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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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3 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Again Kiran is a moron.  Honestly I don't know why they do that when 99.9% of the player base isn't that dumb.  Honestly would it kill them to have a smart Kiran for once?!

Stop getting so offended and complaining. It's just a damn comic. Nobody really thinks the playerbase is that dumb.

Anyway, Anna is behind Feh Pass confirmed. lol

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Funny how Roy is here, not only did he gets a Resplendent outfit himself but also might be possibly complimenting his Mum.

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That's kinda makes alot of more sense since Anna was the one behind the Feh Pass because of she wanted money for profit for the Order of Heroes and tried to find a way to sell something since poor Fehnix getting the blame from the fan base for the Feh Pass. I know Fehnix is just a messenger owl having as a guest host while Feh is in vacation not the creator of the Feh Pass. (I am not against the Feh Pass and I do like Fehnix as well)

Edited by King Marth 64
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Surtr is seriously rocking that smile.


2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Again Kiran is a moron.  Honestly I don't know why they do that when 99.9% of the player base isn't that dumb.  Honestly would it kill them to have a smart Kiran for once?!

This is a gag comic. You can't have a gag comic without at least one gag character.

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2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Again Kiran is a moron.  Honestly I don't know why they do that when 99.9% of the player base isn't that dumb.  Honestly would it kill them to have a smart Kiran for once?!

Except, uh...

2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Kiran isn't dumb, he's a better game designer than IS. Resplendent outfits should just be an accessory you can put on anyone. 😛

Gotta agree with this - Resplendent outfits would have been way cooler if they’d been themed around past games as well as FEH-exclusive kingdoms - you realize how fast Ana would hit that subscribe button if she could get a butler costume to attach to Freddy?(I actually don’t know if she’d be down for that, I picked it because he literally does wear a suit under the armor so it’s not too far off)

I might kill for the chance to dress Ishtar in FE6/7-themed clothes or get Roy in his Einherjar Ylissean Merc outfit. IS actually missing out big time here, Kiran for once slammed a good one home.

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8 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Again Kiran is a moron.  Honestly I don't know why they do that when 99.9% of the player base isn't that dumb.  Honestly would it kill them to have a smart Kiran for once?!

Again Chloey is complaining. Honestly I don't know why you are so offended when 99.9% of the player base don't think it's offensive.  Honestly would it kill you to not complain about a gag comic for once?!

I don't see Kiran being dumb here... Here is not wrong: Surtr looks "cool" with Nifl's attire, in both meanings of the word.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Very blursed comic!

On one hand, there's Resplendent Lyn!

On the other hand, there's Nifl Gharnef. Nifl Surtr is radiating the vibes of My Hero Academia's All Might and Black Knight just looks funny for having clothes on TOP of his armor.

Guess the comic explains why Roy got the Nifl-themed outfit (and I guess Eliwood joined in to support him).

And a few Lyn stans are making a few memes out of Lyn in the last panel.

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@TheSilentChloey it's a running theme for Kiran to do head-scratchingly stupid things in the comics.  It's not going to change due to your complaints, so cut it out.

Can't say I found this comic very funny.  Though the idea of the Nifl/Muspell fighters swapping outfits amuses me.

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9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Again Chloey is complaining. Honestly I don't know why you are so offended when 99.9% of the player base don't think it's offensive.  Honestly would it kill you to not complain about a gag comic for once?!

I mean, she does have a right to be annoyed by something, same as the rest of us, I think it's just her wording that could be done better.

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1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I mean, she does have a right to be annoyed by something, same as the rest of us, I think it's just her wording that could be done better.

Sure, but she's constantly complaining, and not even just about this. She constantly complains about her luck/pulls in the pull thread as well and I believe I've sometimes seen her complain in new banner threads too, saying stuff like "this is useless to me, so skip." Maybe not in those words exactly, but something to that effect. And though this is unrelated to the Heroes board, she's complained about some critique she gets in the writing contest thread over in Creativity, a lot of it directed at me.

Before anyone says it, yes, I know I used to be like that about some of these things too. But I've learned better and even Chloey herself is part of what made me realize how bad my behavior was then. It wasn't right of me to do it, so it isn't right of her to behave this way either.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's also hypocritical because when some other users complained about the overuse of Black Eagles, she called them "stupid" or "actively ignoring things" for doing so. Complaining about the Heroes comics is only okay when she does it or if you're calling Kiran stupid?

Even though I haven't thought of it before because I'm actively boycotting FEH Pass, it would've been cooler if the FEH Pass did include these outfits as accessories. I imagine they would still do the Resplendent alts with their new artwork and stuff, but what if when you buy a certain character they give you an accessory of that outfit (or something on that outfit) to give to your other characters? Or something else along the lines?

Still wouldn't pay for it, personally, but it'd be nice if that was a thing (and was just cosmetic and didn't give any stat bonuses, seriously). You could put anyone in a Nifl outfit! Like in the comic 😛

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3 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Nifl Surtr is radiating the vibes of My Hero Academia's All Might

Ahh. So that's why I like that smile. Yeah, I'm definitely getting All Might vibes from Surtr.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

It's also hypocritical because when some other users complained about the overuse of Black Eagles, she called them "stupid" or "actively ignoring things" for doing so. Complaining about the Heroes comics is only okay when she does it or if you're calling Kiran stupid?😛

I've been following this all day, and I want to know what things people were "actively ignoring" that she mentions. You can PM them to me if you don't want to say them here.

My two cents:

She would have a point about Kiran if this was a serious manga instead of a lighthearted cute comic.

There is an overuse of BE in these comics.

I didn't recognize Gharnef without his mage robes.

Surtr totally looks like All Might.

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