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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Sadly, you can't have any character take on any role on any given play. And then from the select characters, their performance will vary. Results can be funny, specially if you mix-and-max talent-wise.


Sometimes the reviews can be a highlight in itself, hahaha.

I did it on purpose. The game has Awards for actually doing the worst you can do in the plays, haha. And for having a top-notch performance of course, but sadly the gacha nature of the game means I don't have everybody for that yet.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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This somehow ends up with said cat, who can shapeshift now apparently, time traveling from the future precisely because he regrets the cat he ended up with. Not the same one from the previous picture. Another cat.

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This sidequest is just getting better and better...

Stop the incoming cat-astrophe. Purr-fect.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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You know, maybe it’s a good thing not many games have your choices actually matter if when they do and I make a bad one, I’m up at midnight thinking about how stupid it was.


I mean, I still don’t understand how a baby is an offering of peace but of course if something from a seemingly very minor choice in the first game was brought up and gave me new options for a massive story choice in the third game, those options would have good effects. I liked Rook! My saving grace with his death is that the actual like of the choice is something like “no one else innocent needs to get hurt” or something like that, so I can pretend like Rook died for his ideals and the greater good and not me being an idiot.


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As it turns out, it all began because the cat touched that book.


Fortunately, cats don't take orders from anybody. Including his future self telling him to touch the book. So, uh... world saved again I guess? XD

Fortunately for Future!Varuo, he's in the one place time doesn't exist per se. But he can't re-enter the timeline else he'll disappear, since his existence is now a paradox, having become undone... by his own doing, go figure.

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That moment when you mean to sleep but you fall down the video game music rabbit hole on YouTube and it’s been two hours.

Anyway, enjoy! 


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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Was checking an old fav. of ours


Reminds me that I wanted to replay this someday soon, haha

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

And wanted to ask if you ever finished the post game dungeon/boss? I don't remember if you ever did hehe

Yup, yup! ^^
I was completely underleveled for it (definitely not level 100+, like you are here, that's for sure), but I managed... somehow. XD

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


A full version exists 😮

*heavy breathing*
This is, without a doubt, my favorite opening theme in games. It's such a good song!

Absolutely amazing! ^^

Thanks for sharing!

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

The music in this game is so beautiful

Yeah, it truly is!

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Kinda sad that like no fan art of this game exists. Not even on pixiv i was able to find more than a handful

Though that's a mood.
Blue Reflection's in the same boat, as far as I'm aware. Lots of official stuff, but very little fanart to speak of (in fact, I haven't found any, so far).

Both games deserve a lot more... and I would do it, if I could draw people... XD


On the topic of witches: one of the two main characters of Touhou is a witch. And a very fun character at that. One of her defining quotes is "I don't steal, I just borrow things until I die." Important to note is that she's looking for ways to become immortal. XD

If Marisa was in FE, she'd be either a Witch with Steal as a personal skill, or a Thief that can use magic.


Music post for today: shilling two games at once!

A really nice arrangement of one of my favorite tracks on the NoA soundtrack appearing in one of my favorite Musous. Complete with one of the best characters in both games in the thumbnail.
What's not to love?

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:




Okay, real talk tho, is there a single woman in this game whose sole purpose isn't fanservice? Sheesh...

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

You know, maybe it’s a good thing not many games have your choices actually matter if when they do and I make a bad one, I’m up at midnight thinking about how stupid it was.

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I mean, I still don’t understand how a baby is an offering of peace but of course if something from a seemingly very minor choice in the first game was brought up and gave me new options for a massive story choice in the third game, those options would have good effects. I liked Rook! My saving grace with his death is that the actual like of the choice is something like “no one else innocent needs to get hurt” or something like that, so I can pretend like Rook died for his ideals and the greater good and not me being an idiot.


Well... I don't know if to be glad you're so invested in it or worried you're so invested in it lol. I didn't mean to leave you sleep deprived with my recommendation...

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

definitely not level 100+

There's a way you can get to that very easily

crank the game up to highest difficulty -> Enemy lvl increases -> Devour

As i was playing on hard, i needed it xD

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Thanks for sharing!


i also found an extended playlist 😮

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Blue Reflection's in the same boat, as far as I'm aware


Have fun!

although it's pixiv so be a little careful, but since you don't have an account it shouldn't be too bad


12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


ayy Ms. LovaHaMeHa!


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

There's a way you can get to that very easily

crank the game up to highest difficulty -> Enemy lvl increases -> Devour

As i was playing on hard, i needed it xD

Oh boy!
Yeah, Devour can save your ass... a lot. XD
It certainly did so for me, haha!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


i also found an extended playlist 😮

Nice! ^^

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


Thank you! ^^

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

ayy Ms. LovaHaMeHa!


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4AM can’t sleep vibes

15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

On the topic of witches: one of the two main characters of Touhou is a witch. And a very fun character at that. One of her defining quotes is "I don't steal, I just borrow things until I die." Important to note is that she's looking for ways to become immortal. XD

If Marisa was in FE, she'd be either a Witch with Steal as a personal skill, or a Thief that can use magic.

Ay, Marisa. Another one of my favorites.

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But, you know, despite the fact that the Catacombs are my armpit, at least Pinwheel is a pretty fun boss.

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