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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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19 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The puzzle in the room in the Sky Keep where you get the triforce of wisdom.

Aaahhh. Yeah, Skykeep is really tough.

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Say, Benice, while I have your attention, how much of the game is left after

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Girahim takes Zelda into the past to revive Demise?

I know it’s not a whole lot, but it’s also midnight so…

Two bosses back-to-back, then the option to either fight the final boss immediately or wait a little bit to finish up any sidequests and whatnot you've still got left to do. And then a whole bunch of story segments and credits!

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

since @Benice acted like I would need potions late in the game.

Well, with the potion medal, you can have complete invincibility for six minutes with just one potion, the Revitalization+(+? Can't remember if this one's got two upgrades to it.).

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btw @lightcosmo, just beat the weird assassin bloke at the start of Tales of Vesperia! Something I noticed is that I didn't really have many options besides trading between button mashing and blocking during his attacks and trading damage. (Plus, I think the longest combo I can do right now is 4 hits?) Am I missing anything here, or should I master block/attack timing?

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I actually did use one use of one of the potions fighting Girahim, although if I had figured out how to actually beat him earlier than I did I wouldn’t have needed it.

18 minutes ago, Benice said:

Well, with the potion medal, you can have complete invincibility for six minutes with just one potion, the Revitalization+(+? Can't remember if this one's got two upgrades to it.).

I actually didn’t buy any invincibility, just health.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I actually didn’t buy any invincibility, just health.


If you ever do get stuck, (The final boss killed me a lot, but I was also 6, soo...) just know that there are the invincibility potions to cheese it for ya!

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4 minutes ago, Benice said:


If you ever do get stuck, (The final boss killed me a lot, but I was also 6, soo...) just know that there are the invincibility potions to cheese it for ya!

Sounds like quite a bit of cheese.

I happen to not be 6 though, so let’s see how I do without cheese first. If it makes you feel better, when I was young and playing my first Zelda game (the Ocarina of Time remake (iirc I was six as well, at least when I first played)) I got stuck on practically every dungeon because my six year old brain couldn’t figure out the puzzles.

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Fi nooo. Or something. I honestly don’t know why she’s doing this, there’s literally zero reason why she has to leave or go into an eternal sleep or whatever.

The music’s good though.

The Impa scene was actually fantastic though. I mean, of course, I already knew the plot twist, but it was still handled well. It’s kind of like Sheik in Ocarina of Time: it’s a well handled plot twist, but if you know anything about Zelda, you’ll see it coming miles away.

Well, Sheik is better since that twist doesn’t spoil itself with information from other Zelda games, so even if it’s not your first you still might not know it, but the internet has insured that basically everyone knows.

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Beat Hades.

Anyways my thoughts haven't really changed much from when i got burned out.

And of course, i updated my rankings of games i played this year.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Hmm, sometimes I wonder if my definition of "good game design" is too... Lopsided. Like, im VERY critical of things I dont like.

Good game design is subjective. Well for the most part, there can definitely be cases where the game design is objectively bad (Bubsy 3D).

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10 hours ago, Sooks said:

What would have been even better is if she passed down her full hair color and not just the blue.

Oh yeah, that's a big shame.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

I have no problems with her design, her character is just complete garbage. My least favorite in the series.

Well hey, I wasn't defending that. I'm just saying I would honestly place her above Camilla, because they're both trash characters but only Camilla makes me cringe at first sight. Also Elise and Leo, probably.

...You know what? Fuck it, she goes above all the Nohr royals. Screw the Nohr royals. Nohrian scum...

5 hours ago, Maof06 said:


 Sorry girl.

5 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Never become like this.


Advice we should all take to heart.

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I spent some time bashing my head against the concrete wall that is chapter 27 Birthright and came to the conclusion that the chapter is literally impossible. Maybe a trained Ryoma could solo this, I odn't know, but my units get overwhelmed and die, and unlike chapter 25, there are no chokepoints to just barely outmaneuver them. It's just an open field of death for me.

Thus, I spent the rest of the morning devising a strat to one-turn Garon. After over an hour of pain, suffering, desperation, rescue strats and the pawning of every legendary weapon in my possession (nobody could use 'em anyway)...

0jvqdlbx o

I almost cannot believe I managed it. Who said Orochi is bad, again?

At this point it's just a matter of retrying until the RNG allows the 27% of the hexing rod and all of Orochi's 61%s to land. Not too likely, but at least it can happen, unlike killing all the troops, which cannot happen.

What a fucking shitshow.


That's it, I'm lowering the fucking difficulty. This is the worst fucking shit I've seen in my life. Rating for this game's getting knocked solely for this garbage of a map, Jesus fucking Christ.

EDIT 2: Well, in the end, I didn't have to lower the difficulty. I just had to return to base, sell off... basically everything I had left, purhcase a speedwing, and then Orochi just barely managed to double Garon.

In total, I bought three statboosters, a truckload of tonics, two different forges, every staff in the shop, and I also cheated and got the Anna money DLC. I could've gotten that amount of cash by just selling stuff, or by not buying a seraph robe by accident and then saving over it like a moron, and I'm really fucking tired of this shit, so I can't say I care too much.

Fuck this map in the ass with an industrial drill.

19 minutes ago, Maof06 said:


I wish I could execute 718 characters right about now.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 hours ago, Benice said:

btw @lightcosmo, just beat the weird assassin bloke at the start of Tales of Vesperia! Something I noticed is that I didn't really have many options besides trading between button mashing and blocking during his attacks and trading damage. (Plus, I think the longest combo I can do right now is 4 hits?) Am I missing anything here, or should I master block/attack timing?

You literally have almost none of the arts unlocked, wait till you hit later game. Not to mention you don't have the skills that allow you to chain arts together.

Also, i assume you mean Zagi? 

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Good game design is subjective. Well for the most part, there can definitely be cases where the game design is objectively bad (Bubsy 3D)

While i totally agree, i feel like my judgment is sometimes overly harsh. 

For example: I would actally say my evaluation of the Xeno series is pretty fair, i could name a ton of great things and some things that aren't amazing, but that's normal.

But when it comes to other series like FF or KH, then my judgment starts to get on the more negative side. 

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27 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

While i totally agree, i feel like my judgment is sometimes overly harsh. 

On the one hand, I kinda wanna say that it's fine to be critical of games as long as you're not calling anybody games for liking them, but at the same time, I have to wonder if I only want to say that because I'm the guy who's constantly getting emotional and trash talking games that everyone else in the thread likes. Case in point, my previous posts.

I don't know, I just don't see the point in trying to force oneself to like every single game they come across, and I don't think it's such a horrible thing to voice any concerns one might have about a game. Sure, it's not pleasant to see a game you like be criticized, but as long as the person is being civil about it, I'd say they have a right to share their opinion, even if it's not always a positive one.

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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that was a horrible experience. I'm saving a state right here and leaving the finale for later, because I am not in the mood for more of this crap right now.

It's your fault for using shitty units, Rooben.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On the one hand, I kinda wanna say that it's fine to be critical of games as long as you're not calling anybody games for liking them, but at the same time, I have to wonder if I only want to say that because I'm the guy who's constantly getting emotional and trash talking games that everyone else in the thread likes. Case in point, my previous posts.

I don't know, I just don't see the point in trying to force oneself to like every single game they come across, and I don't think it's such a horrible thing to voice any concerns one might have about a game. Sure, it's not pleasant to see a game you like be criticized, but as long as the person is being civil about it, I'd say they have a right to share their opinion, even if it's not always a positive one.

I wouldn't say i've gone that far, but there are situations where i want to truly like a game for it's good parts, but then i start to compare and then it gets dicey... I don't expect to enjoy every game, but there are times where i am having a good time but gravitate back towards something "better".

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1 minute ago, Maof06 said:

It's your fault for using shitty units, Rooben.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if a game punishes me for not using the meta, that's a flaw with the game in my book. If they don't want me to use any unit that isn't Ryoma, why give me the option? If the option exists, they should account for a player that will use it - especially when there's RNG involved that might not go the player's way. That's basic game design.

Still, I don't think that's the issue here. I've gotten through stuff like Camilla's map and Iago's map with my "shitty units." I believe this is less my units being shitty and more the map just being fucking terrible. I really doubt even the legendary Ryoma could solo this garbage map. Rinkah has almost 40 defense with a Fishtail pair up and she takes 10 damage from the berserkers. Ryoma straight up can't go that high in his base class. A few unfortunate RNG rolls and he's dead. And the way the enemies are set up, you can't kill anything on player phase without putting your unit in range of like 6 enemies with different weapon types that are just too far to kill on turn 1. You basically have to pray that you can dodge 5-8 lances, axes and swords every single turn.

I honestly don't see a way to do this map "legit" in lunatic difficulty, but if you wish to prove me wrong, by all means, go ahead and tell me the magic trick. I'd love to be able to say that I'm bad instead of the game being bad, because I honestly have really enjoyed it outside of this one chapter. Which, hey, that's okay, Conquest has Takumi's Fun Castle, it's not like that one's perfect.

...I really need to stop going on rants like these every time someone throws such an obvious joke at me...

Just now, lightcosmo said:

I wouldn't say i've gone that far, but there are situations where i want to truly like a game for it's good parts, but then i start to compare and then it gets dicey... I don't expect to enjoy every game, but there are times where i am having a good time but gravitate back towards something "better".

Right... I think I understand. Yeah, that I would say is kind of a bad habit. Comparisons are okay when you absolutely have to pick between one game or the other, but a game should be judged on its own if that isn't a factor.

Well, I suppose I don't have this problem as much. I mean, I can still enjoy FE even after playing Berwick Saga, haha.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right... I think I understand. Yeah, that I would say is kind of a bad habit. Comparisons are okay when you absolutely have to pick between one game or the other, but a game should be judged on its own if that isn't a factor.

Well, I suppose I don't have this problem as much. I mean, I can still enjoy FE even after playing Berwick Saga, haha.

That is alot harder than it sounds. haha. I dunno if you followed my inbetween rants of Trails from Zero: but alot of the time i found myself saying "but Sky did this better!" So much, that it ended up dragging down the game in some areas as a general for me. 

I mean, there's a reason my game ratings in my sig are the way they are. (favorite series to play)


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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really doubt even the legendary Ryoma could solo this garbage map. Rinkah has almost 40 defense with a Fishtail pair up and she takes 10 damage from the berserkers. Ryoma straight up can't go that high in his base class. A few unfortunate RNG rolls and he's dead. And the way the enemies are set up, you can't kill anything on player phase without putting your unit in range of like 6 enemies with different weapon types that are just too far to kill on turn 1. You basically have to pray that you can dodge 5-8 lances, axes and swords every single turn.

Well, I did it in my first playthrough.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I honestly don't see a way to do this map "legit" in lunatic difficulty, but if you wish to prove me wrong, by all means, go ahead and tell me the magic trick. I'd love to be able to say that I'm bad instead of the game being bad, because I honestly have really enjoyed it outside of this one chapter. Which, hey, that's okay, Conquest has Takumi's Fun Castle, it's not like that one's perfect.

I think I can upload my Birthright Lunatic save. If you can use it on Citra, you'll taste a bit of my power.

The trick is: just use your OP units, bro. These enemies can't touch a fully trained avatar or even a high-leveled Ryoma.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I really need to stop going on rants like these every time someone throws such an obvious joke at me...


Watch you fall for it again.

49 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I wouldn't say i've gone that far, but there are situations where i want to truly like a game for it's good parts, but then i start to compare and then it gets dicey... I don't expect to enjoy every game, but there are times where i am having a good time but gravitate back towards something "better".

Then focus on what said game did better than the previous.

30 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That is alot harder than it sounds. haha. I dunno if you followed my inbetween rants of Trails from Zero: but alot of the time i found myself saying "but Sky did this better!" So much, that it ended up dragging down the game in some areas as a general for me. 

Oh boy, I can't wait to play these games and join Ruben on the "Trails is not that good" train.

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Very well, just had lunch. The time has come. Birthright ends now.

43 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That is alot harder than it sounds. haha. I dunno if you followed my inbetween rants of Trails from Zero: but alot of the time i found myself saying "but Sky did this better!" So much, that it ended up dragging down the game in some areas as a general for me. 

I mean, there's a reason my game ratings in my sig are the way they are. (favorite series to play)

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. It's not easy to avoid comparisons like that. I wouldn't really know what to tell you. In that respect, I've always done more or less okay. I realize it's an ironic statement when my sig has a ranking of the FE series.

14 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

The trick is: just use your OP units, bro. These enemies can't touch a fully trained avatar or even a high-leveled Ryoma.

Yes, well

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if a game punishes me for not using the meta, that's a flaw with the game in my book. If they don't want me to use any unit that isn't Ryoma, why give me the option? If the option exists, they should account for a player that will use it - especially when there's RNG involved that might not go the player's way. That's basic game design.

If I want to use generics, I'll use generics. And if the game doesn't want me to use generics, I'll use more generics just to spite it.

I fully intend to do a generics only run just out of spite that they killed off Izana. Do not try me.

14 minutes ago, Maof06 said:


Watch you fall for it again.

Grrrr. Begone from my sight, you... you... nincompoop.

14 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Oh boy, I can't wait to play these games and join Ruben on the "Trails is not that good" train.

Please do. Then with Draggy, there'll be three of us in that train.

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Why oh why, Fates.

Why do you let me hex the final boss. It would've taken a little bit of effort if you didn't let me hex the final boss.

...Then again, I guess I did cheat. I used a save state instead of redoing the torture of chapter 27. Buuuut ahh who cares at this point. Game's over.

Thoughts later.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

But when it comes to other series like FF or KH, then my judgment starts to get on the more negative side

I mean I'm not a fan of either of those so at least from my perspective, it doesn't feel like you're being overly harsh on it.

It could be that the stuff you don't like there just bothers you to a greater degree.

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Im3k0xhd o

The biggest tragedy in this game is that Leo ends up becoming king. I wonder if he'd pass a law to sentence men to death for wearing pretty dresses. Sigh... we're well on our way to a new war with this buffoon in charge.

Also, I'm pretty sure Fishtail should worry about how often he hallucinates dead people.


So, Birthright. It was pretty fun! Not as fun as Conquest, the map design was a bit worse and there were a couple times i definitely wished for a different objective than rout, but eh, it was fine still. Fates mechanics are great as always, the charactesr I generally liked more than in Conquest, and the story was... well, it was inoffensive, but I had way more fun with Conquest's absolute disaster of a plot. The only things that I laughed at in this one were Iago's sassy streak and the stupidity with Garon at the end.

If I had to criticize anything, well, same issue as Conquest: Lategame the game takes kind of a dive. Hans's map is basically the last one I'd call good. Iago's one, while manageable, wasn't too enjoyable, Xander and Big Dragon lasted 5 seconds each and Garon... Well, at least I was just barely able to warpskip Garon. If it wasn't for that I'd be tempted to say it's wose than Takumi's Fun Castle, but since you can do that, I think I might still say it's better than Takumi's Fun Castle. Neither are fun, though. Also, the two faceless maps (Leo and the Dragonfall Fort) were so easy because the faceless' stats were Sacred Stones levels of awful. I don't know what went wrong there. Tempted to say it's a programming oversight, honestly.

Still, one bad map or two isn't a big deal. Less interesting enemies and map design knocks this one down a couple spots, but it's definitely still in the higher tiers of FE. For a while I was tempted to put it right below Conquest, but I don't think that's quiiiiiiiite right. I'd say... below TearRing Saga, because it doesn't have the interesting things I love so much about TRS, but above Thracia, because it doesn't have that one's massively flawed map design, is about right.

And now I'm gonna share my team, because once again, I'm curious to see what you guys think. Did I do it again? Am I this much of a talented tactician that I've managed to have a horrible useless team twice over in the same FE? Please, do tell me.

Epvgpx2v o

The myth, the legend. Setsuna, the girl that spent all game one-rounding things. I love this chick. She's just wonderful. If only I could find a way to fit both her and Senno in my signature.

Owfpjzyt o

Super strength is funny, but low speed and meh defenses kinda kept him from doing much later on. Still a good unit, just not Setsuna.

1ri4o84q o

Tank that could dish out and take nothing in return. Super good unit. I mean, of course, I always get great bad units.

Jv4h3vhe o

Case in point. So this one was supposed to be bad, right? Look at all that power...!

Bw1kxcyw o

Kaze is as he usually is: More speed than he could possibly ever need, little strength and defense. I continue to fail to see how master ninja is better on him. He needs strength and defense, and master ninja does not give as much as mechanist, not to mention the extra movement.

Nzydm3i0 o

Meanwhile, Hinoka was... bleh. Her high magic allowed her to do some hefty damage with the bolt naginata, but otherwise she was rather mediocre.

F8grh4md o

The most fragile knight ever. Honestly, most useless unit in the team. Not to say that he was terrible, mind, he was just bad compared to everyone else.

Kalakx6k o

Took him a little to get going, but Hinoka mom turned this guy into a powerhouse.

Unfew89y o

Her growths failed her a bit, so she was never more than a worse Setsuna, but she got some stuff done.

Apu6hq67 o

Great for a while, fell off a bit during the lategame because of her nonexistent defenses. Still good.

Vvjhvltq o

Basically mounted Orochi with better staves. In the game with the slowest weapon ranks (seriously, I can never get anyone to S, it's just impossible), the fact that lunatic generics invariably come with capped ranks is a godsend. Of course, strategist's caps aren't the best, but I could've gotten some generics to wield the legendaries if I had wanted to. Which I didn't. I needed the legendaries to buy statboosters to be able to one-turn Garon.

Vyxf7cay o

Filler staffbot. Also the superior maid design. Screw Felicia and Flora.

Pu7i6zol o

He existed for a couple maps and killed a couple things. He inspired clerks for generations to come. I wish he existed for longer than two chapters in the entire of Fates.

Igduzlca o



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