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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I prefer 34 (37 with Hone Cavalry) healing all the time over 14 healing plus more only when the target is at low health.


4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

That would need a 5* Wrys, correct?  Recover usually gets the job done with Elise's decent Atk, but I might give her the complete treatment if I still have feathers left after mixmaxing my Arena team.

It’s just my preference~ Recover heals a lot already so you could save yourself the feathers if you really wanted to.

Recover is good for topping off low HP caps on more frail units, but bulkier units with higher HP caps can potentially get more from Rehabilitate if they barely manage to live a hit. It might be best saved for healers with lower Atk though.

Lissa, Priscilla, and Wrys are all the low-rarity pulls that get it at 5*.

@DefaultBeep Stares menacingly

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20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Who has Atk/Spd 2?  It's hard to track all the new skills, especially with half of them being on holiday units.


19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


They should have made Nephenee a holiday unit.

It is only a matter of time before Elise dethrones Reinhardt as the most terrifying educational unit in existence.

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27 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I find the combination of Dazzling Gravity plus someone with Reposition is very nice.  If you have Wrathful Staff as well, all the better.

Yeah, I wasn't sure if the effect from Gravity would be worth the loss in Mt compared to Fear/Slow. I may give her both eventually, but Mist isn't doing very much right now while Elise could still be useful to have around, so I'll probably just give her Slow for the time being.

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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

Yeah, I wasn't sure if the effect from Gravity would be worth the loss in Mt compared to Fear/Slow. I may give her both eventually, but Mist isn't doing very much right now while Elise could still be useful to have around, so I'll probably just give her Slow for the time being.

Gravity is very nice.  I'm not sure if I would spend 20K feather to give to someone who doesn't natively get it at 5*, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else, either.

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11 minutes ago, Poimagic said:


I would give her things to boost her Attack if she is not running a Triangle Adept build. Moonbow-Fury-Quick Riposte is a good start, Bonfire-Steady Breath-Quick Riposte is better, but I would not do that until you get Nowi with a better nature.

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34 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Gravity is very nice.  I'm not sure if I would spend 20K feather to give to someone who doesn't natively get it at 5*, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else, either.

Hrmmmm... You're making this very hard to decide on, Rezzy >:( I was all ready to just give her Slow, but now you've made me think of the possibilities that Gravity would give. And with the limited amount of refining materials we have right now, I probably can't afford to actually give her both anytime soon... I guess I'll have time to think on it until we get those apology materials, at least.

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53 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Gravity is very nice.  I'm not sure if I would spend 20K feather to give to someone who doesn't natively get it at 5*, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else, either.

I only really like Gravity on horse units.  I've been finding Candlestick to be amazing on infantry.  And no, it's not because my 7th map in Arena Assault was literally carried by Bride Lyn allowing my tissue paper attackers to actually kill armored units without being obliterated.  Though I'd be lying if I said it didn't cement said opinion.

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5 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

So I'm almost a year late on the H*ctor meta. Why is Pavise favored over a normal special skill? I feel like that would only improve his matchups versus manaketes.

Because it's cheaper.

Pavise is shit. Use something else.

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40 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

So I'm almost a year late on the H*ctor meta. Why is Pavise favored over a normal special skill? I feel like that would only improve his matchups versus manaketes.

Bonfire works much better on him generally.  I think Pavise was part of his original kit, so lots of people use it because SP grinding on Armors can be a pain.

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Are there any indications there's going to be another story chapter or paralogue with the new Fates Banner tomorrow or was Book 2 Chapter 2 considered it?

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9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Are there any indications there's going to be another story chapter or paralogue with the new Fates Banner tomorrow or was Book 2 Chapter 2 considered it?

Maybe? Chapter 2 was part of the initial release, so I wouldn’t count it.

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If someone with the wo dao or a similar weapon effect (+10 to damage when special trigers), and glimmer (+50% to damage), does glimmer multiply the wo dao's bonus damage (total damage=base damege*1.5+15) or not (total damage=base damage*1.5+10)?

Edited by sirmola
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@sirmola For some reason Cloudflare's security stuff is blocking me from quoting your post.

Wo Dao's additional damage occurs after all other damage calculations (including after subtracting defense and setting to zero if negative).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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With these TTs ending, only very few of my better 5* units have not maxed HM. Therefore I plan to give a couple of the bench folk some love. I'm trying to find out whom to build and how for next TTs (not arena). Perfect would be some economic builds with some of the more underrated skills. 

What my next team (no dancer) will look like: 

Colorless: No big problem here, I got plenty healers to max HM. With the latest Update, they became more valuable and I'm quite happy to have held them back until now. 

Green: Here is the biggest gap but also the smallest pool with units left to build. 

  • Hawkeye (5* +0 +RES/-DEF): He is my last remaining 5* green and he is a good counter for blue dragons and ok-ish lance-counter in AA. I gave him lancebreaker and Iceberg. For TT he is to slow to be good on offense and his DEF is too low for a QR build. I would do the Brash Assault/Desperation trick with him, but I'm low on Desperation fodder. Any ideas for this guy? 
  • Narcian (4* +0): Being a flier he would be worth a 5* promotion and even a candidate for Repostion. But I have no idea what other skill to give to him. I would probably stick with Emerald axe. 
  • Gunter (4* +0 +RES/-DEF or 3* +DEF/-HP): One of the few green cavs, I would promote him if I had an idea for a build. 

Red: Almost no problem here, since most of the free TT units have been red and chances are high the next will be red as well. Most of my mages with potential are red. 

  • Gray (5* +0 +ATK/-RES): While there is no shortage of swords in my roster, I have the feeling that he could be a pretty good unit. I just gave him Axebreaker for AA until now. 
  • Raigh (4* +7 +SPD -HP): I got enough copies to make him +10, but I'm not sure what tome to run on him. First I thought of Defiant SPD, Desperation, Rauðrblade+, but I'm low on Desperation fodder currently and he would need a lot of buffs to actually deal considerable damage. 
  • Lilina (4* +2 +ATK -DEF): Same question as with Raigh: Which tome? She is a little slow for Rauðrblade and her DEF is too low for Rauðrraven.

Blue: I still have some units left to get their last ~1000 HM, but they won't suffice for next TTs. Either Abel (+ATK/-HP) or Roderick (+SPD/RES) will be promoted. 

  • Clive (5* neutral): I gave him Swordbreaker and Draw Back for AA, but the rest remained vanilla until now. 

Donnel (4* +ATK/-DEF), Frederick (4* +SPD/-HP), Boey (4* +SPD/-HP), Soren (4* +DEF/-RES), Tharja (4* neutral) are all future candidates, but I'm waiting for better natures. 

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I kind of want to make a 5 star Nowi. Thing is, my Nowi is +Atk-Res. From what I've seen on gamepress -Res is the best you could have while +Atk is alright.

Is a +Def/+Spd absolutely necessary to make her work? My main team consists of a BraveLyn who is neutral, Hector is +HP/-Spd, Arvis and PAzura +Def/-Res and this team has done an amazing job despite not having the perfect IV's so I'm not too picky.

Anyone happen to have experience with a +Atk Nowi?

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1 hour ago, Hekselka said:

I kind of want to make a 5 star Nowi. Thing is, my Nowi is +Atk-Res. From what I've seen on gamepress -Res is the best you could have while +Atk is alright.

Is a +Def/+Spd absolutely necessary to make her work? My main team consists of a BraveLyn who is neutral, Hector is +HP/-Spd, Arvis and PAzura +Def/-Res and this team has done an amazing job despite not having the perfect IV's so I'm not too picky.

Anyone happen to have experience with a +Atk Nowi?

I don't claim to be an expert, but i asked literaly exactly the same question earlier in this thread (except with +atk/-spd), and was told that the guides are often not optimal and should be taken with a large grain of salt, and that +atk is in fact really good.

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