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Tempest Trials Mini: Stepping into the New Year!


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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Any effect that guarantees a follow-up exactly cancels an effect that prevents a follow-up. Wary Fighter preventing the user from having a follow-up and preventing the opponent from having a follow-up are two separate effects (same with Weaponbreakers).

I see, thanks. 

In that case a different option is truly better. at least something like QR and Guard should be possible too. 

Or bold fighter and QR...

Edited by Stroud
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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Whenever somebody collects them, let me know what color badges you need for QR and Def Ploy. I'm guessing grey and green respectively, and that's basically best case scenario.

QR and Seal Atk are red, Def Ploy is green.


To think that yesterday I spent 100 of my 101 coins and 400 of my 419 red badges to upgrade Squad Seal E. Goddammit. At least I'm back up to 69 coins now after arena and TT rewards, and that QR2 seal will do fine for now just like the actual skill, but still it hurts.

Small upside I can get away with just grinding out 60 red badges today and get the 400 more next week once TT is done.

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Why are all the good seals red?

Anyway, lost a team in bonus round 2 because a misclick left Robin in range of Julia on map 3 of Lunatic 7 :(

I managed to survive until Stage 7 with Sakura, Ike and Airzura but I was up against an Oboro, Jagen, Corrin M, Virion and Takumi. 2 archers and 2 blues against a flier and Ike isn't fun. Also dang Virion is super bulky at that stage, and I keep forgetting about Seal Spd...

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

The Quick Riposte seal sure threw me off, that thing is nuts! Now everyone can emulate Hector (RIP Armads niche, now he needs a refinement boost), or that's what I'd say but DC is still super rare, although this is a huge boost for Ike, Fjorm, Xander and basically every unit with DC in their weapon.

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Also I'm loving the TT+full flier bonuses..Look at that Airzura! She's beautiful and deadly. Also I'm going to give Hinoka DB3 when I pull a Klein, but DB 2 still gives her 61 Atk on initiation which is nuts!


RIP Hector?! He just got insanely buff with Bold Fighter 3 and Heavy Blade Seal 3 what are you talking lol

I am more concerned about a Winter Tharja running LitrBlade Bold Fighter 3 and Quickriposte Seal...

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Quick Riposte seal, that's just beautiful.

Also, for those going with Ravening Takumi to death, it's nice to know he doesn't have CA. Though I am concerned with Desperation with an all flier squad. Might just switch in Springmilla instead of Witch!Nowi and give her Gronnraven first..

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Guidance shenanigans with Airzura is so fun.

Even funner is using bonus stats to power through Lunatic 5 with my Hoshido tea, (+ Alfonse). Show them the power of Hoshido!

Also Dazzling Staff Sakura with Spd +5 (combination of A skill and SS) and Fear+ makes her really bulky. I love it! Debuffing Attack while not being counterattacked is so useful!

Also @DefaultBeep I finally completely built my Hinoka! (well bar the final LB3) It's glorious seeing her +Atk nature decimate her brother without even giving him a chance to counterattack.



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@Infinite Dreams that was fast. 

First two runs (lunatic/7) with the Fliers were perhaps too easy. Tried Sakura/Alfonse/Azura(blue one)/Dorcas then and it became immediately harder. Sakura and Alfonse (Desperation/Brash Assault) were great, but infantry only without a ranged unit (Sakura doesn't have Dazzling upgrade yet) is far from optimal.

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I don't know what I was worrying about Takumi for.

-Atk honed Hinoka can 1-round Takumi with DB 2 and Blazing Wind. That's amazing.

Though both bonus runs had 2 archers in the final map. That seems like it was planned. :P

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These seals are lovely. Or at least two of them are, which is plenty. Also I love the starting dialogue.

Nice to finally have another TT I can take leisurely rather than rushing to the top to get orbs for a banner that's about to end. Getting enough points will be easy, so I've been mostly disregarding that and focusing on grinding supports.

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Wow...yeah. Autobattle is the way to go. XD I can watch my Netflix shows and just let my heroes do all the hard work. Got over 20k, so I'm gonna' go it quits for now. I just really wanted that QR seal. Running NY!Azura, Hinoka, Sakura, and Alfonse. I may see about spending some stamina grinding badges since I didn't realize today was red day...and I want QR right now. 

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So I did my trial runs today with a Lvl1 Genny, Amelia, Tharja, and a level 30 Airzura. Genny got up to level 10 by the final map of the first run and she actually got to contribute offensively!  I can't believe killing a level 40 only got her 1 level. And she only gained 1 atk from that level to boot. She also got to kill Cain and gained 1 HP and 1 Def. Images of the lads' shame in the spoiler. Seriously they were 4 times her size! Ok, admittedly this occurred because Amelia kept missing the KO's. She just wants Genny to feel useful is all!





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Using an all Hoshido siblings team until I get the 5* Corrin, who will be taking Takumi's place.  Sorry buddy, I don't have your seasonal variant. =(

Also, I know this is basically a meme at this point, but I just don't see the point of including amazing tracks like End of All and Twilight of the Gods if it's just going to be interrupted constantly by the EP music, and not even continue where it left off.  All I ever hear is "You are the ocean's gray wa--" before I end the turn.  I think it's time for some QoL improvements in the music department...

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2 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

*Hears "End Of All" at final stage*


This is now officially the best TT of them all. Anyone who disagrees is simply in denial.

Hearing Conquest was still quite magical last TT, and I still love Twilight of the Gods from Together to the End, but then again I was never in denial.

Edited by Xenomata
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-Wake up at 7:30 this morning

-Play Heroes while drinking morning coffee

-Beat the 7 map Lunatic twice, deathless runs with 40% bonus units New York Camilla and Azura

-Beat the 5-map Lunatic four times bc I don't want to start my online class yet

-Checks score: 6500

-Rank: 51,000

Looks like a lot of people don't have much to do today.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Ice Dragon I'm taking a guess in saying they're playing the Japanese version of End of All in the final map?

Now that I've had a chance to listen, I assume the lyrics at the beginning of the video Xenomata linked on the previous page are sung by Azura in the English version because the beginning of the song in Heroes are the same words in Azura's song in Warriors in Japanese. (I haven't played Fates.)


2 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

*Hears "End Of All" at final stage*


This is now officially the best TT of them all. Anyone who disagrees is simply in denial.

Twilight of the Gods was better.

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Im enjoying how I can take this tempest at a leisurely pace and the fact I'm able to use a breaker skill alongside quick riposte for male robin is going to make dealing with the likes of brave lyn and black knight somewhat easier. It's also kinda scary how much this boosts dragons viability despite still lacking emblem buffs.

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As other have mentioned, Bold Fighter with Quick Riposte is going to make some units extremely difficult to deal with. In the almost entirely physical melee meta of the land of +10's, +Def/-Res - Steady Breath - Bold Fighter - Quick Riposte - Zelgius is going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with. Pretty much anything but TA Nowi is going to have to eat a Black Luna unless they run Guard. I can see Guard getting used quite a bit more just to deal with that build.

Quick Riposte is so good for a seal, and Def Ploy is pretty great too.

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1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

As other have mentioned, Bold Fighter with Quick Riposte is going to make some units extremely difficult to deal with. In the almost entirely physical melee meta of the land of +10's, +Def/-Res - Steady Breath - Bold Fighter - Quick Riposte - Zelgius is going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with. Pretty much anything but TA Nowi is going to have to eat a Black Luna unless they run Guard. I can see Guard getting used quite a bit more just to deal with that build.

Quick Riposte is so good for a seal, and Def Ploy is pretty great too.

Reinhardt is still a thing, and he kills Zelgius before Zelgius can counterattack. Neutral +10 Zelgius has 75 magic bulk, meaning only 63 Atk is needed to one-hit kill him with a blue tome. They're pretty much begging you to throw Micaiah at him, but any properly buffed Blarblade+ not named Odin does the job, too.

Quick Riposte means Zelgius isn't running Quickened Pulse, meaning anyone that can eat the first counterattack and kill on the second hit does so before Black Luna activates. Swordbreaker is also a thing.

And now that the Quick Riposte Sacred Seal is a thing, you can just use Guard + Quick Riposte right back at him on any bulky blue unit. (I still need Steady Breath for my Lukas's every-hit-is-a-Bonfire build.)

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