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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



I will admit, anytime that word (or the English equivalent "rejoice") pops up in a character's vocabulary, my eyebrows are raised.
And it's all Kotomine's fault.

Also, Dark Eliza is funny.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i found her annoying after 1st route tbh

I'd ask you why, but ya know... spoilers. XP

I wonder if she's just regular Elizabeth wearing a paper-thin disguise or if she's a separate identity altogether.
It is odd how the "normal" Elizabeth didn't appear at all past the first stage and Dark Eliza was present in the fight against Tamamo's main army, too.
Karna was also there, which I liked.
Between him, Lu Bu, Medusa, and Tamamo herself, I'm already looking forward to playing Tamamo's route.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

enjoy 😄

Thanks! ^^
So far, I am! Gameplay is fun (and it's probably the most strategic of its type I've played, NoA boss fights notwithstanding), and the story is very interesting.


Especially because there are now three Hakunos running around. Also, that Altera character is quite intriguing, as well.

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Me: Okay, we're bored and we have nothing to do. We have several things we haven't finished. We could finish rewatching Madoka Magica! Or watch Jojo! Or finish watching NicoB's let's play of Persona 5! Or read more of the Oosawa manga! Or, better yet, play more FE4! C'mon! We downloaded FE4! We want to play it!

Brain: Do nothing except listen to music

Me: Understandable have a nice day

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And (SPOILERS!)...

  Reveal hidden contents

Didn't Goetia refer to Elma as a "Saamarian Witch"? Or am i mixing that up with something else?


6 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Xenoblade Chronicles X should get a Switch port too to make the Xenoblade series complete though I kinda doubt it will happen since the reactions are mixed as far as I heared.


Xenoblade X is the black sheep of the series at the moment. But pretty much everyone agrees it should be given a second chance.

No lie, i wanted a Xenoblade X port before XenoblaDE but that's not how things went in this timeline.

6 hours ago, Karimlan said:

the summit where you'd get to battle against three high-90s monsters,

Said summit is also where Final Marcus and Avalanche Abassy, the lowest and highest-leveld Superbosses respectively, spawn. Though Abassy won't appear until much later and even then, only during a blizzard.

Valak Mountain also has a third Superboss called Blizzard Belgazas that appears during the lower levels of the area, though contrary to the name, a blizzard is not needed for it to spawn.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

In XC2, telos has the ability Heavens tracker, from what I read, it affects every driver, is that how It works? 

I believe so. Is that the one where dying = increased power?

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19 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Brain: Do nothing except listen to music

Music is goud tho.

20 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Or, better yet, play more FE4! C'mon! We downloaded FE4! We want to play it!

I can send you my save file and you can finish gen 1 for me so I can snap the game in half with Larcei and Fee.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Said summit is also where Final Marcus

Final Marcus will never not be funny boss name to me. Especially since I know somebody named Marcus irl.

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26 minutes ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Final Marcus will never not be funny boss name to me. Especially since I know somebody named Marcus irl.

There are many Marcuses but he is the Final one.

UM names are one of my favorite parts about Xenoblade because it's always a 50/50 chance on whether you get a cool sounding name or a hilarious one.

I also unironically hope the UM theme in the non-X games continues to get increasingly verbose.

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I went around and talked up a storm in NLA, intermixing a touch of missions, probing and fighting directly west of NLA about halfway in, and doing more after I was done with my chats. But I'm holding off on more until after Chapter 3, because I don't get a fourth teammate until then.

I finished Drifter with via the above combat experience and hopped into Enforcer. Yet it won't be until Psycorruptor barring Affinity Missions that I'll get a full 8 Arts for my palette. Elma is Class Rank 7, and she unlocks her full kit by 15; she already has 8 Arts, albeit missing most of her greats. I ponder how long it takes for Cross to seriously surpass everyone else, they do with all Affinity Missions done and all classes mastered. Yet the former (which is less important) requires postgame, and the latter is best done via an easy grind demanding the Flight Module and preferably a level 50 Skell. So not until after Chapter 9 at the earliest.

I did a minute of Hayreddin watching, because why not? He's very easy to go around and not get memeKO'ed by, the openness of the area means you can explore out of curiosity north and then east and never see him. Only if you take the quick and beaten path out of the East Gate to Chapter 3's destination, then you'll encounter him.


As for the scattered bits of factoids in NLA, my findings:

  • Vandham during the BLADE Division choice stated that Interceptors are the Division most in demand right now. An NPC stated the Harriers have taken the most casualties, another that the Mediators are understaffed. A lot of Mediators used to be former police and detectives, whereas most BLADE Divisions are heavily comprised of former military members.
  • A guy complained of Indigens using strange energy attacks that pierce Skell armor. This must be referring to an Attribute, it can't be Physical, nor Thermal or Electric because humans know what those are, and Granada already present uses Beam. It must be Gravity or Ether then. Ether is stranger but Gravity is the pre-60 Skell weakness. Though I'd say maybe this is a way of saying Ether was not discovered by humanity prior to Mira. Meredith & Co. the Arms Manufacturer for Ether, reverse-engineered their stuff from the Ganglion.
  • XCX's humanity sounds as though it made several manned trips back to the Moon in the decades before the kaboom.
  • NLA is transmitting signals in hopes of contacting other Ark Ships. No responses so far. It wouldn't surprise me if Mira disrupted all communications with things outside of its atmosphere. The Ganglion have been stuck on the planet for two years, you'd think if it was possible, they would've contacted their companions by now.
  • When the Habitat unit of the White Whale- NLA- broke away during the Mira crash, it was going to crash into Talon Rock. Nagi snap-ordered the use of the remaining fuel to move the crash site south.
  • BLADE Tower is 70% complete.
  • The Habitat section was intentionally left unfinished before the Earth's destruction, because it would take too long to finish before launch. Everything else was higher priority on a time crunch I imagine.
  • There have been people who have fallen in NLA into the big blue pool of shock-absorbent gel below. No deaths, but BLADEs were needed to pull them out.
  • Befitting a city designed after LA, the Residential District is based on Beverly Hills.
  • People are complaining the hangars on the lower level of NLA need walls- what if it was attacked?:rolleyes:
  • The man who owns Army Pizza is conversing with a man who hates Xenoforms. The owner and his wife are complaining they don't get enough customers, be careful what you wish for.
  • One man said a fellow BLADE was asking what Earth was like, as if they've forgotten. Definitely an odd person.
  • The owner of a fashion boutique in the Commercial District said she's seen the gear sold to BLADEs in Armory Alley, she thinks some of the female wear is risque. 
  • A woman outside the Integrated Production Plant says, as I already knew, but it's good to see it restated, that all food in NLA is rations stored on the White Whale in advance, or Miran plantlife processed into your stomach's desires. Everyone on Mira is a temporary vegan, Beyond Earth Ingredients is your provider. (Was there any room for indoor hydroponic farms on the White Whale?)
  • Several lakes near NLA have been identified as potential additional water sources, but all have quality issues. Lake Biahno's problem is said to be a Miran bacterium named X-ii (it's hyphenated, like the three living metal machines native to Mira, coincidence?), which would cause your insides to rot after a few weeks. Hence the Water Purification Plant that'll get built eventually.
  • Mira's atmospheric CO2 concentration is 65% of that on Earth "-let's keep it that way" the NPC said.
  • The trash incinerator managers are overworked, and some industries are dumping their toxic waste into Mira's environment.

...I hope I didn't miss any lines!



Lastly, I like starting over, Landmarks everywhere and the Flight Module shrank Mira and banished the beauty of roaming on the ground, it became harder to take in the little perspectives I now see. I pay more attention to the Indigens too, because I have to fear things that can kill me are everywhere.



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Didn't Eggplant refer to Grapefruit as a "Sumatran Wildebeest"? Or am i mixing that up with something else?

Modified to quote it outside of spoilers, but to continue the talk in spoilers...


You got it reversed. Elma called Goetia the "Samaarian Witch". Can we preclude Elma isn't from a species in the Samaar Federation then? Because why would she insult her own intergalactic nationality?


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2 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Me: Okay, we're bored and we have nothing to do. We have several things we haven't finished. We could finish rewatching Madoka Magica! Or watch Jojo! Or finish watching NicoB's let's play of Persona 5! Or read more of the Oosawa manga! Or, better yet, play more FE4! C'mon! We downloaded FE4! We want to play it!

Brain: Do nothing except listen to music

Me: Understandable have a nice day

I see your brain has a similar mind to mine.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I believe so. Is that the one where dying = increased power?

Yes. So, for example, if Rex is engaged with Telos, and Zeke dies, who gets the boost? both or just Rex or just Zeke? This part confuses me.

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41 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I made progress: Slept two hours more than last night

Means in total two hours of sleep in the past two days.

Thankfully today will be last warm today.

Oof. I'm so sorry...

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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:




I hate the people around her already

Those people are bastards.

5 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

I made progress: Slept two hours more than last night

Means in total two hours of sleep in the past two days.

Thankfully today will be last warm today.

Sorry to hear it!


No more Teehee, you say?



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So I just started Neptunia, and I gotta say, the battle system isn't bad at all! I enjoy it, at least. I haven't gotten that far yet, so I can't judge on much yet.

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- says the protagonist after finding out there's a third version of him.
I love the writing in this game. XD

Also, Jeanne d'Arc appeared! Yay! Can't wait to play as her later down the line. Alexander the Great was also there...
So, in other words, Roman Emperor Nero Claudius fought alongside Bajiquan Master Li Shuwen against Alexander the Great and Jeanne d'Arc... inside a self-building and expanding digital world made by a nearly almighty machine built by aliens on the moon that is meant to observe and record the Earth's history and humanity's memories...
The Fate universe is whacky as hell, I swear...

12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So I just started Neptunia, and I gotta say, the battle system isn't bad at all! I enjoy it, at least. I haven't gotten that far yet, so I can't judge on much yet.

Glad you're having fun!

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25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Jeanne d'Arc appeared! Yay! Can't wait to play as her later down the line.

Is your type mature looking women with braided hair? Just asking.

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3 minutes ago, Caster said:

Is your type mature looking women with braided hair? Just asking.

Not really. If I have a type, it's actually "open" long hair.
In Jeanne's case, I just happen to like her personality, and the history behind the actual real life person has always been fascinating to me from a young age. But she's not my waifu or anything like that.

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