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Legendary Hero: Julia, Crusader of Light


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Yeah, this would have been a MUCH bigger surprise had the damn leak not happened.

I still am not sure why Julia is legendary now though, when, you know, Sigurd, Seliph, and Leif all exist. I mean, yeah we got legendary Ryoma and Azura before Corrin, but we're talking a character that was picked over not one, but THREE lords originating from the same saga.

I wanted Sigurd as the first Jugdral legendary too... But I can't complain that Julia will be useful for me if I can pull for her. A blue unit with a dragon-effective weapon is very very rare. Between her and Brave Eliwood, I'll be set there.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I have to pull red and colorless for RD Ike and Duma respectively too. I want those RD Ike merges and Duma is needed for AR.

Edited by Anacybele
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Really? other than her color change to blue and premium skill, I don't see the need to pull her if ones already have original Julia or Deirdre.

I would rate Blue > Red > Colorless > Green

easy skip for me, free pull or one circle and out

Edited by Ginko
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Hopefully it's a trend of sword lords being bumped to the back of the queue. I'd much rather see Legendary heroes be units that bring something genuinely new to the table rather than simply being popular units.

That said, I won't be pulling for Julia here because this is a stunningly bad lineup of units. There's not a single colour that looks appealing for me, with the only unit I might possibly want aside from Julia being perhaps one copy of Roy to get rid of his bane in ABs. Also slightly disappointed that Julia is a pair-up Legendary since I can't see myself using any more than one such unit, but that was inevitable I suppose.

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Ooh she's very pretty! I would definitely like to summon her.

And I'm a little annoyed. I don't have Duma, Naga, OR Legendary Roy. All units that would be super useful. And the game screwed me over for ALL my 400+ orbs in last week's revival banner by not giving me the unit I needed. So...yeah.

EDIT: Should amend this to say the revival banner didn't ENTIRELY screw me over. It just robbed me of about 250 orbs and left me with a pity rate of 7.33% at the end of it, also leaving me with an unfinished merge project. So...yeah.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Another Cassy Lee Morris LH! 

Seriously I was hoping for Sigurd, Seliph or Leif as LH simply because they are the lords. 

That said that banner has nothing to offer for me aside of blue. Tiki would be new and I never would be sad of getting more merges for Naga. Colourless has a certain unit I just want to avoid as good as I can. 

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I'm so shocked, I'd never believe Julia is the first FE4 alt! /s. 

Yeah, this would've been more surprising if we didn't knew about this like a month ago from the leak. 

That aside, this banner is a hard skip for me. I already have 2 Nagas, 1 L!Tiki and I swore to myself that I'll save to +10 Hilda so yeah. Julia's art is very cute and I like that she finally has WTA over Julius sadly his rerun is over so no Julia vs Julius and his deadlords solo like I did in FE4

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Yay, I can finally openly gush over Julia getting a legendary! I doubt she'll be quite as powerful as her +10 original self, but that skillset makes me tingle inside. Being able to potentially stack +17 Atk and +21 Res on the offense just using her base skills is insane, never mind effectively copying Divine Naga's refine with that B-skill. I got B!Eliwood, but adding another blue dragon-slayer to the team can't hurt. I really can't wait to team her up with B!Micaiah to spell doom for all those annoying mono-type teams running around. Maybe even throw together some Tactic support for them to really maximize damage. Definitely dumping my entire stockpile into getting as many merges for her as possible.

Hopefully Sigurd, Seliph, and/or Leif follow Julia soon.

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She has 39 base Atk, tying Hubert for the highest base Atk of any magic user.

She's fighting the Sword Fighter in Story 3-2-2 Lunatic, who has 23 Res.

Light and Dark reduces his Res to 21, so Julia has 87 effective Atk. That puts her Atk at 73 before weapon triangle advantage. Then subtract 14 Mt and 9 Atk from Virtuous Naga (which is definitely active because the Sword Fighter has a pitiful 46 Atk), 6 Atk from Mirror Impact, and 5 Atk from Atk/Res Oath, and you get 39 Atk.

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I have been waiting for this banner because I want Naga, but if I get a Julia I will also be happy.  Blue is stacked for me, but the other colors are meh.  I really hope blues show up and are kind this time.  My 230 orbs are ready.

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Funny how all the blue units have some connection to Naga (including being Naga herself). 😛

I have none of these blues, so I may take a shot summoning on this banner.

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OH MY GOD IT'S JULIA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and stuff and things okay moving on.

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I still am not sure why Julia is legendary now though, when, you know, Sigurd, Seliph, and Leif all exist. I mean, yeah we got legendary Ryoma and Azura before Corrin, but we're talking a character that was picked over not one, but THREE lords originating from the same saga.

...eh. Of them, Julia is the one who has the final boss-killing weapon, or at least the weapon that pierces through the final bosses damage-nullifying skill (Julius's Loptyr tome). She does also have just as important a role as Seliph and Sigurd, even if she is allowed to die and isn't playable all the time.
Leif, meanwhile, I'm not quite sure has quite the same Legendary Hero-ness as any other. No truly unique Prf to call his own (Lightbrand is a normal sword in any other game), he doesn't have the Brand that signifies Major Holy Blood (so can't wield any of the holy weapons), and he otherwise doesn't fight a massive god or anything, just kinda the guy who'd be Gharnef or Validar in any other game. His adventure overall, now that I think about it, is largely void of the usual all-powerful god, even if the threat he does face are quite dangerous...

Besides, Fates Ryoma is overpowered as all hell, and Azura is actually a character. At least in my opinion.

Edited by Xenomata
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Julia: This is my birthright.

Well, we know which route she chose in Fates.

In other news, I need every green unit here. Kaden for Beast cav team, Gunnthra for having Gunnthra and for my FEH Book 2 team, and Mist because I don't have any sort of Mist yet and I want to collect all the Valentine's Griel's Mercenaries. I need the flying dragons too, and Julia looks interesting but these are my priorities. Glad I managed to save over 200 orbs for this. And in October, I will be diving into the red for Valentine's Ike and Sothis (providing they show up as expected.)

Edited by Mercakete
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So they didn't try to delay her. Oh well, Julia's here! With her new pauldrons, shiny equipment and a blue Naga (PRAISE). She's got Virtuous Naga (Dragonbreaker, +3 Atk, gives +6 to Atk/Res if her atk's higher), Dragon Fang, Mirror Impact (YES), Light and Dark (Reduces foe's stats by 2, ignores buffs and adaptive damage in combat. Nice) and Atk/Res Oath (+5 to Atk/Res if she's next to an ally at the atart of turn). 

As for the others, we also knew this, but Red's got Ike, Roy and HS!Elise, which could be worse, Blue's got Naga and Tiki (SO I'M PULLING BLUE), Green's got Gunnthra, VA!Mist and Kaden (Meh.) and Colourless's got F!Grima, Duma and Bunno. Just, it's Blue >>>>>>>>>>>>> Red > Green > Colourless

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It's going to be really freaking hard to take her down with Matthew... negates all buffs from all enemy units and -2 to all stats? What a nightmare.

Oh yeah, the banner. Just going to pull blue. Elise and Roy would be nice to have but I definitely don't need any more red sword infantry and I'm sown up on daggers. Kaden would be nice but I'm not interested in Valentine Mist and lolGunnthra. Colorless is a complete no also. I have all the units but Bruno... and I don't want Bruno.

Just going to pull blue. Grab a *5 maybe and get out. This banner means little to me, but I still don't have an OP blue dragon of any kind so Naga or Tiki would be great. I don't really need Julia, but another nuke for OP dragons is never a bad thing.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

It's going to be really freaking hard to take her down with Matthew... negates all buffs from all enemy units and -2 to all stats? What a nightmare.

Does not negate to her debuffs nor Matthew's combat buffs, so debuff-Blade effects still work. Blizzard, Broadleaf Fan, and Spy's Dagger should still be good to use.

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22 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

Not really sure why Julia is our first Jugdral legendary over Sigurd, Seliph, or Leif, but whatever, I'll take it.

I mean, Naga is easily the most legendary of the game's legendary weapons, negating the effect of the final boss's weapon and having a stupid 40 more points of stats than any other legendary weapon (50 points more than most of them since Tyrfing has 10 points more than any other non-Naga weapon).

The first Jugdral Legendary was definitely going to be one of Sigurd, Seliph, or Julia, the three of them being the centerpieces of the game's plot, and Sigurd and Seliph both have the unfortunate problem that they're both pretty much guaranteed to be swords. (And let's face it, there was no way Leaf would get in as the first Jugdral Legendary.)

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One could also make a case that Julia is the most powerful non-Mythic character in the whole series, so her being a Legendary shouldn’t come out as a surprise. 

I might try for Julia here with my saved orbs, but I’ll quit the banner as soon as I pull any 5*, since my recent luck has been terrible. 

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Nice to see that my votes ended up doing something. You go Julia!

If the game didn't get pulled the day before she released I might've redownloaded just for one day of Legendary Julia!

Oh well, nice to know I don't need to fell bad when my vote go to Lysithea/Edelgard next CYL.

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Finally no more spoiler tags about her. Yeah, I am happy about this one and it is the first Legendary Hero I truly think about merging. For every merge I get I will merge Seliph accordingly. 

Will be at almost 600 orbs until the banner starts. I am a bit concerned, because I know how it could end. But Pulling another Naga is not so bad... only Tiki is haunting blue for quite a while..which I could leave. But if I pull her I may as well keep her.

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