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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Spara said:

In VS2, Count Laurec (a 45 year old man) very recently remarried... to an 18-year-old woman.

Medieval moment.

At least it's not like in Steel Ball Run where it's worse because it's a 45-year old man married to a 14 year old woman in the late 1880s.

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Just now, Armagon said:

At least it's not like in Steel Ball Run where it's worse because it's a 45-year old man married to a 14 year old woman in the late 1880s.

I've only ever watched the anime for Jojo. This sounds menacing.

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8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

but after that, I see no reason why I shouldn't at least look at one of the games!

Yeah! Let me know if/when you do, 'cause I've got a boatload of suggestions and advice!

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Thank you! ^^

And thank you for coming back!

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hired right before the end, yeah.

Okay, good.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the old man just handed us his underwear, like that's a normal thing to do. Thanks, Kaga.

The stinky underwear is absolutely worth it. Bertholia is fucking awesome.


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Well, as promised, the After Action Report.


Managed to snatch the Bronze in terms of overall ranking, but on the heels of getting second place. If the end game date was pushed further ahead, I'd likely have made it to second place. Not to mention, I'd likely wouldn't have gotten that third place if Germany didn't had suffered some Dismantling. It really hurt them. Their industrial score was largely intact, and they quickly recovered military as well, but their biggest loss was in Prestige. Not easy to recover after suffering such a big blow. They managed to remain a GP and stick to the seventh position, but if it wasn't for that smackdown they suffered, they'd be in second or so.

What I find a highlight here is with the Secondary Powers. Mainly, Switzerland. It actually managed to reach the tenth position at some point, but as you see, it started to lag behind. Unfortunately, being landlocked and not that big can only get you so far. With time, the likes of Italy, Japan, and China might have dethroned the Netherlands from the eight slot and fought over it. But who knows what would've happened there. Also a bit surprising for me to see the Netherlands manage to keep a GP position.

More to come...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Some changes I got surprised to see, but it happens.

Mainly, Canada released Newfoundland & Labrador... because. Denmark did the same to Iceland. Or the fact the Irish are independent, in full. Under the British sphere, but the fact even Ulster is theirs is quite an achievement. If it wasn't that they quickly became under GP's SOIs, it's likely the small nations like Schleswig or Silesia would've long been reabsorbed. It's curious to see some princely states still around. There are decisions and events that lets the UK annex them, but it seems it doesn't apply to all of them.

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Just now, Benice said:

RIP Denmark and Canada.

Hey, being 15th and 16th place ain't that bad. Sure, that's the lower end of being Secondary Power... but that still means being a Secondary Power. And like said, with how the trend is going, with time they will overtake Switzerland. So if anything it's RIP Switzerland, it might soon be out of the Secondary Power slots.

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A look into my industry:


Yeah, it's all over the place. If I wasn't subsidizing them, most factories would be under long already. It's mostly why I stick to Conservative parties, which let me subsidize them. Maybe if I shuffled around hiring priority, some of them could have higher outputs and thus could actually make a profit.

Anyway, my industry strategy was to make use of parties that let me build factories (the Reactionary and Socialist ones) to have a starting base. After that, I just let Capitalists handle the rest. The fact this is one such result shows you they don't really know what they're doing. Just like real life!

So basically, I built factories to ensure I could get the RGO bonuses. Which you can kidna see in those divided squares. So if I had a state which a Coal RGO province, like New Mexico, then I built a factory in which having Coal in the state gives a production bonus. Which is why there's those Glass, Cement, Machine Parts, and Synthetic Dyes factories there. And thanks to those, I could make production bonus chains. Like, the Synthetic Dye factory means I can have the Textile one have a bonus due to Dye, which in turns can give a bonus to the Clothes one, which can give a bonus to the Luxury Clothes ones.

But well, I've never been able to play optimally when it comes to industry...

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You might think that's what's giving me a daily net loss of 11.80K pounds, but it's really more:


The fact I'm not taxing the populace. I did it to placate them, since the less money they have the less goods they buy, which also makes them rile up their Militancy. Even taxing them somewhat I can instead have thousands in the green daily, but well, that also doesn't help in their happiness. For now I was swinging those slides like a pendulum. Even with some months of loss I still have millions of pounds. Yeah, game labels money as British pounds no matter which country you play as. Anyway, since I'm in a construction spree, it's understandable if my expenses are very high at the moment. But well, game ended in the middle fo it.

In fact, the optimal thing to do is to keep taxes on the rich and poor low... and tax the heck out of the middle class. Capitalists use their money for factory construction and expansion, while the poor... well, the unbalanced ratio is mostly so the Middle Strata promotes or demotes into Rich or Poor POPs. Mainly get rid of Artisans and get them to become Craftsmen. Better the profits of the goods made go to you, which doesn't happen with Artisans since they don't use the player as a middle-man.

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You know what I just realized? Fates managed the impossible: It did Kaga first. Its capture system is basically HSoS's capture system, except HSoS trades off the ability to recruit any generic for a capturing mechanic that makes a bit more sense (you have to knock them down to low health and then make them surrender with the lord) and none of that "convince us over and over and maybe you'll have us by chapter 26! Alternatively, turn it into a reasonable mechanic by jumping forward in time" nonsense.

While Three Houses was out there ripping off Berwick Saga and Genealogy, Fates was one-upping Kaga at his own game. How can a game be so Modern FE-ish and yet so... not Modern FE-ish at the same time? It doesn't even have a weird 2000-year-old loli in a skimpy outfit like Awakening and Houses! So much for Better Than Fates...

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

A look into my industry:


Yeah, it's all over the place

I have a confession to make: all along, I've owned this game. In fact, I've owned it for years. But... well, to tell you the truth, I played it for a couple hours, stared at these screens trying to make sense of them, pressed a few buttons, had no idea what they did and then noped the hell outta there.

I think I'm just too dumb for these kinds of games. I honestly couldn't tell you if that's "all over the place" or "perfectly tidy and optimal."

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm not taxing the populace.

Acacia for president

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have a confession to make: all along, I've owned this game. In fact, I've owned it for years. But... well, to tell you the truth, I played it for a couple hours, stared at these screens trying to make sense of them, pressed a few buttons, had no idea what they did and then noped the hell outta there.

I think I'm just too dumb for these kinds of games. I honestly couldn't tell you if that's "all over the place" or "perfectly tidy and optimal."

Well, to start with, look in the upper most row, the Mexico one. The numbers next to the plus icons are the factory level, which indicate their size. The first one is level 4... with the rest much MUCH higher. Which shows Capitalists are barely bothering with expanding that one. And save for the third from the left, it's the one making the most profit.

Then again, prices fluctuate on a daily basis. So the numbers you see aren't static. A factory in the red could jump to green one day only to be back in the red the day after that.

Also, Capitalists don't care much for RGO province bonuses or chaining production bonuses. With those states, I did most of the building, but in some other states the factory selection can be quite varied... and most of them all working without production bonuses. So yeah, if you let the AI take care of things, they will... but results will vary.



Not much to see on the Technology tab. I actually managed to get EVERYTHING for once. Mostly thanks that I got a few events that gave me research points. Though at the tail end was cutting it close, since some inventions had only 1% or 2% chance of unlocking. The roll happens on a monthly pulse.

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Politics tab:


I was able to enact every reform. Though things really slowed down in the late game, since POPs tend to desire less and less to want more reforms. I had to resort to the Militancy gain that happens in the mod's event that triggers if you change the Ruling Party after an Election.

Speaking of, Socialism is the biggest ideology in the country, followed by Liberalism and then Conservatism. All the rest are quite paltry, though it's concerning that Fascism is the largest of the minority ideologies. Still, the trend I've done has only made Socialism grow, so with time it might become actual majority. I mean, the socialist party has never won elections. Lately it's been the Liberal parties.


Despite everything, some movements remains. Which I'm like, "Why even bother?" But seeing one of them is Texas... I guess Texas can't be Texas without an independence movement alive. Even if it's quite paltry. Since people do know what they would be losing out on. Which is why they have 0 radicalism. Ah well...

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Smash Ultimate needs to fix Foresight programming like, soon.

I shouldn't be air dodging next to the ground, Foresight RIGHT before i hit the ground, and then nothing happens. Cmon ninty, it can't be that hard. This game has so much crap that doesn't work right or doesn't make any sense that it's almost always a LMAO moment with that game. It's a competitive game, fix some of your shit, please!

Win or lose, it doesn't matter, the game should work the way it's supposed to.

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38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It did Kaga first.

Tfw Fates was the game to beat Kaga all along

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It doesn't even have a weird 2000-year-old loli in a skimpy outfit

...Nyx? Sure she is more like 100 instead of 2000, but still

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Tfw Fates was the game to beat Kaga all along

I really hate that I keep having to give it points. I don't want to give Camilla Emblem points.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

...Nyx? Sure she is more like 100 instead of 2000, but still

FUCK I forgot about her.

...Yeah, I've got no arguments there. I will say that she's a far more interesting character than the other two, but... Yeah, she's got a kid's body and she's in the atrocity that is the dark mage outfit. Oof...

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

45 to 18 is something


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Not that surprising, as it were.

True or not, the disgust is still real.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, who knew they had a fourth brother!

Thought the same thing.

Thanks for taking that for me.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:



Some changes I got surprised to see, but it happens.

Mainly, Canada released Newfoundland & Labrador... because. Denmark did the same to Iceland. Or the fact the Irish are independent, in full. Under the British sphere, but the fact even Ulster is theirs is quite an achievement. If it wasn't that they quickly became under GP's SOIs, it's likely the small nations like Schleswig or Silesia would've long been reabsorbed. It's curious to see some princely states still around. There are decisions and events that lets the UK annex them, but it seems it doesn't apply to all of them.

Interesing seeing some of the states that manage to survive and the changes made and all-

>Independent Ireland (Or at least as much as could be expected from a Victorian start)

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