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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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@Interdimensional Observer did. They were nice enough recommended the games to me, but seeing how desmume is as slow as a snail on marbels on a 90 degree slope on my computer (for reasons that are beyond my understanding), I don't think I'll get to play them.
As much as I would honestly love to do that.

Edited by DragonFlames
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Hey @DragonFlames, if you want to play DS games without having to deal with an emulator, you may want to look into getting a flashcart. The R4i Gold 3DS Plus is what I use, and it's how I played Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. All you need is a small microSD card (8GB is plenty) and a tutorial to set the card up and you're good to go. Just thought I'd mention it since it's really convenient and emulators are iffy at best. It works on both a regular DS and the 3DS as well.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hey @DragonFlames, if you want to play DS games without having to deal with an emulator, you may want to look into getting a flashcart. The R4i Gold 3DS Plus is what I use, and it's how I played Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. All you need is a small microSD card (8GB is plenty) and a tutorial to set the card up and you're good to go. Just thought I'd mention it since it's really convenient since emulators are iffy at best. It works on both a regular DS and the 3DS as well.

Sounds good! I'll look into it! Thank you! ^^

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

They made a character based on a flashcart....xD


Final boss of the first two games, joke villain after that.
And in the 4 Goddesses Online spin-off, she's an eggplant farmer.

Truly the incarnation of evil. XD

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This theme is really amazing IMO, although I dont think the game is that great, I cant overlook this:

For sure final boss material in my book. It feels so epic! The instruments they used are perfect as well!

Edited by lightcosmo
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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

btw did anyone here play the Luminous Arc games?

Have you played Stella Glow? If you have, they're by the same people, except they lost the rights to the LA name to somebody else (who then made some LA Infinite game which therefore falls into a Harvest Moon situation). 

The Luminous Arcs are gameplay-wise practically the same as Stella Glow,  SRPGs that follows the same beats, minus the tuning and magical singing of witches. Witches are still center stage in the very anime narrative though. I'd say the games are probably somewhat inferior to SG on the gameplay front, a case of sequels getting progressively better (though I haven't played SG myself besides the demo).

And for you specifically Shrimpy, well, I'm afraid someone visually, and mostly just visually, may induce a little nausea for you in LA2. Still, I'd take step back to LA2 before going back to the first game.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have you played Stella Glow?

Yup, and enjoyed it 😄

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And for you specifically Shrimpy, well, I'm afraid someone visually, and mostly just visually, may induce a little nausea for you in LA2. Still, I'd take step back to LA2 before going back to the first game.


Do they brutally murder Shrimps or something?

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35 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Do they brutally murder Shrimps or something?

Thats not what I meant, though on a second look, I think I may have been wrong. For some reason I think I may have messed up on remembering what someone's hair color was.

Though if you are concerned about crustaceans in general, there is a someone who love eating anything crabs 🦀 (seriously, crab gelato?).🤮

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