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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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This is just first impressions but




Anyways, my two main hopes for RF5

  • Top down option for when in the farm
  • That the new combat actually incentives you to bring villagers over monsters.
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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Heh. It quickly came to mind she could be the Mist/Mana/Shara of the game. Not that it matters much since after 3 that character role got de-emphasized, but still...

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

I wonder if there'll be unlockable bachelor(ette)s like in RF4.


I'd also like to see other characters get married and have their own kids, not just you. Like in RF2 but without the rival events.

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Anyways, with 3D All-Stars unlocking at midnight, i just want to bring attention to this

The Galaxy games popped the fuck off in regards to the Bowser fight themes. 

Edited by Armagon
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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:


So the town in Rune Factory 5 is located on the back of a giant creature that flies above the clouds?

Now where have i seen that before...

Sounds like Myorzo to me, except Myorzo was inside a giant jellyfish.

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Having a shop in Rune Factory 4 is... not exactly an efficient way to make money, tbh. At least for now, I'm better off just throwing everything in the delivery box and make cash that way. Nobody wants to buy my stuff and it takes a lot of time until even a few people come to buy things, which they usually don't do. Like, at all.
*sad Draggy noises*

Also, I have the double bed now, so now all I need is the right town events. 
Knowing my luck, fat chance of that ever happening.

And I can now plant carrots, corn, and strawberries, which is nice, I think.

Edited by DragonFlames
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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Having a shop in Rune Factory 4 is... not exactly an efficient way to make money, tbh. At least for now, I'm better off just throwing everything in the delivery box and make cash that way. Nobody wants to buy my stuff and it takes a lot of time until even a few people come to buy things, which they usually don't do. Like, at all.
*sad Draggy noises*

Yeah, sorry you're having a bit of trouble with that. Something that might help is to wait for festival days and sell from your shop then. Several townspeople gather in the square in front of the castle and you're more likely to sell then. Also, you probably want to use some RP to make a sale more likely when you do choose to sell from your shop.

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And I can now plant carrots, corn, and strawberries, which is nice, I think.

Nice! I still don't have that much variety in my crops, lol. I usually just buy dozens of sweet potatoes and wait to harvest them. I'm stuck right now with one request because the enemies I need to kill are in an area I haven't unlocked yet.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, sorry you're having a bit of trouble with that. Something that might help is to wait for festival days and sell from your shop then. Several townspeople gather in the square in front of the castle and you're more likely to sell then. Also, you probably want to use some RP to make a sale more likely when you do choose to sell from your shop.

That's a useful tip. Thank you! ^^
Yeah, the RP use to sell easier I found out about, and I did make a few sales, but I still feel like just throwing stuff into the delivery box is more efficient, since you can do other things in the meantime, like level up your crafting and cooking skills.
Speaking of cooking, I still lack two of the cooking utensils you can get, so I'll probably make those my next goal.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Nice! I still don't have that much variety in my crops, lol. I usually just buy dozens of sweet potatoes and wait to harvest them.

I can't even plant sweet potatoes yet, actually. XD
I probably haven't done the right request to unlock it just yet.

4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm stuck right now with one request because the enemies I need to kill are in an area I haven't unlocked yet.

That sucks.

I'm still in the middle of the Obsidian Mansion exploration, but there is currently a Town Event going on, so I can't bring Xiao Pai along, because she is involved in that event, so I have put that mission on hold for now, at least until the event is over.

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