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I read recently that to increase summoner support, you just have to use your unit in battle on a map with level 35 units.

I just wanted to know, does this include dancing? I'd really like to summoner support my Shigure and Inigo, but am not sure how easy it will be to raise them up.

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I read recently that to increase summoner support, you just have to use your unit in battle on a map with level 35 units.

I just wanted to know, does this include dancing? I'd really like to summoner support my Shigure and Inigo, but am not sure how easy it will be to raise them up.

Here is more info from the wiki. I do not think Assists count. I think it has to be kills, ideally both doing the killing.

7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Pulled Rhajat +Atk -Def, already have +Atk -Res trained.

Merge into -Def or save for Keen Gronnwolf+ fodder?

I would merge. Reinhardt dies to regular green tomes running Quick Riposte anyway.

Edited by XRay
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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Reinhardt is not the only cavalry unit in the game.

Reinhardt and BH!Lyn are the most threatening and common. For Arena Assault there are plenty of cheap counters for both; for the occasional Cecilia, Raigh can be cheaply built with Triangle Adept 1/2 and G Tomebreaker. For regular Arena, offensive mages generally want Blade tomes for more coverage.

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17 minutes ago, XRay said:

Reinhardt and BH!Lyn are the most threatening and common. For Arena Assault there are plenty of cheap counters for both; for the occasional Cecilia, Raigh can be cheaply built with Triangle Adept 1/2 and G Tomebreaker. For regular Arena, offensive mages generally want Blade tomes for more coverage.

A team containing multiple Keen Gronnwolf+ [unique] users can be troublesome for certain opponents to deal with as an Arena defense team.

There's more than just Arena offense and Arena Assault.

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26 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Is a +ATK/-RES Fae worth building? A big part of her game is countering blue mages + Reinhardt which could come into question with 4 less RES.

That’s what the refinery is for.

Fae likes to run Triangle Adept as her passive anyway, so the Res drop hardly affects her. It might make running Steady Breath in the future a bit more tricky though. +Atk is also great for balancing Lightning Breath’s low Mt.

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2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hey guys, what do you recommend me for a +Res/-Spe Celica? 

I think I’ll have to use Speed+ Sacred Seal, but don’t know about the other skills

She will need the Speed +3 Sacred Seal to patch up her Speed if you want to really use her. I gave mine Life and Death as well as Desperation or Renewal depending on the mode. She functions as a Blade mage without the need for buffs.

I would not invest too much into her if you already got Tharja or Katarina with decent natures for regular Arena.

If you are using her for Arena Assault, I think she just needs G Tomebreaker for countering green mages and that is about it. You can give her Glimmer or Moonbow too, but I do not think it is necessary with Ragnarok.

36 minutes ago, Chelone said:

Pulled a -atk +def NY!Azura, gave her fury 3 which brings her to 44/38 should I refine her weapon with the standard atk one or add more speed?

Since she got -Atk and is a support unit, I would focus on her bulk to survive hits rather than trying to turn her into a combat unit. I would go with Speed refinement help her prevent being doubled.

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4 minutes ago, Ciarre said:

If you refine a weapon and then merge that unit into another one, does that unit also get the merged weapon? I just want to make sure. 

Merged units get all learnt skills from the donor. Weapons are skills too, so yes, the recipient will get the refined weapon too.

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19 minutes ago, Ciarre said:

If you refine a weapon and then merge that unit into another one, does that unit also get the merged weapon? I just want to make sure. 

And I just did it with my Tiki if you want practical confirmation. A level 1 Tiki running around with a Def refined Lightning Breath+ is pretty scary.

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11 hours ago, Ciarre said:

If you refine a weapon and then merge that unit into another one, does that unit also get the merged weapon? I just want to make sure. 

11 hours ago, Humanoid said:

And I just did it with my Tiki if you want practical confirmation. A level 1 Tiki running around with a Def refined Lightning Breath+ is pretty scary.

You can also just tap-hold the right-side "end result" icon on the merge preview screen and confirm what stats and skills the resulting unit will have.


1 hour ago, Kaoxt said:

Is Heavy Blade as seal, a good option with Brave Ike? Ran into a Aether, DC, QR build in arena. Still seems steady breath build would be better. Tempted to run DC with Bike though.

The choice of Distant Counter or Steady Breath depends on what you want to counter (or how many points you want). Distant Counter, for example, is typically more difficult to deal with on an Arena defense team.

Heavy Blade lets Ike land Ignis on the second counterattack if his Atk is higher than his opponent's.

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So I've got this spare Hector since the Fjorm summoning event and I've been sitting on him because Distant Counter is an amazing skill and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to. A little steering would be nice because it basically shapes the unit, so yeah I'm going to throw out units I have that I consider options.

  • Ayra (+HP/-RES)
  • Lyn (+ATK/-SPD)
  • Fir (*4 +10, she'll essentially become a non-Reinhardt magic check)
  • Lukas (+SPD/-ATK)
  • Clair (*4 +10, another magic check but she's only +4 so it's a ways off)
  • Anna
  • Effie
  • Clive
  • Sheena
  • Tobin
  • Marth (+SPD/-RES)
  • Chrom (+ATK/-RES)
  • Nephenee (+ATK/-RES)

It seems as if Distant Counter would be best on an Axe unit or a magically juiced Lance unit, but so far nothing looks amazing sitting in my barracks. Titania could be a thing I suppose, but I've already promoted Cecilia.

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I've got this spare Hector since the Fjorm summoning event and I've been sitting on him because Distant Counter is an amazing skill and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to. A little steering would be nice because it basically shapes the unit, so yeah I'm going to throw out units I have that I consider options.

  • Ayra (+HP/-RES)
  • Lyn (+ATK/-SPD)
  • Fir (*4 +10, she'll essentially become a non-Reinhardt magic check)
  • Lukas (+SPD/-ATK)
  • Clair (*4 +10, another magic check but she's only +4 so it's a ways off)
  • Anna
  • Effie
  • Clive
  • Sheena
  • Tobin
  • Marth (+SPD/-RES)
  • Chrom (+ATK/-RES)
  • Nephenee (+ATK/-RES)

It seems as if Distant Counter would be best on an Axe unit or a magically juiced Lance unit, but so far nothing looks amazing sitting in my barracks. Titania could be a thing I suppose, but I've already promoted Cecilia.

Usually armours want Distant Counter more than other units, so Effie would be my choice since she's the best blue armour (and not limited). I don't know if you'll go this route, but Res refined Berkut's Lance Effie is actually a pretty solid magic check because of Wary Fighter.

Clair seems like she can make good use of it but her Atk is in the low side so she depends on specials like Iceberg.

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I've got this spare Hector since the Fjorm summoning event and I've been sitting on him because Distant Counter is an amazing skill and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to. A little steering would be nice because it basically shapes the unit, so yeah I'm going to throw out units I have that I consider options.

  • Ayra (+HP/-RES)
  • Lyn (+ATK/-SPD)
  • Fir (*4 +10, she'll essentially become a non-Reinhardt magic check)
  • Lukas (+SPD/-ATK)
  • Clair (*4 +10, another magic check but she's only +4 so it's a ways off)
  • Anna
  • Effie
  • Clive
  • Sheena
  • Tobin
  • Marth (+SPD/-RES)
  • Chrom (+ATK/-RES)
  • Nephenee (+ATK/-RES)

It seems as if Distant Counter would be best on an Axe unit or a magically juiced Lance unit, but so far nothing looks amazing sitting in my barracks. Titania could be a thing I suppose, but I've already promoted Cecilia.

Most of the melee units with built-in DC have higher DEF than RES, except perhaps Fjorm. I would choose a unit with higher RES to give her an own niche. 

My two spare Hectors were sacrificed to Titania and Sigurd (not high RES, but his weapon helps) and so far I didn't regret the decision, especially for Titania. DC is such a rare and valuable skill, it's worth to promote the right unit for it IMO. 

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I gave my one and only spare DC to Effie, though she's +Res/-Spd. The added perk there is that you can also pass Goad Armor at the same time, so it's the best choice in terms of maximising inheritance value. I did strongly consider Titania though because there's an obvious gap in the FEH lineup there.

Consider the native DC units available. We have Ike, Ryoma, Xander, BK covering red. Fjorm and Camus for blue. Hector and Dorcas for green. So fliers aside, Blue Armour and Green Cavalry make sense in terms of coverage.

However that doesn't really consider the relative def vs res values, of which only Fjorm has any res worth mentioning. So what are the options for a mage counter DC? Well, Fjorm existing works against poor Mathilda (and Jagen, along with most Pegasi). Red has Caeda, Eliwood (not really suited to enemy phase), Fir, Lloyd? Green has Titania, Hawkeye and uhh, Camilla with a switched out weapon?


I'm waffling a bit but you can hopefully tell why it came down to Effie vs Titania based on the above factors for me.

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16 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I've got this spare Hector since the Fjorm summoning event and I've been sitting on him because Distant Counter is an amazing skill and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to. A little steering would be nice because it basically shapes the unit, so yeah I'm going to throw out units I have that I consider options.

  • Ayra (+HP/-RES)
  • Lyn (+ATK/-SPD)
  • Fir (*4 +10, she'll essentially become a non-Reinhardt magic check)
  • Lukas (+SPD/-ATK)
  • Clair (*4 +10, another magic check but she's only +4 so it's a ways off)
  • Anna
  • Effie
  • Clive
  • Sheena
  • Tobin
  • Marth (+SPD/-RES)
  • Chrom (+ATK/-RES)
  • Nephenee (+ATK/-RES)

It seems as if Distant Counter would be best on an Axe unit or a magically juiced Lance unit, but so far nothing looks amazing sitting in my barracks. Titania could be a thing I suppose, but I've already promoted Cecilia.

Of those on that list, I would say Clair, Fir, Sheena, Titania, and Effie. Those who are capable of tanking magic will get the most mileage out of it, so that should limit the list substantially. While it can be great against archers, Brave Lyn is a common sight in the Arena, and she nullifies it, so there's that.

Color should also be a strong factor for consideration. Red has a lot of powerful characters that have DC built in that are free (BK, Xander) or common (Tiki), along with others who are 5* exclusive (Ike, Ryoma). In contrast, blue and green have very few that come by it naturally. Personally, if I had a spare DC, I would give it to a lancer along with Berkut's Lance+, with Clair, Est, and Shanna as probably the top contenders for it.

Hope that helps!

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20 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I've got this spare Hector since the Fjorm summoning event and I've been sitting on him because Distant Counter is an amazing skill and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to. A little steering would be nice because it basically shapes the unit, so yeah I'm going to throw out units I have that I consider options.

  • Ayra (+HP/-RES)
  • Lyn (+ATK/-SPD)
  • Fir (*4 +10, she'll essentially become a non-Reinhardt magic check)
  • Lukas (+SPD/-ATK)
  • Clair (*4 +10, another magic check but she's only +4 so it's a ways off)
  • Anna
  • Effie
  • Clive
  • Sheena
  • Tobin
  • Marth (+SPD/-RES)
  • Chrom (+ATK/-RES)
  • Nephenee (+ATK/-RES)

It seems as if Distant Counter would be best on an Axe unit or a magically juiced Lance unit, but so far nothing looks amazing sitting in my barracks. Titania could be a thing I suppose, but I've already promoted Cecilia.

I was on the same boat as you. I gave DC to my +Atk Effie and Anna (for arena purposes).

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19 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Is it a good idea to send home 5*s that I never used/don't have good skills/ poor ivs?

Rebecca creeps me out with her eyes.

I personally do not recommend it, but if you already have 5 or 6 offensive archers and you do not care about Hero Merit, then sending Rebecca home is fine.

Edited by XRay
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