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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I see zero reason to spend my blessings on teams that get the benefit of the blessing zero percent of the time just so that I can complete a quest or a Blessed Gardens node.

I do not think any content in the game so far is so challenging that it need a Blessing bonus to be feasible.

Although by the same token, I do not think any of the quests and Blessed Garden maps are so challenging that you need to build an Arena team around them either, so I guess flexibility and Firesweep archers/healers are not necessary.

27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

not a team I built around the quest or Blessed Gardens node. I'm sticking with this policy until my pile of blessings is large enough that blessings are no longer so costly to use

5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I intend to use blessings rather sparingly until my pile becomes much bigger

But is it not more cost efficient to build around Blessed Gardens and Elite GHB quests than building up 16 different teams? You can get away with using a minimal of 3 or 4 Blessings in the mean time (6 Blessings at most if the content is so challenging that you need to switch between Player Phase and Enemy Phase teams and trying the other Dancer/Singer), and hoard up your Blessings until you feel like they are cheap enough to be used however you want.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

I do not think any content in the game so far is so challenging that it need a Blessing bonus to be feasible.

No, but using a blessing for the sole purpose of having it be a fly on the wall for clearing quests or Blessed Gardens nodes is a bigger waste than using a blessing that will have an effect some of the time (and all of the time in Blessed Gardens), but won't turn the tide of battle most of the time.


4 minutes ago, XRay said:

But is it not more cost efficient to build around Blessed Gardens and Elite GHB quests than building up 16 different teams?

I will only have 4 teams for the time being, at least until I figure out what I want to do with Ike (Fjorm desperately wants to be on his team, but can't). And building 16 different teams over the course of 16 months is hardly a large cost, considering I'm already at 32 earth blessings (counting the ones I already used) over the course of 2 earth Heroes being released.

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On 4/15/2018 at 3:31 PM, macro / マクロ said:

I'm a fairly new player (started on a fresh account a little over a month ago), and as such I've been focusing most of my recent summons on the 4*/5* Heroes banner to try and build up a good stock of inheritance fodder. So far I've managed to pull a couple of Kleins, Hinatas, Tailtius, and a Cain, but that's about it as far as useful stuff goes. Seeing as the banner is ending pretty soon, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile for me to throw a few more orbs at it given my position as a relatively resource-starved newbie. I only hesitate because part of me feels like I should be stockpiling orbs for all the juicy stuff coming up in early May. For what it's worth, I'm sitting on ~50 orbs right now, and I still have most of the Main Story/Paralogues on Lunatic left to plow through.

Generally speaking, do not bother "chasing" units in your situation. I started pretty much the same way and just basically always spent a full 20 orbs on 5 units and just let my collection eventually grow. You will likely accumulate a considerable amount of fodder in the meantime. In my own experience, I got a lot of Henrys(Ignis), Fir(Glacies), Sully(Swordbreaker and Draw Back), Bartre(Smite and Fury). Odin is Moonbow and R Tomebreaker fodder

In addition they provide you with 2 free units in Hero Battles(not Grand Hero Battle, regular ones). You will have to invest some feathers to have them reach 4*. They give you 2 Subakis, 2 Gunters, 2 Olivias, 2 Stahls, 2 Sophias, 2 Wrys, 2 Cecilia, 2 Hana, and 2 Donnel. Subaki will be useful mainly for his Quick Riposte, but he has the stat spread of a tank and is and anti-red check with Sapphire lance. Gunter is mostly just Hone Calvary fodder or a meatshield for training. Olivia will be useful and if you can't pull one, you should invest feathers into the one they give you for free. Wrys is useful because his lack of bulk is useful for manipulating the AI and Rehabilitate is a good staff. Cecilia is the free solution to enemy Brave Lyn thanks to her Raven tome.  Hana can be a powerful glass cannon and Donnel, although I haven't built him, has offensive potential.

They also have events like "Three Heroes" where you can obtain Heroes for free. 

You are going to be milking Olivia, Fjorm, Vanguard Ike, and the legend you chose for all their worth and the rest are going to be situational support. They are going to be your team 99% of the time. You want to accumulate coins for the Quick Riposte seal, and probably give Vanguard Ike QR2 from a Subaki

Of the Askr trio, the only one who remotely worth 5*-ing is Sharena. Anna is too squishy weak and Alphonse...no comment because I only have him at 3* right now. 

Of random 4* units that are situational but very good for the limited times they are needed, Arthur is good as an anti-lance check. 

Of the units to whale for first, I would say Hector and Male Fallen Robin.

Reposition is also one of the more powerful skills in the game and can be obtained from Selena and Barst. 

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On 15.4.2018 at 8:57 AM, silveraura25 said:

I'd suggest checking out one of Chaz Aria LLC's video "Lachesis vs The Meta". He has a pretty decent Lachesis with CC and Absorb+.

CC is just a tad more than I wanted to invest though. :D

On 15.4.2018 at 9:21 AM, XRay said:

If it is for the monthly cavalry quests, you can just spam the reset button until only certain types of enemy appears. You also do not need your units to be super powerful either.

For GHB Elite quests, you will probably want to have two different Cecilias. Raven Cecilia plays very differently from a Blade Cecilia, so having a dedicated nature for their different builds helps a lot.

Chill Spd is probably the next best thing. It helps protect your units from being doubled by the fastest unit. If your team got units that want to be doubled though, then Chill Atk would be better once it comes out.

Mass healing should be decent for Tempest Trials and Rival Domains. Not sure about Grand Conquest though.

Absorb [Dazzling Staff], Heavenly Light
Breath of Life
Breath of Life

The monthly cavalry quests or anything similar to that aren't a problem, but the cavalry GHBs are the last ones I haven't cleared yet, so...

And yeah, I've tried Absorb+ with double Breath of Life on Lachesis, and it works surprisingly well in conjunction with Autobattle as she's still healing even when the Ai decides to attack.
I've also toyed around with the idea of Miracle on her as I've seen a looot of Miracle Gennys/Elises during Rival Domains, but I'm not all that convinced. Unless you're playing Tempest Trials, Miracle probably isn't ever going to charge in time, especially considering that Lachesis is pretty slow to begin with and not necessarily going to see a lot of combat, even though I could use her to Res-tank in a pinch, I guess. Or am I missing something?

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26 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Is it a good idea to have  chill speed 3 on a Life and Death +speed -hp Firesweep Peri?

Should be good.

I personally prefer Poison Strike-Poison Strike to get rid of Breakers and Wary Fighter quickly.

You might also want to consider Wings of Mercy and Chill Def depending on your team set up. You can also try Hit and Run, although Peri would not be able to use it as well as fliers can.

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Some questions, separated by spoilers.

Feather usage:


There is no one in particular I "need" to use feathers on. Some units I have at 5* already, but with worse natures than their lower starred counterparts.

Athena [+Atk -Res]: I've already got Selena [+Spd -HP] as a perfectly good (and bulky) Wo Dao user, but Athena would be far stronger.

Marisa: I've already foddered off the 5* variant to the above mentioned Selena, leaving this Marisa as the only one.

Chrom [+Atk -Res]: I'm not sure if I'd use him as Spectrum Falchion or Brave Sword, but he is able to do either one, I imagine. I do also have a 5* Chrom that can be merged into this Chrom.

Hana [+Spd -HP]: I've been sitting on Hana for a good while now. Originally she would have been a Brave Sword user, but I'm kinda unsure if I really want her doing that anymore in favor of letting her keep her Armorslayer (and evolving it) and letting her destroy Hectors.

Abel [+Atk -Res]: My only Brave Lance users right now are Charlotte and Peri, neither of which do it that amazingly (Charlotte being infantry, Peri having a -Atk nature, ergo having 43 Atk even with LnD3). Abel wouldn't be much better to be honest, but he'd make a budgetable user of it.

Est [+Atk -Spd]: Est has already been built with a Brave Lance in mind (even being the reason why I made Def Ploy 3 SS) and is now waiting for promotion. She'd actually be likely to replace my current Catria on Flier Emblem, since the combination of Heavy Blade + Moonbow + Brave weapon would render most encounters dead.

Male Robin [+Spd -HP]: Novelty mostly, given that he can't even learn TA3 right now, but it'd increase the number of Bow counters I own.

Sheena [+Def -Spd]: She's only missing Distant Counter now (well that and Vengeful Fighter 3 but she had QR3 well before VF3 was ever available).

Gordin/Klein [+Atk -Res/HP]: Both would be essentially the same unit, DB3 Brave Bow. Klein would be faster and more resiliant, while Gordin would be able to trigger consistently good Bonfires compared to Kleins Moonbows or Lunas.

Rebecca [+Spd -Res]: Better than my current +Def -Res Rebecca, and would open an opportunity to build Rebecca into basically a second Setsuna.

Kagero [+Spd -Res]: Poison Dagger+ would be nice, if situational, to have.

Serra [Neutral]: The Serra from the 3 Heroes thing. Yes I would promote a better one and merge this Serra into her, but that shouldn't stop me from having another possibly good healer.

Sophia [+Atk -Spd]: To merge my current [+Atk -HP] Sophia into.

Raven [+Spd -Res]: To merge my current [+Def -Res] Raven into.

Caeda [+Atk -Res]: Currently not Favorited, but would be an improvement over my current +Def -Res Caeda, and give me an opportunity to build her.

Of the above, I'm most thinking Est or Caeda would like the promotion. And yes I know their banes aren't ideal, but I'm working with the best I've been able to get in the last few months of summoning.

Absorb+ usability


I have Nanna [+HP -Spd] using Slow+ right now, but I was wondering if Absorb+ would have any usability. My worry is that Nanna has terrible base Atk to be using Absorb+ outside of Cavalry teams (and perhaps even in Cav teams) and it would lower her direct healing ability, but it could possibly work well for more indirect healing (especially with Breath of Life 3 and BoL SS) and gives her a form of HP recovery not offered by Restore+, Slow+, or Wrathful Staff 3.

Orb usage


I don't really expect any noteworthy banners to pop up anytime soon (besides Legendary Banners, but there really aren't many 5* exclusives I'd want to try for), but I've also been running into a problem where, with my current 340 army limit, I am hovering anywhere above 270 units and eventually build up enough units that I need to send some home occasionally because I hit the limit. Should I maybe think about expanding?


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@XenomataI would be inclined to refine your list of candidates down more before making a decision. With the mass 3-4* demotion, basically all of those would be very much viable candidates for 4* merge projects, so maybe pick out a couple that you might want to take further than that. Personally I would mostly consider those where you would want their 5* weapon.

I'd lean towards someone like Athena, because once you promote her you have future flexibility of giving her future merges at 5*, merging her back into a 4*, or just giving away the Wo Dao+. Same argument for Kagero and the Brave Bow+ archers, though you're unlikely to want to burn up so many potential DB3s to merge Klein. I suppose Robin and Sheena belong here too.

Abel is similar with the desirable weapon I guess, but keep in mind we get Finn for free very soon which moves Abel down a peg. Hana is a decent pick if you want Armorsmasher+, not so much if you want to go Brave (though she still gets LnD out of it). Serra might appreciate someone else's staff and assist more than her native 5* ones.

Chrom, Caeda and Raven would be prime candidates for you to merge the bad 5* copy into a 4* pile for their weapons.

I wouldn't consider the likes of Est, Sophia or Rebecca because a 5* copy doesn't unlock any worthwhile skills, though they might get some in later patches.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

4★+10 are for cowards.

And with the demotions I can now be extra cowardly! The entire first page of my barracks already consists of various 4* merges. I've only got Olivia, Cecilia and Cherche at +10 now but soon those numbers will explode. I have Est (+8), Sophia, Frederick (+7), Raigh, Soren, Virion (+6), Hana, Laslow, Lukas, Titania, Merric (+5), Ogma, M Corrin, Bartre, Raven and Gordin (+4) on the way, and now getting more merges on some of the rarer ones will be that much easier.

I'll be at 40k feathers soon and I'm thinking of finally giving Lukas and/or Soren their 5* weapons by promoting my spares of each and merging them back. Titania I already have at 5* but once I get another copy or two, the 5* will be merged into the 4*.

Not that I'm opposed to having a super-merged 5* of course. I will start such a project in time, I just have no clear standout candidate yet. The boring but effective choices will be the likes of Tiki, Nowi or Nino but that seems boring to me. A project like this will probably be more about vanity than pure effectiveness so I'll pick a personal favourite, maybe Lilina (already +2) or Palla if she's given a Prf.

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19 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I wouldn't consider the likes of Est, Sophia or Rebecca because a 5* copy doesn't unlock any worthwhile skills, though they might get some in later patches.

I kiiinda don't agree with this, as, like I said, all but Est are already 5*, plus Est and Sophia both lose out on Resistance (Est, affects quality of Defense Ploy) and Defense (affects Bow tankiness) even with 4* +10. Sophia already has Raudhrraven, and Est Brave Lance+, as well, so even if they do get weapons in the future, which I doubt tbh, I feel like I've already sufficiently built them to be their best.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I kiiinda don't agree with this, as, like I said, they are all already 5*, plus Est and Sophia both lose out on Resistance (Est, affects quality of Defense Ploy) and Defense (affects Bow tankiness). Sophia already has Raudhrraven, and Est Brave Lance+, as well, so even if they do get weapons in the future, which I doubt tbh, I feel like I've already sufficiently built them to be their best.

Oh right, I did put Rebecca and Sophia into the same category as Est without considering that you already have 5* copies of them.

EDIT: For what it's worth, 5* Est needs to be +4 before she exceeds the maximum Res value a 4* merged copy would have (33).

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Male Robin [+Spd -HP]: Novelty mostly, given that he can't even learn TA3 right now, but it'd increase the number of Bow counters I own.

Sophia [+Atk -Spd]: To merge my current [+Atk -HP] Sophia into.

It might be a little late mentioning it now, but I generally do not recommend promoting Raven mages to 5*+# unless you plan to use one in Arena. In Arena Assault, 4*+10 is sufficient to counter 5*+10 units, whereas 5*+1 or +2 might not be enough to counter 5*+10.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Of the above, I'm most thinking Est or Caeda would like the promotion. And yes I know their banes aren't ideal, but I'm working with the best I've been able to get in the last few months of summoning.

Banes hardly matter as long as you got the right nature. For Est, as a Brave user, -HP/Spd/Def/Res are all acceptable, and out of those four banes, the only one that you might want to avoid is -Res so that she has a option to run Ploys. For Caeda, -Res is her best Bane if she is a strictly Player Phase unit and would not be doing any magic tanking.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I have Nanna [+HP -Spd] using Slow+ right now, but I was wondering if Absorb+ would have any usability. My worry is that Nanna has terrible base Atk to be using Absorb+ outside of Cavalry teams (and perhaps even in Cav teams) and it would lower her direct healing ability, but it could possibly work well for more indirect healing (especially with Breath of Life 3 and BoL SS) and gives her a form of HP recovery not offered by Restore+, Slow+, or Wrathful Staff 3.

Absorb-Breath of Life-Breath of Life should be good for Tempest Trials and Rival Domains.

Having low Atk does not matter for staff healers. The few extra points in HP healed is negligible.

I would not recommend Wrathful Staff unless you want your healer to be a nuke on the team. Wrathful Staff is an expensive skill and if you are not using the healer as a nuke, then there is no reason to give it to them. If you want her to be a nuke, I would recommend Candlelight, Gravity, and Pain. I recommend the former two for Arena, and the latter for Arena Assault.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I don't really expect any noteworthy banners to pop up anytime soon (besides Legendary Banners, but there really aren't many 5* exclusives I'd want to try for), but I've also been running into a problem where, with my current 340 army limit, I am hovering anywhere above 270 units and eventually build up enough units that I need to send some home occasionally because I hit the limit. Should I maybe think about expanding?

Expansion is almost always better than sending fodder home. 1 Orb for 5 spaces is incredibly cheap and it saves you the trouble of having to resummon fodder later. Even units with little to no skill inheritance value ideally should not be sent home until you get them to 4*+10 for Arena Assault. Unless you are really desperate for Feathers and you have a lot of Oboros, Raighs, and healers around, I advise against sending units home before you max your Barracks.

The best time to expand your Barracks is whenever the game tells you that you ran out of space. There is no need to expand your Barracks early since you are not using the space.

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17 minutes ago, XRay said:

It might be a little late mentioning it now, but I generally do not recommend promoting Raven mages to 5*+# unless you plan to use one in Arena. In Arena Assault, 4*+10 is sufficient to counter 5*+10 units, whereas 5*+1 or +2 might not be enough to counter 5*+10.

Only Sophia is 5* right now, whereas Robin currently only gets used (commonly) as Bonfire fodder (occasionally Spur Defense).

Banes hardly matter as long as you got the right nature. For Est, as a Brave user, -HP/Spd/Def/Res are all acceptable, and out of those four banes, the only one that you might want to avoid is -Res so that she has a option to run Ploys. For Caeda, -Res is her best Bane if she is a strictly Player Phase unit and would not be doing any magic tanking.

Speaking of Caeda, is +Atk even ideal?

Absorb-Breath of Life-Breath of Life should be good for Tempest Trials and Rival Domains.

Having low Atk does not matter for staff healers. The few extra points in HP healed is negligible.

I would not recommend Wrathful Staff unless you want your healer to be a nuke on the team. Wrathful Staff is an expensive skill and if you are not using the healer as a nuke, then there is no reason to give it to them. If you want her to be a nuke, I would recommend Candlelight, Gravity, and Pain. I recommend the former two for Arena, and the latter for Arena Assault.

Nanna I do intend to be a nuke one day, but with her current nature she has a hard time doing so. As such, I wouldn't necessarily call it an issue of how I want to use the unit, but an issue of how I want to use THIS unit. 
Also I already gave her Wrathful Staff 3. I'd probably give her Gravity+ as well if it were available to me... though I DO have some Lissas sitting around, so I could forego promoting a unit I'd probably use sometimes for improving a unit I'd use a lot...

Expansion is always better than sending fodder home. 1 Orb for 5 spaces is incredibly cheap and it saves you the trouble of having to resummon fodder later. Even units with little to no skill inheritance value ideally should not be sent home until you get them to 4*+10 for Arena Assault. Unless you are really desperate for Feathers and you have a lot of Oboros, Raighs, and healers around, I advise against sending units home before you max your Barracks.

The best time to expand your Barracks is whenever the game tells you that you ran out of space. There is no need to expand your Barracks early since you are not using the space.

I kinda now regret not asking about Barrack expansion sooner... I'm also thankful that I'm pretty much done summoning for a good while.

@Humanoid 32 Res immediately and having to hit +4 merge to outdo compared to reaching +10 merge on a 4* is a bit of a gamble I'd take. Not an issue of preference, but I know my luck, I will never see another Est again until I forget I even have Est.

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Fair enough, RNG is like that. I've been waiting forever for more Sophia merges, while I've had well over a dozen 3* Ests just chilling. I sent most of them home - I figure I'll wait for some 4* copies to randomly turn up rather than spend 4000 feathers to complete her.

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Speaking of Caeda, is +Atk even ideal?

+Atk/Spd are good. I prefer +Atk to take advantage of Wing Sword's effective damage better. I am not sure if +Spd is necessary, especially if you plan to give her buffs, but having more Spd ensures that she has an easier time doubling faster units and activate Wing Sword's Flashing Blade effect.

9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

but with her current nature she has a hard time doing so. 

If you have enough experience dealing with Wings of Mercy enemies and can handle them without trouble, you can try Pain in Arena, although I generally do not recommend it since it is risky. In Arena Assault, Wings of Mercy is generally a non issue since you can preview the enemy team.

With immediate Dancer/Singer support and a Hone Attack buff, Nanna's performance is not too bad if you consider that she does not have +Atk.

Nanna neutral
Pain [Dazzling Staff]
Attack +3, Wrathful Staff
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 0:0:239
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 132:0:107
Player Phase [4/0/0/0] 1:0:238
Player Phase [4/0/0/0, Dancer/Singer support] 178:0:61
Player Phase [6/6/0/0] 20:0:219
Player Phase [6/6/0/0, Dancer/Singer support] 213:0:26

For comparison:

BB!Cordelia +Spd, -Res
Firesweep Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Poison Strike
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 74:0:165
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 231:0:8

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25 minutes ago, XRay said:

+Atk/Spd are good. I prefer +Atk to take advantage of Wing Sword's effective damage better. I am not sure if +Spd is necessary, especially if you plan to give her buffs, but having more Spd ensures that she has an easier time doubling faster units and activate Wing Sword's Flashing Blade effect.

While true, base Spd with just Phantom Speed 1 is 42 speed, which is still faster than most units. While I'm not sure what the IDEAL SS is, in thinking Caeda probably appreciates the extra damage a lot more...

If you have enough experience dealing with Wings of Mercy enemies and can handle them without trouble, you can try Pain in Arena, although I generally do not recommend it since it is risky. In Arena Assault, Wings of Mercy is generally a non issue since you can preview the enemy team.

With immediate Dancer/Singer support and a Hone Attack buff, Nanna's performance is not too bad if you consider that she does not have +Atk.

Nanna neutral
Pain [Dazzling Staff]
Attack +3, Wrathful Staff
Attack +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 0:0:239
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 132:0:107
Player Phase [4/0/0/0] 1:0:238
Player Phase [4/0/0/0, Dancer/Singer support] 178:0:61
Player Phase [6/6/0/0] 20:0:219
Player Phase [6/6/0/0, Dancer/Singer support] 213:0:26

For comparison:

BB!Cordelia +Spd, -Res
Firesweep Bow, Luna
Life and Death, Poison Strike
Speed +3
Enemies +5, +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase 74:0:165
Player Phase [Dancer/Singer support] 231:0:8

While I see what you mean, I won't be able to act immediately on your build, as the only Pain unit I have is an Azama with an ideal nature.

Plus I still think Gravity would be, overall, better due to the movement penalty being harsh against cavalry, especially if Nanna were moved away immediately via Repo or dancing. But then again, I have time to think on it...

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@Xenomata I’m kinda zooming in on one specific aspect of this conversation, but...

My opinion on +Atk vs +Spd for Caeda aligns with what @XRay told you pretty closely (copying from the analysis thread):

“My condensed stance on +Spd is:

  • You need the Effect refinement for +Spd to be worth it.
  • It’s far more useful for a Player Phase focused set than an Enemy Phase focused set; her base Spd is usually high enough to guarantee the Wing Sword Effect (especially with Flier support), so +Spd really just helps her net doubles against the really fast/Spd-stacked enemies. An EP set can get doubles with Quick Riposte.
  • It should definitely be paired with Luna or Iceberg, which help make up for her low Atk with one-round activations against foes who initiate or counterattack.
  • +Spd can make it harder for her to net OHKOs on bulkier Armor and Cavalry units, depending on their build (she’s missing out on 6 effective Atk before Triangle modifiers without +Atk).

I personally recommend +Atk over +Spd, especially if you’re confident that she will double the enemies she fights, or if you’re fielding her to OHKO cavs/armors in Arena Assault.”

And on Phantom Spd:

“Defense focused Caedas can use the Phantom Spd seal to help ensure the Wing Sword's special cooldown charge increase against the fastest of foes, if necessary. Note that an offense focused Caeda should build real Spd to help net double attacks (which almost always guarantees the Wing Sword's effect), while defense focused sets can run Quick Riposte for double attacks.”

I’ll stop there because if I keep going, I’ll probably end up copying in the whole thread.

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@LordFrigid Does your statement regarding SPD/ATK boons apply also to a +10 Caeda? 

Since Cordelias and Cherches come in slower than my feather heap grows, Caeda (+ATK/-HP) will become my next merge project. I even have DC fodder for her, but I'm not yet sure about that. She will get Galeforce at some point. 

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Now that we have more green cav mages, I'm just wondering if Cecilia still wants +Spd over +Atk?

She used to be my Gronnblade horse but now I have LA Lilina so I might keep Cecilia as a double utility, swapping between Gronnraven and Gronnblade depending on the map/mode. 

Now I'm not sure which base I should use for a 4*+10, a +Spd/-Def one or a +Atk/-HP one? I know Cecilia has a superboon in Spd at 5 star, but is that really applicable when doing a 4* +10 merge?

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7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

A project like this will probably be more about vanity than pure effectiveness so I'll pick a personal favourite, maybe Lilina (already +2) or Palla if she's given a Prf.

  1. Lilina is already a unit that counts as pure effectiveness as she is the best non-armor red tome in the game.
  2. The moment Palla receives an exclusive weapon, getting a 5-star merge of her will no longer be vanity.


5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I kinda now regret not asking about Barrack expansion sooner... I'm also thankful that I'm pretty much done summoning for a good while.

It costs 1 orb to expand your barracks by 5 spaces and a minimum of 20 orbs to fill those 5 spaces, not counting free characters. Basically, you can treat barracks expansion as a full session pull costing 21 orbs instead of 20 orbs.

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18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:
  1. Lilina is already a unit that counts as pure effectiveness as she is the best non-armor red tome in the game.
  2. The moment Palla receives an exclusive weapon, getting a 5-star merge of her will no longer be vanity.

Yep, I actually just refined Forblaze today as it happens, just missing DB3 to finish up. Thing is though, she doesn't really fit my normal playstyle as I'm mostly about horses and fliers. The choice is more because she was my original carry when I was first clearing the story missions, the team was 5* Maria, 4* Lilina and a couple of 3* units I've since forgotten. The more accurate description I guess is that she would be a sentimental choice.

Meanwhile poor Palla doesn't even have a proper A-skill yet because I have one Hinata and at least a dozen units in the queue all wanting Fury. Due to lack of fodder all my recent units are just getting Fury 2, LnD2, Atk 3, Spd 3 or Darting Blow 3.

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Now that we have more green cav mages, I'm just wondering if Cecilia still wants +Spd over +Atk?

She used to be my Gronnblade horse but now I have LA Lilina so I might keep Cecilia as a double utility, swapping between Gronnraven and Gronnblade depending on the map/mode. 

Now I'm not sure which base I should use for a 4*+10, a +Spd/-Def one or a +Atk/-HP one? I know Cecilia has a superboon in Spd at 5 star, but is that really applicable when doing a 4* +10 merge?

I prefer keeping builds for different roles on separate units. Cecilia running Blade tome will really appreciate that extra Spd to help her double some enemies. Cecilia running Raven ideally should go with +Atk to ensure knock outs against unusual bow builds, and she does not really care about Spd since she runs Bowbreaker. With her low but adequate Def, she is in a unique position among common Gronnraven mages to have an easier time avoiding Chill Def from enemy LA!Roys.

Something like [+Spd, -HP/Def/Res] is perfect for Cecilia running Blade, and [+Atk, -Spd] is perfect for Cecilia running Raven. [+Atk, -HP] should be fine as well since Cecilia will be in single digit HP anyways against LA!Roy, and a difference of 3 HP at that point does not really matter unless you need her to tank multiple archers.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@LordFrigid Does your statement regarding SPD/ATK boons apply also to a +10 Caeda? 

Since Cordelias and Cherches come in slower than my feather heap grows, Caeda (+ATK/-HP) will become my next merge project. I even have DC fodder for her, but I'm not yet sure about that. She will get Galeforce at some point. 

As with anything, it depends on your application, but I’m inclined to say yes.

For Arena/AA, it depends a little on your team’s score range...at the higher ranges +Atk is cleanly better due to the prevalence of Armors. At lower ranges you might run into other Spd-stacked foes worth worrying about, but last I checked, Flier-supported Caeda needs to be fighting  very heavily Spd-stacked foes to get more out of +Spd than +Atk.

For PvE/Galeforce clears, definitely +Atk. Very few PvE enemies are at “+10 Caeda w/ Flier support can’t double” levels of Spd.

Edited by LordFrigid
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