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Alice in Brexitland Mafia - Game Over


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On 3/6/2018 at 2:54 PM, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

It's long and hard to read.

That's what she said.

On 3/6/2018 at 3:08 PM, Refa said:

Prims' claim is fucking w/me.  My first reaction to 1x Deathproof is scummy af, why does town need a lynchproof.  Am I missing something here, because everyone else seems to be entirely cool with it while I'm like what is this game I don't even.

9/4 is pretty fucking stupid in the first place (don't @ me SB) considering scum has an end of day kill apparently.  My heart sank when I realized I wasn't even casing the right number of people.  I don't think a Scum!Mayor is impossible if it turns off in *YLO.

Between the daykills, my info, and a mayor, I'm not going to discount deathproof.  I can see it coming from any alignment.  I'd need to see how many kills there are to determine what those four non-town slots are.  The only thing I'm getting from all these claims is that Snike/Prims are probably not on the same scum faction.

That's way too much to quote.  I really don't like that BBM response, nor do I like how mostly everyone is either null or leaning.  As of this post, I'm still scumreading Omega hard for his random comments regarding ITPs and lynch options, Arcanite for not really saying much of anything in his reads post, and you for your continued justification regarding scumreading BBM.  If BBM's scummy for being on the wall regarding multiple people, then you're scummy for doing the exact same thing in your wallpost.

On 3/6/2018 at 6:39 PM, Snike said:

Also on mayor: I may as well say that it does not disable in *YLO, since that came up.

How interesting.  Your alignment should be clearer if we hit potential MYLO and you're still alive.

That's up to the end of page 16.  Will cover the last bit in the next post.

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On 3/7/2018 at 12:03 PM, Arcanite said:

One more vote on bard is too close to hammer and they have yet to say anything

Im kinda also inclined to agree with lynching the Walrein slot too... but for now I'll just do this so my vote isn't sitting there doing nothing again
##Vote: Eurykins

Where the hell did this come from?

On 3/7/2018 at 12:21 PM, Omega. said:

I am indeed trying to take away from that discussion. I don't think an Omega D1 lynch is worth discussion, not near deadline like this when I know I'm a mislynch. I admit it was abrasive, but this is not the time to swing a lynch my way.

Snike, you probably made a post I found scummy and threw an FOS at you off of gut. Right now I have you as null.

I think you're a perfectly good lynch target, and I also think shutting down discussion about yourself is bad.  I welcome it, because it means that I'll have my associative reads, and it makes my corpse oh-so-useful.

3 hours ago, Prims said:

I was vanillized last night.

Well then.  Hmmm.  Since no one's claiming this action (or why they'd do it), I'm going to assume it's scum.  BTW, who's scum?

3 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

I've kind of just assumed Rapier is town because of his claim, but yeah that's true too.

Wrt end of last phase, I woke up, reread Omega and thought he was scum, saw there were only two hours left and then just reacted. I really think everyone should give opinions on 2/2 vs 3/1 cause it changes a lot of motives scum would have.

It's 2/2.  SB mentioned a mafia faction, and Bard's PM has something snipped out.


With that out of the way, I need to reread what everyone said about Bard.  Preliminary scumreads are Omega/Eury/Arcanite, in roughly that order.  Once I do the Bard Reread, I'll plop a not-Arcanite vote down.  I'm not going to contribute to an early hammer.

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ok I'm here now; I skimmed the last couple pages but I'm going to reread arcanite and the arcanite cases first and then weapons.

@Refa - cycle doc doesn't block lynches or instantaneous dayvig shots. this was one of the clarifications that SB did give me. i took that to mean that there had to be a kill that activated at the end of the day. but I didn't expect there to be multiple cycle docs, and I felt that a factional daykill that could be used every day would require a full-time day doctor as opposed to a 1x one, so that made me think that it was a 1x ability. but in hindsight that wouldn't really have made sense either bc if it could be used on any day, then a 1x doc would be a crappy way to counter it too.

my first thought tbh after eury's claim was that we had 4 cycle docs going from 1-4 and one of them was fake. however it's also possible that we have some kind of factional arson-kill during the day and/or night? cuz the scumteams would need to suck ass to both shoot the same docced target. and then we wouldn't need 4 cycle docs because the kills would occur later in the game, just 2. in that case I'm inclined to think eury is legit, or it would just be one cycle doc and one deathproof for protection.

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For direct references, Bard seems to harp on BBM/Shinori.  Weirdly enough, those were the two clear reads that Arcanite posted.  He comments on the Refa wagon but doesn't seem to want to take part in it, and has a wait-and-see approach to Prims.  Prims mentions that Bard always plays like this, which I'm going to take as null for the time being.  Weapons going full-on with Bard makes me think that he's not Bard's buddy.  He also talks about waffles a lot.  Like, this is probably coincidence, but the fact that Arcanite posted a picture of waffles in regard to Omega (I think) is pinging me.

Eury missing Bard on her wallpost is understandable, since he hadn't posted anything new.

I'm trying to figure out why Omega suddenly was cool with lynching Bard, but I can't find it.  All this tells me is that Omega is most likely not Bard's other half.  Also, his harping on Walrein is weird, because the latter is nowhere in sight.

##Vote: Omega

The D1 voting things really don't sit right with me, nor does suspecting a player that won't respond (modkill will take care of that).  I won't object to Arcanite's lynch, but I just subbed in, and there's more than enough votes there for the time being.  Not feeling great about Eury, but she's a lower priority than Omega at this point.

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Day 2.2 - Votals
Arcanite (5): Refa, Shinori, Snike, Omega
Omega (1): eclipse

Not Voting: Arcanite, BBM, Eurykins, Prims, Refa, Via, Weapons, Walrein

You have ~67 hours left in the day.  With 13 alive, it takes 4 to lynch and 8 to hammer.

FYI, for those wondering why eclipse subbed in for Rapier instead of Walrein, it's because we had already found a sub for Walrein who will officially sub in approximately 8 hours from now.

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4 hours ago, Refa said:

Do you think Scum!Eurykins would not know if her scumbuddy posted or not?  Genuine question.

idt this is relevant.

4 hours ago, Refa said:

WRT Weapons that's...odd, I don't remember that.  I don't see why Scum!Weapons would bus his buddy only to switch his vote last minute, so I think he looks better based on that.  He could just be mafia on his own but I don't think he's Bard's buddy.

i don't understand this line of thinking that both you and shinori espoused. why wouldn't scum do that? scum don't want their buddy to get lynched d1.

refa I can't really find your arcanite case? this is all I can find:

To elaborate on Arcanite, it read to me as though they had a Eury suspicion but voted Bard anyways which made no sense to me.  I'd be okay with a Weapons lynch because his Omega vote didn't really seem consistent w/his thought process.  Want something out of the Rapier/Walrein subs because I'm townreading most of the people on the Bard wagon, which either implies a lack of scum vote control or I'm a fucking idiot and I'm clearing scum way too easily.  @Prims Why did you dismiss Bard yesterday?  I feel like you'd know better than anyone the difference between Town/Scum Bard.

honestly my gut is that arcanite is town but I'll never really be confident in the read because they're too new and their play is all over the place. i know this is waffly but basically I don't want to lynch them but I'm not going to be super annoyed if they are.

i have a kind of different reading of their end of day posts than most people but I want to see what arcanite says to defend themselves rather than giving them talking points.

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4 hours ago, Refa said:

Omega (Top Town)


These are my current reads.

This warms my heart.


49 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I think you're a perfectly good lynch target


15 minutes ago, eclipse said:

##Vote: Omega

These do too.

I need to do some thinking. I'm wondering if we're fucking up by not offing Eury today. I'm also a bit confused as to why no one is pushing her when she nearly got lynched yesterday; I understand flips + speculations might offer new directions but the total ignoring of Eury as the best lynch today is weird. I just want to put some more thought into the idea that we're not putting excessive value over peoples' behaviors around the late wagons yesterday as opposed to their overall play.

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10 minutes ago, Iris said:

Day 2.2 - Votals
Arcanite (5): Refa, Shinori, Snike, Omega



Im going to have to go back and read through everything... 
But I think part of the reason why nobody died is because I ##Block'd Eury last night and apparently the action was successful
I leave and come back, lo and behold im getting wagon'd!

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I'd be willing to lynch Eury if she doesn't come back by phase end.  Unlike Walrein, she has two-way associative reads.  I want to see how she reacts to Bard's lynch.

. . .and cut by a claim.  Bard's role was a nerfed roleblocker IIRC.  Either the Riddlers are a blocking faction only, or Arcanite isn't Bard's teammate.

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I don't think Eury's the best lynch and there were a lot of people yesterday who were also backing off of the lynch.  Can you offer reasoning as to why Eury is a better lynch target? Especially since you're voting Arcanite at the moment?

Also you state that everyone's ignoring her but that's false. Many people have still commented on her as well as her role.  In fact I would say you've said less about her than others so far this day phase as the only thing you stated was: 


I'm looking at Arcanite/Walrein/Eury.

If you understand flips + Speculation offer new directions then what are these new directions for you?


Cut by Arcanite claim:  Why didn't you state that you blocked Eury in the first post you made of this day phase then?  I'm curious, most town-sided roleblockers upon blocking a scum read and seeing no kill happen would out that info very early on as it could be extremely relevant information?  I don't think I can really fault you too much on this as you weren't around for long but you were around long enough to see what happened and to post saying you'd be back later so it just stands out to me as weird.

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1 minute ago, Prims said:

I could see Arcanite being Scumteam A roleblocker throwing Scumteam B under the bus to buy themself time here.


I see this too which is why him not claiming it at first pings me.  I feel lynching Arcanite first is a better play if he's Bard's buddy.

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I'm not opposed to the eury lynch but feelsbad lynching a doc claim early. That being said cycle 4 seems ages away so it could be the scenario I mentioned previously.

I want to see Arcanite content first as well as something from Eury before I decide on that. Prims is on point with how it could be a play to stall.

Aside: Eclipse are you still reading null on Refa?



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2 minutes ago, Prims said:

I could see Arcanite being Scumteam A roleblocker throwing Scumteam B under the bus to buy themself time here.

Part of the reason why I saw Arcanite is scummy is because of the Bard interactions.  If they're not buddies, then those interactions are moot.

Still a possibility, but it means Arcanite's posts need to be scummy due to other things.  I won't object to an Arcanite lynch, but I think it needs to be because of non-Bard reasons.

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As for Refa, he's a little odd.  He was pretty aggressive early-on, then fell back to his more passive style later on.  Not scumreading him, but I'll need to play the game for at least another phase, unless he screenshots his role PM or something.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Although I've gotta be confused as to why Scum!Arcanite blocks who they feel is Scum!Eury.

Town cred?

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Why didn't you state that you blocked Eury in the first post you made of this day phase then?  I'm curious, most town-sided roleblockers upon blocking a scum read and seeing no kill happen would out that info very early on as it could be extremely relevant information?

I just wasn't so sure if I should say it instantly
Not done reading back btw

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Town!Arcanite blocks Eury who was one of the top lynch suspects and a scum read according to Arcanite's posts.  This makes sense, not claiming it right away pings me as off, but like I said I don't think I can truly fault them too much for this.

Scum!Arcanite blocks who they feel is Scum!Eury solely in an attempt to stop a night kill for what I'd assume would be town cred but at the chance of NO DEATH HAPPENING.  This would make it vastly harder for Scum!Arcanite to win the game doing this though.  This makes no sense but if it's Scum!Arcanite's first game and his buddy is dead/inactive all of day 1 then I can see him not thinking this play out.

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idk arcanite is new but I think they would know "hook townie people, not scummy people" if they were scum. in any case I don't see why we'd lynch them over eury first, unless you're just ignoring all role actions and saying arcanite is scummier.

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If Arcanite is Bard's buddy, which his late day 1 play kind hints at, lynching him stops a potential second kill from happening.

If we lynch Eury and Eury flips scum, only to come back and potentially lynch Arc at a later date then Arc would just get more kills.

Eury being blocked is the most reasonable reason though for no kill happening since we don't even know if there is a cycle 1 doc or if they targeted someone who was likely to die, so based off of role actions alone I'd be fine lynching Eury but I feel if we think there is a high chance or Arc being a buddy along with Bard then we should get them first to stop an extra kill from happening.

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