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Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Alfonse, Prince of Askr
    • Sharena, Princess of Askr
    • Anna, Commander
    • Fjorm, Princess of Ice
    • Ryoma, Supreme Samurai
    • Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
    • Robin, Fell Vessel
    • Ike, Vanguard Legend

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  • Poll closed on 06/07/2018 at 05:00 AM

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Eh, don't really have much time in the next week so going to level 1 cheese the battles.

So going Ryoma for my main, and then (begrudingly) Fjorm for my second account.

I actually hope they lose so I can blitz train them before SP weekend ends (and maybe use Lyoma for the LHB which I haven't done yet)

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4 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

So, um... Grima wins the first round.

Not win for sure, but I'm surprised she's in the lead. Either way, Ike has the multiplier. 

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Wow, Grima is actually beating Ike.


How strange.


On that note, I'm very bother that Sharena has the multiplier bonus despite how close the gap is between her & Alfonse is.

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Might have consigned myself to same hell this round. Oh well, at least it'll mean less clashes between TT time and VG time. I hope they never run them concurrently ever again, this is ridiculous.

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Since he deigned to roost his Kinshi in my barracks, I'm joining L!Ryoma. 

I'm all too happy too anyway since I'm sap enough to go with my favourite of the bunch as usual.

If Ryoma goes down at any point, I'll probably throw my lot in with F!Grima->Gunnthrá->Sharena in that order (& depending on who's still left naturally).

Idk if anyone on my list has also joined Ryoma's ranks (my first battle ended up with a random nostalgia inducing Lv.1 2*Anna - quite a sight since I haven't seen one in ages).

Anyway, if anyone else is short of a team-member I'd be up for adding: 7909740863

I've currently set NY!Azura, but I can swap her for S!Corrin (+9 + Blárblade build) or WoF!Hinoka if people would prefer that.

Edited by Tactician_Iris
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Sharena is losing to Alfonse.
By a tiny margin (2,519,669 vs 2,561,695), but losing still.

How the actual fuck.

This is what getting relegated to comic relief does to characters, kids. Don’t do such things.

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Didn't expect Grima to be leading like this, but I assume we'll still get at least a couple multipliers. Victory Feathers would be a nice cherry on top.

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2 minutes ago, Johann said:

Robin ahoy, gonna run Ninian for now but if anyone wants somebody else, speak up


5559303656. My lead is B!Tharja. I can't send a request because I'm in Tempest Trials, but I would prefer something not Ninian, simply because I had two the other round. 

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18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Sharena is losing to Alfonse.
By a tiny margin (2,519,669 vs 2,561,695), but losing still.

How the actual fuck.

This is what getting relegated to comic relief does to characters, kids. Don’t do such things.

I was surprised as well; it's pretty ridiculous compared to what the numbers were like when the game started.

EDIT: @Thane That reminds me of the time I faced an enemy team made up of three normal Azuras. It was weird.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Grima beating Ike.

I never thought I'd see that, that's why I picked her. I expected her to lose.

Well, we'll see if that's the case, the US isn't awake yet.

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hi, it's been a long time since doing any voting gauntlet. my question is my the one I select to help other players, is the one on the first team or the selected team?

I put winter chrom on the leader of first team, put leveling Sigurd on the third team, so which one apear to help? I'm on VIke camp.

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1 minute ago, jftm999 said:

hi, it's been a long time since doing any voting gauntlet. my question is my the one I select to help other players, is the one on the first team or the selected team?

I put winter chrom on the leader of first team, put leveling Sigurd on the third team, so which one apear to help? I'm on VIke camp.

The one who lead the 1st team will appear to help your friends. So it's Winter Chrome who currently in that position now.

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The fact Grima was beating Ike earlier makes me breath a sigh of relief. I really hate the idea of a repeat winner, and I was especially worried that Ike would roflstomp his way to another victory. Tharja was bad enough. :P

Glad Team Fjorm is doing well. Keep up the good work!

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sharena is losing to Alfonse.
By a tiny margin (2,519,669 vs 2,561,695), but losing still.

How the actual fuck.

This is what getting relegated to comic relief does to characters, kids. Don’t do such things.

To be honest, I'm glad. Alfonse is the infinitely better and more interesting character with Shareena's only claim to fame being a typical genki girl.

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3 hours ago, Tactician_Iris said:

Since he deigned to roost his Kinshi in my barracks, I'm joining L!Ryoma. 

I'm all too happy too anyway since I'm sap enough to go with my favourite of the bunch as usual.

If Ryoma goes down at any point, I'll probably throw my lot in with F!Grima->Gunnthrá->Sharena in that order (& depending on who's still left naturally).

Idk if anyone on my list has also joined Ryoma's ranks (my first battle ended up with a random nostalgia inducing Lv.1 2*Anna - quite a sight since I haven't seen one in ages).

Anyway, if anyone else is short of a team-member I'd be up for adding: 7909740863

I've currently set NY!Azura, but I can swap her for S!Corrin (+9 + Blárblade build) or WoF!Hinoka if people would prefer that.

Gotchu fam! For a long time, I was running Alm (+1), but right now Michalis (+2) is up. Alternatively, I've a +4 Marth ready for support

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