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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

If people truly believe that, that's just sad.

I mean, i separate art from the artist, and i think more people should as well, but i can't fault them for being off-put.


I forgot to post this last night cause i was tired




As trivia, hari-kari and seppuku literally mean the same thing but the former is basically never used so it's that they used that instead.

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8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Whoa... harsh,

Yeah, I despise Heroes. It's a hodgepodge of everything bad about Fire Emblem, with none of the positives, and it's a gacha on top of everything else. Sure, it's not as horrid a gacha as all the other gachas, but that doesn't make it good. Far from it.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Genuinely, I clicked on it by accident.

Damnit, you.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is it really showing that much skin tho? Like I guess compared to the alts of the same vein we've gotten but these outfits have been the least fanservicy alt designs Heroes has been putting out.

I did say it's par-for-the-course. It's not too bad, for Heroes's standards. She's not showing as much skin as, say, the summer alts of the Fates lolis. Just... well, "for Heroes's standards" is not my definition of "okay."

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Besides, she's got a cape. And capes are cool. They're like trench coats, they make everything look good.

Kinda difficult to make that mess of a design look good, even with a cape. Heck, if anything, I'd say it looks completely out of place. But, well, I have said it before and I'll say it again, I know I have far less patience for these things than most people in this thread.

I just don't get why they needed to keep her belly exposed. The design would look 1000% better if they put a mail undershirt on her. They can even keep the short skirt and no pants if they absolutely have to, that doesn't look too bad. Just cover her damn belly. It looks fucking atrocious and impractical for no better reason than "we need eye candy for the otakus to give us moneys for this JPEG".

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Genuinely, I clicked on it by accident.

Armagon, I couldn’t let you kill Ludin, I too love him. He is one of the ones competing for the spot of favorite. But Onef? I’m fine with this.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I despise Heroes. It's a hodgepodge of everything bad about Fire Emblem, with none of the positives, and it's a gacha on top of everything else.

The worst part about Heroes isn't even all that, it's that it keeps coming up with cool shit and it's all wasted because gacha.

But I won't lie

This was actually pretty cute.

Like Heroes is actually kinda neat when you just remove the gacha elements.

Why does it have to be a gacha IntSys? Why couldn't it be like Project X Zone, where you get both the cool interactions and an actual game?

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Armagon, I couldn’t let you kill Ludin, I too love him. He is one of the ones competing for the spot of favorite. But Onef? I’m fine with this.

Hey man, it's not like I know how to kill him anyways. Besides "oh whoops, I left him right in the middle of this group of enemies".

Edited by Armagon
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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"oh whoops, I left him right in the middle of this group of enemies".

Hahahahaha… if only you knew. That is exactly how you kill him, actually.

But I’ll let you figure out the rest on your own. And then spare him or else you will face Ruben’s wrath.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why does it have to be a gacha IntSys? Why couldn't it be like Project X Zone, where you get both the cool interactions and an actual game?


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hey man, it's not like I know how to kill him anyways. Besides "oh whoops, I left him right in the middle of this group of enemies".

I mean, you can try, and then you miss out on the character with the most character development, plus a good character gameplay-wise. Your loss, not mine, Armagon.

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Time to wrap up MP1 this morning. Although the last boss was downright easy, I'm concerned about the final foe. I might have nearly all the health in the game, and I already know how to fight it, but "survive the first phase, die in the second" is looming in my mind as a possible outcome, despite phase two reading like the easier half. And after Samus Returns, I can't help but be paranoid I'll be shut out of finishing another Metroid by a late/final boss. -But first I have to head to the Artifact Temple. 


34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I forgot to post this last night cause i was tired


From what I'm aware, she isn't entirely wrong.

If someone had the time to prepare for their seppeku, they'd usually have a person standing next to them. Intentionally inserting a sword into your stomach and dragging it across to the other side (possibly in a flat-bottomed "U" shape?) is painful and goes against human instinct. The agony being great and inevitable death slow, the trusted confidant could draw their sword and instantly behead the suicidal person as an act of mercy.

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That is exactly how you kill him, actually.

"oh no, I forgot to move Ludin when I ended the turn, oh no, now his head is rolling down the hill hahaha whoops".

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

mean, you can try, and then you miss out on the character with the most character development, plus a good character gameplay-wise. Your loss, not mine, Armagon.

I killed off Zeke TRS.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

someone had the time to prepare for their seppeku, they'd usually have a person standing next to them. Intentionally inserting a sword into your stomach and dragging it across to the other side (possibly in a flat-bottomed "U" shape?) is painful and goes against human instinct. The agony being great and inevitable death slow, the trusted confidant could draw their sword and instantly behead the suicidal person as an act of mercy.

I know it was the feudal Samurai code and all but you know, I think it would just be easier to skip the part where the person cuts their stomach and just get to the part where they're beheaded. It still counts as assisted suicide.

Then again, this was the same society where Samurai would go out and test their new katanas on random passerbys (usually outcasts) iirc. 

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It was pretty funny how he walked off being killed.

I hate you so much. Do what you want. Either way I know we won't agree on anything. We never do.

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First we had 3 Generations of Batman, then 2 Generations of Honorary Draggy, then


3 Generations of Wormy

I fucking love this Series

I know he isn't a worm shush, but that's what i used to call him when he was the bane of my existence in Ys Origin back then.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

"oh no, I forgot to move Ludin when I ended the turn, oh no, now his head is rolling down the hill hahaha whoops".

I meant in a story decision, in gameplay characters just sleep that off.

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Been a while, eh? xD
Well... I made a WHOLE bunch of progress in Ys VIII.
Like... a lot of it. Some cool stuff happened. Hype stuff. Interesting stuff. Good stuff!
Here are some screenshots, because I'm still kinda floored:

Falcom ripped itself off. xD
This is much cooler than the CS mechs, tho.


Biggest wtf moment in the game so far.
As is.. not a negative 'wtf', but 'wtf' nonetheless!
WHY IS SHE HERE?!? -> literally what I blurted out during this scene.

Then a raid happend, aaaand....

Adol, you've been replaced!

I also did some fishing, and...

Dick move, game. Dick move.


tfw Jagen so old, he's a literal dinosaur. xD


Also, Past!Dana can transform now, which changes her fighting style, and weapon.
Hmm... a transforming protag, eh?
Just where have I seen that before, I wonder?

Nope, doesn't ring a bell. xD

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This is much cooler than the CS mechs, tho.

Of course

Ys 8 is one of their, if not Falcom's best game ever

CS on the other hand...

8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Biggest wtf moment in the game so far.
As is.. not a negative 'wtf', but 'wtf' nonetheless!
WHY IS SHE HERE?!? -> literally what I blurted out during this scene.

Double Best Girl dose!


8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Dana can transform now, which changes her fighting style, and weapon

Ayy now you know why i compare her parts to Ys Origin


Now that you arrived there, i wanna talk about one of the reasons i almost gave Ys 8 10/10:

Many jrpgs, or like, almost all of them, you visit the ruins of an ancient advanced civilization. And that's it, you just visit ruins. Which is usually fine.

Ys 8 takes it a step further however and made you play in the ancient society itself and experience it while it was alive. That floored me so much when i was playing Ys 8. it was honestly amazing. I can't think of any other game that had that tbh.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 8 is one of their, if not Falcom's best game ever

I'm inclined to agree, so far!

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Double Best Girl dose!

I gotta remember that present Dana can't transform, while past Dana can. xD

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ayy now you know why i compare her parts to Ys Origin

Yeah, that dungeon reminds me a lot of Origin! It's great with some great bosses!
Also, the music in there is 👌
Gotta look up what that track's called, sometime!

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Many jrpgs, or like, almost all of them, you visit the ruins of an ancient advanced civilization. And that's it, you just visit ruins. Which is usually fine.

Ys 8 takes it a step further however and made you play in the ancient society itself and experience it while it was alive. That floored me so much when i was playing Ys 8. I can't think of any other game that had that tbh.

I see!
Yeah, I really, really love those parts, too! To the point where I say they're the best parts of the game so far!
There were moments where I'd play on Adol's side of time, where I'd go "yeah, yeah, this is fine and all, but lemme play as Dana in the past again!" xD

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Gotta look up what that track's called, sometime!


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, I really, really love those parts, too! To the point where I say they're the best parts of the game so far!
There were moments where I'd play on Adol's side of time, where I'd go "yeah, yeah, this is fine and all, but lemme play as Dana in the past again!" xD

i think this duality between past and present is also one of the game's strongest points which the game is full of. It's weak points are pretty far and between, but yeah i kinda get you

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


Ayy! Thanks! ^^
So far, one of my favorite dungeon themes in this game and in Falcom games , next to the Mt. Gendarme one, and the theme from the volcano area in Oath!

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i think this duality between past and present is also one of the game's strongest points

That's true! I agree with that!
Still, sometimes, it would interrupt Dana's parts the very moment something REALLY interesting happened, so... XD

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

which the game is full of. It's weak points are pretty far and between

Also true, so far!
I have... maybe one gripe with it so far, but that may be because I'm not entirely grasping that just yet.

Namely, the raids and hunts. They feel a little bit unnecessary, to be honest, since you're not getting any EXP or skill EXP out of them (seemingly, this is the part I'm unsure about), and especially the raids always seem to happen at the most inopportune moments, too, interrupting the flow of things a little. Like, I'd be in the middle of exploring a dungeon, and then it's "hey, by the way, your village is about to get rekt. Pls halp!"
I don't wanna skip them, either, even if they may be optional, because I feel compelled to do them the second they show up. xD
I will say, however, that actually PLAYING them is fun, because the combat is fun. It just doesn't feel very rewarding to do them, is all.

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