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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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I know the units are preselected from the moment the 5 spheres appear. What I ask is if I snipe for a colour with two focus units in it, are the odds higher of getting a five star unit than if I snipe for a colour with one focus unit in it. I keep hearing about how annoying it is that Ayra shares her colour with Eldigan and some people insist that the chances of getting her are reduced by half because she shares her colour. Is it?

In the Ayra/Eldigan/Lachesis banner, do I have a higher chance to get a 5* unit if I snipe red (two focus units) rather that colorless (one focus unit) or are the chances the same?


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1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

I know the units are preselected from the moment the 5 spheres appear. What I ask is if I snipe for a colour with two focus units in it, are the odds higher of getting a five star unit than if I snipe for a colour with one focus unit in it. I keep hearing about how annoying it is that Ayra shares her colour with Eldigan and some people insist that the chances of getting her are reduced by half because she shares her colour. Is it?

In the Ayra/Eldigan/Lachesis banner, do I have a higher chance to get a 5* unit if I snipe red (two focus units) rather that colorless (one focus unit) or are the chances the same?

5* odds are significantly higher by color on banners with few units and banners with units that share a color. This is why Ayra's banner is ridiculous for sniping red, you should getting 5*s every 50 orbs or so on average.

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Umm... hello
I'm rather new to this game, so I still have a few questions mainly regarding skills and promotions:

  1. How to buy / make seals?
  2. What do seals actually do to an unit?
  3. What is the point of equipping skills? Because the strongest weapon / skill is autoequipped. Is there any reason to equip to sth. weaker?
  4. Where can I get stamina portions for free to restore the energy? I'm out of them now which means my access to play maps is heavily restricted right now.

I guess to know how to promote units (increasing stars) but I'm still lacking of feathers. I still need 13000 more to promote someone to 5*.

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4 minutes ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

Umm... hello
I'm rather new to this game, so I still have a few questions mainly regarding skills and promotions:

  1. How to buy / make seals?
  2. What do seals actually do to an unit?
  3. What is the point of equipping skills? Because the strongest weapon / skill is autoequipped. Is there any reason to equip to sth. weaker?
  4. Where can I get stamina portions for free to restore the energy? I'm out of them now which means my access to play maps is heavily restricted right now.

I guess to know how to promote units (increasing stars) but I'm still lacking of feathers. I still need 13000 more to promote someone to 5*.

The Feather Struggle is real.  I've been playing since Day 1, and I am always short on feathers!  Anyway. . .

1. You need to complete all the story missions first.  If your goal is to only create seals, stick to Normal.  You'll eventually unlock an Intermission.  Beat that map, and you'll be able to make Seals under Allies -> Advanced -> Sacred Seals (click the little arrow next to Creation to enhance existing seals).
2. Think of them as a fourth skill.  Certain skills will stack.
3. Certain maps may need certain benchmarks.  One recent example was Xander, who needed a Silver Sword for a particular GHB/BHB map.
4. If you link a Nintendo Account, they're available for purchase via the Askr emblem that shows up when you touch the white fountain in the Home menu.  You can also obtain some by completing certain quest requirements.  Lastly, they'll appear as one of the daily log-in bonuses.

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1 minute ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

Umm... hello
I'm rather new to this game, so I still have a few questions mainly regarding skills and promotions:

  1. How to buy / make seals?
  2. What do seals actually do to an unit?
  3. What is the point of equipping skills? Because the strongest weapon / skill is autoequipped. Is there any reason to equip to sth. weaker?
  4. Where can I get stamina portions for free to restore the energy? I'm out of them now which means my access to play maps is heavily restricted right now.

I guess to know how to promote units (increasing stars) but I'm still lacking of feathers. I still need 13000 more to promote someone to 5*.

To unlock the feature to buy Sacred Seals, you'll need to complete the Intermission Story Map, which can be found in the Main Story section after Chapter 13. (Or was it Paralogues?). It will pit you against Alm, Julia, Nephenee and Niles, but clearing only the Normal difficulty is required to unlock the Forge. I wouldn't rush it, though, since you likely won't have nearly enough Badges to consider making any seals.

Sacred Seals function as a fourth Skill slot. They allow you to mix and match skills that might normally be mutually exclusive (Distant Defence and Fury, or Attack Ploy and Hone Speed). Fiddling with the feature is a staple of high level play, but I'd allow your team to grow before I worry too much about how extensively you concern yourself with it.

The "Equip Skills" button is useful when you get into Skill Inheritance, which can allow you to have multiple powerful skills that require the same slot. For example, my Camus knows both Vantage 3 and Quick Riposte 2, which I will change him between as the situation demands. Weaker skills may be necessary if a strategy calls for you to not kill something, but this comes up most often when rgrinding.

Stamina potions are largely a reward for clearing quests. However, you may obtain them from My Nintendo (if you have it linked) for 100 silver coins a pop, which you may or may not have a large stock of from not using them for anything. Apart from that, you've just got to wait for a large stock to blow in.

And yeah, waiting for the next promotion to 5* gets shorter at high levels, but it's never instantaneous. When we started, it was a monthly thing- but I think it'll be much shorter now even though you're not at high Arena levels.

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Alright, thank to you both!

I didn't know that I have to beat story mode first to unlock seals, but alright.

Then I have the question how inheriting and or merging units works?
This thread tells who can learn what but Idk what inheriting exactly means.
Do I inherit when I promote someone (increasing *) and choose skill / weapon from the pool and the unit has access to learn new skills in their advanced level?

I have read that you can "fuse" replicas even with different number of stars but Idk how it works.

Edited by Byakuren Hijiri
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14 minutes ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

Then I have the question how inheriting and or merging units works?

Inheriting is “fusing” different characters to give the recipient new skills from the donor. The recipient then can learn them with SP.

You can give up to three skills per inheritance session, with individual ranks (e. g., Fury 1, Fury 2, Fury 3) each counting as a skill. There are restrictions on which unit type can inherit what.


Sharena can inherit three levels of Hone Atk from a female Corrin. If I pressed Confirm, Sharena would be able to learn Hone Atk up to rank 3 and use the skill, while this Corrin would be gone.

Merging is “fusing” same characters for increased stats and free SP.

If the recipient is of the same or lower rarity than the donor, they get +1 in two stats and some SP, otherwise only SP. By merging eleven units (+10) you eventually increase every stat by 4, which is the limit.


These two Ogmas can be merged. If I pressed Confirm, the first Ogma would get +1 in HP and Atk (the order depends on the unit’s base level 1 stats) because they are both 4★, and SP depending on rarity (80 SP in this case). The second Ogma would be gone.

Promotion (increasing rarity) is when you spend feathers and badges upon reaching level 20.


This 3★ Felicia’s potential could be unlocked (she could be promoted) because she’s level 20. If I pressed Confirm, I would spend 2,000 feathers and 20 grey badges, and this Felicia would become a lvl 1 4★ Felicia with the stats of a lvl 4★ Felicia.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

Alright, thank to you both!

I didn't know that I have to beat story mode first to unlock seals, but alright.

Then I have the question how inheriting and or merging units works?
This thread tells who can learn what but Idk what inheriting exactly means.
Do I inherit when I promote someone (increasing *) and choose skill / weapon from the pool and the unit has access to learn new skills in their advanced level.

I have read that you can "fuse" replicas even with different number of stars but Idk how it works.

Skill inheritance is found in the 'Inherit Skill' tab after 'Advanced Options' in the Allies menu. To Inherit a skill, you must choose an unwanted unit, and from there, you can choose three skills (with Hone Attack 1, Hone Attack 2 and Hone Attack 3 being considered 3 skills) to pass on to the unit you want to learn it. Doing so will make your 'fodder' unit disappear. For example, to give my Camus Vantage 3, I must acquire a 4* Lon'qu, place Camus on the left and Lon'qu on the right in the Inheritance menu, and choose the skills Vantage 1, Vantage 2 and Vantage 3.
As a general warning, you cannot inherit a skill without your unit knowing the prerequisite skills. However, you don't have to learn all three in one sitting- it's just normally better to do it that way. (As an example of when you might not, you could give a Priscilla Recover, Hone Attack 1 and Hone Attack 2 from a Serra, and then give her Hone Cavalry from a Gunter.)

Merging units is also in the Advanced menu, but is something different. You can combine units with the same name and title (I can merge the red sword unit Olivia: Blushing Beauty with other red sword Olivias, but not with the dagger-using Olivia: Festival Dancer from the Performing Arts banner going on right now). Doing so grants SP to the target unit, and any skills the unit you lose knew will be carried over (an Olivia that knows Hone Speed 3 will pass...

 @Vaximillian ...I'm too in-depth, aren't I?

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6 hours ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

I got it now, thanks!

Just noticed that I had to remove their heart icon to do stuff with them.

You can also mess around the auto-favorite policy in the settings.

You can tap the <Misc.> gear icon on the bottom right of the screen, tap <Settings>, and then go to Auto-Favorite and tap to the rarity that you want new units to be in order for the game to auto favorite for you.

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Hey guys so I recently got lucky and summoned 2 Sigurds (one +Spf -Def, the other +Atk -Res) and I am wondering if I should merge them or save one of them in order to give his skills to another character? I know that it depends on the needs of my teams, but I just want to know if there are any good characters that would highly benefit from inheriting some of his skills or if it probably a better idea just to merge the Sigurds?

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12 minutes ago, badgerbeast said:

Hey guys so I recently got lucky and summoned 2 Sigurds (one +Spf -Def, the other +Atk -Res) and I am wondering if I should merge them or save one of them in order to give his skills to another character? I know that it depends on the needs of my teams, but I just want to know if there are any good characters that would highly benefit from inheriting some of his skills or if it probably a better idea just to merge the Sigurds?

Speed Smoke and Miracle aren't really beneficial, also one of those skills is available from certain healers anyways, but Close Defense was, until now, locked to Summer Tiki. The fact that Distant Defense is a Sacred Seal and can be upgraded to DD3 now means if you give Close Defense to someone, that unit has a permanent +6 to Defense and Resistance. I don't know myself who would benefit from CD most, but I do know that the fact you have to skill when before it was locked to a seasonal unit is a good thing.

(now if only they'd put more Valor skills on not-seasonal units...)

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12 hours ago, Byakuren Hijiri said:

What is the point of equipping skills? Because the strongest weapon / skill is autoequipped. Is there any reason to equip to sth. weaker?

The most common reason to want to use a weaker skill is to avoid killing an opponent so that you an feed exp. or SP to a different unit.

For missions with fixed enemies, such as Grand Hero Battles, you sometimes also need a weaker weapon to manipulate the opponent into moving differently. Similarly, certain weapons have penalties that you might need to avoid in specific cases (for example, Ruby Sword increases the effect of the weapon triangle, which is disadvantageous on maps with large numbers of blue units).

Some skill trees also have final-tier variants that are specific to a particular unit type. For example, Gunter has Hone Atk as his default passive C skill tree, but he has Hone Cavalry as the final skill instead of the usual Hone Atk 3. If there are no other cavalry units on your team, it's better to equip Hone Atk 2 instead of Hone Cavalry.

Finally, Skill Inheritance allows you to teach a unit additional skills, so changing skills can become common if you have taught a unit skills for different situations. For example, my Peri has her default Killer Lance+, but also Brave Lance+ and Firesweep Lance+.


12 hours ago, eclipse said:

Think of them as a fourth skill.  Certain skills will stack.

@Byakuren Hijiri

It's probably a bit more accurate to say that most skills (with numeric effects) stack. The only ones that don't are those that result in out-of-combat temporary buffs (the ones that are shown as blue or red numbers on the header ribbon and the stat screen).

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I'm sure this was answer at some point, but I have no idea how to search for it other than asking it again.


If my unit has T.A & C.A  and my enemy unit has C.A as well does that mean T.A is viable?

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Cancel Affinity does not cancel Cancel Affinity.

Well, guess my M!Robin is just gonna have to suck it in & rely QR to do the job.

Thx for the answer Vaximillian.

Edited by Zangetsu
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19 hours ago, XRay said:

You can also mess around the auto-favorite policy in the settings.

You can tap the <Misc.> gear icon on the bottom right of the screen, tap <Settings>, and then go to Auto-Favorite and tap to the rarity that you want new units to be in order for the game to auto favorite for you.

Thanks for the tip!

14 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The most common reason to want to use a weaker skill is to avoid killing an opponent so that you an feed exp. or SP to a different unit.

For missions with fixed enemies, such as Grand Hero Battles, you sometimes also need a weaker weapon to manipulate the opponent into moving differently. Similarly, certain weapons have penalties that you might need to avoid in specific cases (for example, Ruby Sword increases the effect of the weapon triangle, which is disadvantageous on maps with large numbers of blue units).

Some skill trees also have final-tier variants that are specific to a particular unit type. For example, Gunter has Hone Atk as his default passive C skill tree, but he has Hone Cavalry as the final skill instead of the usual Hone Atk 3. If there are no other cavalry units on your team, it's better to equip Hone Atk 2 instead of Hone Cavalry.

Finally, Skill Inheritance allows you to teach a unit additional skills, so changing skills can become common if you have taught a unit skills for different situations. For example, my Peri has her default Killer Lance+, but also Brave Lance+ and Firesweep Lance+.


@Byakuren Hijiri

It's probably a bit more accurate to say that most skills (with numeric effects) stack. The only ones that don't are those that result in out-of-combat temporary buffs (the ones that are shown as blue or red numbers on the header ribbon and the stat screen).

Yeah, I noticed that some skills are more or less needed in certain maps especially effective weapons / skills or weapon triangle buffer.

I also forgot that units can inherit infinite times, so having three weapons might not be the worst idea.

Edited by Byakuren Hijiri
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20 hours ago, badgerbeast said:

Hey guys so I recently got lucky and summoned 2 Sigurds (one +Spf -Def, the other +Atk -Res) and I am wondering if I should merge them or save one of them in order to give his skills to another character? I know that it depends on the needs of my teams, but I just want to know if there are any good characters that would highly benefit from inheriting some of his skills or if it probably a better idea just to merge the Sigurds?

Neither.  As weird as this sounds, I suggest training both.  I have +Atk/-Spd, and there's some really weird things that happen because of that.  I suspect +Spd will yield some interesting results.

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Hi guys, can Arvis be used as a -blade tome user? I don’t really like Tharja and I don’t have any Celica, so I was thinking about using him in my infantry -blade tome team


Also, is there any useful option of making a healer or a passive healer which can also buff the -blade tome users? Maybe a buffing Linde? xd

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47 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hi guys, can Arvis be used as a -blade tome user? I don’t really like Tharja and I don’t have any Celica, so I was thinking about using him in my infantry -blade tome team


Also, is there any useful option of making a healer or a passive healer which can also buff the -blade tome users? Maybe a buffing Linde? xd

Arvis can, though I'd rather use his default Valflame.  I think Lilina/Sanaki work better as OHKO machines, while Katarina fills Tharja's niche.

A healer's buffs are rather eh, IMO.  The closest would be one of the Renais twins with Ardent Sacrifice and Renewal, which I think is subpar.  If you absolutely want a healer, use one of the ranged dancers off of the PA banner.

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1. Tharja is still the best Raudhrblade user. Arvis lacks the Spd to pull the traditional Blade Desperation set off, despite his slight Atk lead. Katarina is also a good choice.

2. Healing clashes with Desperation, which Blade mages rely on to get most of their KO’s. I wouldn’t recommend it. Just run a traditional buffing unit like Ephraim or Eirika, or a Dancer like Nohrian Azura and Dagger Olivia.

@Javi Blizz

Edited by MrSmokestack
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Yeah, I totally forgot about Desperation, ‘cause I’m still building the team. I think I’ll go with PA!Azura or Eirika then


Also, is always necessary Desperation in -blade tome users? I was thinking about using Arvis not as the common -blade tome user, due to its speed, maybe with his ring and Ardent Sacrifice?

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Which is a better (4 star) Caeda to use? +HP/-Def or +Res/-Def?

I mean I guess +Res means better Icebergs but overall, +HP makes her survive more (also I lack Iceberg fodder anyway). Just wanted a second opinion.

Also I pulled a +Atk/-Def Shigure. Normally I would put a Blarraven on him but are there any other weapon/skills better suited for his +Atk nature? I mean ideally he shouldn't be attacking but just looking for suggestions.

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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Also, is always necessary Desperation in -blade tome users? I was thinking about using Arvis not as the common -blade tome user, due to its speed, maybe with his ring and Ardent Sacrifice?

Most mages are frail enough to not live more than one round of combat, even when attacking and getting hit on the counter. It’s there to keep their matchup spread consistent or, in some cases, expand it. For example Nino would get OHKO’d by Hector on the counter without Desperation, but with it she makes quick work of him. Arvis is just as frail as her, to give you an idea. The counter damage far outpaces what Recover Ring can heal even if he did live a counterattack at neutral weapon advantage.

Yes, Arvis can double neutral Hector and possibly live a hit due to color advantage, but that’s beside the point

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