delthea: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 43 total dmg taken (119%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Effie: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 38 total dmg taken (105%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Est: 8 total dmg dealt (22%), 42 total dmg taken (116%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Kagero: 15 total dmg dealt (48%), 54 total dmg taken (150%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Katarina: 17 total dmg dealt (50%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Klein: 25 total dmg dealt (62%), 55 total dmg taken (152%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Linde: 13 total dmg dealt (37%), 68 total dmg taken (188%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucina: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 40 total dmg taken (111%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucina (Spr. Exalt): 15 total dmg dealt (42%), 56 total dmg taken (155%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mae: 10 total dmg dealt (28%), 62 total dmg taken (172%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Marth: 26 total dmg dealt (63%), 70 total dmg taken (194%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Marth (Enigmatic Blade): 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 40 total dmg taken (111%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ninian: 13 total dmg dealt (30%), 40 total dmg taken (111%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Odin: 15 total dmg dealt (34%), 36 total dmg taken (100%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Olwen: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 36 total dmg taken (100%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Peri: 7 total dmg dealt (20%), 42 total dmg taken (116%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Raigh: 20 total dmg dealt (48%), 36 total dmg taken (100%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Reinhardt: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 50 total dmg taken (138%). (18 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (M): 18 total dmg dealt (45%), 48 total dmg taken (133%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (Seaside Tactician): 9 total dmg dealt (23%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Roderick: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 40 total dmg taken (111%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Shanna: 11 total dmg dealt (28%), 42 total dmg taken (116%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sharena: 18 total dmg dealt (41%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sonya: 22 total dmg dealt (61%), 51 total dmg taken (141%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sully: 2 total dmg dealt (4%), 36 total dmg taken (100%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tana: 15 total dmg dealt (41%), 60 total dmg taken (166%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tharja: 29 total dmg dealt (74%), 42 total dmg taken (116%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (Young): 20 total dmg dealt (48%), 44 total dmg taken (122%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ursula: 10 total dmg dealt (28%), 60 total dmg taken (166%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)

+Def/-Res Tiki (same set) vs neutral, no-inheritance enemies:


ORKOs (65)

  • Alfonse: 48 total dmg dealt (111%), 19 total dmg taken (47%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Amelia: 64 total dmg dealt (136%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Anna: 54 total dmg dealt (131%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Arthur: 80 total dmg dealt (166%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Barst: 76 total dmg dealt (165%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Bartre: 78 total dmg dealt (159%), 6 total dmg taken (15%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Beruka: 66 total dmg dealt (143%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Boey: 74 total dmg dealt (172%), 11 total dmg taken (27%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cain: 43 total dmg dealt (102%), 4 total dmg taken (10%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camilla: 67 total dmg dealt (181%), 4 total dmg taken (10%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camilla (Spr. Princess): 72 total dmg dealt (184%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cecilia: 52 total dmg dealt (144%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cherche: 78 total dmg dealt (169%), 5 total dmg taken (12%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Chrom (Spr. Exalt): 70 total dmg dealt (162%), 4 total dmg taken (10%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clarisse: 52 total dmg dealt (140%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cordelia (Perfect Bride): 48 total dmg dealt (133%), 18 total dmg taken (45%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (M): 44 total dmg dealt (104%), 20 total dmg taken (50%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eldigan: 48 total dmg dealt (106%), 13 total dmg taken (32%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Elise (Tropical Flower): 56 total dmg dealt (164%), 36 total dmg taken (90%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Fae: 50 total dmg dealt (108%), 32 total dmg taken (80%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Frederick: 82 total dmg dealt (190%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Frederick (H. Watcher): 52 total dmg dealt (130%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gaius: 54 total dmg dealt (128%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gordin: 58 total dmg dealt (134%), 6 total dmg taken (15%). (20 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gray: 48 total dmg dealt (111%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gunter: 74 total dmg dealt (172%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hana: 50 total dmg dealt (135%), 28 total dmg taken (70%). (41 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hawkeye: 50 total dmg dealt (111%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hector: 72 total dmg dealt (138%), 4 total dmg taken (10%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hinata: 50 total dmg dealt (106%), 9 total dmg taken (22%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ike: 56 total dmg dealt (133%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jaffar: 58 total dmg dealt (141%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jakob: 44 total dmg dealt (112%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jeorge: 40 total dmg dealt (108%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Julia: 40 total dmg dealt (105%), 38 total dmg taken (95%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Karel: 52 total dmg dealt (110%), 27 total dmg taken (67%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Laslow: 48 total dmg dealt (109%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Legion: 68 total dmg dealt (147%), 20 total dmg taken (50%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leon: 62 total dmg dealt (158%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lon'qu: 48 total dmg dealt (106%), 5 total dmg taken (12%). (42 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Luke: 52 total dmg dealt (120%), 20 total dmg taken (50%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Matthew: 56 total dmg dealt (136%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Merric: 72 total dmg dealt (150%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Michalis: 72 total dmg dealt (167%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Minerva: 76 total dmg dealt (190%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Narcian: 76 total dmg dealt (180%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Navarre: 44 total dmg dealt (104%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Nino: 52 total dmg dealt (157%), 32 total dmg taken (80%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ogma: 85 total dmg dealt (180%), 20 total dmg taken (50%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Olivia: 40 total dmg dealt (111%), 10 total dmg taken (25%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Raven: 85 total dmg dealt (207%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Rebecca: 38 total dmg dealt (102%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (F): 66 total dmg dealt (165%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ryoma: 50 total dmg dealt (121%), 24 total dmg taken (60%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Saber: 48 total dmg dealt (109%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Saizo: 60 total dmg dealt (166%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Setsuna: 46 total dmg dealt (109%), 2 total dmg taken (5%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Stahl: 48 total dmg dealt (106%), 5 total dmg taken (12%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Takumi: 56 total dmg dealt (140%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (FE13): 44 total dmg dealt (110%), 25 total dmg taken (62%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (Summer Scion): 58 total dmg dealt (165%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Titania: 68 total dmg dealt (183%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Virion: 66 total dmg dealt (143%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Paragon Knight): 58 total dmg dealt (131%), 10 total dmg taken (25%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Student Swimmer): 78 total dmg dealt (181%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)

No KO (66)

  • Abel: 24 total dmg dealt (54%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Azama: 42 total dmg dealt (97%), 1 total dmg taken (2%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Berkut: 14 total dmg dealt (32%), 19 total dmg taken (47%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Caeda: 24 total dmg dealt (66%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (43 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Camus: 40 total dmg dealt (95%), 38 total dmg taken (95%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clair: 8 total dmg dealt (21%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clarine: 28 total dmg dealt (80%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Clive: 31 total dmg dealt (68%), 19 total dmg taken (47%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Donnel: 28 total dmg dealt (58%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Draug: 42 total dmg dealt (84%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Effie: 14 total dmg dealt (28%), 35 total dmg taken (87%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eirika: 36 total dmg dealt (85%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Elise: 28 total dmg dealt (93%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Eliwood: 28 total dmg dealt (71%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ephraim: 34 total dmg dealt (75%), 23 total dmg taken (57%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Est: 10 total dmg dealt (27%), 36 total dmg taken (90%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Faye: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 3 total dmg taken (7%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Felicia: 16 total dmg dealt (47%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Fir: 30 total dmg dealt (73%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Florina: 6 total dmg dealt (14%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gaius (Thief Exposed): 32 total dmg dealt (94%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Genny: 24 total dmg dealt (75%), 20 total dmg taken (50%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Gwendolyn: 16 total dmg dealt (32%), 11 total dmg taken (27%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Henry: 42 total dmg dealt (93%), 13 total dmg taken (32%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Hinoka: 26 total dmg dealt (63%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Innes: 20 total dmg dealt (57%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Jagen: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lachesis: 32 total dmg dealt (82%), 7 total dmg taken (17%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leo: 32 total dmg dealt (82%), 22 total dmg taken (55%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Leo (Seashore's Prince): 22 total dmg dealt (59%), 23 total dmg taken (57%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lilina: 30 total dmg dealt (85%), 32 total dmg taken (80%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lissa: 32 total dmg dealt (82%), 5 total dmg taken (12%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lloyd: 32 total dmg dealt (78%), 24 total dmg taken (60%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucius: 22 total dmg dealt (52%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lukas: 40 total dmg dealt (88%), 13 total dmg taken (32%). (22 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lyn: 34 total dmg dealt (91%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lyn (Bride of the Plains): 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Maria: 28 total dmg dealt (77%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mathilda: 6 total dmg dealt (17%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mist: 24 total dmg dealt (61%), 10 total dmg taken (25%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Niles: 12 total dmg dealt (32%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Nowi: 20 total dmg dealt (44%), 33 total dmg taken (82%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Oboro: 26 total dmg dealt (65%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Palla: 40 total dmg dealt (95%), 21 total dmg taken (52%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Peri: 8 total dmg dealt (22%), 35 total dmg taken (87%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Priscilla: 28 total dmg dealt (77%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (Seaside Tactician): 12 total dmg dealt (30%), 38 total dmg taken (95%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Roderick: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 34 total dmg taken (85%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Roy: 36 total dmg dealt (81%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sakura: 32 total dmg dealt (88%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sanaki: 24 total dmg dealt (72%), 30 total dmg taken (75%). (26 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Selena: 36 total dmg dealt (97%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Seliph: 48 total dmg dealt (92%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (24 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Serra: 26 total dmg dealt (78%), 12 total dmg taken (30%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Seth: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 6 total dmg taken (15%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Shanna: 16 total dmg dealt (41%), 36 total dmg taken (90%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sharena: 30 total dmg dealt (69%), 38 total dmg taken (95%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sheena: 38 total dmg dealt (84%), 0 total dmg taken (0%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sophia: 22 total dmg dealt (55%), 25 total dmg taken (62%). (19 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Soren: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 16 total dmg taken (40%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Subaki: 6 total dmg dealt (15%), 26 total dmg taken (65%). (35 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sully: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 30 total dmg taken (75%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tobin: 40 total dmg dealt (86%), 8 total dmg taken (20%). (27 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Wrys: 20 total dmg dealt (47%), 4 total dmg taken (10%). (23 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Xander (Spr. Prince): 22 total dmg dealt (55%), 14 total dmg taken (35%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Zephiel: 27 total dmg dealt (49%), 18 total dmg taken (45%). (21 Spd vs 23 Spd)

Losses (32)

  • Alm: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 40 total dmg taken (100%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Athena: 22 total dmg dealt (61%), 41 total dmg taken (102%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Azura: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 44 total dmg taken (110%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Caeda (Talys' Bride): 5 total dmg dealt (15%), 60 total dmg taken (150%). (37 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Catria: 12 total dmg dealt (30%), 43 total dmg taken (107%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Celica: 24 total dmg dealt (61%), 60 total dmg taken (150%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Charlotte (Money Maiden): 18 total dmg dealt (39%), 44 total dmg taken (110%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Chrom: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 41 total dmg taken (102%). (25 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Cordelia: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 44 total dmg taken (110%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (F): 16 total dmg dealt (39%), 54 total dmg taken (135%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Corrin (Novice Vacationer): 7 total dmg dealt (20%), 60 total dmg taken (150%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Delthea: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 46 total dmg taken (114%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Kagero: 12 total dmg dealt (38%), 47 total dmg taken (117%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Katarina: 14 total dmg dealt (41%), 50 total dmg taken (125%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Klein: 22 total dmg dealt (55%), 43 total dmg taken (107%). (28 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Linde: 10 total dmg dealt (28%), 74 total dmg taken (185%). (39 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucina: 27 total dmg dealt (62%), 74 total dmg taken (185%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Lucina (Spr. Exalt): 12 total dmg dealt (34%), 62 total dmg taken (155%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Mae: 7 total dmg dealt (20%), 68 total dmg taken (170%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Marth: 23 total dmg dealt (56%), 64 total dmg taken (160%). (34 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Marth (Enigmatic Blade): 27 total dmg dealt (62%), 74 total dmg taken (185%). (36 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ninian: 10 total dmg dealt (23%), 46 total dmg taken (114%). (33 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Odin: 12 total dmg dealt (27%), 42 total dmg taken (105%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Olwen: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 42 total dmg taken (105%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Raigh: 17 total dmg dealt (41%), 42 total dmg taken (105%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Reinhardt: 0 total dmg dealt (0%), 56 total dmg taken (140%). (18 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Robin (M): 15 total dmg dealt (37%), 54 total dmg taken (135%). (29 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Sonya: 19 total dmg dealt (52%), 56 total dmg taken (140%). (31 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tana: 12 total dmg dealt (33%), 55 total dmg taken (137%). (38 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tharja: 26 total dmg dealt (66%), 48 total dmg taken (120%). (40 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Tiki (Young): 17 total dmg dealt (41%), 50 total dmg taken (125%). (30 Spd vs 23 Spd)
  • Ursula: 7 total dmg dealt (20%), 66 total dmg taken (165%). (32 Spd vs 23 Spd)


Edited by LordFrigid
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1 hour ago, Astellius said:

Thanks! But that's not really helpful. I was asking about a specific unit, so I was hoping for answers that pertained to that unit.

My statement applies to A!Tiki since she is an Enemy Phase unit.

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Gonna copy this from the Pull Topic since it is more likely to be answered here...

Who should I keep?
+DEF, -ATK Summer!Xander or...
+DEF, -HP Summer!Xander

In my quest for Summer!Corrin, I ended up pulling another Summer!Xander and am not sure which one I should keep. The -ATK is my original and is already 40, yet having baseline ATK may help NS!Xander immensely. However, the -HP gives me pause because NS!Xander uses a lot of skills that make use of his HP (Fire Boost, Infantry Pulse), so I am at an impasse.

I am likely to end up merging the two together since I am of the mindset the skills may become available later on on a different unit. However, a part of me is tempted to put Infantry Pulse on my +DEF, -RES Ephraim (he currently runs Defiant DEF, Swordbreaker, and Threaten DEF, but I plan on transitioning him to Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker once I get the proper skills). He usually runs with Ryoma, Nino, and a random, making Ephraim the highest HP hero in the main party.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Edited by Sire
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16 hours ago, Sire said:

Gonna copy this from the Pull Topic since it is more likely to be answered here...

Who should I keep?
+DEF, -ATK Summer!Xander or...
+DEF, -HP Summer!Xander

In my quest for Summer!Corrin, I ended up pulling another Summer!Xander and am not sure which one I should keep. The -ATK is my original and is already 40, yet having baseline ATK may help NS!Xander immensely. However, the -HP gives me pause because NS!Xander uses a lot of skills that make use of his HP (Fire Boost, Infantry Pulse), so I am at an impasse.

I am likely to end up merging the two together since I am of the mindset the skills may become available later on on a different unit. However, a part of me is tempted to put Infantry Pulse on my +DEF, -RES Ephraim (he currently runs Defiant DEF, Swordbreaker, and Threaten DEF, but I plan on transitioning him to Triangle Adept and Lancebreaker once I get the proper skills). He usually runs with Ryoma, Nino, and a random, making Ephraim the highest HP hero in the main party.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Think of it this way, a +3 Atk (trivial to get, since it's such a low priority) on the -Hp Xander is a perma active Fire Boost compared to the -Atk version, and a simple +3 hp seal would bring the hp in line anyway. Personally I would mark the -Atk Xander for skill or merge fodder, and start working on the -Hp Xander. Yeah, 40 or 43 hp is a bit too low to trigger Fire Boost consistently, but you have half a constantly active fire boost from not being -Atk, and it's not like you can't just run a L&D 2 or something. (L&D 2 is quite amazing in terms of budget sets, it comes from a 4*, which is only 2k feathers, and we have 4 copies of free units which give the skill---2 Hana, 2 Zephiel.)

Note: I don't actually recommend putting +3 Atk on Xander, it's trash---L&D 1 is so much better it's not even funny, not to mention cheaper. Fury 3 is an option if the burn damage isn't relevant---you have Renewal in B or the set is for Arena use, and there's lots of other A-skills that could be situationally viable as well.

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So, what weapon and special should Gordin have if he wants to be more of an enemy-phase unit? I know that's a bit of a pipe dream unless I get a Takumi, but I'd like to have a general idea of what I'm looking for?

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30 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

So, what weapon and special should Gordin have if he wants to be more of an enemy-phase unit? I know that's a bit of a pipe dream unless I get a Takumi, but I'd like to have a general idea of what I'm looking for?

Refreshing Bolt+ is probably the "best" option due to it's built-in Fury 2 effect at 100% hp, but after that... I'd have to wager Slaying Bow+ since it'd let you access your special faster and all other bows only have added effects when the unit triggers battle, if they even have an added effect. Firesweep Bow+ disables your own counterattacks as well so forget that with Close Counter, and Killer Bow is just the worse Parent unit of the far better Child unit that is Slaying Bow+.

As for special, with Slaying Bow+, Ignis would be ready to activate on the second counter-attack if using Quick Riposte and add a solid 25 damage with a neutral Defense nature, where even with +Attack and Slaying Bow+ Dragon Fang only adds 24. Luna doesn't add consistent damage, so god knows how much damage is being added there.

I dunno, Bows don't feel very enemy-phase built. Triangle Adept 3 is useless on Bow units, 2 range when most of the most powerful units in the game are 1 range limits A slot potential, and being colorless means that unless the enemy is using TomeRaven, Bow users are always taking the raw damage that a unit will output. Doesn't help that Gordin himself is too slow to avoid being doubled.

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Refreshing Bolt+ is probably the "best" option due to it's built-in Fury 2 effect at 100% hp, but after that... I'd have to wager Slaying Bow+ since it'd let you access your special faster and all other bows only have added effects when the unit triggers battle, if they even have an added effect. Firesweep Bow+ disables your own counterattacks as well so forget that with Close Counter, and Killer Bow is just the worse Parent unit of the far better Child unit that is Slaying Bow+.

As for special, with Slaying Bow+, Ignis would be ready to activate on the second counter-attack if using Quick Riposte and add a solid 25 damage with a neutral Defense nature, where even with +Attack and Slaying Bow+ Dragon Fang only adds 24. Luna doesn't add consistent damage, so god knows how much damage is being added there.

I dunno, Bows don't feel very enemy-phase built. Triangle Adept 3 is useless on Bow units, 2 range when most of the most powerful units in the game are 1 range limits A slot potential, and being colorless means that unless the enemy is using TomeRaven, Bow users are always taking the raw damage that a unit will output. Doesn't help that Gordin himself is too slow to avoid being doubled.

Granted, I think the idea was 'any bow user other than Klein for Arena Assault', and if I get a Takumi, odds are the best plan is to give Takumi the Brave Bow.

But it's something to consider.

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