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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Good job Niles... argh.

Git gud!

7 minutes ago, Spara said:

n argument about FE stories turned into a meta pissing match. I haven't been here for long, either, but it's been pretty annoying.

Oh, it can't have been THAT bad.

[Looks at the previous two pages]

Dear lord... Wowzers.  That's more salt than I've seen in the ocean...

8 minutes ago, Spara said:

are you today?

Not bad! My arm hurts a lot, but that's pretty standard for this week.

And I managed to get out of Drafting, so I don't have to draw 3D shapes for three hours!

How about you?

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Tutturu Benice! How is it up in Canada this fine Thursday?

It's not raining yet today, so that's a great start! How's it going down in The states of unision?

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

How about you?

Doin' alright! Reading some rather interesting stuff for school about human posture in a variety of contexts. 

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Git gud!

Yeah Niles!

You should probably use him when/if you play Conquest. He’s basically a thief stat wise.

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

It's not raining yet today, so that's a great start! How's it going down in The states of unision?

Ah, naive Benice. They haven’t been unified for quite a while 😛

Ignoring that I actually don’t know because online school has decreed that I can’t leave my room except to go to the bathroom. I’m on my lunch break though!

For now I’m on here, doing math and chilling with my dogs.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

chilling with my dogs.

  As opposed to my niece's dog, who has no chill.

This whole thread today has been a distraction from my study of auditing. I hate that seeing the fire blaze has been more interesting.

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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

There’s nothing wrong with that though! That’s nothing to fight over...

I disagree somewhat. I don’t think it’s okay to say that hitler was a good guy because he seemed like on in the eyes of the german people during the post WW1 depression but Y’know.

Also like I don’t think the “it’s just a joke” argument woorks either at least in most situations(Looking at you cinemasins)

Edited by Ottservia
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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

I disagree somewhat. I don’t think it’s okay to say that hitler was a good guy because he seemed like on in the eyes of the german people during the post WW1 depression but Y’know

Well that’s extreme...

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Just now, Ottservia said:

But it proves my point, doesn’t it?

Not really.

There are no moral qualms with saying “Fates just doesn’t do it for me” or whatever happened, it’s just what you feel about a game, but when you’re saying a guy who committed mass genocide that actually impacted people and ruined and destroyed lives seems like a good guy people should be upset with that, because none of it is okay to say someone who ruined millions whether through death or suffering or otherwise when death and suffering are not good.

And no that’s not subjective. That’s being a human.

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Oh shit, seems like there was some ripping into Fates characters going on and I missed it.

Can I just contribute what a piece of shit Arthur is for acting like he is a champion of justice while fighting for freaking Nohr?

Edited by BrightBow
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22 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

I mean I could argue it’s rude to make assumptions about people you don’t know so there.

Wow... just... wow. This argument is bad on so many levels I cant even begin to describe it.

Your doing the exact same thing! An opinion is an opinion, theres not always a need to "challenge" someone. 

Some people share opinions on a lighter level, not digging into every little detail the devs throw in there. There are times when you explode on others when it's not necessary. Just relax a little bit.

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 Goddammit Ottsevera there's no need to bloody invoke Godwin's Law in a discussion that essentially boils down to why people are so closed to Fates's story and why they are making comparisons of it to a game they happen to prefer.

And I say this as someone who appreciates your Fates story discussion.

People comparing the two because they're within the same series and are large narratives, irrespective of what the details and handling of said story are, is not an invalid point. Taking the argument that comparing characters in different entries at all is in bad faith is not exactly a great argument either.

As an aside opinions can tend to be simplistic. And also objectively wrong, as raised with "Is Edelgard racist?" That doesn't mean that justifies going out of your way to be snide about an opinion for existing either, confront the content of it.

Just now, BrightBow said:

Oh shit, seems like there was some ripping into Fates characters going on and I missed it.

Not as much as you think. It was in a metanarrative sense, don't break out the popcorn.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Not as much as you think. It was in a metanarrative sense, don't break out the popcorn.

Well, from a meta perspective they are even worse. Considering we clearly aren't meant to see them as the awful people they are. The fact that IS wrote them that way anyway shows that they thought their fucked up behavior wasn't actually a bad thing.

In general IS seems to really struggle with the concept that the lives of people besides yourself and your friends have value.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Well, from a meta perspective they are even worse. Considering we clearly aren't meant to see them as the awful people they are. The fact that IS wrote them that way anyway shows that they thought their fucked up behavior wasn't actually a bad thing.

It was about comparing casts/characters between it and another title in the series, I apologise for not being clear on what I was getting at with meta.

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