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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

I'm glad you approve of my choice of waifu, I think?

Red Hair always get's my approval


3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

When it comes to Celica and Alm, I almost wish there was an actual division between the two

Alm x Clair (or Silque)/ Saber x Celica > Alm x Celica

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13 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


‘Tis not good that Shrimp-kun’s soul is so…sickly.

13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

dear Wraith, art thou sure that thou hast not departed from the world and are the one who is truly departed?

Erelong mayhap thou shall join the fool do to thine own folly.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Alm x Clair (or Silque)

what a based take

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Saber x Celica

doubly based

Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:

Erelong mayhap thou shall join the fool do to thine own folly.

'Tis not unreasonable to condescend oneself for a season if but to know what lies on the other side.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

'Tis not unreasonable to condescend oneself for a season if but to know what lies on the other side.

What whimsical japes must go around and around in your mind Twilit.

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Oh great, the WoD main admin's been an ass who claims other's work and is concerning in his..... tastes for lack of a better word for years and I only learned it today? Well that's...... not great.

13 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


(Also watched the Ghast video, wew getting the details from the appeals case laid out like that sure was something)

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7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


(Also watched the Ghast video, wew getting the details from the appeals case laid out like that sure was something)


3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Only those which please my flights of fancy.

And what dark, deranged and depraved fancies those most be indeed.

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24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The EXP sink is insane and I don't like how the game almost holds you hostage to grind.

Man, it's still much better than Gaiden was, if admittedly I'm making it look a lot worse in my current playthrough by necessity. Part of that is the loss of Turnwheel use, which is a whole other problem for this game in terms of giving allowance for screw ups in strategies, if admittedly it makes me grateful for it's existence in parts (speaking of, I'm sorry in advance for Part 4. And Part 5.)

28 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I didn't find much interesting play out of the combat arts either

Personally, the Teehee playthrough's made me appreciate them more than I have previously (as in, I find value in arts that aren't Hunter's Volley), with some allowing me to get more damage in and others giving specific options to assist in moments. Definitely appreciate changes in 3H when it comes to obtaining them, even if there are instances there I'd have disagreed on.

I wonder if an actual SP for skills and combat arts system would be worth considering, but maybe it's for the best that FE avoids the MP/SP of other RPG series.

28 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So yeah, high B tier, it's not the same high B tier it was originally but it's high B nonetheless.

Little bit of a surprise to be honest.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy's point (and one i agree with after playing P5) is how JRPG dislikers don't like the genre for a variety of reasons which would be alright but then to them, it's ok when Persona does it.

That sounds a lot like criticizing people for liking Fate's gameplay, but not Genealogy's due to the surface similarities inherent to all Fire Emblem games. Point being the details can matter a lot.

Put another way, how could you not like P5, when it does things you like in other JRPGs?


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You say that like people complain about that when if anything,

They do, but it is usually done in a way where it makes the story into a joke.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

permanent points of no-returns are one of the most dreaded things in any game that has side-content.

When you know they are coming, it isn't.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

A lot of games do this tho.

Sorta, but the big difference I see in the Persona system is three fold, first in the mechanical separation, and second in the sense of cost, and third is how it spreads beyond the playable cast. The growing of Social Links isn't something that increase with the JRPG side of gameplay, so it doesn't happen incidentally, or while you are grinding for levels, it is something you do deliberately, that is a break from the JRPG side of things. Second is that it costs time, which is a limited resource, and it isn't clear how much of that time it is going to cost, or if you even have enough for all the Social Links. Third is that the mechanic isn't just limited to the other playable characters, or a love interest. All of this gives it a feel that you are choosing to build those specific friendships, and doing so isn't accidental, or inevitable.


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You know what they say: If you go to the TeeHee thread and meed a heretic, you just met a heretic. If you go to the TeeHee thread and everybody is a heretic, maybe it's YOU who is the heretic.

So basically, cookies are orthodoxy now

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1 minute ago, ping said:

You know what they say: If you go to the TeeHee thread and meed a heretic, you just met a heretic. If you go to the TeeHee thread and everybody is a heretic, maybe it's YOU who is the heretic.

So basically, cookies are orthodoxy now

Go back from whence Shrimp-kun came you vile heretic!

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22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Put another way, how could you not like P5, when it does things you like in other JRPGs?


I hate the systems persona made popular in every other jrpg as well

Be it Calendar, school, social links, etc. are all systems i despise in almost every jrpg that has those.

And it's thanks to Persona they are everywhere.

Playing Persona and seeing that stuff just gave me PTSD of everything i hate in a game.

Heck even in games i liked with such systems i want it to be a one off and to never return (example: 3H)

The only reason i tolerate FE's support system is because it's not MC only focused. I still am not a fan of it, but it's much better than Social links and the like. You can't play matchmaking ala FE for example.

Also Armagon's point was how "It's ok if Persona does it" is a very popular sentiment across the net. Details can matter alot, but those who go "It's ok if Persona does it" usually don't care about the details in other games.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The growing of Social Links isn't something that increase with the JRPG side of gameplay, so it doesn't happen incidentally, or while you are grinding for levels, it is something you do deliberately, that is a break from the JRPG side of things

That's not a positive.

If anything it leads to those "breaks" feeling like a chore.

22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Second is that it costs time, which is a limited resource, and it isn't clear how much of that time it is going to cost, or if you even have enough for all the Social Links

Neither is this. Infact all it leads to is needing replays to view content - something i always hate.

And unlike Visual Novels, where choices and who you bond with lead to completely different stories, in jrpgs it's just the dating thing that changes. Maybe when get VN style jrpgs i will be more open to that stuff

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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Better than IS.

So, the patch is nearly finished at this stage, just thought I'd point this out.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

@Saint Rubenio

You will LOVE this

Just don't close the video early XD

That was also my train of thought thinking on this.

(Definitely go to 0:38 at least)

Edited by Punished Dayni
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Which reminds me @Saint Rubenio that came in clutch during the train fight. I lined myself up so that the meteors hit the five set of eyes and then Mario used his two shots to take out the remaining two on the other end.

Hey, that's pretty good. I used Bowser and Edge, myself. Mostly Edge, actually, well-lined up sword throws did a number on those eyes.

1 hour ago, ping said:


Best I could do, but I think my collegues iterated on that initial draft quite nicely.

I love it. They should've used this in the final product.

1 hour ago, 3PercentCrit said:

This is why I haven't gotten bored with this website yet. It's meant to keep the chaotic people busy, and I can tell that it seems to be working. I always feel drawn back to see what chaos is unfolding.


Such is the way of Far from the Forest.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time that I give the final verdict of Shadows of Valentia.


It has not budged from it's original position.

This is not because my opinion of it remained unchanged, no no no, it is in fact because my opinion has changed so incredibly drastically that it has looped all the way around to slot into this tier on the list.

First and foremost, the story. To address the elephant in the room, it is very sexist. Celica being damseled not once, not twice, not thrice but four damn times with a bonus fifth time if you count Nuibaba faking her being damseled with her strong male savior Alm getting an endless amount of Hero worship through most of the game.

Now the beginning of the story I absolutely loved, it's all I want from a Fire Emblem story. Political intrigue, lots of international conflict and lots little details that make the world feel alive. However all of this goes downhill pretty quickly once you reach Rigel. The first few acts were about Zofia and the various conflicts that shaped how it ended up today. The remaining acts should've been about Rigel and how the people have always lived without Mila's bounty, or how the Duma faithful became the terrible cult it is. International and religious conflict is almost non-existent with only a few passing mentions, and we never get to learn in game much about the relationship between the church and state. Halcyon mentions being part of the original Duma faithful but that's all we hear of it, and Nuibaba mentions something about rivaling against Jedah but that gets silenced quickly after she dies. King Rudolf's death happens far too quickly, and in the game that already had a few filler chapters I feel that could've been used to flesh him and other parts of Rigel more. Had Alm, or the audience, knew that Rudolf before his death I feel that it would've hit much harder when he did croak.

When it comes to Celica and Alm, I almost wish there was an actual division between the two. From the very beginning of the game I noticed hints of the two growing up to fight against each other just as Duma and Mila did before them, all we get of that though is a few minor disagreements that ultimately don't change how they feel about each other and a single shock value moment when Alm stabs Celica in the chest no different from when Robin "kills" Chrom in Awakening.

Which by the way, if something is different in the original Gaiden, I do not car- well I do care just...it doesn't change my rating here.

Berkut and Ferdinand's  deaths also serve no purpose, they honestly feel like they both exist because the writers didn't know what to do with them in a story that didn't originally have them so they shoved them in the fridge to make more important characters feel bad for a couple seconds.

Now the gameplay

I, uh, both hated it and liked it.

For the most part it was okay, but a lot of times it got downright frustrating. The EXP sink is insane and I don't like how the game almost holds you hostage to grind. I didn't find much interesting play out of the combat arts either as most the time I'd only use them to guarantee a hit, and while the game is definitely built around the fact that units can only hold one item, it sure as hell made me wish they could at least hold two so that they had food on them.

So yeah, high B tier, it's not the same high B tier it was originally but it's high B nonetheless.


Honestly? You're right, if Alm and Celica had fought it would've been ten times cooler. Imagine if you could even pick a side. Now that would've been interesting, as opposed to the milquetoast "let's make the girl into a useless damsel that lives due to the power of love" solution they went for.

Anyway, fair review. I think I agree with most of this, even if I would rate it... well, a lot lower, haha.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Oh great, the WoD main admin's been an ass who claims other's work and is concerning in his..... tastes for lack of a better word for years and I only learned it today? Well that's...... not great.

Heck, I only learned it now. Had no idea.

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


Better than IS.

So, the patch is nearly finished at this stage, just thought I'd point this out.

Absolutely, yes. I mean, she's still lying down for no reason, but at least it doesn't feel like a fetish game CG anymore.

Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

@Saint Rubenio

You will LOVE this

Just don't close the video early XD

I highly doubt it.


Ultra smash on Marianne


Denied loli

Okay, fine.

Ultra smash on Anna


Ultra smash on Gatekeeper

Okay, fine.


Wait what

Ultra smash on



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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I love it. They should've used this in the final product.

Thank you. I put a lot of time and effort into it. Like, almost a minute.


That's not to imply that I would've done much better if I had taken more time. I'm really, really not good at art.


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Point being the details can matter a lot.

No i agree, but Persona (5)'s status as "a JRPG for people who don't like JRPGs" is questionable when it has a lot of shit that is arguably worse compared to other JRPGs. 

  • Sluggish pacing
  • Self-insert protag
  • Fanservice
  • Standard turn-based combat

These are like the four main points that people who don't like JRPGs use for why they don't like JRPGs, so when someone says "i don't like JRPGs but i like Persona 5", it's just strange to me. At least the other "JRPGs for people who don't like JRPGs" make sense (Paper Mario, Undertale even if it's not Japanese, etc)

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They do, but it is usually done in a way where it makes the story into a joke.

People joke about the dissonance but i don't think anyone's legitimately felt the story is undermined by giving you freedom.

I mean, statistically there is at least one guy but still.....

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

When you know they are coming, it isn't.

Which is usually on a repeat playthrough of a game....assuming you replay games in the first place.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

All of this gives it a feel that you are choosing to build those specific friendships, and doing so isn't accidental, or inevitable.

Ok this one's more personal but as someone who values characters a lot, i don't like feeling like i have to commit to specific characters and leave others in the dust. Never liked this in pre-Awakening FE and i didn't like it in Cold Steel either (though tbf, those games do rotate who you can bond with which sort of mitigates it). Mind you, if there's romance involved, i'm leaving that as it's own separate thing. Like, both Sakura Wars and Rune Factory allow you to see everyone's non-romantic events in a single run. 

I do like P5's cast but not to the extent i would've if the game didn't restrict me.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

And unlike Visual Novels, where choices and who you bond with lead to completely different stories, in jrpgs it's just the dating thing that changes. Maybe when get VN style jrpgs i will be more open to that stuff

Most i can think of is pre-Shallie Atelier where there were a multitude of different character endings and you realistically were not gonna get them all in a single playthrough. Atelier games are also pretty damn short.

Then Gust realized "hey let's let the player see everything the game has to offer in a single run".

Atelier, btw, does not force you to commit to characters even when they had time-limits. Cause simply having them in your party and doing stuff would increase friend levels.

..................................oh so that's why building bond with characters in P5 felt so gargantuanly slow. Because you could not do it through playing the game.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mostly Edge, actually, well-lined up sword throws did a number on those eyes.

Had Rabbid Luigi myself, thanks to his frisbee. 

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