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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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This from the girl who:
- protects a thief by taking the blame herself only to avoid getting anyone in trouble
- is so shy she barely talks to anyone she doesn't know.
- makes stuffed toys and gifts them to people who are nice to her. And by nice I mean talk to her or help her in the very smallest of ways.
- is probably the nicest character in the entire game.


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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Wow, now I regret being absent for this, because that sounds absolutely hilarious! XD

Basically, at first I was super bored of the game. It was easy, it was mindless, and the story consisted entirely moving from lame comedic gag to lame comedic gag. Only reason I kept on going was that the engine was really nice to play. It wasn't like PoR, where everything takes ten billion hours to happen. People started dying left and right, but I couldn't be arsed to reset for them, so I spent the entire time up to Libra without a healer.

Before long, Sully, Frederick, the avatar Edgy Kabba (she's my Conquest avatar, KabbĂŁge, but driven to edginess after the failure to finish the Conquest war) and Cherche became super OP units with 20 defense after pair up, and killed everything with ease. That looked to be it for the game... Then I had the idea to reclass Panne into wyvern rider, and she just started to become the best unit in the history of games. She became so powerful, that a couple chapters from the end I just stopped deploying anyone else. Just her and Gregor for support purposes. The more powerful she became, the more drunk in her power I became, and I started to rush faster and faster towards the ending. Nothing could stop her, and I was all for it.

Then, in the final battle, both Chrom and Edgy Kabba were too weak to survive. Chrom was level 10 unpromoted because I didn't realize he promoted like a regular unit. I could bench Edgy Kabba, but Chrom was a different story. The solution I came up with? I pulled the entire remnants of the cast out of the bench and let them all be eaten to buy Panne enough time to crit Grima to death. Only survivors were Panne, Gregor and Flavia, who was serving as Chrom's bodyguard. Everyone else perished.

And that's the story of how I found Awakening to be the worst FE by far, and yet I finished it, unlike the other bottom-of-the-barrel FEs.

It was way more fun than I ever expected.

Also also, I spent the entire way complaining about the Hierarch plot point. Mostly because it's one of the most epic displays of sheer incompetence from a writer I've seen ever. Like, holy shit, how do you fuck up so badly?

...Hey, what was your opinion of Awakening, again?


On an entirely unrelated note, my Conquest ROM was super buggy. Unfortunately, updates to the emulator have since fixed it, but my first run was full of stuff like this. Feast thine eyes!

Romz5sxv o
Ivhdwa2r o
Nrxzyvn0 o
Myniagnw o
Ya2dqbc4 o
O8ulocj3 o
Pybnqzma o
F6ckaeli o
38sx9rrj o
O0czc6hv o
8nmqj4li o
This wasn't a glitch, but the poor girl was so bad that she might as well have been one. Endgame Corrin, by the way. Yeah.



So your opinion on Awakening can be summed up as "so bad, it's good". I'd happily see your final thoughts on it!

Here you go!




- Panne.

- Sully.

- Flavia.

- Panne.

- Gregor.

- The engine is really nice, it's quick, it's slick, I can skip everything.

- Panne.

- When the game started throwing "kill commander" maps at me instead of routs, I was able to skip it instead of playing it.

- Have I mentioned Panne yet?

- Panne.


- Everything.


Awakening is a game with terrible map design, balance that feels like an AI developed the game, a story that spent its first 8 chapters being a medieval-themed slice of life anime and then suddenly did a 180 turn and demanded that I took it seriously... only to fall even further by pulling the Hierarch nonsense that I'm still not over, difficulty that somehow manages to be simultaneously unforgivingly high and embarrassingly low due to units being either too OP or too weak, bad graphics and an unmemorable soundtrack aside from a few awesome tracks that stand out above the rest.


10/10 please step on me Panne

I forgot to include him, but Gangrel is supposed to be on the list of pros as well. Guy was so well written, he was a joy to watch. Then he died and I stopped reading the story.

As for its placement in my signature's FE ranking...


Awakening goes above the following games:

- Three Houses, because Awakening does not anger me nearly as much as that time sink of wasted potential.

- OG Mystery, because MotE is almost as easy and Awakening isn't nearly as tedious to play thanks to its superior engine.

- Blazing Sword because this game couldn't be any less memorable if it tried. I'm not going to be forgetting yesterday's stupidity in a hurry. ("Yesterday's stupidity" being beating half the game by soloing it with Panne. Like seriously, I beat like 15 chapters in a day. I don't think I've ever played that much Fire Emblem in one day. Not even Berwick Saga)

- Gaiden remake, because Awakening's map design, while absolutely terrible, isn't quite as obscene as SoV's.

- Path of Radiance, because while both games consist entirely of watching the game and its OP units play themselves, at least Awakening doesn't take ten thousand hours.

And there you go. Top of the bottom of the barrel. It was the opposite experience from the other bottom of the barrel FEs: Whereas those started fine, but then worsened to the point where I absolutely hated them, Awakening started awful, and then grew even more awful, to the point where I started to love it. That's Awakening for me. Unlike Three Houses, I do not regret playing it, so yeah. Consider that praise if you like.


24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Very nice! Glad to see your love for it is still intact! ^^

Quite! Chances are it won't go away in a hurry!

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Basically, at first I was super bored of the game. It was easy, it was mindless, and the story consisted entirely moving from lame comedic gag to lame comedic gag. Only reason I kept on going was that the engine was really nice to play. It wasn't like PoR, where everything takes ten billion hours to happen. People started dying left and right, but I couldn't be arsed to reset for them, so I spent the entire time up to Libra without a healer.

Before long, Sully, Frederick, the avatar Edgy Kabba (she's my Conquest avatar, KabbĂŁge, but driven to edginess after the failure to finish the Conquest war) and Cherche became super OP units with 20 defense after pair up, and killed everything with ease. That looked to be it for the game... Then I had the idea to reclass Panne into wyvern rider, and she just started to become the best unit in the history of games. She became so powerful, that a couple chapters from the end I just stopped deploying anyone else. Just her and Gregor for support purposes. The more powerful she became, the more drunk in her power I became, and I started to rush faster and faster towards the ending. Nothing could stop her, and I was all for it.

Then, in the final battle, both Chrom and Edgy Kabba were too weak to survive. Chrom was level 10 unpromoted because I didn't realize he promoted like a regular unit. I could bench Edgy Kabba, but Chrom was a different story. The solution I came up with? I pulled the entire remnants of the cast out of the bench and let them all be eaten to buy Panne enough time to crit Grima to death. Only survivors were Panne, Gregor and Flavia, who was serving as Chrom's bodyguard. Everyone else perished.

And that's the story of how I found Awakening to be the worst FE by far, and yet I finished it, unlike the other bottom-of-the-barrel FEs.

It was way more fun than I ever expected.

This sounds like you had quite the roller coaster of an experience with it!

Yeah, Awakening is super broken, but it can lead to absolute hilarity such as this!
If you have the setup right, you can finish the final map in a single turn, and you only need to defeat two enemies for it: one to trigger Galeforce, then Grima itself.
Oh, and you need Olivia, too, for dancing.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also also, I spent the entire way complaining about the Hierarch plot point. Mostly because it's one of the most epic displays of sheer incompetence from a writer I've seen ever. Like, holy shit, how do you fuck up so badly?

To be honest, I don't even remember a Hierarch. XD

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Hey, what was your opinion of Awakening, again?

It's by far the Fire Emblem game, nay 3DS game, I've put the most hours into. I did enjoy the characters, but I definitely don't play it for the challenge. Even though you'd never guess that from the way my first playthrough went.
Come to think of it, I haven't played the game in a good while. And I can't motivate myself to do so, either. Probably played it a bit too much.

Either that, or I have found greener pastures by now.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On an entirely unrelated note, my Conquest ROM was super buggy. Unfortunately, updates to the emulator have since fixed it, but my first run was full of stuff like this. Feast thine eyes!

Oh wow! XD

That Corrin, though. Ouch!

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I forgot to include him, but Gangrel is supposed to be on the list of pros as well. Guy was so well written, he was a joy to watch. Then he died and I stopped reading the story.

Memetastic review. I love it!
And yeah, Gangrel was entertaining, definitely!

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for its placement in my signature's FE ranking...

I see! I am glad you had fun with it, all things considered! ^^

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Quite! Chances are it won't go away in a hurry!

Very good!

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, Awakening is super broken, but it can lead to absolute hilarity such as this!
If you have the setup right, you can finish the final map in a single turn, and you only need to defeat two enemies for it: one to trigger Galeforce, then Grima itself.

I never got Galeforce. Never needed it, either.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh, and you need Olivia, too, for dancing.

Ah yes, the dancer.

She died in the Gangrel map alongside Stahl.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

To be honest, I don't even remember a Hierarch. XD

This guy. He showed up in chapter... I think 8? He was described by Chrom as one of Emmeryn's oldest advisors, someone who had guided her through the earliest years of her life as the Exalt.

He has exactly one line (the one in the image), then he immediately betrays the group, goes off to the throwaway boss for protection, gets betrayed himself and is then murdered by a generic. Nobody ever mentions him again.

He was so utterly pointless that I legit was left staring at the screen wide-eyed for a solid 10 seconds, wondering if human beings had truly written something like that.

I never got over it.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I definitely don't play it for the challenge.

I would have to wonder how someone can play Awakening for the challenge...

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Come to think of it, I haven't played the game in a good while. And I can't motivate myself to do so, either. Probably played it a bit too much.

Either that, or I have found greener pastures by now.

You know, that's exactly my experience with Blazing Sword. Huh.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I see! I am glad you had fun with it, all things considered! ^^

It was pretty funny, because I had fully expected not to enjoy it... Then it became so stupid that I started to enjoy it. In a way, it truly did exceed my expectations!

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13 minutes ago, Wraith said:

My reaction to Draggy's return:


Gandalf disarming them by setting their weapons on fire is funnier than it should be.

(So I assume you'd recommend this one?)

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I never got Galeforce. Never needed it, either.

That skill is so stupidly broken in Awakening.
Devil Survivor 2 has a similar skill... but that game is hard enough that it is not as game-breaking there.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the dancer.

She died in the Gangrel map alongside Stahl.

Ah, yes, Stahl. I used that guy for, like, two maps total, then benched him, because he was useless.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This guy. He showed up in chapter... I think 8? He was described by Chrom as one of Emmeryn's oldest advisors, someone who had guided her through the earliest years of her life as the Exalt.

He has exactly one line (the one in the image), then he immediately betrays the group, goes off to the throwaway boss for protection, gets betrayed himself and is then murdered by a generic. Nobody ever mentions him again.

He was so utterly pointless that I legit was left staring at the screen wide-eyed for a solid 10 seconds, wondering if human beings had truly written something like that.

I never got over it.

Oooh! That guy! Yeah, I remember now!
... Yeah, that is not the finest moment, I agree!

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would have to wonder how someone can play Awakening for the challenge...

Well, the DLC maps can get pretty brutal. Otherwise, my first playthrough was challenging, because 2013 me absolutely sucked at this.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, that's exactly my experience with Blazing Sword. Huh.

Well, tastes change over time!

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was pretty funny, because I had fully expected not to enjoy it... Then it became so stupid that I started to enjoy it. In a way, it truly did exceed my expectations!

Nice, nice! ^^

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I am not enjoying HSoS chapter 4. It's like Berwick Saga 4-main but done completely wrong, because instead of fighting to protect greenies that are escaping south, we're escaping north while greenies protect us. There's a lot of story beats going on here, but I cannot enjoy them because Japanese.

Also, ambush reinforcement recruitables. Thanks a lot, Kaga.

18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, yes, Stahl. I used that guy for, like, two maps total, then benched him, because he was useless.

This was my experience with pretty much the entire cast except for the few ones that had 20 defense.

...Except instead of benching them, I got them killed.

17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Otherwise, my first playthrough was challenging, because 2013 me absolutely sucked at this.

Ah, yeah. Of course. I mean, when I started I found FE7 Eliwood easy to be pretty difficult. It's all too easy to forget one's humble beginnings.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ambush reinforcement recruitables


Ah yes something i hated about VS1 that i forget to mention: you can't block reinforcement points. I found that really annoying, and it seems it will be the same in HSoS

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

we're escaping north while greenies protect us.

...getting the repair stone on the bottom right will be a pain then hmm

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

...getting the repair stone on the bottom right will be a pain then hmm

Not really, actually. I should've been more specific: Green units are fleeing north while green units protect them. As a result, we have... not much to do, to be honest.

Well, until bullshit reinforcements appear, that is.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Green units are fleeing north while green units protect them. As a result, we have... not much to do, to be honest

Ah ok. Didn't start the map yes as you might've noticed, just took a look at it after i finished ch3 yesterday.

Honestly though, such low deployment early on...

Well, Accorte will get the bench for now due to lack of Tomes and i don't wanna break her prf tome haha

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44 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Gandalf disarming them by setting their weapons on fire is funnier than it should be.

(So I assume you'd recommend this one?)

It follows the books a little more then the Peter Jackson movies, but I think the Jackson trilogy is better overall.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Well, Accorte will get the bench for now due to lack of Tomes and i don't wanna break her prf tome haha

Yeah, that's what I did, too.

To be honest, the more I get into this game, the more it frustrates me that I cannot understand it. It looks like such a great game, but well... As much as I hate agreeing with Armagon, playing it like this doesn't feel right. I want to enjoy the story properly, and follow the action properly, but Zephgarus's logs are so incomplete, and everyone has a bazillion skills that I have to ctr+f on Aggro's spreadsheet... I'm half tempted to just drop it now and wait, frankly. But then again, wait for what? A translation might not even happen at all, and who knows when it'll happen if it does at all...

All in all, I'm kinda enjoying the game, but this is dampening my mood. Also, I've been thinking about Conquest again and I really want to play that one now. It's so annoying. Someone needs to tell Kaga to hurry up and give his games to us in the west, goddamnit!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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33 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The best Shadow Dragon ironman. There 20 such short skits atm

I see!

Gordin level 16, gained 2 Strength.
Sounds about right! XD

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This was my experience with pretty much the entire cast except for the few ones that had 20 defense.

...Except instead of benching them, I got them killed.

They shall be missed!
Or not. Who knows?

... Granted, no one except for, like, 6 characters survived my first playthrough, either.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah. Of course. I mean, when I started I found FE7 Eliwood easy to be pretty difficult. It's all too easy to forget one's humble beginnings.

Indeed it is!

Also, I wonder who your fourth "wonder unit" will be!

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


Something else I finally got around to during my absence is... playing Persona 3 Portable.
Storywise, the best Persona game. Easily. I prefer the P5 cast overall, still, but P3's was great, too. One thing that definitely stuck out to me is how the overall tone is the most similar to "mainline" SMT out of every Persona game I've played so far. But even without that, I think Persona 3's story does the best job at being engaging until the very end out of every Persona game, and the final boss is my favorite one in the series so far (and its theme is amazing, too).

Got to agree full heatedly here, P3 had the best story of the Persona games. Also the best Social Link, in Akinari Kamiki (the Sun/Dying Young Man Social Link), especially if you wait late into the game before finishing it, as it pairs well with the last few months of the story, and the final scene with Akinari's mother is a perfect cap stone to the game.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


That said... my opinion on the music is all over the place with this game.
It has some amazing tracks, like the theme of the rival group Strega, as well as the Full Moon Shadow boss fight, but the regular battle theme is... not great. In fact, I'd take Hajimari's chicken clucking over this any day of the week.

Not to send you down another run through the game, but the Female MC gets some alternate music, that many think are better than the old ones. The battle themes was one that they changed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iy47Q--EbU, although these two are the more notable ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd6MW-XhO5I; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfaPQibemwE


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would have to wonder how someone can play Awakening for the challenge...

I mean I kinda tried with the restrictions I placed on my Awakening LP, but so far being motivated to write about Awakening has been a particularly hard part of the experience...


for those curious about the LP...sigh I should get back to it eventually...maybe after a few more Berwick Saga updates....


1 hour ago, Wraith said:

My reaction to Draggy's return:


Its a shame Rankin-Bass didn't get the rights to make all the old animated LoTR, and just did The Hobbit and Return of the King... 

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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11 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Got to agree full heatedly here, P3 had the best story of the Persona games. Also the best Social Link, in Akinari Kamiki (the Sun/Dying Young Man Social Link), especially if you wait late into the game before finishing it, as it pairs well with the last few months of the story, and the final scene with Akinari's mother is a perfect cap stone to the game.

Oh yeah, that social link. It hit rather close to home, actually.
Not to go into much detail, but it was too close for comfort, in many ways!
Still really liked it!

12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Not to send you down another run through the game, but the Female MC gets some alternate music, that many think are better than the old ones. The battle themes was one that they changed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iy47Q--EbU, although these two are the more notable ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd6MW-XhO5I; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfaPQibemwE

I was going to play the game again with the female MC anyway, so that works out! ^^
Gotta be honest, though. That first theme is still not what I'd call great. It might be a bit better than the other one, but eh. Glad they went away from rap stuff for the other games in the series.
The other two are really nice, though! Particularly the second one!

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


Hi there!


Also, shill post of the day:


Fighting this... thing.
I did this boss fight recently as part of my plan to 100% Blue Reflection to celebrate the anime and the upcoming sequel.
It was a lot harder than I remember it being. xD

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Oh right, Draggy i forgot to mention but i played the rest of the Hyperdimension REbirth series and they all had their charms, 2 was the one i liked most of the three though.

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh right, Draggy i forgot to mention but i played the rest of the Hyperdimension REbirth series and they all had their charms, 2 was the one i liked most of the three though.

Oh, nice! Glad you enjoyed them!
Did you get THAT ending in 2?

You know... THAT ending

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30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Oh, nice! Glad you enjoyed them!
Did you get THAT ending in 2?

You know... THAT ending

Uhh... i got the ending geared towards Planeptune, as i didn't wanna use any guides the first playthrough. it's on my list to play again though!

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