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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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24 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

It was mostly just that he spent 2 hours hyping up his sick reads and wasn't showing anything

I openly stated it was a "for science" vote, I didn't even really scumread him

that being said his entrance in was pmuch just pushing ppl calling him out for not playing enough and making nonsensical hard reads

weak :KnollRoll::newyears:

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I didn't really care what the reason was tbh, just the fact that it's there.  I do like interacting with you and your questioning of my wagon, but I'm not going to fool myself into switching my read just yet.  Since you are here I probs won't push you though because that's effort that I've already wasted enough of today.  @evan

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(1) Red RyuMello
(3) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate, LaserGuy, Omega.
(1) ShinoriEvanManManMan
(1) JohnCarterAnimal Midwife
(4) Naanamoonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori
(4) Animal MidwifeRefa, dyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump
(1) Magnificence IncarnateRed Ryu
(4) Omega.SB., Shattiel, Ichigo, Naana
(1) dyacheiOrihime

(4) Not Voting: Alpha Male, Jinrou, Ryker, SpankGangsta
With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer.

You have ~9 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT

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Who's Red Ryu?

@Naana Why was the dude locktown reading AM scummy?  I can guess where you're coming from here but I want to hear it from you.

@SB. I'd sheep what you said about Omega having a weird stance on Via/Naana, felt like he went out of his way not to get a read on other of them.  In general, I'm not seeing the thought process behind his actions, which are at least somewhat obvious in his town games.  The Gorf vote is particularly egregious to me.  Can you explain your toneread on Animal if possible?  I know it's hard but it seems like they flaked so anything to help my read there.  What are your issues with Marth (Magnificence Incarnate) again?

@Shattiel Can you explain Naana's usual town posting?  What are the differences in this game?

@Donald Trump Your reads seem legit, what are your thoughts on Omega?

@manti I liked how Elemina was asking questions that were influencing her reads.  Not that strong of a townread but him doing it early on felt townie to me.

Naana's later posts (specifically, his responses to his Top 3 Shinori reads and I'd sheep his Dyachei vote) seem good to me (content and tone wise).

I'm going to sheep Orihime's AM read here, it seems more convincing than "meta could point to scum too" to me.  Animal Midwife's early content still bothers me but I don't want to lynch off of it unless there's nothing better for me.  I'd vote it over Naana but that's about it.

tl,dr; I'd be okay with voting Yolo and Dyachei ATM.  I don't remember if I mentioned this but I think Wolfy's responses to the case on him were fine, not bothered by that slot.  Gut scum read on Manti just for those scum reads TBH, I think they're all halfhearted and on people I'd say are more likely to be town (not including Ichigo, whose posts I don't even remember honestly).  Gonna vote Yolo if nothing changes in the next 15 pages.

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22 minutes ago, Refa said:

@SB. 1. I'd sheep what you said about Omega having a weird stance on Via/Naana, felt like he went out of his way not to get a read on other of them. 

2. The Gorf vote is particularly egregious to me

1. Where does this happen? Via probably a villager for his outbursts, Naana I've gone on record as saying is probably a villager. I don't know why such a thing would be wolfy in the first place.

2. Why? Gorf has spent most of his time shitting on Elemina who he has no right to be misreading whatsoever, and pushing consensus wagons. No idea about village's boner for this dude. His tone is good, but it always is. We're talking about a dude I've gotten away with calling my top V read as bros before and I've seen roll multiple villages. I look at his direction, and it's complete ass here. Like, I don't care if people are wrong about villagers from time to time. But Gorf spending so much time shitting on Ran is beyond atrocious considering history/meta. To give you an idea of how bad it is, it'd be like if SB tried to lynch Via in a game where Via was strictly in his villarange.

Alpha Male, what are your reads?

@Donald Trump

Talk to me about your Elemina push and how it's developed throughout the day. I still cannot believe you would think it'd be productive to spend Day 1 shitting on probably the most obvious villager we have both ever played with.

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Lemme catch up before I respond, Yolo.  I think your Gorf vote is more reasonable in retrospect even if I'm bothered by you for other reasons.

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Actually maybe Gorf wasn't such a bad vote lol, his reasoning for scumreading Animal Midwife seems kind of shoddy to me.  I get that AM's early content was shoddy but it feels like you're spending more time arguing against Orihime's TR than pushing your scumread on the slot.

Not sure about Elemina's catch up post.  I definitely don't agree with the Naana/Via reads.  I can get Elemina's logic behind these reads and I might be wrong on Naana, definitely sure that Via's slot is town though.  I can see why Elemina would think Alpha Male is active lurking but don't understand why Scum!AM needs to be voting Elemina in this situation when a fuckton of people have scumread Naana up to this point.  Orihime scumread also seems thrown there with little connection to the other reads, which seems weird to me considering Elemina was like "IM SURE IVE CAUGHT ALL FOUR OF THE SCUM".  Sidenote @Elemina Why do you think there's only four scum?  I'm expecting five.  There's a lot of null reads but I remember Elemina doing that in previous games, so not holding that against the slot.  Overall I'd say the slot is town (it does read like he felt like he caught something, and is pushing off of the assumption that Naana is scum) but I don't like any of the scumreads.  @Omega. You said Elemina is obvious town, do you think this makes sense coming from Town!Him?  Also while we're at it, can you explain the Alpha Male read?  Why are Alpha Male/Gorf not scum/scum?  I feel like you actually explained the last one but I forgot and I'm lazy.

@Magnificence Incarnate Your catchup post was weaaaaaaaak.  Your Dyachei and Naana reads seem at odd with each other.  Why is Orihime scum, I don't get where you're coming from on this one.  I can see why Town!Orihime would be frustrated here when she's townreading the two main wagons.  It reads differently to me than the last game where she didn't support the main (mislynch) wagons but never tried to argue against them.  Your Shinori meta seems hilariously wrong to me.  He's frozen as scum?  Shinori?  Are we talking about the same guy here?  @Shinori Back me up here and tell this guy that you're better than that as scum. =)

@JohnCarter Hey, can you discuss your Elemina read in more detail because I'm not sure about this slot.

@SB. What are your scumreads BTW?  Want to compare shit w/you.  I'm primarily bothered by Yolo/Dyachei (and Dyachei, paranoid of Gorf/Elemina (overall I'd say they make more sense as town but there are some weird plays that don't sit right w/me), and uh have no other noteworthy scum reads lol.

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12 minutes ago, Omega. said:

1. Where does this happen? Via probably a villager for his outbursts, Naana I've gone on record as saying is probably a villager. I don't know why such a thing would be wolfy in the first place.

2. Why? Gorf has spent most of his time shitting on Elemina who he has no right to be misreading whatsoever, and pushing consensus wagons. No idea about village's boner for this dude. His tone is good, but it always is. We're talking about a dude I've gotten away with calling my top V read as bros before and I've seen roll multiple villages. I look at his direction, and it's complete ass here. Like, I don't care if people are wrong about villagers from time to time. But Gorf spending so much time shitting on Ran is beyond atrocious considering history/meta. To give you an idea of how bad it is, it'd be like if SB tried to lynch Via in a game where Via was strictly in his villarange.

Alpha Male, what are your reads?

@Donald Trump

Talk to me about your Elemina push and how it's developed throughout the day. I still cannot believe you would think it'd be productive to spend Day 1 shitting on probably the most obvious villager we have both ever played with.

laser/via - town even from that first meltdown by via

you - lean scum, you haven't been impressing me with anything so far or screaming obv town, and when you're town you usually do. You've been shitposting more than usual and it seems like you're hiding behind it

jc - prolly town honestly, I want to see his reads post-flip as always but I'm not too worried about him

AM - I still think she's frozen and her posts have been low quality, I'm still looking to go back to her EoD

moon - just bad either way, no matter the alignment, but I'm psure meta-wise she's this way both alignments. Wouldn't be a loss to see her go though, just so we don't have to worry about her later

ele - still think his reasoning is weird and nonsensical, but in terms of raw content he's been doing fine and ppl say he freezes as wolf, like creat bad (don't remember who but)

refa - town

dya - I'm awful at reading her, but I suppose lean scum? Prolly always one between her/naana/ori

naana - his return was lackluster but better than nothing, and not totally out of meta, I've gone over him a bunch. Again, I think a w between dya/naana/ori, and he's not at all outside of his wolf meta rn. His wagon built unorganically though which makes me want to leave him alone at least for another day

ori - the best looking of the dya/naana/ori trio but just by association if the other 2 flip v I think she's been playing a scum looking to make town devour themselves. Pair this with the not caring if AM flips and it doesn't look great

SB - lurking a lot imo, a push on him would be a good call just to see what comes of it

evan - same as above

shatt - town

ichigo - I don't feel so good about him, and I don't know why. His play has been v, but I just have this lurking suspicion for some reason

think that's everyone worth mentioning

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wait I forgot gorf

I don't know him well, but he's been all over the place. There's been moments where I think "oh shit no way this comes from a scum, this guy is mercin ppl rn" but then he goes right around and makes a post that makes me vomit. The way he's been appealing to me feels really bad though, and makes me fear a pocket rn

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19 minutes ago, Omega. said:

1. Where does this happen? Via probably a villager for his outbursts, Naana I've gone on record as saying is probably a villager. I don't know why such a thing would be wolfy in the first place.

2. Why? Gorf has spent most of his time shitting on Elemina who he has no right to be misreading whatsoever, and pushing consensus wagons. No idea about village's boner for this dude. His tone is good, but it always is. We're talking about a dude I've gotten away with calling my top V read as bros before and I've seen roll multiple villages. I look at his direction, and it's complete ass here. Like, I don't care if people are wrong about villagers from time to time. But Gorf spending so much time shitting on Ran is beyond atrocious considering history/meta. To give you an idea of how bad it is, it'd be like if SB tried to lynch Via in a game where Via was strictly in his villarange.

1. It was when Via/Naana were arguing w/each other, you were on the sidelines at the time.  No you're right about it not being wolfy since you're townreading both of the slots, I'm being dumb here sorry.  My biggest (well, only lol) issue with your slot is that even later in the day when you have clearly defined scumreads, it feels like you're not going out of your way to push them or sell them to other people.  I definitely wouldn't vote you for just that alone on D1, but I dunno...that's just where I stand on your slot.  I do like that you've questioned more people and are getting reads in the last 24 hours though.

2. What do you think about Gorf's last post regarding Elemina?

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