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New info on FE Warriors

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9 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

More unfortunate for everyone who isn't interested in those games, I meant.

I had more interest in it because I am a Warriors fan to begin with.

Ah, I misunderstood. My apologies.

6 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

That's the thing: so much of what they said sounds great, but the limiting of the roster and nonsensical PR responses drag it down.

Agreed, this is actually making me more eager to find out what they do as far as maps and soundtracks go. Metal covers of Id (Purpose) or Don't Speak Her Name? Why not; sky's the limit for now

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14 minutes ago, ClevelandSteve said:

I might go out and buy the 3DS version if characters from the Elibe or Tellius games, or from Shadows of Valentia, are added as DLC. But it's definitely not going to be an at-launch buy for me anymore.

Did I miss something? A 3ds version has been confirmed?

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Just now, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Did I miss something? A 3ds version has been confirmed?

It was confirmed when the game was announced. I think it's N3DS exclusive, but don't quote me on that.

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1 minute ago, Sayyyaka said:

Maybe a "complete edition" will come out someday so I won't have to spend $60 for the base games + another $60 for all the DLC.  Who knows.  Though if the game has Camus and Merric in its roster, and it goes on sale I'd consider it.

With how few games ARE being represented, it's likely they will get in based simply on the lack of having to compete with other iconic characters.

That DLC concern is very real. HW was certainly not a fun adventure for your wallet if you wanted everything.

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2 minutes ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Did I miss something? A 3ds version has been confirmed?

It's New3DS only, but yes.


Edit: Was beaten to it.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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2 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

It's already been said by now, but I just really was hoping for more of a celebration of the entire series.  I don't dislike the games chosen like some do, but I still find it quite disappointing. But I think it's better to just leave it to the people that will enjoy this instead.

Maybe a "complete edition" will come out someday so I won't have to spend $60 for the base games + another $60 for all the DLC.  Who knows.  Though if the game has Camus and Merric in its roster, and it goes on sale I'd consider it.

Until then, have fun.  No need to linger on this any longer.

Hyrule Warriors launched with only characters from Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Ocarina of Time. DLC and a complete edition are locks.

1 minute ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Did I miss something? A 3ds version has been confirmed?

Exclusive to the New 3DS line. Part of what made the New 2DSXL announcement such a promising notion.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Characters like Roy or Ephraim I can see as DLC, but Ike and Lyn, who've won or scored really high on multiple FE character polls? They deserve to be in the game by default! I'm tired of most of the FE series getting shafted simply because they didn't sell nearly as well as Awakening and Fates or weren't "iconic" like Marth. Ike is plenty iconic now, and it can be argued that Roy and Lyn are both iconic to a degree too.

It makes no sense to not at least have Ike and Lyn in the base game.

This game will probably bomb like TMS did. TMS probably had more issues than character roster, but the character roster is more important in a game like Warriors as stated before. People will not buy the game if their favorite characters aren't in and so far, this game will not have many of the fan favorites at all, and this will cost sales. They're not getting my money, that's for sure.

Counterpoint: Awakening and Fates do have most fans' favorite (and even second-favorite) characters.

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8 minutes ago, Folt said:

In this case, less is more. Less characters and cross-interactions to be worried about. Only three "sagas" to take characters from means we could see the gamut from major, to minor, to villain characters in the series, each being their own little thing instead of Lord 1, Lord 2, etc. etc.

Even Warriors Orochi only had two "sagas" that they needed to pull from, both having established relationships between the characters from their games, with OCs as appropriate.

This is more or less how I think of it. I mean, I knew it was gonna be small, small-ish in the first place, but not exactly what I excepted. Still, as I mentioned before, it doesn't deter me or anything like that.

I won't lie, I could get with some scenarios where you play the villain and actually fulfill their objective, even if it's like a one-off battle or something. Kind of like how you get you to play as the Orochi forces in WO2. Wishful thinking? Wishful thinking.

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4 hours ago, Person with good opinions said:

Really, they should just be honest and say they want the sweet modern FE cash instead of coming up with that explanation about avoiding excess sword wielders. As if there aren't tons of characters across all games that don't use swords, or as if there's some rule that if you include a game, the Lord MUST be included as well. If anything, focusing on Fates and Awakening leads to the biggest excess of sword units, as they have the highest amount of important characters who use swords. Chrom, Robin, Lucina, Corrin, Xander, and Ryoma.

I know, follow the money, but I'd be more inclined to respect it if they were simply honest about it rather than making up such a transparent excuse.

Kind of like their excuse for having no English voice acting in Tokyo Mirage Sessions. They talked about "reimagining a Japanese concert" when it's painfully easy that they did it to cut costs.

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Man, I guess everyone set their expectations high on this one. Did no one take the cues from Hyrule Warriors and how it represented the Legend of Zelda series (Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time)? Other fan favorites were added in as DLC later, and I expect that to happen here with Fire Emblem Warriors.

So, Fire Emblem Warriors focusing on Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates makes sense. Sure, I would have liked to see some of the classic characters like Ephraim and Lyn, but I am not going to write off this title just because it doesn't have my favorite characters. Honestly, if one just wants certain characters, it is better to be playing Fire Emblem Heroes instead of Fire Emblem Warriors. Warriors games are about the hack and slash action, and I'm sure I'll love the title even if the representation is limited.

For me, I'm excited at the prospect of Walhart being the Lu Bu, although I have a feeling they will likely just use Camus instead...

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5 minutes ago, Folt said:

Counterpoint: Awakening and Fates do have most fans' favorite (and even second-favorite) characters.

Not really.

Going by the Heroes poll, Ike, Lyn, Roy, Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Micaiah, and others are fan favorites too. These characters were all in the top ten for their respective genders, and Ike and Lyn were the winners.

Chrom, Lucina, Camilla, Tharja, and maybe Cordelia and Azura are the 3DS big fan favorites. For Shadow Dragon there's...Marth and Caeda? That's pretty much it. So only about half the actual fan favorites are going to be in this.

Also, "this won't be a gathering of protagonists from across the series" could very well apply to the DLC.

Edited by Anacybele
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18 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

@shadowofchaos As has been said, the characters make the Warriors crossover-- most of the "no buy" reactions make perfect sense. People vote with their wallet; IS had the galls to say that they want to make the game "to appeal to FE fans" and then throw 3/4 of the series under the bus with a complete lie justifying it. Disappointment is pretty warranted, despite many of us expecting/fearing as much.

To me, everything else about the game sounds promising. But parts of the PR are ridiculous and the confirmation of my biggest fear is a bitter pill to swallow.

I understand the "no buy" reactions. I understand the disappointment.

It's just that people react so badly to said bitter pill.

If anything I can understand reacting badly as you've seen the worst parts of me.

I just got told (unintentionally) via assumption that I don't understand people whose favorite game isn't Awakening when I spent the better part of 7 years being a hacker to Blazing Sword.

I'm going to take a break from this thread.

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Just now, Soledai said:

This is more or less how I think of it. I mean, I knew it was gonna be small, small-ish in the first place, but not exactly what I excepted. Still, as I mentioned before, it doesn't deter me or anything like that.

I won't lie, I could get with some scenarios where you play the villain and actually fulfill their objective, even if it's like a one-off battle or something. Kind of like how you get you to play as the Orochi forces in WO2. Wishful thinking? Wishful thinking.

Or Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors?

I'd also say that with villains being possibly plausible now, many FE villains could have many interesting movesets, like Garon, Walhart, Grima, Gangrel, etc. etc. (Plus it'd give us a possible way to fight or play as characters who we likely wouldn't have had in that case.)

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Not surprised look at the first dynasty warriors Gundam's cast and look how many characters are from the original Gundam series, Zeta, or double Zeta. 

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Not really.

Going by the Heroes poll, Ike, Lyn, Roy, Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Micaiah, and others are fan favorites too. These characters were all in the top ten for their respective genders, and Ike and Lyn were the winners.

Chrom, Lucina, Camilla, Tharja. and maybe Cordelia and Azura are the 3DS big fan favorites. For Shadow Dragon there's...Marth and Caeda? That's pretty much it. So only about half the actual fan favorites are going to be in this.

Assuming everyone who voted on that poll voted solely for those characters (and also didn't have ulterior motives in mind).

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Just now, Folt said:

Assuming everyone who voted on that poll voted solely for those characters (and also didn't have ulterior motives in mind).

I'm sure some people threw votes in for multiple characters and not just one. I actually did, in fact, though several of my votes did go to both Ikes.

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Just now, pumpkinspice48 said:

What kind of ulterior motives?

The "don't let Lucina take Top Female spot" people come to mind.

Just now, Anacybele said:

I'm sure some people threw votes in for multiple characters and not just one. I actually did, in fact, though several of my votes did go to both Ikes.

I'm not contesting that. Now, how many people who voted for the fan favorites have probably also voted for Awakening or Fates characters as well? That's what I'm getting at.

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Just now, pumpkinspice48 said:

A few people might have done that, but it seems unlikely that most of Lyn's votes came from people trying to spite Lucina.  

While I do agree, do not underestimate what hate can do to a person's thought process. I've seen it happen to other people, and I have unfortunately had it take over my own thoughts far easier than I'd like.

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Well, the info on who's being picked is disappointingly as expected. It says a lot that MotE is still such a huge influence on the decisions for these spinoffs (even getting as many non-Archanea units in Heros as we have is somewhat unexpected), alongside the Awakening/Fates popularity.

It's a shame that there's not much demand for other parts of the series in these games, but what can be done?

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