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Voting Gauntlet: Winter Festival vs. New Year’s!


Voting Gauntlet: Winter Festival vs. New Year’s!  

157 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Robin, Festive Tactician
    • Lissa, Pure Joy
    • Chrom, Gifted Leader
    • Tharja, “Normal Girl”
    • Azura, Celebratory Spirit
    • Camilla, Holiday Traveller
    • Takumi, Prince of Soup
    • Ryoma, Peerless Samurai

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  • Poll closed on 01/07/2018 at 05:00 AM

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Go Princess ! Show them that you're not delicate !


*Ahem* Well, at last tharja won't win another VG. Azura's left. New winner no matter what. But I'm supporting the Princess until the end.

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4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

My first battle: two BH!Lyns + HNY!Azura in Arena Ferox

What, game?! Sinking my previous team wasn't good enough for you?!
I swear this game actively hates me at times. I did make it through, but not before @Rezzy's Eldigan had to take one for the team (the rando was Ayra). Sorry about that, Rezzy.

He's happy to die for the cause.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:


I mean, I'm happy to have gotten to the final with Chrissa and all, but that is kind of proof that the multiplier is pretty dumb.

Not seeing Tharja and Camilla in the final might be a relief to someone who's not a big fan of them, but still. Did not see it coming.

Expect an Azura win though, Chrissa's not going to be that popular right?

Cuz multipliers are just dumb, just like every one else has been saying for past 8 gauntlet or so. Lissa is still a fairly popular character but after the 1st hour Azura should have just won
, but since InSyst has no idea what the purpose of gauntlet is anymore most people just use it get free feathers. So there's that.

2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Yes, actually. I'm not sure why you asked but yeah.

Because W!Lissa is really great at being a mage killer & that should make your life easier.

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9 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

A nail biter to the end...nice going again, fellow Team Azura people, on to the final round!

The shout-outs for this round go to @Ice Dragon's Elise/Cordelia and @Astellius's Tiki, who all basically face-rolled through every map they showed up on. I also got some person named Nova's +10 Ephraim a lot, but I don't think he/she is on this board.

Hopefully Tana and Jeorge put in work for all of you that saw them. As always, any existing or incoming Team Azura folk are welcome to send or ask me to send them a friend request (8566518658). I'd prefer a tag, quote, or PM letting me know you've done so.

That's my Ephraim and I changed my name just now.

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20 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

That's my Ephraim and I changed my name just now.

Then I stand corrected, and huge shout-out to your Ephraim! Always good to see him around. So wait, we’ve been friends since the first VG, I think? This whole time and I didn’t know...awkward. Sorry about that.

Edited by LordFrigid
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I'm so uninvested in this and I have to remind myself to log in every now and then to score. I don't own either character and couldn't care less who wins.

I went for Lissa for ranking feathers ^.^

I'm still really happy Tharja is out, though. I really, really hope that neither she nor Rhajat (or Camilla... or honestly, anyone who's already won a VG 'cos they've already won!) appear in the near future in any VG.

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

Then I stand corrected, and huge shout-out to your Ephraim! Always good to see him around. So wait, we’ve been friends since the first VG, I think? This whole time and I didn’t know...awkward. Sorry about that.

Glad to hear he's been helpful to you and I would assume so. XD

It's cool, but yeah I changed my name to Nova to just my regular name Brandon.

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3 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

Cuz multipliers are just dumb, just like every one else has been saying for past 8 gauntlet or so. Lissa is still a fairly popular character but after the 1st hour Azura should have just won
, but since InSyst has no idea what the purpose of gauntlet is anymore most people just use it get free feathers. So there's that.

Because W!Lissa is really great at being a mage killer & that should make your life easier.

i see VG for what it is: boring event to gather coins and stones. Thats it. i do my 4 battles and then occasionally some if i feel like it but i nevrr farm all flags or spent them on multipliers. I just spend them.

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@ClogonApparently my friend list is full, sorry!

As crap as the Voting Gauntlet is, it was worse without the multipliers and underdogs had zero chance. With multipliers, their odds are about as good as the ratio between the two team sizes. Why get bent out of shape over your team losing? Nothing changes. The stakes are incredibly low, the only difference between winning and losing is a few feathers.

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, Zeo said:

@The Lord Of Gems Would you happen to be running a Blazing Durandal Eliwood with Swift Sparrow and Swordbreaker because I'm pretty sure I just got your Eliwood? Have you been getting a Matthew during this gauntlet by any chance? I might have you on my friends list...

That is my Eliwood. I do have a guy with a Matthew on my friends list but I haven't got him yet.

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Well, without multipliers the game would be literally healthier for you. The present system encourages players to schedule their time around expected multipliers and modify their sleep patterns (and other more minor things around their daily routines). Without them, you could spend your flags at any time within the 40 hour window and end up with the same total score. And I'm only being semi-facetious too.

I also kinda have a problem with the ability to play it twice an hour, every hour, for 24 hours straight. A possible solution would might be if the game effectively limited the number of "plays" you had by forcing you to spend flags to get any points, instead of having freebie 1x points by spending none. You'd still be able to play for zero points to fulfil the "win a match with a colour X ally" quests but you wouldn't be able to get ahead points-wise by forgoing sleep entirely.

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So, this morning I joined team Lissa, did a battle, which raised me to 5 orbs. Immediately afterwards I do a solo summon and pulled Azura... I'm not annoyed or anything, I just find that amusing.

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41 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Without them, you could spend your flags at any time within the 40 hour window and end up with the same total score.

While true, that wouldn't put you ahead of the pack because you can always run additional runs without flags to creep your score up, and anyone else competing for feathers will be doing so.

This means that the optimal strategy to score well without multipliers is to stay awake for 45 hours straight and play every 30 minutes on the dot with a 3-hour nap in between rounds or at the very least sleep as little as physically possible.

With the current multiplier system, unless the two teams are very close in size (which happened with Robin v. Lissa), even the larger team is generally going to get a multiplier once every 3-8 hours (shorter at the beginning and end of the round), making it easier to score well while only needing to be awake and online for a few key multiplier hours.


48 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I also kinda have a problem with the ability to play it twice an hour, every hour, for 24 hours straight. A possible solution would might be if the game effectively limited the number of "plays" you had by forcing you to spend flags to get any points, instead of having freebie 1x points by spending none. You'd still be able to play for zero points to fulfil the "win a match with a colour X ally" quests but you wouldn't be able to get ahead points-wise by forgoing sleep entirely.

As I explained above, the multiplier system means you don't have to play all day every day. To score well, you only need to be online during some of the multiplier hours, and you can deliberately set yourself up for making it easy by picking the team that is most likely to get curbstomped because that team will typically have 30+ multiplier hours over the 45-hour duration of the round.


I think people vilify the multiplier system without actually putting any real amount of thought into it. It's certainly not perfect, but it's not the demon that everyone seems to make it out to be.

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Not to mention, with the multipliers being fairly constant now, you're more likely to get an optimal score by saving those flags for the second half of the second day. First day/night, you can do enough runs to accumulate flags and then disregard it, or even spend them early just to get them out of the way.

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@mcsilas It was the opposite for me, I wasn't feeling well so I had more time than usual.

2 hours ago, The Lord Of Gems said:

That is my Eliwood. I do have a guy with a Matthew on my friends list but I haven't got him yet.

That's Tenk. Nice to meet you, that's my Matthew. Hope you get him before the gauntlet ends. Your Eliwood is actually pretty freaking good.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

What are the projections looking like?  At work and haven't been able to do much yet.

The usual sort of thing where it takes the smaller team 3 or 4 hours to give the bigger team another multiplier with occasional short stops in Same Hell 

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51 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas It was the opposite for me, I wasn't feeling well so I had more time than usual.

That's Tenk. Nice to meet you, that's my Matthew. Hope you get him before the gauntlet ends. Your Eliwood is actually pretty freaking good.

Yep, your in my friends list. It's nice to see such dedication to your favorite character.

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Dear fellow Team Azura members... slow the fuck down. I'm currently ranked in the 89ks. I need at least some multipliers before the last ~3 hours since I cannot partake in those.

Europeans need a decent mix of victory feathers + earlyish multipliers to be able to get anywhere close to what other timezones get. The multiplier system is better than nothing, but I still don't like being disadvantaged like this.

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10 minutes ago, The Lord Of Gems said:

Yep, your in my friends list. It's nice to see such dedication to your favorite character.

He's not even my #1. But he's probably in my top 5 and unlike some other favorites, I can boost him without having to pull for *5 (Lyn, Ephraim, Hector, Ike, other favorites of mine). Plus I love the underdog. He'll be my first +10, I've already decided that.

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4 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

@Ginko I sent you a friend request if that's alright. I'm leading with Celica right now but can switch to something else if needed.

Accepted. I never draw a Celica, best of red nuke, I hope I'm lucky to got her in up coming matches.

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